Home_files/BULLETIN 011115 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic

St. Thomas the Apostle, Fortville
“My Lord and my God”
January 11, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Fr. George Nangachiveettil, Pastor
Parish Office
 Tuesday - Friday
8:30 am—4:30 pm
 Saturday
5:30 pm
 Sunday
8:00 am & 10:30 am
 Tue, Wed, & Fri
6:15 pm
 Thursday
12:00 Noon
Monday Rosary
7:30 pm
Bible Study
1:30 pm Thursday
9:00 am Sunday
A voice came from the heavens, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
Parish Mission Statement: “Saint Thomas Parish is committed to facilitate the lifelong spiritual growth of its
members through the celebration of the sacraments and catechesis to deepen their faith in God, through the
word of God and by serving others with the guidance of the Holy Spirit”.
Baptism: All Baptisms are scheduled through
the parish office.
Reconciliation: One half hour before Saturday
and Sunday Masses or by appointment.
First Eucharist: Preparation for First Eucharist
occurs in the 2nd grade Religious Education
Confirmation: Prepared during the sophomore,
junior and senior years of high school.
Matrimony: A six month preparation prior to the
wedding. Please contact the parish office.
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to request anointing before surgery or during
any serious illness, or to request a hospital or
nursing home visit.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA):
This program addresses the needs of adults who
wish to learn more about the Catholic faith. Please
contact the parish office, 317-485-5101.
A Warm Welcome: If you are visiting our parish and you are interested to become part of
our small parish, please contact the parish office at 317-485-5101.
St. Thomas the Apostle, Fortville
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Liturgy Intentions—Week of January 12th
January 13, Tuesday
6:15 pm
Mary Lou Garst, by St. Thomas Parish
January 14, Wednesday
6:15 pm
Dan & Krista Bowman, by Gui Hensley
January 15, Thursday
Leslie Lane, by Bill & Stephanie Garst
January 16, Friday
6:15 pm
CJ Job, by the Schauff Family
January 17, Saturday
5:30 pm
Greta Faenzi, by Lou Faenzi and Children
January 18, Sunday
Mary Lou Garst, by “the Gang”
8:00 am
St. Thomas Parish
10:30 am
Volunteers for the Coming Week
Collection Counters—Team A
Homebound Minister—Rick Garst
Nursing Home Minister—Bonnie Sweeney
NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word:
Stewardship: Today, we celebrate the Baptism of
the Lord. The US bishops’ pastoral on stewardship
reminds us that Baptism gives all of His disciples a
share in His priestly work and calls them “to offer
up the world and all that is in it—especially
themselves—to the Lord of all.”
Daily Readings
Mon, Heb 1:1-6; Ps 97:1,2b,6,7c,9; Mk 1:14-20
Tues, Heb 2:5-12; Ps 8:2ab,5-9; Mk 1:21-28
Wed, Heb 2:14-18; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Mk 1:29-39
Thurs, Heb 3:7-14; Ps 95:6-7c, 8-11; Mk 1:40-45
Fri, Heb 4:1-5, 11; Ps 78:3, 4bc, 6c-8; Mk 2:1-12
Sat, Heb 4:12-16; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 19:16-26
Sun, 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor6:13c15a,17-20; Jn 1:35-42
Weekly Budget
Collection Total (Christmas)
Envelope Total
Collection Total (Dec. 28)
Envelope Total
$2233.55 + $20 Criterion
Weekend Ministry Schedule
Saturday, January 17, 5:30 pm
Tim Liebeno, Linda Ward
Sandy Steele, Theresa Werking
Emmy Liebeno
Euch. Min.
Deacon Frank
Sunday, January 18, 8:00 am
Steve & Cheryl Middendorf
Mary Ann Dickerson, Matt Dickerson
Nicole Chatterson, Sophie DeWael
Euch. Min.
Deacon Frank
Alvarado Family
Sunday, January 18, 10:30 am
Wes Nicholson, Robert Vest
Marvin Massey, Eran McCarty
K. Barnhorst, J. Karres, R. Fentz
Euch. Min.
Deacon Frank
T. Garst Family
This Week at St. Thomas
7:30 pm Pray the Rosary, in Church,
7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
1:00 pm St. Ann’s Club; 7:00 pm Religious Education Committee Meeting
1:30 pm Bible Study; 6:30 pm Evening
10:00 am Promise to Keep Retreat
7:30 am Annual Parish Ski Trip
Mark Your Calendars—The Knights of Columbus will be
ministers at Mass for the 5th Saturday of January, the
31st. Following Mass they invite everyone to a social in
the parish hall. Watch future bulletins for the details.
Please Pray for: John Beagle, Robert Blakely, Austin
Craft, Nick Faulkenberg, Wanda Garst, Vera Gorman,
Lori Hersberger, Rebecca Hoff, Lois Ittenbach, Janice
Jennings, Gerry Johnson, Paige Jones, Jane Kenipe,
Mary Pace, Bill Robinson, Sandra Ross, Priscia Rose,
Peggy Schauff, the sick and suffering of our parish,
those serving the military services and their families,
our homebound, hospitalized and nursing home residents.
Weekly Budget
Collection Total (Jan 1)
Envelope Total
Collection Total (Jan 4)
Envelope Total
The Baptism of the Lord
Just a Little Smile on Your Lips
Cheers your heart
Keeps you in good humor
Preserves peace in your soul
Promotes your health
Beautifies your face.
Induces kindly thoughts
Inspires kindly deeds.
Smile to yourself
Until you notice that your constant seriousness, or
even severity, has vanished.
Smile to Yourself
Until you have warmed your own heart with the
sunshine of your cheery countenance. ThenGo Out – and Radiate Your Smile
That smile has work to do – Work to do for God.
You are an apostle now, and Your Smile is your
instrument for Winning souls.
Sanctifying Grace Dwelling in Your Soul will Give
the Special Charm to your Smile Which Will render
it Productive Much Good.
Smile on the lonely faces
Smile on the timid Faces
Smile on the Sorrowful faces
Smile on the Sickly faces
Smile on the Fresh Yong Faces
Smile on the Wrinkled Old faces
Smile on the familiar Faces of your Family and
Let all enjoy the Beauty and Inspiring Cheer of
your smiling face.
Giving Tree-Thanks to everyone who contributed gifts,
money, food, or sorting and delivery assistance. We
served 9 families, including 13 adults and 24 children, totaling over 250 gifts. Your generosity brightened the holidays for families that had lost jobs, incurred severe medical issues, a foster mom who has selflessly helped scores
of children over the years, as well as, a family who adopted two autistic girls. Joe Untrauer
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Religious Education News—Please note date
change. A Promise to Keep Retreat is rescheduled for January 17th 10a.m. - noon for our
5th/6th and 7th grade R.E. students due to an unforeseen schedule conflict with the APTK Program
Team. Please email Jennifer Lear if your student is
unable to attend at [email protected]
Do you have a student away at college? Our Sophomore/Junior Confirmation students will once
again be sending college care packages full of
goodies to these students. Please confirm with
Jennifer Lear, our A.R.E., your student’s current
college address. Packages will be going out late
this month.
9 Days for Life January 17-25, 2015
Join fellow Catholics and the United States bishops in
prayer to end abortion: www.9daysforlife.com. 9 Days
for Life is a novena which will take place from January
17-25, 2015, surrounding the anniversary of Roe v.
Wade, to pray for our nation and to encourage a culture of life. You can sign up to receive the novena
prayers daily via text message, email, smart phone
app, or online by visiting the above website. "For
where two or three are gathered in my name, there
am I in the midst of them." (Matthew 18:20)
Local Solemn Observance - January 22, 2015
Please join us on Thursday, January 22, 2015, for the
annual Archdiocesan Local Solemn Observance of the
anniversary of Roe v. Wade. The Observance will
begin with Mass at 12 noon at Ss. Peter and Paul Cathedral followed by a prayerful procession along Meridian and Pennsylvania Streets. There will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for those who wish to
remain in the Cathedral. The Observance will conclude with Benediction at 2:30 pm in the Cathedral.
Please note: There will be very limited parking at
the Catholic Center and the Cathedral. Additional
paid parking may be available at Methodist Hospital
Visitor Center Parking, other nearby paid public parking lots and street parking. Please plan to arrive early.
For more information, please contact Elizabeth Ricke
at 317-236-1551 or [email protected].
Senior Confirmation Profile—Katie Barnhorst- Katie
is the daughter of Bill and Jody Barnhorst. She is a
senior at Greenfield Central. Katie has two siblings
– Zach and Erin. Katie was born in Gallatin, Tennessee. She is interested in athletic training and enjoys
playing basketball and softball and participating in
Spanish Club. If nothing stood in her way she would
love to be a dolphin trainer. If Katie could cure one
social problem it would be cancer. She plans on
attending a 4 year college and studying special education or elementary education, but prior to that
she’ll be spending this summer in Ireland traveling. When asked what she likes best about St.
Thomas, Katie replied, “St. Thomas is small and
everyone knows everyone.” Please keep Katie and
all our Confirmation candidates in your prayers as
they journey towards Confirmation.
Our Condolences
Our condolences go out to Fr. Joe Pesola, who lost his
Grandmother Bea on Christmas morning and to Peggy
Schauff who lost her mother, Florence Ley on New
Years. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Happy Birthday to You (January 12—18):
Monday: Bill Dierckman, Rosemary Ritchie,
Chasney Suskovich
Tuesday: Sarah Love
Thursday: Jim McLean, Cara Reed, Cheryl
Siefker, Rick Stogsdill
Friday: Carolyn Kelly
Saturday: Samuel Jackson, Janet Phillips
Sunday: Kelly Ploch, Laura Watts, Janice Weber
Pastor, Fr. George Nangachiveettil
C. 317 965 9892, [email protected]
Deacon Francis Klauder
C. 215 913 7360, [email protected]
Secretary: Peggy Schauff
O. 317 485 5101, [email protected]
Admin. of Religious Education: Jennifer Lear
O. 317 485 5103, [email protected]
Dir. of Liturgy/Choir: Stephanie Garst
C. 317 407 7257, [email protected]
Youth Ministers—Lori Hersberger, H 317 485 7243
& Kathi Dickerson, H 317 326 8467
[email protected]
Euchre Tournament—The St. Joseph and Fatima
Councils of the Knights of Columbus play euchre
every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Joseph
Council, 4332 N. German Church Road, Indianapolis. The cost is currently $3.00 per person and they
pay out to the top three places. Come and enjoy
the game and friendship. Please call Faith Martinez
for more information at 317-335-3585.
Birthline - Volunteers Needed
Birthline provides assistance to pregnant women and
mothers of infants in need. Over 1,500 mothers are
served annually and are provided material goods such
as maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, baby
shampoo and other necessary supplies. Volunteers
welcome pregnant and new mothers, in need of material assistance. We are in need of additional volunteers at the Catholic Center to prepare layettes on
Mondays and Wednesday. Additional volunteer opportunities from your own home are also available.
Please contact Jená Hartman at (317) 236-1433 or at
[email protected] to learn more!
Catholic Charities News
January is Poverty Awareness Month in the United States. As
Pope Francis has been continuously reminding us from the
first day of his papacy, the poor and suffering are our responsibility. We must both understand their plight and respond in
love to their spoken and unspoken cries for help. To learn
more about poverty, visit the United States bishop’s official
website on poverty at www.povertyusa.org. To learn how
your local Catholic Charities is responding, visit
Annual Parish Ski Trip
The Youth Group will be going to Perfect North on
Sunday, January 18. They will be leaving St. Thomas at
7:30 am and returning by 8:00 pm. All St. Thomas families and any 6th through 12th grade students are invited to attend. The cost is $33 for an 8 hour ski lift
ticket, $48 for and 8 hour ski lift ticket and equipment
rental and beginner lessons or $33 for tubing. Contact
[email protected] by January 15th. Please
make checks payable to St. Thomas if not paying by
UCA—If you have not already done so, please return
the United Catholic Appeal pledge form as soon as
possible. If you have misplaced your form, we have
extras in the parish office.