RG Commission Minutes

RG Technical Commission Agenda
Date: June 16, 2014
5pm Perth /6.30pm Adelaide / 7pm Sydney & Melbourne
Attended: Virginia Elliott, Teresa Evans, Krasi Yurukova, Stephanie Schahinger
Apologies: Emily Rennes
1. Talent identification
and pathways
2. Judging courses
3. New assessment tool
All commission members and two identified high performance coaches were asked to provide input
to the Talent Identification and Pathways workshop for RG.
 There are now two dedicated full time staff members in GA who are looking at the development of a
skills curriculum, and a talent identification process for rhythmic athletes.
 The workshop was the beginning of a longer term project which will include Team Future camps for
athletes aged 10-13. The first camp Team Future is flagged for October - November this year. Pro
formas will be developed to assist coaches in identifying young athletes who meet this criteria.
 Tasks:
- skills curriculum Krasi to work with Alexis
- video library Virginia to work with Dani
- testing protocols Alexis to work with Edith ; the program will build towards the development
of an iPhone app work with Alexis on this
 The beginner and intermediate courses have now been run in several states. They have been highly
successful and feedback will continue to refine the resources and education materials.
 Tamara and Adi met with VE and SS to consider needs re new COP. Urgent need to develop as
assessment tool for these courses
More work needs to be done on this, however the commission agrees that the range outside the
base score will now be 0.5 either way, not as current 0.3. So, a raw practical score will have a range
of 1.00, not the previous 0.6 of the current assessment tool.
The assessment tool will be structured around the following principles
- a 75% pass mark on each of three components: theory, practical difficulty and practical
- a pass on each element will produce a pass overall
- any of the three elements which do not reach the 75% pass mark to indicate that it is a resit
- resit needs to be defined and communicated to ITA team so clear instructions are given to
Education officers and participants about how to proceed to improve the result.
4. Website update
Stephanie will work with Elizabeth Bennett and/or Emily Rennes to establish
- the current status if the GA website shell
- how we can archive materials that are no longer relevant
- removing any unwanted or incorrect materials
- putting up commission minutes as a regular activity
5. 2014 Camp
The commission will develop plans for a camp in December this year. Tentative dates December 5, 6,
7 and 8 for levels coaches and athletes, and crossover December 8, 9 and 10 for elite athletes and
coaches, introducing changes to the FIG CoP.
Stephanie to oversee this process, working with Virginia to look at possible sites Rooty Hill, Adelaide
and AIS as first thoughts; we need to have information out to states as soon as possible.
6. Scoring Program
Stephanie will investigate the possibility of an electronic way to assess Difficulty.
7. Feedback for 2014
Virginia will develop a template to collate our thoughts around Competition Venue / Warm Up area /
Competition Structures / Scoring setup / Judging Setup / Meeting structures / Training Hall /
8. Response to emails
Q scores review Needs to be reviewed - held over to next meeting and possible impact of new code
of points.
quality of athletes and medals for non qualifiers The commission agrees that in medals represent
the top three athletes and will be presented regardless of Q score.
9. Further meeting
times and dates
3rd Monday of the month
July 21 - August 18 - Sept 15 - Oct 20 - Nov 17 - Dec 15