Beste Sporters, Welkom bij het Wereldkampioenschap Obstacle Running! Na bijna een jaar v an hard w erken en slapeloze nachten (en hard trainen v an jullie kant) is het dan eindelijk zov er – het allereerste echte onafhankelijke wereldwijde kampioenschap obstacle running! Dit unieke en onafhankelijke evenement hebben w ij georganiseerd om te v erenigen, te promoten en om erv oor te zorgen dat er meer mensen enthousiast w orden om deze sport te gaan doen. Het belangrijkste daarin zijn JULLI E – de gew eldige sporters en de saamhorigheid die je ziet bij deze sport, dit maakt de sport nog specialer. Jij hebt erv oor gekozen om samen met ons geschiedenis te schrijv en en dat betekent w at…het betekent dat w ij met z’n allen pioniers zijn in deze sport en daar mogen jullie supertrots op zijn! Hou dit gev oel v ast als je ov er de startlijn gaat, de obstakels bedw ingt, rent over dit gew eldige terrein en v ol gas op de finish af gaat. Deze unieke belev enis ga je maar één keer in je lev en meemaken en die heb jij v erdiend door je toew ijding aan de mooiste sport ter w ereld! Op het moment dat jij daar staat in je startv ak net v oordat het startschot klinkt, adem dan goed in, kijk om je heen en neem een klein moment v oor jezelf. Dit is jouw moment en neem het goed in je op. Er zal nooit meer zo’n moment zijn in je lev en! Dit is jouw race! Laat de w ereld zien w aartoe jij in staat bent! Een gew eldige race toegew enst, Adrian Bijanada & het OCRWC Team OCR WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS WEEKEND SCHEDULE Friday, October 24 12:00 – 9:00PM Athlete Check-in & Packet Pickup 12:00 – 9:00PM Hourly Athlete Briefings 12:00 – 5:00PM Platinum Rig demonstrations hosted by 5:00 – 6:00PM Press Conference (King’s Domain Lodge) hosted by Obstacle Racing Media 6:00 – 7:30PM Opening Night Dinner w ith 2014 Guest of Honor Hobie Call 7:30 – 8:00PM I cebug Footwear demos Saturday, October 25 7:00AM Gates open 7:00AM – 5:00PM OCRUnited Village Open 8:00AM RACE START 8:00AM Elite Men 8:30AM Elite Women 9:00AM Men 30-34 9:20AM Men 35-39 9:40AM Women 30-34 10:00AM Men 25-29 10:20AM Women 25-29 10:40AM Men 40-44 11:00AM Men 13-17 & 18-24 11:20AM Women 35-39 & 40-44 11:40AM Women 13-17 & 18-24 12:10PM Men & Women 45-49, 50+ 12:40PM Journeymen & Journeywomen *Starting times subject to change based on final number of registrants and may be altered on race day to optimize athlete flow . 2:00 – 2:30PM BattleFrog Fitness Contest 2:30 – 3:15PM I nternational Tug of War Contest 3:30PM Aw ards Ceremony Sunday, October 26 7:00AM Gates open 7:00AM – 4:00PM OCRUnited Village Open 8:00AM TEAM RACE START 9:00 AM Men’s Teams 9:30 AM Women’s Teams 10:00 AM Co-Ed Teams 1:30PM Aw ards Ceremony START TIMES & WAVES With the exception of the Elite and Journeymen/w omen Div isions w hich start separately, all Age Group athletes are required to start in their assigned w av e, specific to their age group. Athletes are not permitted to start in any other w av e under any circumstances. Athletes found to be in v iolation of this protocol w ill be disqualified from competition. I n addition, please note the follow ing: Athletes w ill receiv e their race day identification bracelet prior to the ev ent at Athlete Check I n. This is required to start the ev ent and SHOULD NOT BE REMOVED. Under no circumstances w ill athletes be permitted to start the ev ent w ithout their identification bracelet. Athletes must report to the start line ten (10) minutes before their assigned start time for a mandatory race briefing. As w ith all premier endurance races, the starting time for all athletes in a particular w ave will be the “gun time” (e.g. if a w av e starts at 9:35, each athlete in that w av e is assigned the same starting time). PACKET PICK-UP & ATHLETE CHECK-IN All athletes are responsible for picking up their ow n race packets. I ndiv iduals may not pick up participant packets on behalf of others. Waiv ers must be signed at Athlete Check-In. You must hav e a Photo I D w ith you to pick up your race packet and be checked in. NO EXCEPTI ONS. A parent or legal guardian must complete and sign the w aiv er for any participant under 18 years old. BAG CHECK Bag Check is av ailable for both Saturday and Sunday’s races. At race completion, your race number w ill be used to v erify your bag w hen you pick it up. Valuable items should not be checked. The Ev ent Staff is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen items. SAFETY & EMERGENCIES The safety of all athletes, spectators, and staff is paramount. I n the ev ent of an emergency, all parties should follow the explicit instruction of ev ent staff. Athletes that assist in an emergency may be permitted to begin the race again at the sole discretion of OCRWC officials. WEATHER The race w ill be held rain or shine. I f there is lightning in the area, the race w ill either hav e a delayed start or, depending on the intensity of the w eather, be cancelled. The determination w ill be made by the OCRWC staff. OCRWC Lightning Policy Race operations w ill shut dow n w hen lightning is estimated to be w ithin 10 miles of ev ent. Ev ent operations w ill not resume until the lightning is 10 miles out mov ing aw ay from the ev ent areas. OCRWC Staff w ill consult w ith King’s Domain Management on a course of action to delay or cancel the ev ent. BENEFICIARY Operation Enduring Warrior OCRWC Organizers hav e partnered with Operation Enduring Warrior (OEW), a v eteran operated non-profit 501(c)3 organization w hose mission is to honor, empow er and motiv ate w ounded serv ice members through physical, mental and emotional rehabilitativ e activ ities such as Obstacle Course Races. A portion of race proceeds will be donated to Operation Enduring Warrior. I n addition, participants hav e the opportunity to donate at the ev ent or online at http://w w w .enduringw AWARDS The OCR World Championships aw ards monetary prizes to the top three finishers in each div ision as w ell as to the top team in Team Competition. These aw ards include: Top 3 Elite Men Top 3 Elite Women Top 3 of each Male & Female Age Groups, Journeyman & Journeyw omen Div isions The follow ing aw ards w ill be presented on-site at the Aw ards Ceremony. Please note: aw ards are based on Gun Time as specified in the OCRWC Rule Book. 2015 PRE-REGISTRATION As a thank your for your participation in the inaugural OCR World Championships, racers w ill be granted exclusiv e rights to pre-register and reserv e their spot in the 2015 OCRWC at 50% off of registration. This is exclusiv e to 2014 participants and is not transferrable under any circumstances. Please note the follow ing: Pre-registration spots are strictly limited and granted on a first come first serv ed basis. The 2015 OCRWC is anticipated to be held in October 2015. Athletes must qualify to compete at v ia a 2015 qualifying ev ent. Refunds may be granted in the ev ent the race is not held in an athlete’s country of residence. Pre-registration w ill open on 9:00AM ET on Monday, October 27 at
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