NATIONAL HUIv1AN GHTS COIVHvlISSION (L A '\1' D I V I S I O N) :vLIt..T'l'A v ADH!KA.ll. llH..".WA.N. BLOCKJ " G.P.D. cor,:,! PLEX. INA, NEW DELH I- 10023 Dated 10/06/2014 ~ Case No. 15/1 1/1 2120 12-AO To TEJANG GIAK1vfA CON1PLAINTS COORDWATOR NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR PREVENTION OF TORTURE; C-3/441-C, JANAKPURI, WEST DELHI. DELE1. Sitfi\<ladalll, . , With reference to yow' com plaint dated 23/ 12!2 0 1 1 ~ I am directed to j;:IY that the 111 alter was considered. by the Commission on 06/06/2014. The Commission has made the following directions. These proceedings shall be read Commission dated 25.4. 14, In continuation 0/ earlier proceedings uf the In re,ypome the Principul Secretary, Home (B) DepurLrnenl, Government of Kerala "ide his communication dated 10.3.'4 has submitted the cotnpltance report. Perusal of the same reveals (hut an amount of Rs. 3,00..000/- (Rupees three lakhs only) us interim relief, as recommended by the eOllllm:'1,',;on ha» been paid to tire next ofhn (if' decease d under trial prisoner Sreedharan Panicker on 7.2.14. Proof u/puymeni has also been annexed. , , Th(J Commission has oonsitlered the muller. The amount uf interim relief as recommended by the Commission has been pard to next to kin of the deceased. No [urther communication is called [or. The reports received from the Stale Authority are taken 011 record and the case is closed. Let a uup;v u/ these proceeding be also transmitted lo the Information O[fir.:er., l/HRC and to the he neficiary. LTNKED WITH AlAIN FILE No.14/J 11121201 2-JCD. - \ This is for yow: information. YOUl"8 faithfully, AS o TANTREGISTRAR(LAW) 512112014 nhrc,nlc.lnJdlsplay,asp Hor~E COMPLAINTS GALLERY CONTACT US National Human Rights Commission Neio Delhi, India ase Det ails of ile Number: 51 1/12 /20 '12-AD Diary Number 183407 Na me of tho Compla lnant TEJANG CHAKMA , COMPLAINTS COORDINATOR NATlONAL CAMPAIGN FOR PREVENllON OF TORTURE, C·31441-e, JANAKPURI, Address WEST DELHI , DELHI Name of the Vlctlm SREEDHARAN Address SPECIAL SUB·JAIL, POJAPURA, Place of Incident MEDICAL COLLEGE HOS. THIRUVANA THIRUVANANTI-IAPURAM • KERALA THIRUVANAN1HAPURAM. KERALA Dale of Incident 1211912011 These proceedings shall be read in continuation of the earlier proceed ings , Vide proceedings dated 08-04·2013. lhe Direction Issued by the Comml~on Commission considered the material placed on record and observed (hal the oeceosso Sreadhamn who was in the care and custody of the State who had died due to anlimortem head injury. Tho State failed in its duty to protect the life of the deceased as he was attacked by another Jail inmate Hakkirn, It is lhe absolute responsihilily of the Slate 10 protect the life of a person who is in us care and custody. In these circumstances, the CommIssion leels thai grant of interim relief to the next of kin of the deceased Is jusli6ed. An amount of Rs. 3.00.000/- (lhree lakhs only) was recommended 10 be paid as interim relief 10 the next of kin of the deceased. Chief, Secretary, Government of Kerala was directed 10 send the proof of payment made to tile next or kin of the deceased to the Comm ission within four weeks . In response to the aforesaid directions and furlher Issuance of the cond illonal summons vde communication dated 02-08--2013, the Cornrnlssron has receillld a report dated 29-08'2013 from the Add itional Secrelary, Home(B) Department, Thiruvananlhapurarn Governrnent 01 Kalala seek ing grant of two months time to furnish the prool of payment, Which is already O\\M. Issue a final reminder to the Addit ional Secretary, Home(B) Department, Thiruvananthapuram , Government of Kerala to subrnit the requisite proof of pa ymen t. Res ponse within four week s. Addllionallnformatlon called for (Dated 412512014 ) Action Taken Status on 5/2112014 Note: For further details kindly contact National Human Rights Commission, Manav Adhlkar Bhawan Block-C, GPO Complex, INA, New Deihl -110023 Tel.No. 24651330 Fax No. 24651329 E-Mail: covdnhrc[at]nic[dot]in, ionhrc[at]ntc[dot]ln ill.h ~ <:i1IO"l4llfl ~ ~~ ~ ll'TO'f<J .arftr<rm: 3iT'TT'JT, :Jlrncr 3TRmi!1' ~crC'T, ~l<li'..:ar, :Jfr.tfr.3IT. ('fi;J:cB<Rl, 3iTt.J;l'C'T.\T., ~ lt~ -110023, -q>)c:r -.=r. 24651330 tfiiRf o:r. 24651329 $.*~ covd nh rc [at]nlc[d ot]ln, Ion hrc {at]nic[dot]ln UtJ<r : Disclaimer; NollhorllllRC no, NICl'l'Il"",on,,ble ror any >"", thai may have Clopl In Ihe lnrceneuoo bOlnQ pUbll"hed on NET. 3Tf£fiyE'OJ ; #R: lllllif;rf ~l(n~um ,1.;l{i'""''' A ~~ ~11l ab .,r«ill .\;~"" i'll ....1."iLJn!.l1l , .. 1ll/<ullrt.lO. Q ..>'l4H tl c.inidi s p 11
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