2 4/ 09 2014 16 02 01123387293 l eAR HQ NEI DELHI #0155 P 001/002 m '.. ~ • = " ....",.b/1J0i .. \\ ..0)" .... /",1 '1'"".. , Jl!'II. ftj"';··... ·..~~\.~\ .. ::M.~ ...... . ~ <i>l m"" .........9.'k;............... . LNDlA.N COUNCIL OF AGRICUL TURA. L RESEARCH KruSHI BHAVA ' : NEW DELHI ~ F. '0 . Dated the Q.4 September, 20 J4 12( J)/20 12-CDN (A&A) ENDORSEMENT The Ministry of Finance, Depanment of Expenditure has issued instruciions regardingMandatory publication of tender enquiries as well as detail of bid awards on Central Procurement Ponal (CPP). As approved by the Competent Authority, this. O.M.No.66 (43)IPF-1 1/2014 dated 8' 0 September, 20 J4 has been posted Oil the reAR Web-Site www.icar.ore.in for compliance. -2, '},H::t," c- l: ~ ~ ~1Io91 2J:> (Rajesh Saha~') 1'1Sr. Finance & Accounts Officer . Distributiou: r ICAR Institutes: 1. DirectorslJoim DirectorslProject Directors of all Research Instirutes/Project Directorates and rational Research CentreslBureau 2. Proj ect Coordinators/Coordinated Research Projects/Zonal Project Directors. 3. The Finance & Accounts Officers of all Research Institutes, Project Directorates and National Research Centres. n I CAR Headquarters: I. All Officers/Sections, rCAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi including Krishi Anllsandhan Bhavan I & II, NASC, Pusa, New Delhi _ 2. ADO (CDN)/ADG (PIM)/PD, DK1'v1A. 3. ND, NAIP/Chairman, ASRB 4. NC, NFBS FAM 5. Director(A), ICAR Hqrs.lDirector (DARE) 6. DS(WS)/US(Cash) 7. Cash-I, II and Audit-II Sections, ICAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi 8. Sr. PPS to Secretary, DARE & DO, ICARIPPS to Special Secretary, DARE & /Secrelary, ICARJPS to AS&FA, DARElICAR '4. Shri Hans Raj, Jnfomlation System Officer, Directorate of Knowledge Management Units (DKMU), KAB-I Pusa, New Delhi-12 for placing the above mentioned OM in the [CAR Web-Site. 10 . Secretary (Staff Side), CISC, NRC on Meat, Hyderabad. 1 1. Guard file. 12. Spare copi es- l O. 2 4/0 9 2014 18 03 0 112 3387293 l eA R HQ NEW DELHI 0 9 ::0 , 4 ~ 5"2 4 H~ :: a x : 0155 p 002/002 p>gE 1 - - - -- - - --------;;;",-;;...,.,' - ~"!rt,.d ,I. ~ Dy ",~, . .'J.,'J..'!? No .66 (43)/PF-11I2 014 Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure (Plan F inan~e,11 , Division) ("":"~ ,- •. 'F .. \ .17l ; --r-: , -c' " '. \ l~;" /[;;, ;·0...... .'1.- .. :1 .d '7 " .. New Delhi, 8.th September,.2014 ' t' OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mandatory publication of tender enquiries as we.1I as detail of bid awards on Central Procurement Portal (CPP). Subject: AttentiOn is invited to this Department O.M. NO .10/1/2011- PPC dated 30'h November, 2011, wherein it was mandalory for all Ministries/D epartments of the Central Governme nt, ·their attached and subordinate offices, Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and autcnomousl statutolY bodies to publish their te nder T~ jlnq uiries , corrigenda 'thereon and details of bid awards on the Centrai Pr'ocur~ment ~ : . fortal ( CPP) u sing e-publishing mode. r ,, ' ~. :~' t. '''-' \ ~ ~ Co' c· '" ~ .. . . . It has'been ascertained from NIC, that at present velY few purchasi ng entities =---.... . ~~ putting Lip details of bid award on CPP. t ;:\ . S2.!.'-' ~ ~~ . --§ . 7 It is reiterated that a/l purchasing entities under your contro l be directed to ~ :.: ~ : ,publish details of the bid award on CP portal. A co mpliance report i ii this regard may 't" ."" ; ., ~ i 2 ;: .:;, .~le ase . . . . " be furnished by all . DepartmentslMinistries incorporating details of all atta che dlsubordinates offices, CPSEs, autonomous bodies etc. by 30.9 .2014. nder your control ~ ---- g. q . I~ (Sailjay Aggarwal) Director (PPD) To Secretaries a\l Mrnistries/ Departments Copy to FA:; 'all M inistriesl Departments
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