r05 / 20L4 L Which n the pa* ol I'ondichery in K€r a? (g Kan.ur (A) Kavararhi (3) Mahi 2. !, Wlo built dE town'Farco( al Calicur ? (A) Htdd^li (B) (c) (D) KunFlrM akk'r riPPu sultan who is rhe l€ader .onndled with rh€ (A) <ialramPi swam rl (g Ayym*al' 4, The place wheft Cdndhllland Sr@ (c) sivagin s, 5, ? AruviPPlram Aluva Vai&6 Satyagraht ? {B) E.v P€mswamY (D) Ka'unanidhi TIE Ttnple Entry Po.larorion was iss{ed by (A) (B) ? N.i.yan! G@md€ach other in Ketala Ihe Tamil lcad.r who P6rticiPat€d in tlF (^) (c) ^nn.duni Kananj vaiPPin lhe zamom 'K lurula A8rtatid' in Kdala i! (1,) vaikunda st.mikil (D) Mannarho Padman'bhan (B) (D) (A) Chenpazhanlhi (D) : Marlhand. v.rma Dharha R.ia (q K,nhita Thitunal Bala Ratu varm (D) Rani Gouri Lakshii Bhai ,, nE 6st Govno! of KcEla was : (3) (o) R.o (c) Nildil K!m.r (A) 3. l 3.R he Depnry sP..l.r of K€Ela ts Vakkon Pllnrhdrh'man K K. vt}lw'nthan : (A) c. Kardlikcrin (R) N sakhan (c) JB Koshv (D) N viavakumr tP.r.o.l 9. 'Ltrrl self covemoent in tndia w6 : Mount Barten (B) Lord Culzon (C) Lord Rippon (D) hrd llte talher of Or (a) 10. Csdal Michael () Dyer {A) Bhagar singh (c) 11, 13. (B) (D) Ilte iotal nnmbq ot dvers in Kqala is (B) 34 B€t@nt singh lrdnan sinsh : (c) 24 Intematiml Hurun RiEhls Day is on (A) D€cdber 1 (B) Drenb.r Pazhtusi Raja was : Sjn8h Kushuwdrh (AJ 12. was killed by (D) 46 14 (C) *lllcd by the Br,rish Ccnoal D@nber r.H. ,opularid aKrdjng lo 15. with {hich revolt b'Wa8on Trge.ly, rctarcd ? (A) SaX Saryagraha (B) pu'mppra vayat.r Rdok (c) Nm c@pcation M@€mr (D) Malabd Reb€ iq 16. The srads lroh (A) K'ishna 17. cornwalio (B) ThirurdndnuEpuah (D) I}lri$u (c) calicut 'iv€. D€.€nber 10 Baber {D) rnd ? (A) Er.nakulam 20 (D) I Whjch js ihe Diskkt in Kerala rhnt has lhe highsr densfty of 2011.6n,c 44 : (A) Lddwelerlcy (B) Llrd Dalhousie (c) 14. Dutferin M*abt HiUs in Madhya phdeh i5 : (R) codawdi (c) Narmad. th€ (D) Mahanadl 'rhe word 'Minoriry' app€aE in &4ich A.ticte of dre Indiar coGtirurion : (A) 18,'lh€ A.tn'e 42 idea of 'Concu.rcnr (^) America r05/2014 (B) Annle 24 Ltf istats tom (lr) Ru$ia (c) A,ride 29 (D) Ardcle 4Z (D) Aushalia : (c) china rnc 19. which hesident rutused to sign lhe famous Post ofh.e Bill (A) ventaua R2ma. (C) kR Narayuan 20. tlhi.h ? (B) harhiba Patil (D) Ziil sinSh sbte in lndia impLmcnted th€'Pdnchayat-R.jSyslem' (^) KeEh ftd ? (B) uu.r Pndesh (c) Rajasrhan (D) 2r. war. colour br$hes are lsad lor I (A) Oil Finling (B) DieldF (c) sreruiling (D) 'ht 22. Damond clazier is ued for (A) 23. wooden (A) (C) u€d for Lellering : cufier (B) Gl,$ Srrain€r Painl is Kam*ak. ors (c) Meral.uttd (D) wall arter : paint Fihains the thimd paint (B) Tlrinnin8 lhc Sri. ns (D) smrhing lhe paint 24. t{hil is the rcason lor the hardoing oI Celluloe Paint ? (B) oxidarion or rhinnins (A) H€atin8 (C) Evaponr'{ ot ihrnmE rE nt (D) An 9.''in6 25. 26. tel Pre-treatm€nt is dlso knoM as I (A) Tumbling (B) Phosphating (C) Cabnzing (D) Seven Synrhdric Rubb€r Paht is prcpared frcm (A) R6ins 27, 28, Wrich * ihe subdtane (B) Rubb€. u*d ( ) Tu.pentift (B) ar .anid in Llnsed oil Covsing .apa.it/ ol Enrlsion I'ainl is (^) 15 sq.mt':/litle (B) 2s Chromising I (c) Ude (D) PlasFr or Paris (D) N.c. Thinncr thc distmp€r ? (C) watcr : sq.dtii/lit€ (c) 60 sq.mt's/litP (D) a5 sq.nt!/lit'e 705/2014 lP.l.O.l 29. Putly is (A) a malerial used fo. : Fillins holca and cracks Frcnch Polsh i, u*d in: (A) w.lr su'fa.€ (c) (B) (B) (^) (c) woo<t Dry Distenpd Lime e (A) Bmishing oI paint (A) wood surface cleanjng L€velinE.nd smmrh'n8 worl on wood rudai! (D) (C) r,rind application (D) P'iDin8 or F.s. crey 3s, Sropping is nenl by : (A) cleaning ol srfa.e (c) Fillin8 of hol6 and c!.cks CoverinA .apa.ily or Meral (A) 55 How trdy tyFs (^) 5 1Os/2014 3q.ntts/lihe (B) PritM (B) ot Nalu.al (B) 30 suhbhing ot painr is : 5q.mh.s/tihr (c) m$ning 6 Plastic surface (D) Distdper Di.hromte ljtu OilDbd DEt€mpd LuxluE llN hany paint appli.ation frethods (^) 3 (B) 4 (c) lB) surfa.e (D) arc thcrc ? (c) (D) 6 33, (A) Thjmd (B) Thima 39, 40- for Enamel Paint tor t!.qre Painl (g Thiming a8ent or Emukion Paint (D) ThiminS a8€nt of ll6stic Paint c.r.lyhc coatinSs contatm : (B) (D) clm (A) Lime and (c) vinyl acetale and A.ryla€ bcqd€r is mde trcm @mFunds of (A) (B) whil€ (c) ceuulo* and resii (D) shellac and Alcohol lad Epoxy and whir€ l€ad : and Methylatsd spinr Lin€ and spiril 41, KeGtu is.low<ost (B) colo6nE Pi8ml (D) Ba,e 12, 43, (A) A painting €qllpl|mt (q stopp'rs Lir€x Putty is u$ally tnown att. (B) Dirt€npe painting to'/20t4 lP,T.O.l 45. Hand paintirg {C) Dipling (A) ttawing mtdial (c) A p,inrinA rel {8, Pors 19. 50, brushin8 Lr (B) (D) wall surfac. cleaning (c) Metal cleaning k. pe6s Non-Metaluc @nng (c) Metallic c@ring Renowi.g oil and greae 51, Acid i$Eutlht of {A) (A) Mdkin8 . pffi (A) C!tuanizing Pulling our nails frcm wodd iom Pi<krin8 (B) the metal srainitrg cdtjna from givd chois : (B) TumbUnB (C) shot blastinE not included in thc paint '! 53, wlic! is llE Painr !s.d for imn work under watd ? (A) Llminous P.ht (B) Bitunin@s Paj,i (C) Ceftnt Paint (D) Anli{oEosile P.int 'toa/20]4 a is lormed b! .rftnt lhc cflds ol the w@den menber at an anSle and joini.e &€m by doweb, nails or ..rcws (A) Brr joint 55. P) solde Colour cod€ fof dang*ols comotny !!€d !s (c) rvhich B lhe colou. {A) Yelow taP jdini merab for Eldrro Plarins (D) &azins (D) 1 i3 How many mthods of braTin8 ate lhc€ (3) lill* (D) (B) 's Gen (D) 'P Bnght blu' - (c) 'D Ye @/o.anse 5s, joint (c) M F joint ng rulffials (A) 'F'R€d 57. laP The coppq base and silver alloF arc (A) weldins 56. (B) crc$ ihfl ? tc) 6 8 cde id€nrifkatlon td PiFlind .hlori. (B) clE' ? (g R.d (D) BIE 59. sniF N uf,d fo.: (A) shet meral dtling (C) Sdapping th€ tubl m,.hinc wd for plodudng round hols wilh the helP 61. color.ode indentification lor PiPeltnes Acerylene : (c) crcv (A) Black - thick (B) Mtoon 62, JoininE pe@Imtly lwo PEes oI shet mttl ordr - brri (D) Ydrow with tuv€ts b .aued (A) B€nding (B) tuvetinS (c) roldins€d86 (D) Not'hing -' lP.T_o,l 53. Solddin8 'rcn E h€d tor (A) Phosphihns (E wetdin8 54, W]rici parr of lhe .ompcao! conrbk lh. oif p€eure (a) 65. Etftrri. norq (B) For whai purpG. drie! h (A) A $ed 67. 63. In<tigo is a lighter (U) To (D) tb p,evdr conGsion inftasc rhe Air hasfoimd durabjlir, or painr (D) Cohplm€,, fm called a cotour _, (B) c!€6 complmenrary Snrhping Fwder is my tyF (A) 4 fin/20r4 How (o) Hue (c) violer (D) crey (D) rnt€mediate _ a ior (B) corour. (c) pnndry (B) rertiary u*d Fi8urc shadinE {c) slEde ol A ml:t@ of two srondary col@$ torns {a) n. valve (D) A layer of Fmr is Gtt€d (A) 70. satety Kndary colou i, (B) Tcni.ry cotor s€.on.laiy (A) oEnse 69, ? which i5 nor iftludcd in o corour (c) tnle'ftdiab @lour (A) BFzins ? A3 drying agenr pimry otoua (c) An containa oflaint (c) ro giv€ Bood app@nne 66. (c) sorde,ins (D) _. corour washing of Timb€r <leG.rs ap rh* (B) 7 (c) Moulh oil (D) 1o painring ? (c) 5 r0 spr.y (D) r 72. whal are ih€ ingredi€nB oI BueNlandig€ ? (A) Rdin+Be wd+ColouinE PiSMl (B) R6in + M€thylad SPirit + corouinS (c) Chalk Powder+watd+Gum (D) R6in + Lin*d 73. Hm m.y tyF Oil + CoL@inA Pigmenl of sIaitu.E thft ? (97 (B) . 74. wiat are the ltimary ColouE ? (A) R.d, Ordge, viol.t (C) RPd, Yellow, Bl!€ 75. R€d + Blu€ (A) 76, o]l - onn6e Painting is dore (B) (B) CRa minly in (B) (D) otanS€ wood (D) creY $lfe cnnvas - ?7. th.lard sEe of the el<E'( ov€n ruy (B) 6'i!'x4' (A) 5x4'x4 b€ (C) 4'x4'x4' (D) 8'x4'x2' - pres or (A) Putty.PPlicatio (c) kotdng Sand Blue, (D) I (c) c* viole! (a) M.t'lsufft (c) Plast.'€d sudee 7a, Pigmml bl$ting is tE (B) (D) Sudae cl€aning Acid Picklinc -. 79. Boltin8 cloth ! tr*d for dipphs (c) s.een pnnrng - (A) Hot tu*. (E (D) Filte'ins or ?aint PNdd @ardg 80. wlEt is th€ PsFr oI rldm.r coalina ? (A) To PEwtn Blooming ot Paint (B) GlGv of Painr (c) I,tMt tlE dut {D) Adhsim of P.int 1l 708/2tt4 IP.T.O.l 31. .4roomhasalensthol12n,widthoflOhandheighrof5m Wld is rhe apa of ceiting (A) r2o n, (D) 9on, @) so-r {9 ro.u 32. C6t ol labou painr for painting ore sq.hF js Rs. 95. ,the coet of tabou, and painr fo. ed _. (A) Rs.570 (8) pajnting 60 s9 mtl. b 33. n€d oxide \) {c) 31t. ftral pdms norml @l@r ie 36. vrhtn is lhe oe otou (B) shade .oftct F €Ued stul ffi (c) liue is crUed (D) tone Painrins .ea / @€mscap4i|} Nddf .sk @verng x No. ol.oars cp&iiy No, of @ts '_r Painh.g (D) None of the above m. x covedng dpeiy plqs,, _ (A) [,ler.l dea.inA F) wood.terninA (c) M.c' N.itl's rerhod b l0s/20r4 quantfty or whjte formura for €lcularjng th€ volume of painr requie{t ? Pdinti& " 37, wirh cdamic c@ting rurrare modlti€d by lhe ad<t ion oI r (A) Tint la in : (D) Amr€d L! ^ ... u*d 5700 (c) &.57ooo (o) R . {2a5 woo.lo surtse p.idn8 wh(h 35, is Rl. Nieral sudace ( ? a t2 Wall.te.ning {D) Wmd s$ning 83. Thr outrr F s of l\. linber aR dned while the @ter or (A) Ile,rt shakr (3) a9. T*isrinS is aL$ 90. D.caf knwn ie intrcduced CIP share (c) ci* (A) Doatiru$ (c) Drurinlss -. 92. Whih solvenl ie thinmd by ll.qud (A) rnLpdtine (B) watd is callcd (D) upet sl'.k 6 ut.d fo! r lin8 hol€. ind d..k (D) @r matue. It lhows up Two 4 reddish-6rcwn (B) F@rtus (D) None or rhe abov€ Paint ? (c) N.c. Thim€t (D) K€rG.ne Shella. (A) (B) Fit'ilhnt p.lnl rsM as Wat€r Sbss ts tlso (A) Sodiln bicarbonat€ (c) 9s. Hrd€nid8 {c) riw {B) Four whnh allftt h.rd w@J when -d€y blokh.s that di*a* is olied 94. stil 8Rn. Thrl ways, 9r. Dso* 93, is as ihlo L\e tioba in (A) on. oft Sodium siliet (B) (D) sodiun dlchbmaie Polassium chlorid€ coRring capacity t6r oa ihe equiprcrl i5 tm.d as (B) weisht Per ltrre.np (A) trlow tup vh.ometer (C) csr saug! (D) clq@ b6rd - 96. R6;t neto,drchinSunddsprifiedloadotadn.d6lmolrh!PainttstcdinrhequiPmnl tester (q vJer tih thickres! gdge (A) s<,arch h.dn.ss (B) Hydtondd {O) Cl63@ter r05/2014 lP.r.o.l 9t B6rro6lad. Finfng i! rLo 98. Eteh.ctnhc Paindng b|oM 4 (B) PoPds cdtinE (D) Bl*toPt lhg (A) Stove EE!€unt (C) DipFn'S l^t 2 tE d.sind (D) Sqtba ie uc.l for '9. (A) tulht@rde (c) mils cr$6tlg or sood 5 in -. (c) - (E) .t*t I d t'lrniinE of (D) rrrfd. (D) sd.t lng |nE m r mt l -, of Mo..li!a ? dd tIE pi.hc (A) Pt@ P) rderdo d. rald (D) HutuYoo. Huei! (C) naj. Rrvivam 1lF. wlb -oOo_ 1'!5l2,'ta 411 3 nrt4
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