I I : . No. GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN DEPARTMENT OF PERSONNEL (A GrouFlI) F.a( / ) DOP/A-llr0t4 laiput dared L9.o/.)lttl NOTIFICATION In ?xercise of de powers confcrrcd by ll|e proviso to Anicle 309 of thc Constitution of India, thc Gov€mor of Rajarth€n hercby males the foltowinR furles rcgulating recruirmenr to post (s) in, and thc condirions ofservicc" of p".ron. lo the Subordinate. M;nist€rial snd Claislv Services, posts cresred by "ipointuo various deparlmenls of the Govemdent of Rsjasrhan for the Scheduled Areas situatcd within $c Statc of Rajesrhs'r, namely: 'IITE RAJASTHAN SCHEDULED AREAS SUBORDINATE, [,IINISITRIAL J\N.) CLASS-lV SeRVICE (RECRUITMENT AND OTHER SERVICE CONDITIOT,I:ji RULES.20t4. PART -I GENERAL 1. Sbort titlc, comm.ncemert rRd applkstion, - ti) These rul€s Inay l,! crlled the Rajasthan Scheduled Arsas Subordinsre, Minis.arial and ClasslV Senicc (Recruitncnr and olher Service Conditionsj Rules,?014. --" i2)'lhcy shell comc into forc€ wirh immediatr effe( l 'Ihey shsll apply to enlire establisbments ofthc S bordinarq Mininerial and Class-lV services of v?aicus depanfi€nis crediad in lhe.Sched les Areas within lhc Slate of lt jasthan under the admin;slr{tive coorrol ofrh€ Govemmen! for appointments to posls (l) in co nection 2. wiil, rhc alfairs ofthc Srarc. Dcfi! itions.- tn theae rulcs unles: the cor,icxt oi,ier,uise ft.oui;tr, (a) "Aprx inliDg Aulhorii). lllcJrj, rhr F.i;Joir:,ir,g .\uthoflry ,.jrlr.,<.t .. .i. co$ccm.d se.vicc ijlcs in r.spcc( ofthc S\tborCinate, Ministcriai and Cl:ss lV scivicc posa for the post $nct;oled by rhe Govcrnm€nt from tim: to ri,n. atd orhii: Omcer to whorn F|!ve.s in this bchaif may bc dciegaled bt, ihc Cov.:mrlrent by sf:cinl gr 6.jneral Ordar o|l such condiiion as il may dc.rn it, (b) 'C.mmissioo" m:rns d:,: p.ajssi..an iubii, S. i-"ici. Conr:r.ir.: (c) "Conmilte." means tbe Ceinmiitc€ conslitured under i: i ,'t-"t ! irl. in:: 2B: I (d) " Defarrnclf' mc{$ reDectiw csdrcr' scrvice ro which (a) ;. ,"*rmH, 'Dircct recrliad.D|- lnelrrs Proc.educ as pitscribed (0,Governmerrl. of rhc covernmenr of the rer il;-;i,;itHiiXf n1ea'Isthe Covc.nment of (g) 'lr{ember of rhe scrvice. means a oe thc b{sis of *e"1* ;r#;;',,|#:n or o.a.o supc&"d by iii*' ';"nt in acco'dtn* wirh rhc the ltaja*l€n. lppointed ro-s pos: in the servic. on of thesc rules or rhc rulei ptt";ons g'";. rr. scr'cdure-rrr and schedu,e-rv :ffi"J:. ff*:,*#$:.';r:f*r sl'r'ps .-ro rne reletant service p.* Rule pcrtaining ro t1'e "rd. tr,"r*p""iirl (i) {scheduled Arer" hcans the ar€as l;1r,;::**l*#ii"":T,;lT$TJT'.tri"illlliir:'gi":,* ,'frfl;,iurtr_i:,ffi,TTt,:":f il,T*n:;ff ,:;li:T,,n,,"., '-'3'i#I:jiJ, j:t-::T.;JTXf .#ffi i":_fiT1i:,[,.,ff ;:*1, fi":.lfi ,J,".lTilliT"?*iiiliili:.Jl"l,l:.h",ti;ilt$*,**: fi il:'s J;ffi ilH":"Jil:1i,,,::ffix".J, # i*iJ ;jfi tr#: n'"' *ffi'ilf,FX1;.i',;ilill-t:l:"':nd.dcpu,,,ion erc which a,' ;,i..ilL;;"fJff ffi ,ilj*",ill;.,illi;1,1,"7 f "#:fi (l) "Stute" mcans thc Statc o, R6jasrh an; (m) "Substrntivr rppoin{mant,, rnean< fi :il,+:,T,?tr',_*;;ntt*f ::#'.*T,",:; #_jil|;:::,,;j n#r,**"".i*t$l::":i ;;; ;lil.,;iliT:" ;; oilo,,i"lf,nif liote: Due sel€ction by :r,r:, ., rr,mi:,-.ocj. of rei-u,,,,.::r uitcc. lh.s: F{rlcs shrtj i.i. ;r."..ril -^ -, LiJ( iir,J,rmr.,: c;, fr or tJ,: i,,i,.l . :.il 3 *il."T#:" t*ff,:i:"t:;f ;i t: and consriuiion of thcsrf,viT rulw Promulgst'd undcr conslituiion of lndla' cxcrPt (n) *Y.sr" ficao3 the finstlci8l an wgcdt t'mporary rppointncnt: ' i'rt' :llf;ff Tl ffi ;iiF,i,liT"l';,J{liliTqffitrff;'T:*ilfr .i;i'l'f Act' il.T'd"iLL i *i'it fo( rhc intef,pr€tation of s Rria'{hsn ' PART -U CADRE posrs ind strcngth ot the s€rvke - (l) The '1.t"'T::11t" cr*.--tv.s"."i"" *'r".1"-.'i'J,fiiii"J".l 'nofi,'li"Ji,::it:'J;1ff-il';: shatr be ss specir,€d i" ":''.', i"'loo*o* ro thc rc.spccrive 4. comDosilior "::,1_'-';:'Jrl'.,i ts Schedulc'lV and/ot anv other schedllle concemed' i".r,ritme.nt nuUs in force in the Departntrr (2) Slrcn8lh ofrhe post(s) be dsldmined by the rn the Service shall be such as may Gr'vemmen! from tim€ lo tlme: l'.ovided that ll-'e Govemmenl may_ fitm limc to (imc"'as m6) be (o) create any post(s) F€rmanEn! or rempo€ry' such Post(t in (h€rlike man:rer found nr:ccssary and may abolish any comPcnslorr' dxv without lhercby entitlhrg any Ferson to lny ' (b) \u' abotish any post permanenl or lesvc unfilled or hold in abeyancc or to any entitling eny i#pt,*iy' t'ttt ti*" t" ti'ne' wi0rour thereby Person compensarit'n' shall consist oi''5. CoDstitution oftbc aervice'* IItr Servicc ra) all Dersons holding substanti\'ely 0te past(s) i!1 thc Sch€cdled "' iu,i ot*.nt"ncement oftl:ese rules; tb) th' in rl" ' all persons recFriled ro the Pos((s) included of these rules r:lc commcnc€men( nosirroi in rtre Schcaurie_resLfore p'ovided in s.Lrure (3) otrurc 6: and "1]:::11:Ti:: '' |iiJ;,;;. ';;;; r9, Arcx on all l.id sny pcfscr"s 'ecruited t4 tbc Scrvice by dor{r rn rule 6 of these rules, of thc mcthods ofrtcruilnet'i PART -trl RECRUfIMENT -*#,t.t,*-ffi*?if-ffi *'*#;:$#* nlmelYi (!) O) in accordln'e by di'err rEcruitmeot *ith in Pa(!' the proccdue piescribed ofthcse nrl6. with th€ Procedue by ptu$olion in accordsncc rules. ffiitr-#,'ffi ffi,#;1;;;l:ffi provided ,.at if rhc Appo'* ptescrid in Pia'v lv of $cse 'fj[f :i;;ix']i#rx "il3H,.,ijlsl#i'H:;ffii"';:*: r#:l*l',,#'*ffir,F"'{":-,- ffi**lgffi*lffiffiiliffiffi lru**r.*g'mr**}i*s**s.u'"' oi lndia T.comp,ssionate.{pp"*':yl.:'i:illl;^#""."1iffi:"trjlTq::il r'irth( ]'crF:!cita{cJ o'.:! t:ll^") l\ n\virh"tanJing 3r1ihr:rj ion rr'rcu ,"'lll"',.,i.,',i" rrL n - ^,*'"'nc .(urhod'} mai a (D (ii) ' I erus+*$-;d'fi"*;,;***fl,$ffi was Perinancntly l nc{Pacitrte( '.lli'ili*li'"lli'li[liTli5"'""' 'r$*m;l*i;l*{ilifi#ffl"HfrilHnm$*i:iiilH'# Providsd (a) that' 'li*1"lF:H'###*H:$i*;l'nxmT:lrit them. (b) ;*",r;i:1F":ffi*lH,lfi#f#ff#"fl for aPpointflenl of :*:ffl [s#t ttintitltl gf ii:$J",":'-*i$Jft *':{tii##'}i;1tr*T'"?*'"*":i 'ff iui"J:"J1h?"'"HXili[in"'f '.ili:""iTiii""'s:XH'T li:i'*:f 'im*ru :1:ll"'"1 il ii. i.-*l r,.,... :ul;j,1,:unx'll'y':t""i'fl ,s'.:,' i,.,' P.rjonrl li "i ::."";ff "" "' io Povided thet lhis conditio[ for he.selt st|atL not rpply whcre the lvido'i sE€k-s cmp]oym'nt t'd*: ::|jLlli$ilg#l"ffi?3ff fAunit#-'f-t''H tiY Tr; i"",r," iua of llie .',1'."e rne outl va*? ii,, e.-J i""*lp..a Milhlr, Forces (4) su.*' dep€ndeor *rr"r ,,tatft".i in rt cssc of AtFcd Unit for Plra" Mil'rtar/ Forces. ]'ivl*"p*'*a n: -'l*l"" **t ':il'1#lil'ffi :sffi#'[ ;ffi ffi ##":t""S"J";1 qy'Tl'-"-::^--j:,::--;;ii r".tclaxation of th' noi'al nc'nritm'nt dep.fldent tulfills rh€ a'ld'mrc dut ilrc"""*il"."a liml L.".iu"a fo' educadonsl qurlificsdon snd -sgc soDointmcnt to Class lV tor whrch rhc Govemment for qualifie/ i. ntao'orherwise r# Dosr shall be rebx€d *a tl" Li1r ryT::A "ppr,"*, s.wic". *"f ,-9y1**r.T t;:fl:il:,,*: u 'lll,-tlil'i*;iii concerncd for suiteble appoinhcnr accorurnt "l';"f: *::::f a*' alio oSdedul€d Arca (5) rhe aPprication. of as also in lhe ". deoendcnt. In the evcnl ofnon avartaorrrty ofiac'ncy to be.se$t shall the ot"""t,'irti'"lpr-i*':i"" of ?]:]:::""1 Arca rt'e schea,'t"a side il'iiy arrer scheduled Arca/District under comrnissioner who shatt u"tng" uppo'n'tlit hisjurtudicrion. :l: Pr,'-'ilH,iiiiilT;fiii":f.i:#ffi{l$fi to Covemment in ihc Dcp Crmrnissioner *l}:,;ffif:ffi ff# (?) The appticttion shall ctntain rhe foltowing infonnationi ' . Nsmc and dcsigntlron of d"ensed/pennsnenrly iorceJ Para Military Forccs pe*onnel; (ii) to dQth'/b€cotning permane|}trv Unit in v'/hich hd$e was wotldng prior incdP@4 ' incapacitatcd Armed 6) '' (iii) itated; Dstc snd plac€ of dt31h with dcati ccnificate ":::1ll-^tY:11"'itt or uecoming p€rmaoenllv comoetent to declafe hitn;;;;;nie casualty inclPaci(atcd; and tiv\ oflhe apFlicanl snd his&er Nafl€. date of bidh, ed"c'tion'l qustilication .elation wit! lhc dcce&sed (wi$ c€n;fi'at€a) ExPlanatiooi For the purpose ofthis mle- (a) Navy and Ai' Force oflhe Union "Armed !'orce'means the Anny' co) ffi *"., (c) t *" l3g1,ffil[i.ffi"I!}1'"""^ttrin?fl*",#' iro^id:*ifrhffi ti'l**i:*lT"*ffix lrgm dme lo time' (d) gf, i1;;itrl$,,$t'ff{*'6"tH#}}:}Y,;}*#$ .$iH,l:# i',,'i*it#$,'Fhf **ffil*rf,'"lgl*#l.# Schcd'Jled Are5s. for prorDolion (2) The vasanc't€s so rescia'ed shll be 6lled in by seniorily'c *'*mlle,mi$m,r al ,q.ooointments *'p","ily io, slBll be madc. ai""r t*ruitmcnt tnd 'ffiug' siiictty -in accordance promotion .''i'h the roslers pr€scribed ","':#i#T#$3'"i fl,".':,:f .:#:sJt;;i"iEltilf:#:fi"nT*f vacancies * tT"Y "-ounicular ycar, the 'j"i:*t-i[#;[T].1i,'mi.iY"5;:*:Jltr'ffi'Tiffi:,ffi *- Providcd thal rftifi :' ]'1..::]'^i:'i'.Ji,o.i r"nt y."n. r".t' if recruitmett is not held in Bny recditn;nt year' such lecruitncni *it" """""d for the purpose ofthis sub-rulc' t t) '#;$$t}ffiff'ffi G filiLl J;f i'b;-4sj avaitabre Hffi :#::l;lt{*l'ffi i[Til$H*Ti*1in"":;ff :";lr-""' ;il"Tj*':rff :r11:i*:,::il'l:H':'Jrrl"";#:;1':'"::"*::ln r0. Resrrvxtion ot l aiji::: {"'. oio:'"1'l: llr :[;':fj':t"]i:'ii''jlJ'ii i :i\ei c'.n l;:::i:.*"11:1'ii;ili:f$;:Lr:;'TlTill::"";:: i a ;;:'r;''*r I x .".ffi:,$,sfrIffi belong. *e EapriN!.rron: ' sportr Pdson ;".,ffi [g,r:tffi:ffi%*t**""1f#illo" 'T - :' rcprcse{rcd Indiar ril lff 'n l"'lividual or in Tesm evcnt any lx'ls"J,ffi#t'tii*r*it":mn*":; Spc'ls Fedq5tion; (iD'#.r#s,'tll,?ffi.#i,rF;,":;J*&'## Narional School C" (iir) : (") sporis Fc&Ftion; iltr'rilT}:*t:i[:#iih''sr:L:T#n:;1 .effitrffiffi*ffiffiitr-ttffi o{this ErpraBstion: For 6e.PurPosi H:lv?:'H[?fi for spporntment 12. Nationsliry.- A c'$didatp (a) (b) 3:ffit#ioj:il#?''Hl]". to thc Scrvice must ber State; or with :?f:T"":"1'J:"Tf"T#'"i::Hl5':'L":yi:'i'li:lJ:1"{' the l0 lndia with inleifon of p'ettnanqtly sccling in ,", - ",H."1,.frf;*"1"* bonalide domicilE ai a l"Sffi;ll*l*X snd ELsl African corllffies o Tanzania (fonn.fly T'nganyr EthioDia with tbe int'docn dorniiitc at a schcduted Art qg'K'l?i?:%ill*:"f'f,ffi""1"H::S Providcd that o crndidare h8s been fayosr a c€{tificat' of cligibilhy ii#i iilr" -c l""l* ater Prop'r vdification' JlLlilfi I'ltYfil':iii,T'J:'ff: *$:i""t*::i? ye3t' ^"**'ii;'i$HT':i:i' vaiancics o.runing duringtnc the prescrib'd in rhc sch'dures' 9J:iJ; m*l;.1".*lf;1l,'J ;ti'"'*"$:.i{5 ru*r,rowx*e"$;;5rffi Dromotion q$ota' h*i,i*qHT#fl#h'H --;,*:*r.4rHfi j:Fi';HT".}"$;l'.:;,";$J#i'#'rn' "4,#*##:$ii"-.i:i:iiili:!ffi olhs schcdu -Yitxcd fo! receipt of spplimttons: tir'ii"r"*,l'.lost J"t sih"dule_lv ond/o' i',11"'to"tlnil*. (a) *. ,,.it bv:' Castes tx'longlng to the Scheduled 5 \,ears in lhe c€s&Qf male cqndidatcs rind S"h"dul"d (b) mentioned tbove shall be relaxed 5 years in thc T.ib".; lo Celrcral cai€8ory: ese ofwoman candidates b€lonqing I tl belonging css€ of $/omtn c$didarcs cqsies and schcdulcd Tribesl (c\ lO vcars thc (i0'ff i[ to th€ Schcduhd ,H'ffi ':f*'f""a#j'l1"lTi'"'tFff:,;"r:l.t under thcsc and was eliSiblc for lPpointment ":#.*ff t"i-" Ily-p.rt *"tloion .ules, (iii\inlhccas€oforhdex.PrisoncrstheuppcraSelimitmmtio'ed.above-shal| serveo Dv \rt" equal ro lr'e term of imp'isonment and l,l"ilrli uvl pta;o his conviction '*'as il",liir'o.tio"o ittl"rtc wls not oversge bcfore Jie-ili" (iv) i.iap"i"--t ' undcr rhese Rulcs' rhe upp€' osc rimir menl:L ""'l"TYi i"tr1y"3;111 the service r.ndded $ lne I\ L v' age lrmll'Dy minimud prescribed the rcsul!.ant ogc does not rxccco.thc within the prescrrbeo ;* ;;,tu€ vears, rhey shall bc d;emcd ro bc sgc limir (v) H'lii&? of the ine in conneclion with lhe rffaiE pubtic secror the uPper asc limir for.p€rT-T.ii,li;l?rii"i" rn rhe srarc State. Psnchayat Sam(ies ano zlla 40 be vears' in subst'snrive caPacitv sholl *a i'ii?"ii"Jtttpt*ti"ns (vi) case ofthe widows and divor'*d there shali be.nc oppet age limit in thc !vomen. will havc [o furnish a "?lll::t:-:i ErDlrnation: ln lhe casc of a *idow' sh€ lhc ca(e Compctent Authorily and in the dmft ofhcr husbano nom dircrcc of ii" Ol'"""o' *'" *lu (vii) rtave ro the persons sppot","d fTly-,.l:tT to b€ within (hc tge 'liml! nao rr io" jt*iL iii,i"ri, tpp"i"ta fumi;h dlc Pmof t"XlT[:i ;l;li ;ffIl$";?i; llmtt'r,,&en havc crossld the evcn though tlrcy Bge Authoritv andrnarr ir"iiii tr"re tte conimission/appointins 6s such at the trme oI lo two chanccs nad thcy been eligible liii be attow€il up lhoir ioitial t9Pointrncnt' fviii) t""' shall be 50 ycars in st'I""':: The upper age limit mentioned sbove who w€te ranslen€d Io personnel lhe dcfenc€ servicc .*.aiti"-"G"ly the Rescrve. (ix) Servi's Ofliccas and Sort Releas€d Emer8ency Connmissioncd shall be dccme't lo bc io*-i,,ion"a Otttt"" afi€r rcle{sc from the Army rhe ii r,li,r," ri*i ""* lll,-*"f ",i"y#.f"J;[f :::: j;::1,*:1"':?; "e" th€ cr]m'n'ssloir n a5oe3r belore . ri'ii.jo;,,i,,g crl c/]lln''issi'r:i ilr lhc Acn-v- {/ (x) ::T#*l*,.Tl',Y,m,A'lf.lx,f;ffi to bs cligiblc *t!ll bc d"med i3 not ovlaagc bY more rhsn I #:ffil{*T: Yesrs ls. Acsdcmic.a'd rech"1tl,Eiltn$[T:*i$ff dir€ct rccruitment to fte rys1(O :ry:ltT- :1," may b€. sha possess,as Ir Schcdutc-lv tndor any other sch'(lulq "*" ::i:$'trllif o ,f: s".s!{1li[f!!:rtrs;:*1s]ir:ti*x"#;i',t: o*er Sd)eduled sPpendcd to {ii) knowledge of wdcco in Dev$agari script and working knowtcdge of Hitdi Rejasttnni Culn$€i iyil '"'p:l,tir#jm: person$:,l:'Jffi:oJI:,THi[H'i#if Provid€d rhat the rcqu$r'i .xadination of the cou's€ '^hich is the 11",1'.-1'-..L"l'-li .t'"tt U" $,'J*r,T?l''#..try*+'*if*'"1*l:f requisile educatrcnl acouired rhc ag"ncyr (i) '' (ii) wlr-ere.J€lection before a9Pesring in- the main examination' 0 nd inte n ew: examiflatron th'ou gh nuo srages of writte$ befor€ apPcaring n is maile I through is lotediew wherc sclection tnade wTr$en cxaminaii;n and interview; and . . (iii) beforcapp:::.':1lii-H:nffillil::,-Jlfi[L* onlY is rr made thmugn lil:"*: may be. '' ,,,". 16. 'a c'noroare candidate for dirccr recrukmcnt Y-ll'I-^'-lli]''].i"i" Charscter'- The character of a ;;;;;-,u of ;,irv r,rin * ;,n"r.",9;ll::"Ti:ffi::,i?ii: to lhc Scrvice -'"i """a*" il:i::& lT-'r'ilil; .,r.t, *rti r,.rt.. *,inen noi more than". YT 'Tt^fif;"Ji;;iJ,"" ,.;p.^iion p".-"s nor connec{ed ot-apPltcar six montho priot lo Ge him/trJ good. ch"t"T c€rtificate colte se in which he/she a T:T 131 and not r€hted to 'lale *i,rr't i*'tt"r'cotf.g. o' unive6ity Notc: ' -- iiic l-:ru ntcd not oi itseii ir'r"ivt of B*-** Coun or (l) A convict;on by -aa uourl ol fhr "r;.,**rr*.s 'o n" "^' circumsutlcc\ )tf'*tf of ccflific'lc of goc'l chsraccr and ii rhey in\olle-no"mor3l cojlvi€tion s|ould * *it"i"J' "*t'"t c' of willr 3 nrovc'cnr esso"iuti"'"nirl' cfiner oi 'i('le: ;;l;;;;;' es b) \ ;ilcL'{ Inirns of Goveni'eil \vhi'h har !s ils oblecl ttle o":i rltior iFrFF',F+w_ IJ estsblislrcd' tlrc disqualification' by taw as tnr'c conviction nced nor bG 'egardcd \rlile in prison-snd by who by tllch disciPlined lifc Q) Ex-prisonc6 to b' comPlctcly re|orm€o !hci. subsequcnt good conduct have fotea of the pretious convrctron gcounds ii""ri-*t i' ai"ii-i"arcd agoinsthconservict who se convicted^or i"lii" p"tp"-* lr "rnpr"yt"ni intutpitude shatlThosc to hav' D€en detm'd bc inwlving morol tit of a repon to th" "ii."i.'" completelv r€formed on tne produition ",tI::t Yi,:: a.e no such Homes In a it"i.i"i.io.", 'Aft.. c{rc Home' or if 'hcre Polict of thar disr'ict i"'l*""ii. i-r"illi n"t trtc superintendcnr'of morsl rurpitude-shr Those convic(ed of offences in\'olving 'b€ the suPerintcnde ceniticate rro'n tt:']:'^: paniculat 9i*'"1 "Aftlr-ua"t nrime' or ii there is" no such Home in a ueneral the lnspcclor by endorsed i"p.,itt".ni"ot ofpofl"t ofthat districr thev navc cmPlovm€nt'as for iiii*"" to int "rf* trtar $ev arcbvsuitable prrson in their disciplinei life while reformcd o'.'Ji" i. "i"drc"ry good conduct ;n an 'Afier Carc Horne'' an,l bv their subs€querf (l) lii",*i ii'pJil _ A candidate ior direct reccuitment to lhe Service musl bc e** anv mental and phvsical defic-ct ltkerv to i^ *"d't;;i;;'bJiii-r''""rt utta rto niJe' iuties as a mcmber 9f {:.S:l'::,"1: inrerferc \ /ith $e efficient perrormo'ce or 17. Pbvsical Fitnes3 il::i;;;:;;';;& "'""ntr,g" gr1't'ng;;[T ll#iX ii]1','*1TJ"""ii the Govemment fot tlc Purpose' lne oia t"ndldut t'\do is alreadv s'rvrng rr in tle ""t"n;t"le tras at..udy b.en mcdic6lly.€xamll:d connccrion wirh rhe affairs of rhe srat. rr or.he standatds of medical examinatlon ;;il';;"i;;; appointmenr and the esscntial durles ol cc'nFergt'lr for efficient Perfotmancc l-aJ"i*" li l'.r'-."nifi;te arE l'eld to bc i;";#;"d;;ih/"er for thc purPose' has nor tedu""a his/het emclencv aJ iirlt :ft:n" l;;G', "' 's" who is or of irr'gutcr or lmprop'r nrcsrs'- A ca'ldidate refcn€d to-tn rhc commissidr''/nppointing iurhorityiCornrnid'e 18. Employrnest hsl5 thcs< iy Ii* "'ii,'l, ri"pL.l":1t"" ::.:l::y:'il[i Tlj'1"*X":lTfl: ;T',fi;:,Hl tljnpeftd \ ith or of maLin8 st'temenls wnrcn -' b€en d€clErcd l':i::-:- ;-,"; in thc *,-''*ti". "*ln'T:'.T,, lo Usc unfair mcarts matcriaL info@ation or usrng or !flGmptrng .eson'ios to ant oth; in€Bular or ;mProPcr ffi";;;.-;;J* mcan:,t"j,T,i:l:t* admissiootolhegxaminationolappfarEnce!iEnyinrediewmay',inadditionlo b€ deba!rcd either PerFanentlv iliiii"i"r'i-.iiin!""ii or for a spccilied Periodi (a) tiuut" to "'i'inolp,ot"'urio;' commission/APpointins Authorirv e*urninat'on or lPpcam0cr 0! any intcrvle by the l"*",'i't:*l'rpp.ilif "g'ruthority t!\, the Ccvemment f.om flr i::f ,;'fiXlil;:"ili selection of candidates: 6nd clrttio)xttnt under the 'ovemm€nl' $ -:m$,ffi ,r*xr*lffffi.**+'i$:H*#*'*i rRocEDuRE FoR DIRECT RECRIJ$ME:.n. ro po*s in rhe .' #$*t******wtr*ti1*:'{.,,x{# '*o****;*:n*********W 22-FormorAp"'-ttl.Xr*r,ffii{H:*,ll"tfl if"H'itii$S':i.r ffi i::ffi *J t'f; - [TS; l*' : It"',,' ": l:iHil::;*::t':Jri':l':'1";r::l:;:; Y:'^'*'"'n''' il i"'iiii:*r: ;i;.t' ;" l- j-ii;*'tullnFlrirjj;ijif t<' or bott\ as thc crsc may comPctitivo cxlrnination or int€lvicw for sppa$ beforr $cm'4t bc: dccisill,gl*-ts#lr"o;tl;tmHfigliTr'o' cr!. *'" Piovide.d that thp cligibility or o nay bc, rcgarding tbc 'ffi',ffi-d#'"ffitg1$$i$;:""p$ffi ;i4 m€ I Lsr{s) concemcO and anange-.ln Auftoritvsuc-h list to the Appoinring fiil"..a ,rtJin*"'o 'ffi ffi,l''i-H+ni*t,mffffim;u'ffi 3n apP *+rich has not tE€n occup'ed by for a ne\,' lY creat€d vacanc) lmm r*'ilTirtif,gilT:*'&"Jf.1tr:]kii"-'ti#Hil$;:i3";''if"il doing so' caemPt any candldaE o r;,n;T"ffi ff:::lli:1i*,ffi"H":*ffi*fi #ye:lJ**i"}f{ lor dotng s special the-rc are , -. Srounds . rule. (3) No manied codidat: thelimc ofmaaiage or al Exphatrod: Flr se'v:ce if he/sh' had' at ""i5^:l:[:5i].?J.lil5',l:r'rrhe anY trme In ar in the selicc who hrs P@vided thatthe candidzte (i) disouatili'd on Dowrv ffiff:r'i;:ii t';;ff H ttrr'J:;t-#f*ins to the (4) No crndidate shall bc etiEible for apPointnclt ihildren on or after i 62002: . rhe ir lu more ftao tlvo shall havint more lh3n two children children hdshe had otT-t"*'-1"ilt'O" ro' appoi'il'il"i* i""s * th" 3' 2002' d':€s not i*cre3se' ""-bct 0i) hT-Tl1:T*"I[fr5i'jlX.f';nrHl*"l.iq lrdi@ ol I slng otlt ttoln arc one ehlld totll n|lmb€r oI *r*r shall bc dccmed ro be children. on' cntiiy wtrile couotin8 thc csndidate-.the child bom (ouming the totat numb'r ofchildren ofs tiii) \"" whilc countcq' i..,. Ji"t alrit"ty -a having disabili(v shall not be trY' {iv)thissub-rulcshal|nolberpplicablctorhcappointmentofawidow.under "iitt"iii"it tt," 'n"jast'un comPassionste -A'PPoirtm'nt oI iili "r Govemmcnt strvans R'las' 1996' ;;Jil;;iD*ea*d 27. scrccr ioo by tbc APpo:j::--*lilll?;;;'.11J"T,,',1X'R snar 9- l0 and I I, lhe ApPoinling Aulnonty 25: list prepered urdcr rulc :::::lT:i ryJ"-'" no ri8ht lo csndidrte's name in tbe list'confcrs such inquir' as may oe tft" Afpoinring Auhoriw is srLisfted aflcr resPects for appointmenl -*1"*'"'",'"ii"* all olher necessary th&t s1|ch candtddrc ls;;ilablc 'n Provided that inclusion ofs "onsiocred conc€med. to the Post PART _V BY PROMOTION PROCEDURE TOR RECRUITMENT of PtomolioD Committc€'- Conslilution 28. Constituiion oI thc Dcprrtmental the Commitlee shall bo as {A) l, unoer For the posr(s) fttling *ithin the purview of rire Commission: Chairman. member Chairman oftheCommissioo ora ther€of nomtnakd bY him' 2. Secretary lo Covemmen! in the Administrative rlrc DcDsnment or his nomince no! belo* rani of Dcputy Secreory !o Gov'mrcent 3 S€tretary to Covemmeflt in nol b€lor;l Delanmenl ofPtrsonnel or his nominee the rank ofDeputy Secrctary to Cove'nmenl' { (B) thc H€dd ofthe DQarL'nenl c'rncc-nco' lor th' Post(s) oul side the Furvie$ of c Comi i:"e L: Nels ir Ptdir{ of t: Mcmber Member' l4ember Stcre(aryrhc Comrnission and otlier thai ti '17 t- Hard 2. Ooe 3 of$c D€Pr|fircnt ofliccr nominated bJ thr Dcpdtment' . I n charge o Chairmtr crno'med f €stitblishmcnt d Head of th€ Mcnber tbc vernbct Secrerary Hctd quancrs ' may ot Mcmbe'_s€cretary' as the case Pmvided that in c'sc Eny Membcr post $e 10 thc Commifie€ h's not bc'n appointcd beingrhs'rl rimc r'tolding cisrgc of the post for lhe i" *ittit*itg 3'""1-"i'ii"l'm"* be thc Membcr or Mqnb€r scc;ebty' ai lie casc may b€' ot nc Comrnitte€ commi$ee shall bc^as Mini$criat Service posts' the Note: Subo'dinate ulnces ""'-- In rcspeci ofthe bv thc Oowrnrrcnt in lh; Rajasthan "on*irurtd Ministerial Servicc Rul€s' 1999' (c) ' (l) {2) (3) tY anv othcr q"T. selecrions for lne pos(s) ?B.l oI ":""d..:J^ in thc Puftiew of fiis commrftee' ae L"""-t""t from time lo time made by s selcction Commrltft anended from limc to tlme' shall be consi$ing of the following:' of thc Dcpartm€Dt Ofli€er) Levcl Regional Head the rank or nis roPr€sentative (not bclow ot Dist.ict Colleclor o' his rcpr€scntative District Lav€l offioorofthe D'partmenl 'Disnict L.evcr.otn€er'.TT:ffif#f'"1""""'*:.asi:"1-1t.ff"iiXi:l E'pran'{ioi': ' Cotlec.tor or the Appoltlllng Autho'riv tr'" omccr d-cctared as'such hv the APpoinring 6"riil; '*'* concemed' " l'::t-:: i:','r:t:11'.."1i*ffiil1;il:ii:[.t:; **'i'o,IYF::^;;1" e..." * ir" 0I va " lo the bdongiog Plsce candidate(s) tic "*r"-s"l"iut"a "ii", Autiotity conemeo Appointing loihe snme lt|c un;r in terms of distsnce, arid lorwarcl rhc committec sharr preP",e anpointment ro the Posl il ;':: )e. c rireria, E:ttbllyi il' ;il::J:i -":d- ::':-d.: ; numD!'(ulil"i. Appoinring Aurhorily d.termines the i,f*n t" oy promorion. rhs . rs req'"* - i" ": l1';-^-^;,'and d.'id<s thsl a certain number ot Posts i. .1 ,,r rrn serr ."ni end comPl-'(e lisl a 'l',, ', or sus+ute ir; 1 "Jmc' #,lflJIT' ,.li'iitlti t.iii*i *p" IE ;"'-; .i*f:}tfl{+'ft ffi H:"T;il*Ti* *i;T:,*"#*:l**"- i": -*" Ti$iffi ffiH,f#ffi]':ffi :fi $*;r:'T"r*;:*t*:* *J*il*r*:r#'J#fu ilJiffi*q,p5iffii:ili.''ir;;rj*.;li:;"#":#i"f+ f*'*u"**Ji"$':fr'"" :1:f fJfJfil ff:il1ril:'ffi:::Til: $,xl&*:;5I"T"::S:*fi :f ix lune,2002: Providcd th6t' o'i;ffi LtllT:#fi lii1""n" 2694 l#l'HiiJ:"1T;:J'n aoes n"t increase' "*i"::"-T:'fi (i') :l::^irF$"F:^ilJJ::!"{ii;qi.:ffi[*lt{jlr'*H+t to shall ba deemed childrc (ii,) -^^'i'r'r' HfSi:iH;l#*TfiH the child bonr :liiiii.,":':i.""ftx':3:?'S:' in the scrvice rne Post(s) incruded sh.' be m'de cn ,ne !?':i"#:i:'fi:l"S:lon -'lirocti siraii ir€ as forttromolion ofP€':bns eligible (6) Thc zofl€ ofconsideratio[ I *#m* ySgggy"r:sr$'roL9-""'g!sr t9 l9 (b) for two vraaloies (c) for lhtee s cigbr allgiblc Pcrso8 trt! cligiblc Pqsons vactnc'6 or dotc vt'drcies qusllo eligiblo pcrsons thJnrrmbcr of vacanctes lhrec tlmcs ' (d) fot'lou (ii) xHi.':T'ffiX'""Jil'f :','""sff;,1i-#:S91ffi i'J15i"S consideted. (iii) *rs***mt;i,;+*ru*** $em. i:l *g-rit".*l***ur*:'*:tr:*#f "T:'''1 'g*X**m*+*tr*i*ii+l*Ti{trssi'* in all' g:x.rjff$if,if tpri.".iu.a :StffJJj;.*"Jl:''f'fl::.If ":if; .tt"ott"tu in ttt""" rute"' - $Ji;"S:Ulii:: ^_^^. ..r,n an eiisibtc *l$N**g*g***s*'"'itn* ?0 ffiffi k'***iirm**x,ll#FfrtuHrrHl;'*#gtl 'x gg1[i$gg**'*-.l:lklifi ft{r.trllffi consrderrhc r'er (;.i).rhccom:ilission 5r,3ir ierc,s,-r documenrs l: ::;.'l',.10fr _' I .onsid'rdl n4ccss3'! )""" *:: pr"f*ll.lli.'lTJl'LT:'Tl:iil':: *'tit" $i'li'; t^"'*i"' :"' c nsid'c ; ,. [+,irfl',il+H#r:'"il:il{'i:f lH:,Ht}"S#$imr]:r;: ****ug**x*'l"ffi**mxejt:l..'"+* or been eligible but for such suspensron F to the cootrar]' eff'cl notwithstanding an''ihing hlve shall rulc ofthis 1l ?) The orovisiods L"""i*a'.f**tt"* i" ant Provision ofth€se rules' -l*{t*:*##';: :f#:=**:'"i:n$lp;.#fi **",'*Sf; apPointment o' .on t'E"j::--':".,:,; Jiu. reouesr, and if the tedporary ;rqenl an. appoinrrneni'.hro":X"5,,ft U,.i*o' i..i*i i.ch. :TJ:'lJ:r:i, r" T5: A"lh-iv AFpoirnins concemed r*i" or urscnr rcmporary "::5:#"i;;ili',r," pj"-l;;;;i;"; t9'. consi&rgrton $e ftom deban€d recnrirne{rr ye&rs ror .wfiich lor suosslwtrr llJ^'ii-.*.--',1-",i.n sh&ll not be aDDoinrment or otr regular basis) 3,i,i*i.*'i'-t'"ro ""i'* **,:-l::il ",.$;il'J;lT'fr"J:'T$'tliliii* "' rncluded in the scniority-cum-€ltglolln years' subscquent two rccruitnicnt iii$il*o APPOTNTMENT' PROI 'o*tRMArIoN j:JT;il TrHilH; :.::":;lpf"I*:"ffi ,*J("1 9t ";#i; il. ,ne candidares selected-under rulc Authority on occ|lnenc€, { *tY:l:: 29 of thesc ;ffiH p"-.", *l*t"a under ruieo*er within 25 in orde! or mcrit and bI-?::i111U#;J;il 3r. Appoiotdent ro,h" r.jcruil'rt€fl! or by Pmrnotion' T ruies. The pcrens sn apFornred snart f,om on" p1"." to 0,e ':."-'..::':::':;; th3 .-xti1s 5she'itled i'*".i:'ftrlili*'i::"Il."-ili: :#:- n:gl** n:i" *irtxj:ff tr"t'a *ruftncd Gi" out 'ia" dcpuiatlon' i"ciudes deputrrioT & revc6€ ^'j[riil*".i 'oi;.' arso cadre in anv capa irv whrcn ffiH provided tbtt_ . ,r^,r ^f onc rFa! " ill.t r'#'.q{*i#*$ti{rl#i:1"'ffii*frIt is n'ce$ary "on"u*nt" reirsat lo colrur' lffi'xrffimffiffi$:lilP"r$#1ffi and for dilect rccruitrnent tr**tr$*$tmg,gg#;Ffl*ffi *fi$gp,grgn,r"raPr-'*:" Plovidcd rh-st:- ',,-**os;{ffi (2) f $: ;:;'iifr lli;'"ii'*ilili'i':"i'"&5'::FiliJ ;fr ,i,l"il r: rl" hv diNct r'cft'x 2,9 u (3) ,Iffi{*ffuffi;,Tt[HH:i,}i5'#'tu:* '' **H#l**{ffiftf"*-*'ffi'ul't* 5 iules' lffi**+tl*oq;'f*;['t'ul'. 3f#li";li*:ffifirs;:'' EP'|ana"':$ffi,ffig*;$ffifiLsffi Covcmor/dte Go 6t,tr},r:fru;ru$i.ffi side' u,"'",, t- I "*,"liY"llli'.H,ff ; lll"toir.;""lii'Hill:':;i':"'#'J?'ffi ffii .",I:r*'lt*' t*":;:::'$i"1:l,l3'xTll":i:'l'*"'**il'[:"'$"Hi probatio;t. d:"H#,;-i*di:{,,[in}::$ff'""*T::l?"ff'lJi::il"Ti'i1'JT'-lJ" /)- .24 xffi '** iJ*' ilmrr$If i:*:s'i**1"?ff u:::11''"m"'lgl'l;T(i,) yJ*l5lt,gl*il: -n" &.ifill$1"'"io:: J*' fl**' (iiD in the Depa(rnent' vacancy is availabl€ Pennsnenr tw*:;i'"g$Nfi*l.*;lgle,1ffi d,**-#m**i;rri"#ildkil:l*itilr'r*;irx service of 'e shal g.m*i;****'ry$x;r*'ssfl#'Jl'l'o#F"\l'*T'""' EtPlrtrelio!: (i) shall tneall I' p'rrpose of this rule lhc for R€8llar recruitmeor (')::-r,$l'::"11':l*'#il;f $;;;*"::ll":*'''lT;:::[::'".""' (b) T,E:'lt:1i1,1'i i;,i : :','l#tl,Hl'ff ::J:":'l:5i'i"1li'lll"'''iil'ii -a (c) aptoi ment by transfq !fter rcSohr Kurcs t'cNitmcnt wheft thc Servicc s!€cifically P€rm$ (d) **. ry Tf,,Sgf i, fr'",i,"rti$'l'r,i'XliJH,Ti# Dost under thcar rul€s dr6il bc " uBent temporary apPointmcnt Plovidcd thsl it shsllnot includc tnd reYlsron' to om"i*ing"f"rootion wtrich is subiect ol persons who 'eview '#r'i$*[',N'Htr;i{xiffi f$':'}''{i+g shall ue deemcd to hav' shall cease' l,ii". titi' rur" *o tft"r' licn on the prcvious posr rhiv $*.ili;"lffi'i,llilT,i!'ff :*"*;**ffii"{r#tir**"#-* be sarl ;robatio;er-trainee srE not found io i'lrr',trer to lhe post on *hich he/she appoinunent as !s-re8u'"" .i ii*n*g" "rminate Jri"i'upp,opAi probdio":'-l'"r"*.:111.::;.ti-".-ia . onFo(unity to y him/her f.om s"ruice. The appoin{in8 aulho 1jJil"i""",-i."i"* *'rirc thc linal orde's are pass€{ in rhis respccr: may' if it so lhinks tll in sny:H,":*t Protided lhal thr APpointing Authority ov specifred pcnod oi'liiv'ptii'ii"""t-u"i"* per;"t rhe extend caseq of "rp-u"l" ' not cxce€ding one Y€ar' al sluii bt confirmed in hisAer aPpointrnett 3?. coElirmation - A probationer ll,_ tbe end of hie/ber p€fiod of probatton' examination' (a) he/she has Pssed th€ depdlmental if any' complelely; ofproficienc)'in Hindi;8nd (b) hdshe has passed dcPqnm€ntal test (c) the CovemBlen! is '-'iJrtt" i, o,ht*'t" satisfi€d andlhat that his4lcr inEgrity is unqucsrionable fit for€onfirmstion PART . 38. S car e of pa 1. rh- p"' l^, n" -VIt PAY Yllx ffl *"}'"*":Jt ;?i$ffi.li t";ll;i;:r-;;r;r'ble period of sharr D" crooinred ro a post in rhe service ttu( lrx rcmun fronr time to ri,n: provided rule r> nro'ootion shsll bs !5 re[:ncd 10 ln du;ins rhe 26 *'sih{'$"Tffi #F';rh$ffi#tr#*i1n$:1: #***g*uf****ti*t****** --i*X"*-d**t--'"*x"$iEilffdf Rules' | 951' The Raja$han Service (l) (2) lime to tLme' contro' *":':t ":* T!:rlli*l.:il1,Tff:s{crdssincarion' from tirnc ro l97l' as amended Rules' Allowance The Raia$han Tiaveting l9?l' as amended ftom (conduct) Rules' (l) tjJ*"''to* civil sedic€: (4) rim€ lo tthe; ancnded fr"m Rulas' 1996' as (Pension) S't:I-vic€3 Thc Railslhan Civil lime to time; /1\ (6) (7) ( from as amended ili.-'"i"".ff * (Revised Pav scai€s) l}:"xi"1s,fi:'l::*ices H:^t:Jd"*:tr,,:'Jl:cNice's The Rajasthan Civil 8) dn1e to ::' :" as as amend':d fron Rulcs' 2005' (conribu(a'/ Pension) Pay) Rules' servic€s (Rev ised 2008' time; ano (e)l#.:J:;r1:li:',[**rtli"Hi.r",*::l:;i.*l]ffiii#Ji; ol lnd'ia and/or ony centrarrJrarc 4 i' i"wcr ia rcrx: .. ^!' - -n'res;:,"l5i,lli';;1".i'ff t"[ Jl'i]llj;:" :_.itrl*":.".|,ll';,::,";ililliili':"ir:;:;.'.:1,;1,.,*"fi " 1",i:;, -lii.,,' i': ,':f ij,':",; ",:,.,'r, :': .1;';*.'.,1 .i;,.rr:rr "'1''' r' ';; .. ' ' i ".,,1,, ..li,t;:': , :- " ir' ': ' : ! I i ; ii""H: ::l]l,ffi:'ft lli'll"Jll'?H:'"'ffij'll?iilf "' ;:* Ti:":'ffU:':'T,l Providedrha!-reraf,iT'h'11,:"'i:";Tl[T::,o]t'L# " (i $:,'t["H$"j iffi: f#Si':Jl #]'#if;"'"-:"L'&i"i'i'":;"it'"" """"'"'v; ) ff i":t'*'",',ffi11'i H'!r|tlii:Tf:: tFjS[-''#,li T::liffi ,i:3ilnx"i:1"'T:;';;,'il ;;;';' 42.R€nrc'{rorDoubrs-llY:,:"B:ffi ;::',1':-J:$r"ii}f"jJ"i}?:HTJ; it shall be refened to lnc df these rules' whosc decision thereon slull bc Imlr' **:.s'flt+iq*ll--".*;*ft nlll.5,#*:*:'*':s lh nat}:[;Til' ,5;,-r u-i)l'r* B] order snd in lhe I to the Gov€rnnrenl .l oi!!t'S€ctetary u lAo/l
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