― ・ │ し ‐‐ ‐ ― Oneヽ lore Stcp for the Prosperiけ ofFanllers, 1111::::I:lI魁 by thc Agriculttlre Department.Govemmcnt of Sindh Application Form I herebv submil thal ReSdent computefizedNalionalldentitycardNo.l-Fat]e/JHUSband,sName I Pos1 0nce Tabka■ ori,n ehЫ I______― Dに tncl: Agl倒 nd Suivey No"│ldl Nol turalね Acrci_Gha0laagriculturclland Terms and Conditions for the Applicant Applicaiion forms for the subsidy scheme can be obtained from lhe branches of Sindh Bank Limiied or from the website ,,lww.sindhbankltd.com and can be submitted in designated branches of Sindh Bank with following documents: 1- Copy of applicants CNIC, 2- Form Vll issued by Mukhtiarkar and muntersigned by Assistant Commissioner of the concemed Tehsil Taluka OR True certi,led copy ol form Vll du\,attested by tre Ass stanl Commissioner oi mnemed Tehsilor Taluka. $ Refundable payment of Rs.25,000 {Rupees trventy-fve lhousand only) in he form of pay orderidemand drafi in Director General Agriqrltural Engineering & Water Management Sindh, Hyderabad. &e nam€ of Afrdavl by the lamer 4‐ Application for tractor Cunenl residential address: Te ephone′ Mob‖ e No: Price below Rs 800,000 Pdce exceeding Rs 800,000 Signature/Thumb knpression Land Ownership Certificate Signalu16 and hereby cerlify $at the informalion proyided by l,,lrl[4s in the above rclevant rorm is conecl. I do A!sistanl Commrssionar ._-_*(j,-- 翠 蝿 “に Title of Account: Oir€ctor General, Sindh Bank Branch Copy Sindh Bank Branch Name: Fathe/s/Husband's Name: 藝甕 CNIC Authorir€d Signatory & Stamp: … … … … ― ― し ― 調 鉱 船 ¨ (Amounl Payable vir Pry order onlyl Title of Account: Director Gsneral, Engin6edng a Water Management, Accounl'3 copy Sindh Bank Branch Fatheas/Husband's Name: 図 甕 │││ CNIC No■ {Amount Payabls via Pay ord€r only) ____じ ‐ ― m魁 鉱 ¨ Title of Account Dkector Engin€ering & Wat3r Managsment, Appllcant's Copy Sindh Bank Branch Fath6/s/Husband's Name: CNIC No: Authorized Signatory & Stamp: 翼甕 (Amount Payab'e via Pay ode. only) For fann mechanization iD the proviDce, a subsidy offu 2 !o 3 lacs is being gjven by de Covemment of Sindh lor purchasing tractors. Under this scheme, the subsidy will be provided on $e basis ofdistrict quota allocaled by the Covemmeni of Sindh based on area under cultivaiioD in the respective districts. Ao口 ,闘 on10nnslor me su“ m lhe b口 nches ol ShOh Bank umに o。「 Om ule weosleぃ M″ lndう OankltO鰤 and● ■be subm llelい Oe59nⅢ l・ O晦 nch“ o「 "y scheme can be obta redお S ndh Bank輌 │・ lo l¨ ng oocuments ,‐ 2‐ Copy Ol app cants CNIC Fom VIIssued by Mlkhta■ i and∞ unbNgtt byハ sヽ ●nt αttmlssmer Olthe∞ ncelned Tehs orTdu饉 OR T■,cented cOw Oi10m oF cK nerned Teh劇 lo子 Ⅵ OJyan“ led"the As● slant CommttsOner Tdub en,lVe thousand on呼 )い いelom olpay olde″ Oemand Olalい the name ol DrecO「 General A91cutural Engneelng&haler Managettnt ndabに "RI● S ndh,Hメ わ● oal "pentOI Rs 25,α "(Rupees“ 4 AfFdav“ by磯 far er ● The ap口 canb uuld be a Pattsta■ ●lzen ● My pattstani● 1側 llu田 l bnd ownerい ard an a。 120n ha■ no owleJttp ol agicu lural bnd up l● ellib疇 to appy nい ule"ln∞ ol Sndh 25 acres orに ss h case oibattЮ eい nl arl∞ aoっ s orに ss h case ofnOn barageland h the p Oln∞ ol S,輸 woud be o scheme ・●tOns bm oneFanly,each memler shal have hlependenl ,メ e ap口 ● h case olsharern ders h bnd,onv one Ol● Юm shalbe do bb 10rhe suヽ 劇y underい ヽschene andい ● "of口 Ol ess lor non barage) bnd hlunO10 bO詢 崚 prescnbedlmlofulebndle 125oclesor esslorbanoeand5080喘 o The aplcanl哺 lbe Ⅲ 闘 loSubmlhυ heraplcatOn h the Sml Bankけ ョnch olconcemed Jsla whec h● her hnd slua ed ● Senalors,MNAS,MPAs,Di"u nnd TehsI Nttm.Oovemment ttcers al BPS■ 7 and above and there lamly members shal not be eり ble 10r the scheme “ n ano docurrenls att bum o beい 。 ●er and genun・ aner"mcatOn d Agncunじ 膊depa7“ ● Alpicans tt onけ be枷 Ob e10r● e cOvemmen subs dy rぃ oけ 。 lo"I the tredor obtained undeith s schene,nα "1““ ● Tne lanner"nellhe dⅢ もhe引 lored o r alamlerde● des to pulchase “ a llacbr、 Юtt up10 Rs 31心 ,hershe Jl be granled a subЫ 哺lbe ●The O tansler ts phyl口 1 1anslerlotmesNp 10 another p3● On 10f he nexll卜 ree(3)yeals “ dy OI Rs 2● cs and r heた he dectteslo pulcMse a taoor m morethan Rs 8い cs,hO“ e gっ nled a subsay OI Rs 3 bcS ap倒 │lantS輌 l be up 03ded at、 ぃ 出″aewm"8-lndha91 ntah ng henanesolsutt lamer■ lsl∞ and asO on snd1 3ank Web31e-3い Ohban‖ ld∞ m o The wmsslu app● rl Ⅲl be囀 面嗣 lo depost he baan∞ make and mdel● l競期,at ns● scre」 on alぃ o」 nl olthe plce ollheい 9ov pk and晰 ¨「,exdu● n9the subsidy amotnl l″ l al● be av3略 Ыeぃ いe deslna"dSい Oh Bank branches byぃ e“ pamenO,anerse mlo lhe h ch哺 `be"“ 日y edloblahed underい に∝heme musl be usedlor agnct mmlpuFes。 reCeved m subs dy m any● け ‐ ous s● 8me a“ nol eloわ し10rい ヽ朝コη o ● F枷 o、 口 dre■ 嗜輌l nOl be db輌 0“ nge the“ ke anO“mOde“dい いctor On∞ │● she陥 12es a四 ヽ ∞■子 い山 ● The ap口 "have “ lhe plce Oflhe"dolas a ttul● l any hcreaseldecrease h he mmo輌 De the Soに ∞ncenl oilhe appl“ nt ● Any● IFereR"い e Suぃ sslu ap口 隧 wm be requ red lo pay re9ヽ alonlee oltacta n the10m ola sepa● le“ y ome6 10 DirecO“ ned Ag"ω lura Engheein9 8 Walef Manaoemenl Sndh H"elab" be relumed o l″ M by Aglcttue depattett aner he Fgお いlon ol he uactOr h hmername ● The nmoum d Rs 26∞ “ O deposiled by a successlul apphcan wⅢ ,dy o SIndh Bank輌 ,p Ov del∞ n ladi″ 10 Succosullamers a獅 口ing 10 me pdicy oi Sindh Bank umted exdudir9 he Gove7nmenl suヽ ● h“ se a lamer avals the oan ttdi,ol Sndh Bank lle● clof Ml be de lered lo h"her al● rthe lraclor s le9 Ыemd Oい ty● me name oisndh eank a“ ne bmerand al・ er paynen e Tne hc・ │「 面 │・ . ol da'ges of ComoreiEngve lnsucnce by lhe famer. Arplicints will be daE€d e s€rvic6 fee ol Rs.300. 1,ldoh6'eby3olemnlyded8lelhallamowneIofUnder.cUlUYation-ac'e Ta ukゴ D Stlel silLraledin 30 days end will, after selecling lhe make and mod8lol lrector meke peymenl ol an amount squivalonl 3- a! coud of law I am bound under lhe lerms h tho pdco ol lhe llactor, exduding lhe subsidy anount, in h6 fom o, and condilions ol lhe scheme 1o gel the registration ol lhe lractor hom lhe compelenl authorily through ihe Agriculture Depadment Govolnmont oi Sindh. 4 I will nol 5 I will use 0le lraclor allotted lo me under lhe scieme Ior agnculbal puryos€s only. ldo re he fador alloflad lo rne under lhe sdreme, nor will I lransler the physhal possessiodownership Ihereof Ior he ne( lhree ),eals. I violale any oi lhe lerms and cordilions oi lhe scheme or make any misdeclaraiion, will be bound lo repay th€ subsdy Governm8nl of Sindh, and lhat any smounl payable by me will bs rscovsrod lrom me und6r ths n6w revenue laws. 7. l, lhoreforg, hope that you lvill kindly approvo my applcation under lhe abovi.m6nlioned toms and condilionS of the 6cheme and include my name in the ba loting 6 hereby agree thal in case amounl lo Ag.icull!rc 0epadmenl, Falheagtlusband s Name: CNIC Nol Signalure,Thumb lmpression: Address Noter Please get thls Afiidavil in th€ lollowing brdnches. a 100 Rs stamp paperand Si # S, I ” a ∝ “ ” い い , “ い η い ” い m“剛昭卿”匝 Branch Colo “ 0 2 研 σ ” Щ噸剛叫mmmm咄崚 Sr # submltitalong whh Appllcation fonn aier attestation by Nolary Public/Oath Commissioner mmm鰤鴨¨陀出mm Sr, wiften on Please contact For FunherinfOma10n: Diolo● Agncullure Department,Covennent of Sindh Cang sndh B∝ k` B・ Shぬ b23● ldI“ Hydc● い A3rculml E● ●● 。 C No o21 992■ ,3● 2‐ “ ,rd Fい or Fcdc● loo Ho■ W●b前 。ぃ o″ ,ぃVm Org&,● ″ w“ ndresl g。 `Pho● ・ sで ,k '"Ⅲ ,022920X5,「 ,x No 022'2∞ 07, Sindh Bank Limited,Agricul`ural Credit Division ,い 。117,6∞ Pho■ eN。 l o8∞ 33322.02卜 ,582,336 Fax No ∞ ■358'0,4, WcOshe www s,ndh"mヽ lld comと UAN:+ツ 21H卜 3'3‐ 225 ,Aldunn shah chtti Road Cllo■
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