Regional Association for Vocational Teacher Education in Asia

Regional Association for
Vocational Teacher Education
in Asia
SEAMEO-CDM Bangkok 24 to 26 of June 2014
Prof. Dr. Numyoot Songtanapitak
Dr. Rolf Burghardt Gennrich
Dr. Sirilak Hanvatanakul
Content of presentation
RAVTE abstract
Short history
Vision and Mission
RAVTE constitution and management
Organisational structure
Transnational cooperation and integration
Expected output and impact
Future cooperation with SEAMEO
1. RAVTE abstract
• The ASEAN integration process in general and the upcoming AEC in 2015 in particular will require a
higher efficiency and a quality breakthrough in the TVET sector. TVET is called upon to meet the social
and economic demand of the emerging societies in the ASEAN region. Those requirements are not
achievable neither on regional nor on national level without a high performing vocational teacher
education system.
• The newly founded “Regional Association for Vocational Teacher Education in Asia” (RAVTE) is one
important answer to this challenging development with the focus to meet the needs of integration and
cooperation in the TVET sector in Asia.
• RAVTE is the succeeding, independent and exclusive body resulting from the former "Regional
Cooperation Platform for Vocational Teacher Education in Asia (RCP)", a German funded regional project
of the "Federal Ministry for lnternational Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
2. Short history
2008 - 07/2011
Cross-national cooperation in the field of Vocational
Teacher Education supported by German
Government (BMZ), implemented by GIZ-Project
and applied by 5 VTE partner institutions from
China, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos IBB-Institute at
Tongji University Shanghai
08/2011- 03/2014
Regional Cooperation Project for Vocational Teacher
Education Asia (RCP) funded by German Government
(BMZ) implemented by GIZ-Peking. The cooperation
activities has been managed by the projectSecretariat at IBB/Tongji Shanghai. 12 Universities
from 8 ASEAN countries.
March 28, 2014
14 Universities from 8 ASEAN Countries take a
landmark ruling decision by founding the first
Vocational Teacher Education Association in ASEAN
(RAVTE) in Chiangmai/Thailand.
3. Vision and Mission
 The vision of RAVTE is the availability of a high performing and harmonized
TVET sector policy in the region which meets the demand and challenges of
ASEAN integration processes, which is based on political consensus of all
involved parties, which refers on regional standards and quality criteria’s in
the TVET sector and finally which has a strong impact on social integration,
harmony and peace throughout the region.
 The mission of RAVTE is to highlight the importance of TVET in general and
VTE in particular on regional and national levels. RAVTE will support
vocational personnel development in order to enhance TVET quality and
efficiency as well as foster the on-going integration activities and
developments in East and Southeast Asian countries.
4. RAVTE Constitution and management
RAVTE is a regional non-profit organisation
focussing on the interests of the East and
Southeast Asian countries.
The members are leading institutions or legal
entities being involved in vocational teacher
education and in research on vocational
education. RAVTE acts according to the laws
and regulations of its country of residence.
Residence of RAVTE is the country where the
elected president of the association is
The main objectives of RAVTE are:
Enhancement of Vocational Teacher Education
(including institutional development)
Enhancement of research activities on Vocational
Enhancement of regionalisation processes and
The representatives of the founding meeting
have elected the following respectable persons
as President and Vice-Presidents of RAVTE:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Numyoot Songtanapitak
President of RAVTE
Prof. Dr. Jailani Mohd Yunos
Vice President for Research and Development
Dr. Phan Sy Nghia
Vice President for Capacity Development
Dr. Agus Setiawan
Vice President for Public Relations and
Dr. Rolf Gennrich and Dr. Thomas Schröder both senior
experts from Germany, has been invited to becomes
executive board members of RAVTE:
5. Organisational Structure
General Assembly
Advisory Board
Executive Board
RAVTE member
Permanent member: Institutional member who shall contribute to RAVTE
as annually fee and activities.
Non-permanent member:
• Individual such as lecturer of VTE institute, VTE student, vocational
teacher and educator.
• Expert on VTE and TVET.
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sirilak Hanvatananukul
Head of Secretariat
Asst. Prof.Dr.Yoopayao Daroon (RMUTL)
Financial Officer
Founding members:
Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Thailand - BURAPHA University Thailand - National University of Laos,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - University of San Carlos Cebu Philippines – University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia –
Yogyakarta State University Indonesia – Universitas Negeri Surabaya - National Teacher Training Institute Cambodia University of Technical Education HCM Vietnam – Nam Dinh University of Technology Education Vietnam - Institute for
Vocational Teacher Education, Tongji University China – Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyabouri Thailand – Bejing
Normal University China.
New applying members:
Hong Kong University(China) and National Polytechnic University(Cambodia) are interested in applying as RAVTE
6. Transnational Cooperation and Integration
Due to its regional orientation, RAVTE will cooperate with all relevant regional or
international institutions and organisations (on political institutional and and operational
levels) if the cooperation contributes to its main purposes. Mutual cooperation agreements
are foreseen with countries from overseas.
Academic and non-academic Teacher
Training Institutions in ASEAN and Asia-wide
Teacher Training Institutions and
Universities overseas (e.g. ITB Bremen,
Regional Organisations (such as SEAMEO
VOCTECH, UNESCO Regional Office,
AUN Bangkok and CPSC)
International donors and players in the
TVET sector in Asia (GIZ, USAID, AusAID)
7. Expected Output and Impact
RAVTE is capable to support regional integration processes by
cooperating together with other International Organisations and Donors
(SEAMEO, UNESCO as mentioned above),
RAVTE has the potential to contribute to ASEAN integration policies
such as the TVET and Skills Development sector via support to the
working groups of Senior Education Officials Meeting (SOM-ED) and
Senior Labour Official Meeting (SLOM) in order to support political
harmonisation measures in the region,
RAVTE will contribute to the development and implementation of
regional professional standards and common rules and regulations in
Nation-wide (VTE)
RAVTE represents the interests of various academic and non-academic
institutions in the field of Vocational Teacher Education from East and
Southeast Asia. ln this sense the association will support reforms and
respective programs in TVET and VTE entities in member countries and
throughout the region.
RAVTE aims at contributing to a higher performance and quality of the
TVET sector by upgrading VTE-staff, improving TVET quality, enhancing
institutional management and raising awareness on the regional
dimension of VTE in the member countries.
8. Future cooperation with SEAMEO
RAVTE and SEAMEO-VOCTECH representing mutual interests
of participation and contribution with regard to the
generation of partnership and synergies in the field of TVET
in general and VTE in particular.
Based on the very fruitful cooperation in the frame of the
cooperation between SEAMEO and RCP, - RAVTE would be
honoured to sing a new Memorandum with SEAMEO in order
to keep the advantages and to further develop transnational
cooperation and integration.
Fields of cooperation within the context of ASEAN could be:
Backing TVET reforms and supporting integration
Harmonizing VTE Standards, regulations and certifications
Establishing services for vocational teacher training
Enhancing action oriented research
Initiating joint conferences and events
9. Outlook
Launch RAVTE-office in Chiang Mai and/or
Meet acting Minister of Education/Thailand
Setting up plan of operations and business plan
Meet SEAMEO (cooperation agreement)
Meet Representatives from RECOTVET/GIZ
Meet Representatives from COMET/USAID
Contact German Universities
Organize 1st General Assembly - Conference in
Bangkok or HCM Vietnam, November 2014
For more information please contact the following
Prof. Dr. Numyoot Songtanapitak
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sirilak Hanvatananukul
Dr. Rolf Gennrich
Dr. Thomas Schroeder
xie xie ni
Thank you
Danke schön