Tai Chi Brochure Fall 2014

Through deep relaxation
of mind and body,
one can achieve
peak performance.
Wonchull Park
All classes are taught by Master
Wonchull Park, founder of the
Wuwei Tai Chi School. He has been
teaching Tai Chi and other internal
martial arts for the past twenty years.
His teaching combines traditional
k n o w l e d g e w i t h s c i e n t i fi c
understanding, drawing on his
background as a physicist. He
approaches Tai Chi as a unifying
discipline of martial art, philosophy,
meditation, health/healing exercise,
and everyday life methods.
Master Park teaches Chen 陳,
Yang 楊, and Wu 吳-style Tai Chi.
His Chen Tai Chi teacher is Master
C h e n P e i s h a n 陳 沛 ⼭山 , 2 0 t h
generation successor of Chen-style
Tai Chi, and the Chairman of the
International Society of Chen
Taijiquan (ISCT). Master Park is on
the board of directors of the ISCT.
See further: http://www.wuweitaichi.org/
Tai Chi
Martial Arts
For further information, contact Princeton
University Tai Chi Club: [email protected]
or Mackenzie Hawkins:
[email protected]
Class Schedule
Tai Chi*
Dillon Gym
Dillon Gym
8-9:15 PM
(During academic
Internal Martial Arts
This class teaches the essence of
traditional internal martial arts which
use comfortably-generated, relaxed
power in contrast to more common
external martial arts. The relaxed way
helps prevent injury and also enables
m o r e e f f e c t iv e p o w e r. P hy s i c a l
relaxation is not engaging muscles
which oppose one’s own action, thus
generating more power. The course is
open to beginners and experts. Martial
artists already in training will find this
knowledge useful to supplement their
own disciplines.
Abilities taught include ChinNa (joint
l o ck a n d e s c a p e ) , G o l d e n B e l l
(resilience to injury), and One-inch and
Zero-inch punches (Chunjin: the most
important ability due to the close range
nature of actual self defense situations).
(During academic
Tai Chi Club
Tai Chi 太極拳 is a Chinese martial
art, health exercise, and meditation
method based on Taoist philosophy
that emphasizes deep relaxation of
m i n d a n d b o d y. I n Ta i C h i ,
meditation is practiced sitting,
standing, and while moving, and can
thus be applied to any situation in
life. This helps one achieve better
performance in one's activities and
can enhance creativity, health, and
power in martial arts. In addition to
the mind-body approach of
awareness practice, Tai Chi also uses
a body-qi-mind 精氣神 approach
which recognizes that a healthy body
supports a healthy mind.
8-9:30 PM
Martial Arts*
Tai Chi
Room 103
3 PM-4:30 PM
New South
Open Tai Chi
Club Class **
10 AM-12 PM
Carl Fields
open to public)
* A gym pass and class registration are
required for these Dillon Gym classes. Online
registration: http://www.princeton.edu/
** The Open Tai Chi Club Class is open to the
general public. Sunday sessions may include
warm-up exercises, form practice, pushhands, and martial arts applications. Those
interested may also be taught weapons such
as sword and spear.