Loddonvale Newsletter Autumn 2013

Loddon Vale Practice
Hurricane Way, Woodley
Reading, Berkshire RG5 4UX
Caring for our community
Autumn Newsletter
Equipment Donation to the
District Nurses
PPG Treasurer, Jim Forrester, with the
District Nurse team, as he presented them
with two otoscopes and five pulse oximeters on behalf of the PPG, the patients’
committee. Front: Carol Rodgers with Jim
Forrester, back row, l – r: Karen Spicer,
Team Secretary, Marilyn Turner, Miranda
Young. “This makes a difference to the
quality of care we can give to our
patients,” said Miranda Young, “so we’re
really pleased."
Issue 5
Opportunities not to be missed!
Learn to save a life!
Ever wanted to know how to
perform cardiac compressions
and help someone who’s
suffering from a cardiac arrest?
If so, now is your chance. The
Loddon Vale Practice is holding a
CPR training evening on Tuesday,
29 October, from 7.30 - 9pm.
A qualified trainer will guide us
through the course and give us
some hands-on practice. It’s a
light-hearted course but you will
learn a vital skill. As places are
limited, booking is essential.
Tickets costs £5 per person (£4 for
senior citizens). To reserve your
place please call 969 4897.
Healthy eating on a budget
Photo by Alice Hudson
Come and hear how to eat well on
a tight budget. On Thursday,
21 November, the Loddon Vale
Practice is hosting a presentation
by a specialist dietitian from
Wokingham Community Hospital.
You will hear about easy ways to
Flu jabs & PPG collection
This year flu jab clinics are being held
on Saturdays 5 & 19 October and the
PPG will be there to hold their annual
collection. Last year patients were
very generous and this enabled the
PPG to improve facilities for all.
Bicycle racks were installed outside
the surgery, brochure racks were
fitted in the Waiting Area and
donations of equipment were made
to the practice and to the District
Nurses. The PPG also set up training
courses (see CPR above) and is
Proud to support the
Loddon Vale Practice
extending this to other subjects
(please see the “Healthy eating”
presentation in the next column).
If anyone would like to give a
donation by cheque to help us
continue our work at the
practice, this should be made out
to The Loddon Vale PPG.
We are setting up a Patient
Reference Group (PRG) and we
need your email address so that
you can be involved. Please see
page 3 (inside) for details.
plan your meals with cost and
health in mind; perfect for busy
Mums, students or anyone who
wants to eat well within a set
budget. It starts at 7.30pm and
will end by 9pm. The first talk is
free to attend so don’t miss out,
book now. Phone 969 4897.
For a free valuation of your
property please call a
member of our friendly team.
Woodleys Estate Agents
132 Loddon Bridge Road Woodley Berkshire RG5 4AW www.woodleysestateagents.com T: 0118 969 9787
But Tai Chi as a complementary therapy (i.e. in no
way as a cure!) has been endorsed by:
Focus on Tai Chi
by Penny Lowndes
In the last newsletter we looked at local,
inexpensive and sociable activities in Woodley.
This time we are focusing on
Tai Chi, which is a very popular activity in this
Tai Chi is a martial art created in China nearly
500 years ago by a former Military Governor. Its
full name – Tai Chi Chuan – means Yin/Yang
Boxing and, although it was developed for
fighting, it draws on yoga-like health practices
and concepts. A simplified form of 24 postures
was compiled by the Chinese Sports Commission
in 1956.
Each individual in the group performs the
postures – there is no body contact and certainly
no combat. This basic set (which can be built on
by the advanced practitioner) is suitable for all
ages and range of fitness.
the British Heart Foundation
the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society
NHS Choices
In Woodley, classes run in the Oakwood Centre
on Thursday evening and Friday morning, in
Coronation Hall on Thursday afternoon (SHINE
over-50s programme – beginners & advanced)
and in Woodford Park Leisure Centre (several
evening courses are run by Berkshire Tai Chi)
Don’t forget: If you or your family take part in an
activity that you think others would like to know
about, please send an email marked “Fit and
Fun” to [email protected].
Regular practice of Tai Chi brings a range of
health benefits:
 Development of good posture – so
reducing muscular tension which may
cause pain and discomfort
 Development of co-ordinated movement
– reducing the risk of strains and
 Improvement of motor skill and control
by slow repetitive movements which
deepen the breathing to help lower blood
pressure and increase strength and
 Improvement of balance – reducing the
risk of falls
 Sustaining bone density by the loadbearing nature of the exercises.
Good luck and have fun!
Libraries join health scheme
Health professionals and libraries have joined
forces to provide a ground-breaking new
scheme. A selection of expertly chosen books is
available at libraries across the borough to guide
people through a variety of problems, including:
depression, anxiety, panic attacks, eating disorders, relationship problems, etc. A list of 30
titles is available and, if you don’t know which
book to choose or where to find it, just ask a
member of the library staff for help. The
following website also provides information:
There is much research underway into the
possible benefits of Tai Chi as a treatment and no
claims about that are being made here.
The PRG and PPG – what are they?
in: accountancy, market/social research, event
organisation and fund raising. We’d also like to
increase the number of working-age patients on
the team and want to recruit new members
between the ages of 20-60.
If you’re interested in joining the committee,
please complete an application form. This is
available from Reception and should be returned
there, with “Application for the PPG” written on
the envelope. Please include brief details of your
work experience.
Thank you.
At the Loddon Vale Practice we’re keen to gather
views from patients about the service they
receive. To help us to do that we have a patient
survey and results are compiled every quarter
but, for the survey to really reflect patient views,
we would like to collect as many responses as
possible. With this in mind, we are asking
patients to provide us with their email addresses,
so that we can send out and receive the
questionnaire easily.
Remember that repeat prescriptions
may be ordered on the practice website.
Visit: www.loddonvale.com
When you come in, remember to check
the patient information:
The patients in this group will be known as the
Patient Reference Group and, by becoming a
member of the PRG, we can also keep you up-todate with news from the practice. In addition,
the Patient Participation Group (the PPG) will be
able to give you information about their
activities, such as health information events. In
the last year, they have organised training
sessions on Basic Life Support and plan to hold
talks by specialists on subjects such as how to
deal with stress, looking after your back and
living with long-term conditions.
To be part of this new group, please write your
name and email address on the PRG slip,
available at the Reception desk and return it to
Thank you.
Our thanks go to Rebecca Day, Deputy Chair of
the PPG, who organised the new brochure
racks for the Waiting Area. Newsletters,
patient questionnaires and leaflets are now
neatly available in one place.
Help for those with Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes UK is hosting a free event on Type 2
diabetes on 5 November at the Hilton Hotel,
Drake Way, South Reading. Healthcare
professionals will provide information on diet,
medication, travel, driving and care. This will be
particularly useful for those who have been
diagnosed in the last few years or who still have
questions about their condition. As places are
limited, diabetics who are interested should preregister online at www.diabetes.org.uk/lwdd
or email [email protected]
or call 0207 242 1000.
The Patient Participation Group is a committee
that acts as a communication channel between
the patients and the practice. Matters of interest
to the patients are discussed, including regularly
reviewing the patient survey. The PPG also sets
up training and health education events and
raises money for additional equipment and
facilities at the practice.
We have a couple of places to fill on the
committee and are looking for people with skills
Flu vaccination, Pneumovax, and the Shingles Vaccine
The flu vaccine is highly effective at preventing flu. All patients over
65, and all patients with the long term conditions of Diabetes
(types 1 and 2), Heart Disease, Asthma, COPD, Kidney Disease and
Liver disease should be vaccinated once a year against flu.
Other groups who should be vaccinated are: those patients with
conditions which reduce their immunity; those who are having
medical treatment which reduces their immunity; pregnant women
at any stage of pregnancy.
The flu vaccine is very safe, containing no live virus so it cannot give
you flu. The high risk groups listed above could be made seriously ill
catching flu, so it is extremely advisable to get protected. The flu
virus changes itself every year so the vaccine needs redesigning
every year to match the virus. This is why you need the flu
vaccination every year.
The Medical Team’s areas
of special interest:
Dr Milligan
• contraception
Dr Marshall
• minor surgery
Dr Fard
• minor surgery
• orthopaedics
Dr Jabir
• diabetes
Dr Patel
• contraception
Dr Duncan
• contraception
Dr Khatri
• minor surgery
Dr Chivers
• heart disease
This is an immunisation against the commonest
cause of pneumonia. The high risk groups are the
same as for the flu vaccination. For most patients, a
single vaccination gives you lifelong immunity. The
exception is patients who have no spleen or those
with more advanced kidney disease, who need
five-yearly pneumovax.
If you are in a high risk group and do not know if
you have had the pneumovax, please ask us.
The Shingles Vaccine
As we age, our immune systems weaken, increasing
the chance of the chickenpox virus, that most
people carry from childhood, becoming active and
causing shingles. Shingles can cause a painful rash,
and can be a more serious concern if it affects the
face near the eye. Some patients experience long
lasting pain (neuralgia) after shingles. It is well
worth trying to reduce the risk of developing
The NHS plans to offer the vaccine to all people
The Loddon Vale Practice
of Wikimedia
Author: McFarlandmo
between 70 and 79 years old, which is the group
who are most at risk. Over 80s do not respond as
well to the vaccine. At first however, only those
aged 70 and 79 years old will be vaccinated.
People aged 71 to 78 will be done at a later stage.
You are eligible for the shingles vaccine if you were
born between 2.9.1942 and 1.9.1943 and also
between 2.9.1933 and 1.9.l934.
Flu clinics
This year's flu clinics are at 8.30am on Saturday
5th October and Saturday 19th October. If you are
in a high risk group as described above, you are
encouraged to attend. We can do your pneumovax
and shingles vaccinations at the same time.
Autumn 2013
Designed and edited by Jackie Trick