N.S.W. Churrches Foo otball Asssociation n Inc. www w.nswcfa.co om.au Secrettary, PO Box 509,CHESTE ER HILL NSW W 2162 Phone number : 80991 6100. Fax number : 8417 2666 Email E Addresss : secretary@ @nswcfa.com.au Wet W Weeatherr Policy To miniimise unneccessary disrruption to thhe draw our preference is not to caancel gamess. On most occcasions thee Councils we w hire grouunds from will w make th he decision tto close gro ounds. Whilst ggames will not be calleed off solelyy because itt is raining, player/referree safety iss paramoount and if thhe grounds are deemedd to be unsaafe, matchess will be canncelled. mon sense inn the trainin ng environm ment and too stay off arreas that Clubs aare asked too use comm are obvviously not in a suitab ble conditioon and allo ow the field ds to recovver. If grou unds are damageed Councilss may attem mpt to recovver costs frrom Clubs. The Assocciation will not pay these coosts. The deccision to canncel matchees will be m made by the President, Secretary S annd Technicaal Directoor. pm on Fridaay night. If games g are called c off, thhe whole A decission will be made by 5p competition round may get caalled off. Cluubs will be notified by email. It w will also be put p on the NSW WCFA webbsite, Facebo ook and twiitter before 7pm. If there is heavy raain overnigh ht a decisionn will be maade by 7am Saturday m morning. Clu ubs will be notiffied by emaail. It will also be put onn the NSWC CFA websitte, Facebook ok and twitteer as soon as possible. If club S Secretaries do not havee access to ttheir emailss on a Saturd day morninng, please ad dvise the NSW WCFA Secrretary and a phone calll or text messsage will be b sent. Individuual games caan be cancellled at the diiscretion of the t Associattion Manageement Comm mittee or referee oon a field byy field basis. There m may be occaasions where some grouunds will bee available to t completee a competittion round oof only e.g. Premier Leeague or Raaahauge Cup p South. If this is the ccase then thee Associaation will make m this deccision. At all tiimes the asssociation wiill try to avooid playing incompletee rounds &/oor catch up matchess at night ettc. Proud dly Sponsorred By:
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