TELE EPHONE : 25 5591443/11977 FAX : 25 5505185 PP P, TROMBAY Y BOM MBAY-4000885 NMENT OF INDIA GOVERN BHAB BHA ATOMIC RESEAR RCH CENTR RE NUCLEAR RECYCLE GROUP TECHN NOLOGY DE EVELOPME ENT DIVISIION Enqu uiry Ref.: BAR RC/NRG/PRTTRF/LAB/RLP/14-15/01//107 Datte: 01-01-2015 Job No. N BARC/NR RG/PRTRF/LA AB/RLP/14-1 15/01 Sub: Invitatiion of quootation for " Modificaation, fabrication, installation and d missioning off service pip pings in glovve boxes misscellaneous SS S modificaation work at a comm Recon nversion Lab boratory, PR RTRF, BARC C, Trombay as a per techniical specificaation.” In connecttion with the above work, you are requuired to submiit your lowesst quotation foor the abbove work as per tender tecchnical speciffications. The follow wing terms annd conditionss shall be adhhered to and taken cognizzance of whille submiitting your offfer1. The work sh hall be carriedd out at PRTR RF site, BARC C, Mumbai. 2. You shall arrrange all maaterials and toools required for the workk and the dep partment wiill release only y FIM (free-isssue materiaals) listed in the t tender tecchnical speciification. 3. You shall usse your own personnel p and equipment too carry out thee work. 4. The offer sh hall be valid for f a period of 45 days andd in case of placement p of the t work ordeer shall remain firm till the completion c off the work. 5. The quotatiion in sealed d envelopes shall s reach this t office latest by 12th January J 20115 before 1.00 P.M. The sealed envellope shall be addressed to Mr. BIN NU KUMAR R, Scientific offficer (D), TD DD, NRG, BA ARC, Tromb bay, Mumbai-85. The enq quiry numbeer shall be clea arly mentioned on the froont side of the envelope. 6. The complettion schedule for the work shall be clearrly mentionedd in the offer. 7. Full paymen nt will be relleased withinn 30 days off successful completion c o the work in of i accordance with w the rules in force regaarding the minnor fabrication works. 8. SECRECY: It shall be unnderstood thatt no foreign firm f or individdual (s) are too be associateed with this wo ork. The Conntractor shalll not disclosee any inform mation furnishhed to him by b BARC nor any a drawings / documentss prepared byy him. The coontractor shalll be subject to t the provision ns, along withh latest amenndments, of thhe Atomic Ennergy Act 19662 and officiaal secrets ACT 1923 pertainning to such innformation att all times. 9. CONTRAC CT DURATIO ON: Within the 01 montths from thee date of worrk order. Thhe contract shall be valid annd rates shalll be kept firm m for a compplete period as a specified in i Agreement. 1 of 2 10. TERMS OF PAYMENT: PAYMENTS will be made on satisfactory completion of work including submission of drawings, tracings and submission of Bill along with an advance stamped receipt. Please note that Income tax @ 2% will be deducted from your bill. Yours sincerely, Binu Kumar Scientific Officer (D), TDD, NRG 2 of 2
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