THE WEEK AHEAD Mon 13 October: R1 Gal 4, 22-24. 26-27. 31—5, 1; Ps 112, 1-2. 3-4. 5a and 6-7. Go Lk 11, 29-32. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer 10h00: Mass Tue 14 October: Our Lady of the Rosary, memorial. R1 Gal 5, 1-6; Ps 118, 41. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. Go Lk 11, 37-41. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer 17h00: Charismatic Group Wed 15 October: St Teresa of Jesus, Virgin & Doctor, memorial. R1 Gal 5, 18-25; Ps 1, 1-2. 3. 4 and 6. Go Lk 11, 42-46. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer 10h00: Mass of Holy Family Sisters in Celebrating 150 Years by Thurs 16 October: Bishop Barry Wood O.M.I R1 Eph 1, 1-10; Ps 97, 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4. 5-6. Go Lk 11, 47-54. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer Fri 17 October: St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr, memorial. R1 Eph 1, 11-14; Ps 32, 1-2. 4-5. 12-13. Go Lk 12, 1-7. 06h30: Mass 07h00: Morning Prayer 10h00: Mass ADORATION ALL NIGHT Sat 18 October: ST LUKE, EVANGELIST, feast. R1 2 Tim 4, 10-17b; Ps 144, 10-11. 12-13ab. 17-18. Go Lk 10, 1-9. 07h00: Mass 11h00 - 12h00 & 16h30 - 17h00: Confession 17h30: Mass Sun 19 October: 29th SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME 07h45: Holy Mass (English); 10h00: Mass (Multi-lingual) 12h00: Holy Mass (IsiZulu ) PARISH NOTICES 1. SECOND COLLECTION: The collection for this week is for SVDP collection. Please be generous. 2. PREPARATION OF EMMANUEL CATHEDRAL AGM: Annual General meeting will take place on Sat 15th November 2014, from 09h00h—13h00 in the DHC Hall. The following is to be handed in by the end of September; Fact Sheet; Year Plan; Reports and Membership Lists. Your envelopes with these forms are to be collected from the PPC table. PARISH NOTICES 8. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR FOR DHC: With effect from 1 October, Errold Victor has been appointed part-time Financial Administrator for the Denis Hurley Centre. Errold has had much experience both at Diakonia and at the Cathedral. Sipho Phakathi will continue to be the Treasurer of the DHC Trust with responsibility for oversight of all financial transactions and for the internal audit. With this new appointment we will be more in line with good governance with a separation between the role of bookkeeper and the oversight role. We thank Sipho for carrying the burden of both roles for such a long time. 9. BAPTISM: Pre-Baptism classes have started on the ff dates; IsiZulu– 5 October (Sunday) at 08h00am and English– 8 October (Wednesday) at 18h00pm. Celebration will be on the 8 November 2014. 10. RCIA: All baptism and previous RCIA photos are ready for collection at all masses from Sat 13 September at R7 each. Contact Nigel on 0828633368 / 0736467629. 11.Calling all Old Girls/Boys, Staff Members, Board Members - past and present - of our Schools, Friends, Parishioners…we invite you all to join the Holy Family Sisters in celebrating 150 years of presence in South Africa. Eucharistic Celebration at 9:30am for 10:00am on Wednesday 15 thOctober 2014 at the Emmanuel Cathedral, Durban. After the celebration, light refreshments will be served at St Anthony's Parish Church Hall, Centenary Rd, Durban. 12. VOCATIONS MEETING: Please be informed that the last vocations workshop for this year will be on the 18th of October 2014 in the usual venues; Emmanuel Cathedral, St Mary's in Pmb and Our lady of good help in Verulam from 09:30am to 12h00 noon. 13. SCHOENSTATT: You are all invited to join us in celebrating the major event of Schoenstatt 100 year Jubilee. A Solemn Holy Mass and the Covenant of love will be on Saturday 18th October at 10h00am at Emmanuel Cathedral. Contact Anne-Marie Manirafasha on 0781701502. 14. JUSTICE AND PEACE COMMITTE: Asks all Parishioners to assist in helping whoonga rehabilitees to complete the final phases of the Qalakabusha Programme, by linking them with employment opportunities. We are looking for low skilled jobs for 11 rehabilitees who have shown promise, dedication and initiative. At this point, we make a special appeal for Sithembiso who has carpentry skills he needs to be employed as soon as possible. For more information, please check the noticeboard or contact their social worker Mbali on Ishmael Chishanu's cell 078 199 5685. Let us support the restoration of our brothers and sisters! 15. THE COORDINATORS OF THE SODALITIES COMMITTEE: You are all invited to attend the meeting which will be held on the 18th October at 14h00 at Surat building room 3. It’s in connection with the farewell of Deacon Mathew Ndlela. Contact Mr. Thulani Magagula on 0827466303. 3. PLEDGING : For all the Parishioners that have not received a letter of thanks for making promises to Pledge for 2014/15, please collect your letter from the PPC table after Mass. 16. THANKSGIVING a.k.a ISIVUNO 2014: “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” ~ Psalms 126: 5-6. Date: 24 & 25 October 2014 at all 4 Masses, It will be celebrated by Fr Sifiso Ndlovu. Don't miss out. 4. Emmanuel Cathedral Pilgrimage to The Vatican City, Rome, San Glovanni Rotondo and Medjugorje, from the 3rd of October– 15 October 2015. Please call Judy at Valley View Travel for bookings on 0312664042/0731436992. For more information please see notice board. Thank you. 17. PARISH CENSUS: Every parishioner is required to complete a Form. If you do not fill out a form we will presume you have left the parish. PLEASE TAKE THIS REQUEST SERIOUSLY> Forms may be collected at the PPC table. 5. DHC CASH FLOW PROBLEM: Though we have the full cost of the DHC construction promised and contracted, it is unlikely that all the money will come through in time for us to pay some big bills by the end of November. This is why we have had to look for interest free loans. God has been very good to us because we have managed to raise R5M in loans from Afrisun Community Development Trust, the Iqraa Trust and Paul Saad of “Future Life”. These loans should help us to overcome our cash flow problem. 18. NKOSINATHI PROJECT: We are requesting for Christmas tree and decoration for Nkosinathi Christmas party. Contact Ishmael on 0781995685. 19. PILGRIMAGE..PILGRIMAGE..PILGRIMAGE: It is time again for men’s pilgrimage to Ingome. It will be on the 21-23rd November. For details contact Augustine Ndidi on 0824308831. 6. CATHEDRAL LEADS THE WAY!: So far in the Annual Diocesan Collection for the DHC held on the last Sunday of July, we have raised R215,780.40 from the 27 parishes which have sent in their contributions. Two parishes have made outstanding contributions to this amount: Cathedral ( R36, 544.25), narrowly beating Blessed Sacrament, Virginia (R36,500). Well done and many thanks, Cathedralites! Your commitment helps us to persuade big donors to give major grants. 20. FORMATION RETREAT 2015: For all formation group, is proposed to be held no the 15-18 January 2015 at Ukuphila Retreat Centre in Bluff at the cost of R650 per person. Deposit is required by the end of November. Contact Mrs. Helen Mchunu on 0724246070. 7. TARGET REACHED: With the promise of R4.226M from the KZN Treasury (to be paid only after November), we have reached and surpassed our target of R31,937,066 for the construction of the DHC. “To God be the glory. Great things he has done!” The extra funds will be much needed for the outfitting of the building. 21. SOUTHERN CROSS: ISSUES OF OCTOBER 8 TO 14, 2014. 1. Vatican to decide Daswa cause 2. Holy Family Sisters turns 150 3. Church Media to Modernise 4. New Church for St Anne's in KZN THIS WEEK’S EDITORIAL: THE INNOCENTS OF WAR EMMANUEL CATHEDRAL REFLECTION Cathedral Road, Durban, 4001, RSA, Tel : (031) 3063595/6 Fax: (031 3063597, Website:, Facebook Page : ‘Emmanuel Cathedral’ Email: [email protected] Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. AMEN. Our Vision & Mission Statement Community of God Serving Humanity A welcoming Community rooted in the Word of God. Celebrating our diversity as a spirit-filled family of God. Committed to loving God and our neighbour PASTORAL STAFF SCRIPTURE FOR FAITH SHARING Recommended small Christian Communities and families TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading (Isaiah 45: 1. 4-6) “I have grasped the hand of Cyrus to subdue nations before him.” Psalm 96: 1 and 3. 4-5. 7-8. 9-10a and c (R. 7b): Give the Lord glory and power. Administrator: Fr. Stephen Tully Assistant Administrator: Fr. Malusi Zaca Deacon: Rev. Matthew Ndlela 11-12 OCTOBER 2014, Second Reading (1 Thessalonians 1: 1-5b)“Remember your faith, love, and hope.” TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Gospel ( Matthew 22: 15-21) “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” FIRST READING: “The Lord will prepare a feast and will wipe away tears from all faces.” PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK The Care Group will visit the sick and elderly people in their homes and hospitals. If you care to join us or are interested you are more than welcome. For more information please contact Thabile Cele on 0827810886 or 0312617848 (Home) or else you can call the parish office on 0313063595. Please provide the Parish office with names of the sick so that the Cathedral Care Group can visit them. If you wish to include anyone in the sick list please submit their names. Names are removed every three months. Mercy Tsitsi Hororo, Miss Jerry Monty, Zethu Ngobese, Louise Cherie, Dudu Miya, Kelvin J. Usher, Shirley Burke, Kimoto Kungwa, Justina Fushai, Ethan Fushai, Katherine Koenorsk (John’s baby) IMPORTANT NUMBERS ORGANIZATION CONTACT PERSON Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Marion Millane HF PPC Chairperson: Mrs. Bunny van de Merwe PPC Deputy Chairperson: Mr. Thabo Zwane CONTACT 1. Centre Manager Jean-Marie Ntamubano 031 301 2240 2. Nkosinathi Project Ishmael Chishanu 078 199 5685 3. SVDP Albert Hororo 078 466 1453 4. Refuge Pastoral Care Hupenyu Makusha 031 307 1074 5. Baptism (0—5 Months) Dc Mathew Ndlela 031 306 3595 6. Catechism Maria Sissing 083 246 4444 7. Confirmation Leonie Sissing 082 431 6256 8. RCIA Iris Niemack 073 646 7629 9. JOBLINX Mike Chauke 072 524 0553 RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Isaiah 25: 6-10a Psalm 23: 1-3a. 3b-4. 5. 6 (R. 6cd) In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for length of days unending. 1. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures where he gives me repose. Near restful waters he leads me he revives my soul. R 3. You have prepared a table before me in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil; my cup is overflowing . R 2.He guides me along the right path, for the sake of his name. Though I should walk in the valley of the shadow of death, no evil would I fear, for you are with me. Your crook and your staff will give me comfort. R 4. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for length of days unending. R In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for length of days unending. SECOND READING: “I can do all things in him who strengthens me.’’ Philippians 4: 12-14. 19-20 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we might know what is the hope to which ha has called us. Alleluia. GOSPEL: Mt. 22: 1-14 “Invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.”
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