Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception 1535 Logan St. Denver, CO. 80203– Telephone: 303-831-7010 - Fax : 303-831-9514 Website: –Email: [email protected] Archdiocese of Denver Website: February 1, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM, 5:30 PM Anticipated Saturday - 4:30 PM SUNDAY: 6:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, & 6:30 PM Saturday: 7:00 AM, 12:10 PM ARCHBISHOP OF DENVER: Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila PASTOR OF THE CATHEDRAL: Msgr. Bernard Schmitz PAROCHIAL VICARS: Reverend Roger Lascelle & Reverend C. Edison IN RESIDENCE: Reverend Scott Bailey DEACONS: Deacon Robert Finan, Deacon Robert Rinne, Deacon Brian Feller PARISH ADMINISTRATOR: Mary Ellen Lederman SECRETARIES: Mary Lapchak & Maria Altagracia Salazar BUSINESS MANAGER: Del Aman SACRISTAN/LITURGIST: John Brooks MUSIC MINISTRY: Dr. Mark Lawlor, Co-Director, Kathleen MacLean, Co-Director EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, every Friday, following the 7:00 am Mass until noon. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Deacon Bob Finan Director 303-839-0227 BAPTISMS Parents and Godparents are required to attend a class prior to baptism. Pre-registration is required. If no one pre-registers their will not be a class. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION (Confessions) Monday-Friday 6:30 AM, 11:30 AM Saturday 6:30 AM, & 3:00—4:00 PM FUNERALS Please contact the office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK In the event of a serious illness or a medical emergency, call the office. ROSARY Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Call the Office 303-831-7010 RESPECT LIFE HOLY HOUR First Sunday of the month at 3:00 PM MARRIAGES Call the office at least 9 months prior to the wedding to book the date. RCIA/RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Contact the office for more information at 303-839-0222. Please Remember The Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Your Will . CATHEDRAL BASILICA OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MASS INTENTIONS Sunday, February 1, 2015 6:30 AM Leonard & Bernice Kenderes 8:30 AM Most Rev. William P. Murphy † 10:30 AM Parishioners 12:30 PM Francis & Elizabeth Brighton 6:30 PM Special Intention Eternal Father Monday February 2, 2015 7:00 AM Mary Dalton † 12:10 PM Milo Miller & Family 5:30 PM Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus & Mary Tuesday, February 3, 2015 7:00 AM Gladys R. Frontera 12:10 PM Special Intention Holy Infant Jesus 5:30 PM Ed Geary † Wednesday, February 4, 2015 7:00 AM For the Intention of Twyla 12:10 PM Kevin Priola 5:30 PM The Patsy Paul Family Thursday, February 5, 2015 7:00 AM Flor Valdevarona † 12:10 PM Nancy B. Contanza 5:30 PM Mary Dalton † Friday, February 6, 2015 7:00 AM Cathy Harenburg 12:10 PM Special Intention 5:30 PM Kevin Kearney † Saturday, February 7, 2015 7:00 AM Alina Kupchak † 12:10 PM Irene Wagner † 4:30 PM Special Intention Blessed Mother Sunday, February 8, 2015 6:30 AM Rudoph “Rudy” Sidlak 8:30 AM Ferdinando, Rita Suazo & Family 10:30 AM Parishioners 12:30 PM Melissa Caplan † & Family members 6:30 PM Special Intention Eternal Father MASS INTENTION REQUEST If you wish to remember a deceased loved one, or if a family member, a friend, or you are in need of prayers, a special Mass may provide comfort and strength in a time of need. Please stop at the office or call at 303-831-7010. Readings for the Week of February 1, 2015 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:7-13 Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 ©Liturgical Publications Inc . DENVER, CO UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE CATHEDRAL: RESPECT LIFE HOLY HOUR The Respect Life Holy Hour will be held at the Cathedral this Sunday, February 1, 2015 at 3:00 pm. Come and join us in prayer and meditation as the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed. SUNDAY VEPERS Sung Vespers before the Sunday evening Mass at 5:45 pm on February 1, 2015 Please consider coming to this Liturgy, which is prayed by the universal church. FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Monday, February 2, 2015 The Feast of the Presentation recalls the episode in the life of Jesus when Mary and Joseph took Him up to the Temple in Jerusalem to present Him to God as required by the Law of Moses for all first-born sons. The infant Jesus’ entry into the temple is the fulfillment of the prophecy given in the book of the Prophet Malachi 3:1, “I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me; and suddenly there will come to the Temple, the Lord Whom you seek, and the messenger of the Covenant Whom you desire.” Recounted in the Gospel of St. Luke 2:22-40, the aged Simeon, to Whom it had been revealed that he would not die until He beheld the Messiah takes the infant Jesus into his arms and praises God in the prayer which the Church says every night. “Lord, now you let you servant go in peace; your word has been fulfilled: my own eyes have seen the Salvation which You have prepared in the sight of every people: a light to reveal You to the Nations and the glory of Your people Israel.” It is in celebration of the Light of Christ that dispels all darkness that candles are blessed and carried into the Church in procession. MEMORIAL OF ST. BLASÉ Tuesday, February 3, 2015 is the memorial of St. Blaise. St. Blaise is the patron of all who suffer from ailments of the throat, and traditionally on this day we have a special blessing of throats with two candles blessed on the Feast of the Presentation. We will have the blessing of throats following each of the daily Masses. MASS WITH ARCHBISHOP AQUILA On Sunday, February 8, at 10:30 a.m. Archbishop Aquila will celebrate Mass here at the Cathedral in a celebration of World Day of Consecrated Life. Pope Francis is asking the church to celebrate the gift of consecrated life throughout the year. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 1, 2015 ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION this winter. PARISH MISSION The Adult Religious Education programs of Acts of the Apostles, Symbolon, Pt II and “That Man Is You”, have begun. Beginning the week of 25 January we will be offering a selfdirected Lenten retreat entitled, Consoling the Heart of Jesus. This follow-on to the 33 Days Retreat offers the same format as before: readings, questions to consider, small group conversations and a 30 minute video presentation by Fr. Michael Gaitley. There are three different times for the class: Sunday afternoon, 4:00-5:30 PM, Thursday mornings 8:00-9:30 AM, or Thursday evenings 6:15-7:45 PM. All classes are held in the Cathedral Room (church basement). Also, the course on the book of Exodus from Ascension Press will be offered on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM at Mother of God Parish beginning on Tuesday, 27 January. Fees for courses to be collected on the first day of class are $25 to $40. For more detailed information please consult the Parish website under “Ministries” or call Deacon Bob Finan at 303839-0227. To reserve a book for yourself, you are encouraged to register early either by calling Deacon Bob or by registering online at our parish website. For the course on Exodus, to register, please call MOG at 303-744-1715. Please join us for our Parish Mission this Lent! Msgr. Ken Leone will lead our Parish Mission this year, and his theme will be, “The Seven Last Words Jesus spoke to us before He died and our Love response”. Msgr. Leone will preach at all the Masses during the weekend of February 28th and March 1st, and then give the Mission at 7 pm on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, March 2nd through the 4th. ELECTRONIC GIVING REMINDER The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much needed donation consistency for our congregation. Online Giving lets you go to Cathedral’s Website: at anytime to set up an automatic donation plan, change your donation plan, make a one-time donation of view your online donation history. CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS We have sent a Tax Letter with a summary of contributions for the year 2014. Use of your envelopes on a consistent basis assists the parish office in producing an accurate report. If you contributed and used your envelopes and don’t receive your letter by the first week of February, please call the parish office at 303-831-7010. SANDWICH MAKING SCHEDULE—2015 Volunteers will be making sandwiches for the homeless in the Cathedral Room on the following days. February 1, at 9:30 am, February 22, at 3:15 pm March 1, at 9:30 am and March 22 and March 29, at 3:15 pm. If you are interested in helping, just come down! Thank you! PRAY FOR THEIR HEALTH Maria B. DeLeon, Bernice Kenderes, Maria & Kitty de Leon, Judy Ragon, Nico Gallegos, Eleanor Pina, Alli Kandt, Gloria Philips, Tony Valdez, Mitchell A. Moreno, Barbara Avellani, Chloe Young, Julie O’Brien, Marietta Cramer, Dick Todd, Beatrice Montoya, Billie Jensen, Ivana Vic, Michael Radigan, Patricia LaBel, and other Parishioners. ASH WEDNESDAY IS FEBRUARY 18, Ashes will be distributed during our regular mass schedule . IN THE COMMUNITY Pilgrimages to the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia are being organized by the Archdiocese’s Office of Evangelization, Family Life Ministries and St. Thomas More Parish in Centennial. They will take place Sept. 23-28, 2015 and prices run from $1,641-$1,825 (individual) to $4,296-4,732 (group of four). Pilgrimage fees include airfare, hotel, breakfast, sight-seeing and shuttle service to attend the WMF sessions. Archbishop Samuel Aquila will celebrate 9:00 am Mass on September 24, at St. John the Evangelist Church in downtown Philadelphia for Denver pilgrims. Register by February, 15, 2015 at or contact Religious Travel International at 303-563-6261. OFFERTORY Weekend of January 24 & 25, 2015 Offertory ……….………………………….. $ 7,643.00 Latin American Church ………………………… 1,168.00 Candles……….……………………………….. 247.00 Poor Box…….…………………………………. 733.00 Church Support…………………………………. 187.00 Online Offertory …………………………….... 707.69 TOTAL….…………………………. $ 10,685.69 THANK YOU!! THOMAS E. BARA 15% OFF Accountant in the Rockies on any service for parish members 551-208-3498 [email protected] Parishioner Income Taxes Prepared Offers cannot be combined. Expires 03/01/15 Est. 1997 Parish Members BEFORT PLUMBING AND HEATING Imagine It... We Can Do It! 303-289-9866 • 24 Hour $25.00 Off Service Call Just Up the Street From the Cathedral Stop by After Mass for a Heavenly Treat Downtown Denver 1955 Araphoe St. Unit C • Denver, CO 80202 303.893.2001 2155 South Valentia • 303-755-5211 Family Owned 68 Years FIX-IT SUPPLIES • (303) 366-2433 Many Dream s s Muchñoos Sue • Sheet Metal • Air Conditioning • Boiler Repairs • Furnace Repairs • Steam & Hot Water • Drain Cleaning Residential & Commercial Wiring Bill Gnatowski Lisa Howerton 804 Kalispell Street • Aurora, CO 80011 303-360-8226 Bus. (720) 475-1853 303-668-4854 Cell. Mt. Olivet Cemetery Archdiocese of Denver Mortuary • Aprenda a lnglés • Obtén tu diploma • Clases de día y noche Dedicated To Serving The Catholic Community Llame: 303-894-3171 HOLY FAMILY The University Club THE NEW AMERICA SCHOOL Historic Clubhouse Event Venue 5806 W. Alameda Ave. • Lakewood, CO 80226 Gourmet Food & Service Weddings, Funerals, Celebrations ¡Registrate Ahora! 3 blocks from the Cathedral 303-991-4913 BOOKS & GIFTS 6690 Wadsworth Blvd., Unit A 303-423-9395 Catholic Bibles and Religious Goods Lighting Specialists Since 1948 Our Mission Is To Care For Our Deceased, Their Families & Their Friends “Watson Bros.” Mary Catherine Husney, MD Emily Shupe Talley, MS, PA-C Jonathan D. Zonca, MD McKenzie Kline, MMS, PA-C Chandra Houpt, PA-C Rose Medical Center POB 11 4500 East 9th Avenue • Suite 320 • Denver, CO 80220-3922 Office: 303.322.0212 • Fax: 303.322.0208 • 12801 W. 44th Ave. Wheat Ridge 303-424-7785 We Make Our Customers Look Brilliant! THOMAS E. WATSON President (303) 893-5532 1949 W. 12th Place Denver, CO 80204-3424 Bank of Denver 303-573-9000 Same Day Service • Trustworthy • Reliable Serving the Denver Community Since 1953 2930 East 6th Ave., Denver CO 80203 TEL 303-733-1978 FAX 303-733-1979 [email protected] $1 OFF Pizza al Speci d Uptown Branch - Corporate Office 810 East 17th Avenue (17th & Clarkson) Denver, CO 80218 329 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80203 (720) 420-0233 with a Phone 303-572-3600 • Fax 303-606-6100 Van Camp’s JOHN ERGER CHURCH GOODS QUALITY HARDWOOD FLOORS PHONE 303.871.8377 HARDWOODFLOORSDENVER.COM Statues Bibles Rosaries Medals Crucifixes Chains 2550 Sheridan Blvd. 303-455-0456 wood floors reflect life Contact Anita Aguilar to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2677 Egan Printing Company Good Printing Since 1891 1245 Elati Street Denver, Colorado 80204 (303) 534-0171 PLUMBING HEATING COOLING $5 off order of $20 with ad Save Energy Conserve Water Hours Mon-Fri 8-3 Sat-Sun 7-4 303-777-3037 coffee • eatery • bar Call us for your catering & private party needs! 303.289.4499 341 E. Colfax Ave., Denver, CO 80203 303.847.0345 Serving Colorado’s Electrical Needs Since 1991 FOR AD INFO CALL ANITA AGUILAR AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM Hours: Sun-Thur 10:30am - 11pm Fri & Sat 10:30am - 2am 700 E. Colfax Ave. 303.993.8127 Real Estate Brokerage & Property Appraisals SPECIALIZING IN ESTATES 720-920-8526 Stephen and Jennifer Stompor Catholic Faith - Members of Cathedral SLATTERY & COMPANY Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Also Drain & Sewer Cleaning Robert F. Connor Sr. Robert F. Connor Jr. 303-744-6311 CATHEDRAL IMMACULATE, DENVER, CO A 2C 05-0140 01-15-2015 16:01:43
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