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7 - pop culture - 9
trans-word+ :
stylistics : 詩的表現法 : advanced
** I Can Go The Distance
◆ ◆ ◆
by Michael Bolton
------------------------------------------------------------*** Passage
Audio Disk :
I have often dreamed, of a far-off place
Where a hero’s welcome, would be waiting for me
(どんな場所か + where )英雄を迎える歓待が僕を待っている”だろうと思う”(場所)の事を
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face
(”その上”どんな場所か + where )僕の顔を見て群衆が歓呼する(そんな場所)の事を
And a voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be (= where I supposed to be )
I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance
( ** = どんなことだって出来る、どんな長く険しい経験だって乗り越えられる )
I will find my way, if I can be strong
I know every mile will be worth my while ---その全ての道のりが(その過程で起る全てのことが)その自分の苦労に相当するだけの価値があることを分かっている
--- when I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong
Down an unknown road to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I’ll see it through
And I won’t look back, I can go the distance
And I’ll stay on track, no, I won’t accept defeat
It’s an uphill slope, but I won’t lose hope
Till I go the distance and my journey is complete
But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part ----けれど 栄光の先(その段階を超えたその向こう側)にはいったい何があるのかを見ることこそが最も難しい部分なんだ
--- For a hero’s strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its’ harms
I don’t care how far, I can go the distance
Till I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms
7 pop-c - 9 : p.2
*** word-link *** advanced
dream v = to think about sth that you would like to happen ( + of ) (希望などを空想として)夢に描く // imagine
far-off adj = a long way from where you are 遠く離れた :【 off adv ( away from ~ ) ( 分離、離脱 )・・から離れて 】//
faraway :【 way n = ( distance ) 道のり、距離、(時間の)へだたり 】
◆ a hero's welcome n = a very excited friendly welcome to someone who has done sth good (素晴らしいことをした人に
対する崇拝と敬意のこもった)英雄を迎えるような暖かい歓迎 :【 welcome n = a greeting for sb's arrival (やって来る人に対する)
歓迎 、歓待、歓迎の挨拶 】
◆ would be / 'd be (可能性) = probably be / likely to be ~ (推量)~となるだろう、・・であるだろう
◆ crowd n = a large group of people in a public place (たくさんの人を指して)群衆、人ごみ
◆ cheer ( sb ) v = to shout as a way of showing happiness, praise, approval, or support of someone or sth (応援するよ
keep V + ing ~ v = (継続して行われる動詞を" keep "の後に付けて)~し続ける
be meant to be v = ( the situation is intended for sb to be ~ by fate ) destined to be ~ : intended to be
なる”運命である:(物が:目的上)・・であるべきである:~という事に"最初から”なっている :{ be = ( 状態、又はどのような形で存在して
いるか) }// supposed to be
◆ be supposed to / be sth v = 1. what someone should or should not ~する、されることになっている、すべき ;《” といった設
定になっている ”が本義で》 : 仮定上 *”仮定法なので”~が仮定されたといった " + ed " の形になる // be to
◆ go a long way n = 《” way n = 行く道、道、道筋 ”ということから”行動の度合いを指して” : a long way = distance 》 : 長い道
のりを行く = いろんなことをする // go far : 【 go v = to continue to do sth 《” 行動を進める度合いを指して ”》 : 事を進める、行
く 】
◆ find one's way n = 《” 目的の場所へ行く道(手段)を見つけ出す、道を切り開く ”といったイメージで》 : ”苦労して進んで・・・へ”た
sth is worth your while prep = 《” while = ~の間 = 途中で自分が差し出す労力の過程 ”から 》 : (自分が)費やした分に相当
するだけの価値がある :【 worth prep = to have the value of ・・に値する、・・の価値のある 】
◆ right adv = exactly in a particular position or place (位置を示して)ちょうど、すぐ・・
◆ ◆ ◆
down adv = to go along sth, or toward (道路・廊下・階段などを”ある方向に向かって”通って、・・に沿って) 行く"
unknown adj = not known about 知られていない、未知の、無名の // famous / familiar / known
◆ road n = (町で見かける” street ”とは違って”人生・冒険”の象徴として"道のり path ”の意味を持つ)
◆ embrace v = to eagerly accept new ideas, opinions etc. 《” (人を両手で包むように)抱きしめる、抱擁する ”が本義で》 : 《”
抱擁するように進んで受けとめる ”といったイメージで》 : (考え、申し出、機会など)に喜んで応ずる、受け入れる
◆ fate n = 運命 // destiny
◆ though conjunction = ・・・たとえ・・・(・・である)けれども、にもかかわらず、・・・だが、とは言っても、・・だけど ”意外な事に、事実
は・・・”// ( but / however ) / even though / even if ~
◆ may modal verb = ( possibility ):(可能性・推量)(人・事が)"事実上”・・かもしれない、(多分)・・だろう // can / could / might
◆ wander v = if a road or a river wanders somewhere, it doesn't go straight but in curves 《” ぶらつく、さまよう、放浪す
る ”が本義で》 : (川・道などが)曲がりくねって続く
◆ lead to sth (= position ) v = ”行き着く先の場所を指して”(ある場所、道など)が(他の~の場所に)へと導く
◆ somehow adv = in some way, by some means 何らかの方法で
◆ see sth through phr.v = to continue doing sth difficult until it is finished 《” 最後の段階まで通して見る(経験する) ”といっ
たイメージで》 : 苦難の状況の中を最後を(通過するまで)乗り切る :【 V + through prep = 《” 通過、貫通 ”が原義で》 : (始めから終
わりまで)~し通す、最後まで~やり通す、目を通す、調べる // do sth till the end ( to the end / all the way ) 】
◆ on track n = in a situation that is likely to lead to success 《” 目的地へのルートの軌道の上にいる ”といったイメージで》 :
(本題、目的、進路)からそれずに // off track 脱線した ((*Ex : stay on the track 脱線せずにやり続ける :【 on adv ( 付着 )・・
に(くっついて) // off adv ( 分離、離脱 )・・から離れて 】
◆ accept v = to admit that you were responsible for sth bad that happened (責任・非難・事実を)受け入れる、認める
◆ defeat n = failure to win or succeed 敗北、負け // victory
◆ admit defeat phr.v = to stop trying to do sth because you realize you cannot succeed 《” 敗北を認める ”から 》 : (何
◆ an uphill ( battle / struggle etc. ) adj = sth that is very difficult to do and needs a lot of effort 《” uphill = 上り坂の ”
から 》 : 困難な、骨の折れる // downhill
◆ complete adj = finished 《” 完全に完了した ”ということから 》 : 完全に終了した
◆ glory n = the importance, praise, and honor that people give someone they admire (・・に対する)栄光、誉れ :(神に対
する)感謝、賛美 : 天上の至福
◆ for = because of (原因・理由)・・・のことを(が)原因(理由)で、・・のために
◆ strength n = (肉体的・精神的・物理的な)力、体力、知力、精神力 : (物の)強度、耐久性、抵抗力
◆ measure v = to judge the importance, value, or true nature of sth 《” 測る ”が原義で》 :・・・を評価する、評定する、見積
もる // estimate
◆ by ( 準拠 ):・・・に従って、・・・に基つ”いて、・・によって // base on
◆ shooting star n = 《” 発射する星 ”といったイメージで》 : 流星、流れ星 // meteor
◆ face v = (人・危険・困難・嫌な事などに)臆せず立ち向かう、直面する // stand against / come across
◆ harm n = damage 危害 :『 cf. harm v = to damage 傷つける 』
7 pop-c - 9 : p.3
** Full lyric
I have often dreamed, of a far off place
Where a hero’s welcome, would be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying, this is where I’m meant to be
I’ll be there someday, I can go the distance
I will find my way, if I can be strong
I know ev’ry mile, will be worth my while
When I go the distance, I’ll be right where I belong
Down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I’ll see it through
And I won’t look back, I can go the distance
And I’ll stay on track, no, I won’t accept defeat
It’s an uphill slope, but I won’t lose hope
Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete
But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero’s strength is measured by his heart
Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its harms
I don’t care how far, i can go the distance
Till I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms
I will search the world, I will face its harms
Till I find my hero’s welcome, waiting in your arms
------------------------------------------------------------** activity : composition practice
I have often dreamed of ~
Idea Examples 1.:
I have often dreamed of me becoming a hero.
sth was ( wasn't ) worth my while
☆ Idea Examples 1.:. Spending more than 3 hours for preparing a steak meals for the party wasn't worth
my while. All the guests were vegetarians. ( = It wasn't worth spending 3 hours in preparation )
☆ Idea Examples 2.: Running to the shop in a big hurry wasn't worth my while. The place was closed
anyway. ( = It wasn't worth running )
I will go any far ( distance ) untill ~
Idea Examples 1.:
I will go the distance ( any distance ) until I'm fluent in English.