Third Sunday of Lent March 23, 2014 While we were still sinners Christ died for us. — Romans 5:8 St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Community 10750 Ohio Ave (at Selby) Los Angeles, CA 90024 (310) 474-1527 “Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome here” Mass Schedule Sunday Masses 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am 5:00 pm Saturday (one mass only) 5:00 pm Vigil Young Adults Mass 5:00 pm Mass on the last Sunday of the month Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 6:30 am & 5:30 pm Reconciliation Thursday & Saturday 4:00 - 4:45 pm First Friday Exposition Oct— May Only PAGE 2 March 23, 2014 Please join us for an INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON SUNDAY Be an Altar Server! Altar Server Training Training for new servers will take place on Thurs, April 10 and Mon. April 14 from 3:15 – 4:30 in the church (please attend BOTH). Servers must be registered members of St. Paul the Apostle Church who attend mass regularly, have received their First Holy Communion, and be a student in the 5th grade or higher. Servers are also required to shadow at least three masses before serving on their own. To be an altar server is an honor and a privilege. Sign up at Please contact Michelle Pierce at 310-871-2181 or [email protected] to register or with any questions. Renew Your Spirit for Lent 2014!!! Join our small group faith sharing to explore and gain a greater sense of God in our everyday life. MARCH 30TH, 2014 AT 3:00 PM IN THE JCPC A SPIRITUAL & CULTURAL JOURNEY TO ASSISI, ROME & BEYOND You are invited to join us on a once-in-a-lifetime ‘Journey to Assisi, Rome & Beyond,’ 11-days, October 13 to 23, 2014. Includes visits to Rome, Assisi, Perugia, & more! Only $4,499 from Los Angeles (LAX), plus airport taxes and tips. With Rev. John B. Ardis, CSP & Sr. Stella Enright, DMJ. To download the free color brochure and registration form, visit, or for more information, please contact Mary Pat Cooper at (424) 832-5162 or send an email to [email protected]. Space is limited. Register today! We will meet every Tuesday in the Multi-Purpose Rom for six weeks at 7pm from March 4th to April 8th. Refreshment will be provided. For more information, please contact Fr. Dat at [email protected] or 424-832-5155. HELP WANTED‼! Lectors needed for the 5:00 PM Saturday Service. Contact Tom Roth at [email protected] or 323-464-4102. Visit our website: Like us on Facebook St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Community Young Married During Lent we are encouraged to give something up, but doing something to better ourselves or our community is also a great focus. This Lenten season, we are inviting anyone in their early years of marriage to commit to a session or all four sessions on Thursday nights during Lent in the Multi Purpose Room - March 20 April 10th . We will start with 5:30 Mass and do a follow up discussion on bringing the gospel into our marriages. You can come with your partner or on your own. If you have any questions, please email Bridget at [email protected]. PAGE 3 March 23, 2014 Parish Office Hours Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm General E-Mail: [email protected] Fax # - 310-474-2897 PARISH STAFF Rev John Ardis, C.S.P. 424-832-5151 Pastor [email protected] Lois Massey 424-832-5152 Business Operations [email protected] Rev. Mr. Danny Amos Parish Deacon [email protected] Blog: Barbara Murphy 424-832-5159 RCIA Director [email protected] Mary Ann Bertolucci 424-832-5158 Facilities Coord/Data Admin [email protected] Virginia Ostrin Funeral Ministry/Altar Servers 424-832-5153 [email protected] Mary Pat Cooper 424-832-5162 Coordinator of Church and School Advancement [email protected] Rev Joseph Scott, C.S.P. 424-832-5154 Associate Pastor [email protected] Sr. Stella Maria Enright, DMJ 310-474-1588 School Principal [email protected] Rev. Dat Tran, C.S.P. 424-832-5155 Associate Pastor [email protected] Irene Holly 310-689-6212 Director Children’s Religious Ed [email protected] “Whatever you did for one of these least of these, you did for me.” Mt 6:40 b Times are difficult for so many. The finance council and the parish staff have discussed how best the parish can respond to the increased need that we are experiencing through phone inquiries, walk-ins and the increased requests from various charitable agencies. Since September 2009, the parish has been giving 5% of the weekly collection to a charity. Parish Support Monthly Credit Cards: $47,421.79 Weekly Collection : 9,890.00 For more details on the collections or information on the purple printed slips for credit card donations, please contact Lois Massey in the parish office at 424-832-5152. Holy Hour Thursday from 6:00-7:00pm (immediately following the 5:30 mass) Join us as we pray the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and personal meditation with Our Lord. First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Except during the summer months (June, July, August & September) Christopher Walker 310-689-6213 Director of Music [email protected] 2014 Together in Mission Campaign Bridget Lander Teen Confirmation Coordinator [email protected] The Paulist Fathers Priests in Residence Paul Lannan, C.S.P. Ted Vierra, C.S.P. Patrick Hensy, C.S.P. Ed Wrobleski, C.S.P. Community Gi 310-689-6203 310-689-6210 310-210-4418 310-689-6211 UCLA Catholic Center — (310) 208-5015 Fr. Peter Abdella, C.S.P., Director Fr. Paul Rospond, C.S.P., Asst. Dir. UCLA Medical Center (310) 267-8191 Rev. Tom Clerkin, C.S.P., Chaplain Paulist Productions (310) 454-0688 Fr. Eric Andrews, C.S.P. President [email protected] One way we can make love for our neighbors “real” is through our support of Together in Mission. This year’s annual appeal will provide essential financial support for 35 parishes and 56 schools in our Archdiocese. Your generous contribution to Together in Mission will make a big difference in the lives of tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters. Because of you, the Church will continue to be a force for human dignity and social justice in our communities. When you receive your Together in Mission pledge form in the mail, please fill it out and mail it back or bring it with you to Mass. At all Masses next weekend, we will also be asking for contributions from those who did not receive pledge forms in the mails. God bless you for your generous gifts to those in need. For more information on the 2014 Together in Mission Campaign, please visit Page 4 March 23, 2014 Mass Inten ons Saturday, March 22, 2014 5:00 PM †Patty Costello Sunday, March 23, 2014 7:30 AM †Agnes Anderson 9:30 AM †Bob Rohaly 11:30 AM †Mickel Niehenke 5 :00 PM †Eileen Plunkett †Darren Parker Monday, March 24, 2014 6:30 AM †Bunny May 5:30 PM †John Fehsenfeld Tuesday, March 25, 2014 6:30 AM 5:30 PM Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:30 AM †Bunny May 5:30 PM †Keith Foster Thursday, March 27, 2014 6:30 AM 5:30 PM Friday, March 28, 2014 6:30 AM Ruth Bruder (100th Birthday) 5:30 PM †George Lymon Saturday, March 29, 2014 - Annointing of the Sick 5:00 PM †Terry Lemons †Thomas Leavy Sunday, March 30, 2014 - Annointing of the Sick 7:30 AM †Dana Massey and †Ruth Theodos 9:30 AM †Lena Ricci 11:30 AM Virgie Ramirez-Welland 5 :00 PM †Keith Foster Please join us for our Parish Reconciliation Service which will be held on Monday evening, April 7th, at 7:00PM. We look forward to your presence." Prayer For Our Military Almighty Father, Creator of Humankind, and author of peace BLESS and safeguard the members of our armed forces and all who find themselves in harm’s way. Be their protector and bring them safely home. BLESS our military and civilian personnel who have been injured in service to our country. May they experience your firm support, gentle love, and compassionate healing. BLESS all who have died in defense of our freedoms. Grant them eternal rest in you. BLESS their family members who have been left behind. Be their constant companion and strength. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. AMEN PleasePrayforallthoseinourparish whoareillorinneedofourprayers Teddi Schumann Stella Dunbar Lucy Gervasio Inez Vasquez Theresa Christman June Hurst Jon Lazarus Hector Casanello Paige Greenspan Eevie Mulloy Alan Meakins Robert Kirks Robbie Taylor Nancy Sampson Mary Law Alan Wilkins Catherine Ellis Bruce Burns Brien Bigelow Luisa Maria Giordano Yvonne Chew Louis Bascoy Patricia Dilligan PleasePrayfortheRecentlyDeceased Connie Austin, Stephanie Kirkpatrick How can I have a name added to the prayers of the faithful? You can call the parish office at (310) 474-1527. If you do not reach anyone, please leave a message in the general mailbox. You can also e-mail: [email protected] *Please let us know about the conditions of those we are praying for. We will remove the name after 4 weeks on the list. St. Paul the Apostle is having a Clothing & Textile Drive! We all have unwanted clothes, shoes, and towels that are either worn out, or no longer wanted. Instead of throwing it into the trash where they’ll simply add to our Nation’s growing landfills, give your clothes a second life by participating in our clothing collection drive! *Textiles include: ∗ CLOTHING any kind/any condition ∗ SHOES any kind/any condition, single or paired * ∗ TOWELS bath, kitchen, rags ∗ SHEETS, BLANKETS, QUILTS ∗ CURTAINS/DRAPERY ∗ PURSES, BELTS ∗ THROW RUGS (not carpet) ∗ TABLECLOTHS, PLACEMATS ∗ Stuffed Animals We can NOT take glass, breakables, electronics, hotel linens, large quantity uniforms, pet beds, hard toys and items presold in thrifts. Items can be dropped off in the baskets at the entrances of the church or in the parish office Mon - Fri from 9 am - 4 pm. Items will be collect through Thurs, April 3rd. Page 5 An Invita on to RCIA - In searching for God to be part of their lives in a deeper and more tangible way, people come to RCIA because they hear the teachings of Jesus speak to their innermost longings. If you have never been baptized; been baptized in another Christian tradition; been baptized Catholic and have not received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist; been attending Mass and desire to join the community at the table of the Lord, RCIA is for you. Pick up a brochure at all the church entrances or go to the website to learn more; or contact Barbara Murphy, RCIA Director, at 424-832-5159 or [email protected]. RCIA for Children The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) 8 yrs. to 14 yrs. of age is also part of the process where the children that have not received the sacraments of Baptism or Holy Eucharist meets on Sunday morning after the 9:30AM mass with their parents. Contact Irene Holly at 310-689-6212 or [email protected]. Children’s Religious Educa on (CCD) Classes are held Wednesday afternoon from 3:45 to 5:15PM. Please call Irene Holly, Director, for more information at: 310-689-6212 or email [email protected] . Classes resume Jan 8th. Teen Confirma on—For information on Confirmation please contact, Bridget Lander, Coordinator. [email protected] . Confirmation will be Sunday, April 27th at the 5 pm mass. Sandwich Builders 7:00—8:00 PM in the JCPC E-mail : [email protected]. Last 2014 date is May 30th. Toddler Group SPA Toddler Group meets on Tuesdays @ 10:30 am in the Multipurpose. Please contact Addy with questions [email protected]. The group meets on the same schedule as school. Coffee and Donuts - Coffee and Donuts are offered after the 9:30 am mass. Questions or to volunteer contact [email protected] March 23, 2014 Faith Sharing—Men’s and Women’s Men’s Faith Sharing —An on-going prayer group designed for men. This group meets Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. in the Multi-purpose room. All men are welcome. Women’s Faith Sharing—An on-going prayer group designed for women. The group meets Tuesday mornings at 8:0 5 am. In the Multi-purpose room. All women are welcome. Lectors, Ushers, Eucharist Ministers Lectors - If you are interested in reading at the Mass, please contact Tom Roth at 323-464-4102 or [email protected]. Ushers - If you are interested in joining our ushers/hospitality ministry, please contact John Newman at 310-845-9590 or [email protected]. Eucharist Ministers - If you are interested in becoming a EM, please contact Lisa Wellik [email protected]. SENIORS MINISTRY Our mission: To raise awareness in the parish community of the changing spiritual needs of older adults, to develop activities and services that support and protect the quality of life and independence of our seniors, and to provide opportunities for Spiritual Growth, Social Connections and Community Service. Book Club. . For April 1st the members have chosen to read Bad Monkey by Carl Hiassen. New members are welcome. Call Claire, 310-474-5977 for information. SPA’s Social Group meets in the Multipurpose Room, from 12:00 2:30 PM, on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. Come join us Monday, April 7 , 2014, for lively conversation, friendship, refreshments, and more as we play Bingo. New Members are welcome. For information, call Eva 310-837-4197. Theology Connec on: Connec ng Faith & Life Theology Connection Please join us at the Coffee Connection, 3838 Centinela Blvd. (at Venice SE), LA, CA 90066. Free Parking! Corner Centinela and Venice, overflow ½ block south at Centinela and Pacific. April 1, 2014 – Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J., LMU St. Thérèse of Lisieux: A Spirituality for Today no reservations needed. There is no fee; donations gratefully accepted. Go to for more information or to get on our email list. 2014 schedules are now available. Theology Connection meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7:30—9:00 pm Bible Study - meets Monday Mornings at 7:00 and Repeated Friday Mornings 11:00 AM - MPR. E-mail Fr. Joe for more info—[email protected]. Business Development Network - Are you a business professional who can give, and wants to receive, business referrals? Please join the ST. PAUL’S BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT NETWORK. Meetings are held on 2nd Tues of the month, at 7:30 a.m. at John O’Groats, 10516 Pico Blvd. For questions, contact Jay Spillane, [email protected] or (818) 205-1100, x 201. Infant Bap sm at St. Paul the Apostle - Baptisms are held on Sundays at 1 pm. Parent(s) must be registered in the parish and regularly attend Sunday mass. For more information or to schedule a baptism, please contact Fr. Tran at 424-832-5155, or [email protected]. Sycamore and Romaine - Volunteers need to feed the hungry on the first Weds of each month. Sign up at Young Adults "To create a community for young adults in their 20s and 30s geared toward fellowship, service and spiritual growth within our Catholic faith" SPAYAM meets every other Thursday in the church classroom. For information, contact the group through e-mail [email protected] the theme for April is “Relationships”. Meeting dates are April 3rd and April 17th. Young Adult Mass last Sunday of the month. If you would like to help out at this mass please, contact Fr. Dat for more information, [email protected]. Upcoming SPAYAM Event Dates March 29th- Getty Museum March 30th - In-n-Out after mass " Moral Injury & PTSD"-discussion of healing the spiritual wounds of war for families and veterans. FREE online & live at LMU See Or contact Mark Mitchell at [email protected] Page 6 March 23, 2014 SACRAMENTAL ANOINTING OF THE SICK 2nd Annual Multicultural Potluck A free ticket to travel the world…Come join us as we share our world with music, food, and culture. All are welcome to share food around the world and share our culture. Whether your heritage is American, Hispanic, Asian, European, African, and Indian or beyond, we want you there! During all of the Masses Where: St. Paul the Apostle John Carroll Parish Center (JCPC) When: April 6th after the 11:30AM mass Saturday, March 29, 2014 - 5:00 p.m. Sunday, March 30th, 2014 - 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. All who wish a blessing for any kind of healing are encouraged to attend. SPA SCHOOL BOARD NOMINATIONS The School Board of St. Paul the Apostle is now accepting nominations for the next year’s board for the 2014-15 school year. The SPA School Board of St. Paul the Apostle School is the official advisory group of the school. The board meets monthly during the school year. Members devote time to these meetings as well as to sub-committees which are formed to study various school-related issues. Members are selected for a term of three years and may be reelected for a second term of three years. Any person who is an active member of the St. Paul the Apostle School and/or Parish is eligible. You may nominate yourself or someone else you believe to be qualified. Please submit a resume and cover letter to Alicia Anderson at [email protected]. Nominations must be submitted by April 18, 2014. Please sign up to bring an entrée, salad, side or dessert to feed at least 5 or more people. RSVP to [email protected] Lenten Reconciliation Service Please join us at our “Lenten Reconciliation Service “ to be held on Monday, April 7, 2014 In the Church at 7:00PM * $1,000 Donation to St. Paul the Apostle (Paid at the Close of Escrow) Ron Wynn believes in supporting the local community and is honored to be a new supporter for St. Paul the Apostle. Call Ron for a Free, No Obligation Market Analysis 310-477-9966 Don mnAntonio’s THE BEST MEXICAN FOOD IN TOWN • COCKTAILS • ESTEBAN & ESTHER CASTELLANOS 11755 PICO BLVD. • W. L.A. 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