December 28, 2014: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Administration Office: Office: 2055 Woody Dr 2055 Woody Dr Billings, MT 59102 Billings, MT 59102 406-656-5800 406-656-5800 www.s! www.s! Rectory: 406-656-5578 Rectory: 406-656-5578 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays - 3:30 pm Saturdays - 3:30 pm Weekend Mass Schedule: Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5:00 pm Saturday - 5:00am, pm10:30 am Sunday - 8:30 Sunday - 8:30 am, 10:30 am Daily Mass Schedule: Daily Mass Schedule: Tuesday thru Friday - 9:00 am Tuesday thru Friday - 9:00 am Office Hours: Mon -Thurs: Office Hours:8:00 am - 5:00 pm Friday: 8:00 8:00 am - am 12:00 pmpm Mon -Thurs: - 5:00 Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Pastor: Father Steve Zabrocki Deacon:Father Tim Birkle Pastor: Steve Zabrocki Deacons: Greg Simpson Parish Staff: Tim Birkle, re#red Dir, Liturgy/Adult Ed: Nick Coffman Parish Staff: Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell Dir, Ed: Cathy Nick Coffman Dir, Liturgy/Adult Youth Ministry: Day Dir, Religious Ed: Joyce Hollowell Dir, Liturgical Music: Carolyn Peters Dir, Youth Ministry: Cathy Day Outreach Coord: Kathy Lombardozzi Dir, Liturgical Carolyn Peters Finance Mgr:Music: Keith Lavachek Dir, Outreach: Kathy Lombardozzi Administrative Asst: Theresa Ball Finance Mgr: Paul Miron Custodian: Position Available Administrative Asst: Theresa Ball Custodial: Brian Etchart Merry Christmas season and Happy New Year! The Solemnity of Mary will be celebrated with Mass Wednesday, December 31st at 5:00 pm and Thursday, January 1st at 9:00 am. The church offices will be closed Thursday, January 1st and Friday, January 2nd. Continue to celebrate the coming of Christ! for all of the wonderful cards, good wishes, thoughtful gifts and baked goods - both for my birthday and Christmas. I feel truly blessed to be your pastor and part of this church family. And thank you, also, for the wonderful witness of service you continue to be in the Billings community. Fr. Steve Stewardship Treasure Report Weekend Collec!on of Dec. 14, 2014 Envelope Dona!ons .................... $20,741 Loose Checks ................................. $7,652 Loose Cash .................................... $1,027 Electronic Fund Transfer ......................... $ Total Collec!on ........................... $29,420 Weekly Budget ............................ $21,000 Over (Short) .................................. $8,420 Gi#ing opportunity for Parishioners 70 1/2 or older who own IRAs The IRA Charitable Rollover just passed through Congress and at this wri!ng was awai!ng the President’s expected signature. If you are 70 1/2 or older and own IRAs, you may have gi#s to the Church sent directly from your IRA administrator to the Church and, thus, not have to pay taxes on that money. This applies to a person’s required minimum distribu!on as well as other amounts, up to a total of $100,000. This law is retroac!ve for all of 2014, but will expire at the end of this month. Reminder: All gi#s made on or before December 31st are tax-deduc!ble for the tax year in which your gi# is made. Year-to-date Collec!on (start: July 1, 2014) YTD Total Collec!on ................. $490,788 YTD Total Budget ....................... $504,000 Over (Short) ............................. .($13,212) Thank you for suppor!ng your parish! Needing prayers Carol Gri%en, Merry Roberts, Anton Dinius, Ted Rieger, Bud Leuthold, Art Frank, Bunny Hansen, Dorothy Hauck, Sheila Rockman, Ed Greteman, Sebas!en Easton, Robert Barnhart, Judy Smith, Kathy McKinney, Don Kuehn, Sharon Signori, Roger Lee, Rob Richter & Lenny Cleary. Coming this week: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph “ the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive.” Colossians 3:13 Forgiveness - one of the hardest things for people to do. It’s amazing how long we can hold a grudge or be angry with someone. As we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family, take this opportunity to give the gi# of forgiveness to someone - maybe someone in your family, maybe a friend, maybe a co-worker or neighbor or - maybe yourself. 2 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Monday, December 29 No Prayer Group Tuesday, December 30 No RCIA No Youth Ministry/Edge Wednesday, December 31 No Christ at the Center No Adult Choir Rehearsal Thursday, January 1, 2015 Solemnity of Mary Parish Office Closed NO Prayer Yoga NO Parish Nurses Sunday, January 4 First Sunday Coffee a#er Masses Divine Mercy Recita!on, 3:00 pm, Church Liturgy & Worship Sacristy Linens for January - Susan King Sacristy/Holy Water, December 31 – Audrey Parks 1/3-4 Ushers Ch Alt Am Claves Vita. Inc. th 3012 4 Ave N, Billings | 248-5487 Kelly B. Rickard, CPA Tax Services—Tax Prepara!on & Filing [email protected] Sat 5:00 pm J Costello T Lechner D Sherman Sun 10:30 am Sun 8:30 am K Ruby L Pauley B Duray P Miron G Morgan T Casey Next Week’s Readings January 4, 2015 The Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1-6 (20 ABC) Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Ma!hew 2:1-12 Mass Inten!ons Tuesday 12/30, 9:00 am Wednesday, 12/31, 9:00 am Wednesday, 12/31, 5:00 pm Thursday, 1/1, 9:00 am Friday, 1/2, 9:00 am Saturday, 1/3, 5:00 pm Sunday, 1/4, 8:30 am Sunday, 1/4, 10:30 am Liturgical Ministers Altar Serv Bk Cr Ch Asst Collect Collec!on Cup 1 2 3 4 Plate 1 2 3 Greeters EE ME OD WD Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 Sacristan † John Feeley by Vicki Coffman † Timothy Healey by the Healey Family † Emit Haeber by Alicia McFarlin Inten!ons of the Parish Family † Richard Brown by Alicia McFarlin † Margaret Nelson by Alma Bergerson † Roger Keeler by Darlene Dibble Inten!ons of the Parish Family Dec 31 –Jan 1 Wed 5.00 pm P Kraske K Dringman B Easton Thurs. 9:00 am M Ruffa!o NEEDED K Erlenbusch T Kea#ng C Brinkel Deacon Greg R Svee D Morrison C Kaiser A Abel J Jordan V Bell J/N Morey K Barth T Gregori M Fishbaugh A Parks N Ki!elson J Auzqui B Zuklic NEEDED M Hensley C Ganne! M Majerus J Michael D Thomas B/B Zuklic G Michael B Zuklic D Bo$o P Barnes Liturgical Ministers Altar Serv Bk Cr Ch Asst Collect Collec!on Cup 1 2 3 4 Plate 1 2 3 Greeters EE ME OD WD Proclaimer 1 Proclaimer 2 Sacristan Sun 8:30 am L Duray P Kraske F Duray B Duray J Trythall L Boyer N Ki!elson R Turley J Auzqui Deacon Greg K Mitchell V Boyer D Brimmer R Listoe K Simpson M Fishbaugh D Dibble B Belinski B Hayward A/E Parks P Svee E/J Whitman D/L Lemke D Kimmery S/B Duray J White J/N Morey J Michelo% M Johnson K Lombardozzi P Lowthian NEEDED A Parks Sat 5.00 pm R Peterson O Dostal T Mitchell Jan 3—4 Sun 10:30 B Easton O Easton K Dringman C Chandler K Studer Deacon Greg N Swanson J Miron D Chandler W Waite J/G Morgan S Lombardozzi T/M Hunt V Bell J Smith M Hagen K Studer 3 Faith Formation Youth Ministry Next EDGE: Tuesday, January 6th Religious Educa!on Classes will resume on January 7th. Joyce The Don Ryan Knights of Columbus Council sponsored a “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest for the Religious Educa!on classes. Dave Bo"o & Terry Johns presented the students who par!cipated in the contest with a cer!ficate of par!cipa!on and a “Keep Christ in Christmas” pin. The following students were the over-all winners & received a $10 gi" card for McDonald’s. BACK ROW: Gavin Sanders (6th grade), Cloe Baumann (5th grade), Layla Baumann (4th grade), Tori Wallace (3rd grade) FRONT ROW: Grayson Baumann (1st grade), Finley Eastlick (2nd grade, sec. I), Abby Erlenbusch (2nd grade, sec. II), Grace Jagodzinski (Kindergarten) Jesus is the Anointed One - the ul!mate priest, prophet & king foreshadowed throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Join the Wednesday night Bible Study as they begin Fr. Robert Barron’s Priest, Prophet, King study on 1/7/15 at 7:00 pm in the mul!-purpose room. Call Paul Miron, 652-0097, for info or to sign-up. 4 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Blessings, Cathy Social Jus!ce Pope Francis visited a local Roman parish, San Giuseppe all’Aurelio, on December 15th and shared with the congrega!on his reminder that Chris!ans should reflect the happiness that comes with the season. He reminded the parishioners that Christmas is about a lot more than gi$s and par!es. “Some will say, ‘Father - we organized a party and everyone is happy.’ This is fine. Par!es are good, but they are not the core of the Chris!an joy we’re talking about… So how should we give thanks? Reflect on your life and think about all the good things you have. There are so many of them. Some will say, ‘yes, but my life has had its share of bad things.’ Yes, that’s true, but that happens to every one of us. Think about the posi!ve. There are people who don’t know how to give thanks to God. They’re always complaining about something. There was this nun I knew, not here. She was a good person, she worked, but she always complained. She complained about everything. ...In the convent, they nicknamed her, Sister Complaints.” Although we may feel unsure how best to comfort those who mourn, we must stand with them in their !me of suffering. ...As members of a community of faith ourselves, let us comfort those who mourn as we look forward together to a !me when all tears are dried and our families are whole once again. “Solace and Strength in the Sorrow of Miscarriage,” 2014-2015 Respect Life Program, USCCB Outreach A hear'elt thank you to the St. Thomas Parish from the 161 families with 489 children who were the recipients of the food baskets and gi$s. Your generosity provided these families not only with everything needed for a Christmas dinner, but also with groceries to help them get through the two-week break from school. EVERY ACT OF CARING COUNTS...CARING FOR OTHERS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO. Each and every can or box of food, each turkey or ham that you contributed was extremely important to this ministry. One family upon receiving our help commented that they were shocked that we would do all this for strangers. It was amazing to see 978 gi$s for the children. WOW! For many of the children this is the only !me they receive something brand new. It does help their self esteem to have a new shirt or pair of pants to wear. The families were awed with the gi$ of pillows given with the Thanksgiving baskets. We were able to purchase the pillows and pillow cases with the grant from New York Life. We also purchased socks and underwear for all of the children with that grant money. Many thanks to the faithful volunteers who donated their !me and efforts to bring this ministry to fulfillment. From the ladies of St. Rose of Lima Circle who cut out the ornaments and wrapped gi$s, to the students from St. Francis Middle School and the large group of men who sorted and boxed the food, to the ladies who wrote out the ornaments and sorted the gi$s and to all those who delivered on Sunday: God bless you. St. Vincent de Paul is reques!ng clean, covered plas!c ice cream buckets to be used for transpor!ng soup, as needed. Please save yours and bring it to the church for pick-up by parishioner, Jan Winhofer. Thanks so much for helping with this ministry! Ques!ons? Call Jan at 697-3347. 5 Local Postings Rediscover your marriage. Retrouvaille simply means “rediscovery”. The program offers the chance to rediscover yourself, your spouse, & a loving rela"onship in your marriage. Retrouvaille is not a spiritual retreat, not a sensi"vity group, not a seminar, not a social gathering. For confiden"al informa"on or to register for the Feb. 27—Mar. 1, 2015 Great Falls program, call: 1-800-470-2230, 406-761-4830 or email [email protected]. Montana Boarding Program - Do you know a student who could benefit from a$ending a Catholic High School here in Montana? Great Falls Central Catholic High School is pleased to announce the “Montana Boarding Program”. Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, Great Falls Central Catholic will provide boarding for students from across the state who would like to a$end! Visit them at www.grea' and take a look at the Montana Boarding Program. “Put on, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, hear!elt compassion, kindness, humility , gentleness, and pa"ence, bearing with one another and forgiving one another.” Bring God’s graces into your marriage. Learn how at the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend in Billings on January 23-25, 2015. Contact Jim & Daphne at 406-850-3174 or sign up online at h$p://wwmesec" May we find new ways to be a blessing to others in 2015. ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? Please take a moment to fill out the quick form below to get you registered in the parish. Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Full Name ______________________________________________ Date of birth _______________ Religion ________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number (s) ________________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________ Preferred Mass Time: Saturday, 5:00 pm _____ Sunday, 8:30 am _____ Sunday, 10:30 am _____ Name(s) of child(ren) and date of birth : ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 Welcome to St. Thomas the Apostle · Billings, MT 59102 Poinsettia Donations 2014 MEMORIALS Jackie Hurick Scott Schroeder John Hansen Jerry Sullivan, Sr Bob Smith Les & Gloria Barnes Jim & Hazel Walker Scott Walker Joseph McCoy Walker Dr. Richard D. Prill Keith Johnson Mary Johnson Bonnie Johnson Elwood, Evelyn & Bruce Bolster Elwood, Evelyn & Bruce Bolster Richard Boese David McNally Karolyn Gainan Hildegard Gappa Betty Ann Severson Kelly & Grace Papka David Krispinsky HONORARIUMS Bunny Hansen RCIA Catechumens & Candidates Eleanor Scharosch by Dorman Hurick by the David Thor Family by the Jacobsens & Hansens by Jean Sullivan by LaVerne Smith by John & Leslie Albright by Connie & Dick Prill by Connie & Dick Prill by Connie & Dick Prill by Connie & Dick Prill by the Keith Johnson Family by Dave & Dee Johnson by Dave & Dee Johnson by Betsy Mollgaard by Betsy Mollgaard by Marilyn Boese by Jean McNally by Chuck Gainan by Sister Mary Clare Gappa by Jon Severson by Carol M. Kelsey by Debbi & Dan Uecker and Jerry & Joan Krispinsky by the Jacobsens & Hansens Anne & Darrell Holm & Nick Coffman by Jean McNally Come Visit Our Gallery! Wine • Catering Deli • Gift Baskets Gift Certificates Jeff Ruffatto Field Agent | 321-3168 ANNUITIES • DISABILITY LIFE INSURANCE !"#$%&'()*+,(' • Framing • Classes • Supplies 1942 Grand Ave. • 969-2020 Shop online at: John Armstrong - St. Patrick’s Parishioner Mary & Bill Kennedy, Parishioners !"#$%&#'()*+),-$)%. LANES and LOUNGE 6126 Hwy 312 • Billings 406-373-5100 248-1102 New Construction Remodel Maintenance Repair Dan Glennon Commercial & Residential Sam Thelen Mention this ad for free shoe rental townandcountrylanes Advanced Employment Services 2115 Broadwater • Billings, MT 59102 652-8808 • Locally owned & operated Do you need an employee for a day or forever? • We cover all Workers Compensation, Payroll plus Payroll taxes and Unemployment • We work with all types of companies including roofing. Michael & Jacque Ayers Owners & Parishioners (406) 256-8085 Tarra T. Grazley-Pfister, CFP®, CRPS® Tax Services – Tax Preparation and Filing for individuals and business at reasonable prices. 406.256.6112 E: [email protected] 3012 4th Ave N Billings MT 59101 TWO COMPANIES ONE LOCATION 406.248.5487 E: [email protected] ClavesVita Inc, Tax & Wealth Advisors: Planning is the key to successfully and legally reducing your tax liability. G Jay M. Zygmond 252-7100 E • R EM MBING • H ODEL I N P LU IN AT G • COOL I N G RON Billings Alarm is protecting Father Steve’s home. Let us protect yours! 10% discount on new services ClavesVita is Latin for “Keys of Life” Tarra is a registered person and these services are offered through TTG Financial and Royal Alliance. Kelly is not a registered person. Advisory services offered through TTG Financial Services, Inc. a registered investment advisor not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. Securities offered through Royal Alliance Assoc. Inc. member FINRA/SIPC. ClavesVita, Inc Tax & Wealth Advisors is not affiliated with Royal Alliance Assoc. 315 S. 24th Street West Billings, MT 59102 1916 4th Avenue North Billings, MT 59101 Kelly B. Rickard, CPA Tax Manager Wealth Management & Investment Advisors Tarra is a registered person and these services are offered through TTG Financial and Royal Alliance. 252-3417 Celebrating 30 Years in Business! SANCHEZ Agent 406-656-6404 Providing Insurance and Financial Services 301 S 24th St West, Billings, MT 59102 406-839-9111 For more information contact Bill Clough at 800-950-9952 x 2635 or [email protected] 925 So. 27th St. • 304 34th St. W. Ph. 245-6427 ROGER CUMMINGS Residential & Commercial P.O. Box 1235 • 144 Moore Lane Billings, MT 59103 656-4900 (406) 256-1798 • LQIR#NLUNQHVVURRÀQJFRP • Commercial & Residential Wiring Jeff Steiner 248-9394 Emmaus Road Catholic Bookstore “Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke to us on the road.” Luke 24:32 1739 Grand Ave. Ste. B Billings, MT. 59102 (406) 248-6253 FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH AT 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM ST. Thomas the Apostle CHURCH, Billings, MT B 4C 05-0452 12-04-2014 11:08:36 Theresa Ball Independent Beauty Consultant VERONICA ALYN PROCTER, Full Store in Home Attorney at Law & Parishioner 2502 Burlington Ave. Billings, MT 59102 406-651-0489 • Personal Injury 900 S 24th St W, Ste. 1 (just west of Shopko) • Insurance Matters 406-655-9898 Retirement Community [email protected] Assisted Living Apartments NOW Available! Call Denise or Marianne at 406-651-8111 St. Thomas the Apostle Parishioner to schedule your personal tour and discover why we say, “This is living!” Retirement is meant to be enjoyed! Sweetwater is where it happens! • Employment Law 3140 Sweet Water Dr., Billings, MT 59102 • 406-651-8111 • Serving Thai • Chinese • Japanese (including Sushi) and more Wine • Beer • Sake ASIAN FUSION AT ITS BEST! Awarded Certificate of Excellence, 2014 (Trip Advisor) • Family Law 406-294-8915 WWW.PROCTERLAWFIRM.COM BERNINA Sewing Machines Fabrics & Notions Sewing Classes Handi Quilter Dealer 1505 REHBERG LANE Horn Cabinet Dealer BILLINGS, MONTANA 59102 DORIS HOLZER 1-800-598-8976 Bus: (406) 656-4999 Res: (406) 252-1658 BANKS OF SERVICE SINCE 1907 Billings Local Returns Home “Find out why age 7 is the right time to see an orthodontist” Print • Marketing • Design • Mail Complimentary Consultation 2920 Overland Ave. 24824 8-68 86811 68 11 Brian & Janette McGovern P.O. Box 80725 Billings, MT 59108-0725 (406) 656-3816 “Quality & Service You Can Count On” Danna Titus Realtor, Associate Parishioner Specializing in Orthodontics for children, teens and adults Roberts Orthodontics, PLLC Cell: Michelle K. Roberts, DMD For All Your Asphalt & Concrete Needs! 2132 BROADWATER AVENUE • SUITE B Licensed, Bonded & Insured Free Estimates Office: 406-702-1939 (406) 860.8825 (406) 651.4644 Kevin T. King, CPA Bus: 406-371-5618 • Cell: 406-860-7969 • Good People, Doing Things The Right Way Audits • Taxes • CFO Services 1601 Mullowney Lane Dedication to your family’s needs has been our priority since 1939. 10 Yellowstone Avenue • (406) 248-8807 !"#$%&'()*+,-.(/0(* FOR AD INFO CALL BILL CLOUGH AT 1-800-950-9952 • When planning your estates or making funeral preparations Please call us at: 406-839-8387 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE CHURCH, BILLINGS, MT A 4C 05-0452 12-04-2014 11:08:36
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