" - " ' " " " • " " diau " ••i PAGE SIX • v 11 i^y _c THE HEMPSTEAD, N. Y., SENTINEL Fo r m er Marine Myles Law lor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mutes B. Lawlor of Hempstead is a member of the Ithaca College band which is touring Central New Captain Marries York, Connecticut and Long Island for six days. The tour which in^ COLLEGE BAND WILL VISIT NASSAU COUNTY i i THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1948 Bishop Inspects Gilts for Needy eludes tMrt«?n concerts, will terminate this weekend with two perMiss Muriel A. Scherb, daughformances at Malverne and one at Babylon. Later the band will play ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scherb at Lyons and Elmira. Mr. Lawlor plays the bass clarinet. of River Edge, N. J., became the bride of Roosevelt S. Hedemark, ^FRANKLIN PTA BUYS RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar HedeAt an executive boarll meeting of the Franklin P.T.A. of Hemp- mark of Charles street, Hempstead, stead on Thursday afternoon it was decided to purchase three Radio- Saturday at Trinity Lutheran Phonograph combinations which will be presented to the sehool at today's meeting. The instruments will be used in the school for music Church. The reception was at Linappreciation and various musical and educational programs. coln Inn, Rockville Centre. The association's annual rummage sale will be held on Tuesday, Mrs. Virginia Hahn of River March 23, at the school. Mrs. Frank Wruck, chairman. » Edge, was matron of honor and the bridesmaids included Miss FlorMISS ALDEN NAMED DURANT SCHOLAR ence Christiansen of Hempstead, • In the traditional Honors Day Chapel services at Wellesley Coljgge Mrs. Olaf Osternes of West Hemp-; iren 10, Miss Elizabeth Alden of Hempstead was named a Durant on March Scholar for highest academic achievement. The daughter of Dr. and stead and Mrs. Richard Hedemark Mrs. Ruel L. Alden, 88 Hilton avenue, Muss Alden is a member of Phi of Miami, Fla. Daniel Beckett of Beta Kappa, national honorary scholastic society, and an associate Lakeview served a s best man." -\ member of Sigma Xi. national honorary scientific society. A senior at Mrs. Hedemark attended BerkeWellesley. Miss Alden is a member of the staff of Legenda, the senior ~ annual; a member of Wellesley College News, and Phi Sigma, the ley Secretarial School. » A* gradu• semi-academic society interested in modern literature. She is a grad- ate of Hempstead high school and Tons and .tons of food and clothing have been' collected for th< «uate of the Cathedral School in Garden City. Manhattan College, the bridegroom Long Island to London campaign to relieve the poor people of London took post graduate work at the The campaign closed Palm Sunday, but pickups will continue through ELAINE GOODHUE University of Minnesota. He served out Brooklyn and Long Island through the week of April 5 Phot< BECOMES FIANCEE overseas with the U. S. Marines shows the Hi. Rev. James P . DeWolfe, Bishop of Long Island, win M r / and Mrs. John M. Goodhue and formerly held the rank of conceived the idea, Inspecting some of the gifts with the Venerabl of Baldwin, have announced the captain. Charles W. MtaeLean of Rfverhead, Archdeacon of Suffolk County Miss Jeanne - Marie Maher, engagement of their daughter, Russell R. Brown, secretary of the Bishop's Committee of the Laity daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Miss "Elaine Kuth Goodhue, to • and the Venerable Harry J. Stretch of Garden City, Archdeacoi Maher of Gnoton place, West Richard J. Kenney, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Demsey of Madison avQueens and Nassau Counties, looking on (left to right). The cam Hempstead, has selected May 8 as enue, West Hempstead. paign, sponsored by the Diocese of Long Island, Protestant Episcopa the date of her marriage to Robert Miss Goodhue, a Baldwin high Church, proved to he a tremendous success. Brennan, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- school graduate, is with the CanMiss Rita M. Coqgnhn*. thew. Brennan of BeHerose. The non Mills in Manhattan. Mr. Ken- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Coughis ait alumnus of Chaminade ceremony will be at St. Thomas ney DOROTHY^ HANLEY high school and during the war lin of WorceslefT- Masev -wKll the the Apostle Church, West Hemp- served as a paratrooper with the married to John %\ Carroll, Jr., SETS WEDDING DAY stead at 10:30, followed by a re- 11th Airborne Division in Japan. son of Mr, and Mrs. John W. Car"\ Miss Dorothy Patricia Hanlej ception at the Stewart Manor roll of Stewart avenue, Hempstead, Country Cluto. A music festival and choral con- daughter o\ Mr. and, Mrs. Georg Easter Sunday. The ceremony will V. Hanley df MeadoW street, Gar Mrs. Harry S. Cahill of Brooktake place a t St. Joseph's Roman test, sponsored by the New York fved to Fran lyn,' will be matron of honor for Catholic Church, Garden City at State Federation of Women's den OftyjTO Clubs, second district, will be held C. Bairdf s& f W d r g e T. Bair her sister, and Matthew Brennan, p.m. in the Cathedral House, Garden of Rockville Centre, and the lat ,,.-.•.. ..... ^ Miss Doris Gloria Hansen, * Jr., will be his brother's best man. Miss Agnes Wood of Rosedale City, Thursday, April 8, at l:30j Mrs. BftttlJn'Sfc Ois^pH's* Roma The future bride is a graduate daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George will be maid of honor and Thomas Choral groups of clubs competing Catholic ^ u ^ n ^ l f r i l 17 at 1 of Hempstead high school and her Hansen of Monroe street, West Carroll will serve as his brother's will include Nassau Women's Club: a.;.m. fiance is an alumnus of Sewan- Hempstead, and Edward August best man. The reception wUl be at Garden City Woman's Club; The : Mrs. Rudolf Drenick of Schnec haka. He is a Navy veteran. After Rose, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.' Rose Twentieth Century Club of Rich* |ady will be her sister's matron c the Carroll home. a trip the couple will live in West of Millerton, formerly of West The bfide-elect attended Worces- mond Hill and the Woman's Club honor and^ the! .bridesmaids are t Hempstead, will marry April 10. Hempstead. The ceremony will take place at ter schools* Her-fiancjBj A gradu- of Great Neck. Proceeds will bene- be Miss Evelyn Baird, sister of th fit the music scholarship fund for prospective bridegroom, and Mh 15 p. m. at Trinity Lutheran Church ate of Hempstead high school, youth. ; i Graco Breese. Robert Baird wi I West Hempstead, and the recep- served with the army a s a sergeant Judges will be Mrs. James N. be his brother's heat man. I tion will be at Lincoln Inn, Rock- and was on overseas duty over a year. • - . - . •l Gehrig, composer-pianist; Maurice ville^_Cenire. : . *4 i Garabrant, organist of the CatheThe annual Greek games, compeThe bride's attendants will be DOROTHY BRUDIE dral of the Incarnation, and Lowell titions between freshmen and Miss Jean Samson of—Franklin TO MARRY APRIL 18 Patton, organist of Christ First sophomore girls of Hempstead Square, maid of honor; Miss Joan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brudie of High School, will be presented on Guggisburg, Miss Dorothy Roes, Williston Park, have announced Presbyterian Church. Mrs. John I. Brush of West Thursday afternoon, April 15, and Miss Eleanor Jaeger, and Miss Jac- the engagement of their daughter, Friday evening, April 16, in the queline Rizenback, all of West Miss Dorothy Brudie, to James Hempstead is committee chairman. boys* gym, Greenwich street. Hempstead, bridesmaids. Alfred Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- Tickets may be obtained from her This year, the games will be ded- Rose will be his brother's best man. as Kelly of Princeton- street, or the committee which include.* Hempstead. Mr3 William Hays Lawrence, Mrs. icated to Neptune, the god of the After a trip the couple will live The bride-elect is a graduate of Walter R. Hood, Mrs. Meredith sea. Joan Shutkind will portray at Millerton. Mineola high school Mr. Kelly Neptune, and Sue Erickson, his attended Hempstead high school Kent, Mrs. Fletcher Tracy, Mrs, is employed at Mitchel Field. Fred C. Riggs, Mrs. Minnie Ti wife, Amphitate. DOLORES LA VAY WEDS and They will be married April 18 at Swain, Mrs. Reuben E. Tostman, Beverly Kline, general chairman AT POST CHAPEL HERE the Community Church of East Mrs. Edward H. Best, Mrs. Rayof the event, is being assisted by Williston. Miss Dolores La Vay, daugh- . ... . . . mond N. Corwith, Mrs. Alfred S. • Betty Hand, sophomore priestess, The Cornell Women's Club of Griffiths, Mrs. Albert Pretzfelder, and Joan Kitrell, freshman priest- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton La Vay of Elton road, Garden City, will Long Island will sponsor a square Mrs. Arthur D. Jaques, Mrs. FreoV ess. { Rosemary Mooslumer is sopho- be married on Saturday to John dance April 9 at 8 p, ml in the erick M. Gibson, Mrs. Cord A. more challenger, Anna Doharty, W. Morrison, Jr., son of John W. Jackson street school, Hempstead, Meyer, Mrs. Fred W. Lyon, Mrs. EXCITING OFFERI the freshmen challenger. Janet dc Morrison of Chester eyenue, Gar- for the benefit of the club's schol- Philip T. Rogers and Mrs. Andrew H. Boardnian. ~ Martino and Marion Jacoves are den City. The ceremony will take arship fund. ONtY IN MARCHI place at Mitchel Field chapel and charioteers. STORE HOURS: FRANKLIN SHOPS Aiding the Freshmen are upper- the reception will be at the OfPally 9 to 5:80 classmen Audrey Farrell, Ada ficers' Club. Friday Noon to 9 Mrs. William Whitney, 4th of Witt, Barbara Tatem, Anne Thompson, Joan Distler, Joan Lew- Garden City will be matron of honI T S THE is, Rosemarie Behrman, Enid Un- or and Captain Gerald La Vay, derbill, Sonja Johnson, and Mary will serve as best man. FRANKLIN SHOPS Ellen Lydiard. FOR Helping the Sophomores are up- SANDRA WARD BUTLER per-classmpn Eleanor Berlinghoff. WAS WED LAST WEEK Adele Hoffman, Iuna Israelson. Mrs. Sandra Ward Butler of 146 Dorothy Rehill, Alorine Brown, Nassau boulevard, Garden City, Velma Lyons, Louise Gentile, Mar- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, If your favorite old garet Mackin, Jean Keilly, Joan Samuel Dwight Ward, was marpictures art fading Hothman, and Annis Thompson. ried 4ast Wednesday to Frederick AUTOMATIC away, or you'd like a G. Hoch, son of Mr. and Mrs. GARDEN CITY PAIR George W. Hoch -of Roosevelt WASHER — Miniature that will PLANNING TO MARRY street, Garden City, N a n heirloom, don't AT Ol R APPLIANCE ANNEX The ceremony took place at St. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Nogel 34 N. Franklin Avenue Radio* Refrigerators mils this offerl Conof Stewart avenue, Garden City, James Lutheran Church, Stewart Directly at the entrance to Record* of their daughter, Miss Frances Manor. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Washer* sult us without charge. —Elisabeth Nogel, to Richard FriaFranklin Shops Parking Area . Television Range* ble, son of Mrs. Otto G. Frisbie of F. Smith w«re the attendants. Af'•' * Chestnut street, Garden City, and ter a wedding trip the couple will .I'-nn Saicfou Studio ^ the late Dr.' Frisbie. live in Garden City. The bride-elect is a graduate of * Garden City high school, and atMrs. Felix Mehz and her (laughFRANKLIN SHOPS, IN£ tended Wellesley College and the ter, Miss Winfred Menz of Wash230 I nl«on A l i m Tobe Coburn School. Mr. Frisbie, 2:>0 Fulton Avenue • Hempstead, N. Y. ington street, Hempstead, are ll«m|»*.lr:i<l. V. \ . an army veteran, received his law Greater Long Island's Department Store vacationing in Florida. degree at St. Johns College. I I I M I — M i l « l— • — • mi Jeanne Maher oets on Choral Contest Listed for April 8 Doris Hansen Sets Date for Wedding Greek Games Apr, 15 1<$ Off on Restoration work and Miniatures ». FRANKLIN SHOPS. — ..™io-» m- Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com i
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