Desktop Publishing - Lab-Volt

Desktop Publishing
This course will enable students to study how documents are
developed, from computer to printer. It will teach students
the basics of desktop publishing using a desktop publishing
software package. Students will be introduced to the basic
principles of page design, layout, and typography, and will
learn the tools needed to create original documents.
Learning Objectives
• Demonstrate how to use the basic tools needed to
create original documents on a desktop publishing
• Discuss the principles of DTP including layout, page
design and typography.
• Explore the career options available in the field of DTP.
Practical Experience
• Design and produce a document that meets specified
• Write and design original documents in DTP software,
applying styles, sizes and colors to text.
• Scan images and import them into a document.
• Create a poster and an advertisement that appropriately
combines art with typography.
Curriculum activities or
equipment may change as LabVolt continually strives to provide
the most up-to-date technologyeducation program.
Desktop Publishing
The curriculum is a complete learning unit containing work
activities appropriate for students to cover a period of twelve
Student Accomplishments:
• def ne desktop publishing.
• explain WYSIWG.
• examine the difference between desktop publishing and
graphic design.
• explore a desktop publishing software package.
• def ne typography and discuss how it is used.
• learn how to effectively select fonts.
• design the text elements in a desktop publishing project.
• examine image selection and preparation tasks.
• demonstrate how to import scanned images.
• identify the goal, audience, and theme of your publication
and create thumbnail sketches of the design.
• examine page layout and page composition tips.
• examine the concepts of design basics and their
application in desktop publishing.
• explore four basic principles of design – alignment,
proximity, repetition, and contrast.
• improve your page layout and text compositions by
applying these design principles.
• examine how computer technology affects the printing of
color documents.
• have some fun with color foil.
• examine how to create contrast with size, value, color, and
• examine arranging text and images to provide visual cues.
• explore how to add visual impact to your documents.
• explore a f ve step formula for creating effective ads.
• examine the basic Ogilvy ad layout.
• design and create your own ad.
• explore how people process information.
• use the principles of design that you have learned to
redesign documents.
• explore the career possibilities in desktop publishing.
• discuss career opportunities in desktop publishing.
Equipment, Course-Specific Software & Supplies:
• Laser printer capable of 600 x 600 dpi printing at the rate
of 4 pages per minute and suitable for a variety of media
• DTP software: includes tools to create, design, and deliver
high-impact publications in print and electronic media;
allows students to streamline the publishing process
into a single media-independent workf ow where content
is created once and then delivered through multiple
publishing media.
• Flatbed scanner with software
• Scissors, laser paper transparencies
• Headphones (2) with a two-way adapter
• Course plaque and mouse pad
Resources, Software & Courseware:
Tech-Design eSeries courses contain the complete multimedia
curriculum and resources. Supplementing the curriculum are
resources such as Key Terms and W ords, Timelines, Career
Exploration, Environmental Impacts, Internet Link to age- and
content-appropriate web sites for student research and TDQuest projects. Instructor-enabled features such as: narration,
electronic annotations, closed captioning, application launches,
electronic student journal and lesson delivery options are
integrated into the system.
Tech Design is facilitated by the Mind-Sight eT raining System.
Mind-Sight™ is a seamless integration of courseware delivery
and classroom management. You can use the Mind-Sight
eTraining System to manage student enrollment, schedule
learning activities, customize courseware curriculum, and
track performance objectives and assessments. Mind-Sight
comes ready to “plug-and-play” on a fully-supported miniserver which has been pre-installed with the management and
communication software.
,QVWUXFWLRQDO5HVRXUFHV: Instructor’s Guide (answer keys and
other information to assist with class preparation), Mind-Sight
Installation and User’s Guide (instructions for navigating through
the curriculum and using interactive features), Supplemental
Comprehensive Assessment Booklet.
Operating System:
Windows XP or higher
Computer Technology
Coordinating Systems
Ecological Risk Factors
Curves and Angles
Environmental Impacts
Decimals, Fractions
Input/Output Devices
Ordering Values
Visual Perception
Patterns and Number Series Thinking Skills
Language Arts
Drawing Conclusions
Note Taking
Logical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
Predicting Outcomes
Spelling, Vocabulary, Writing Problem Solving
Hardware Specifications:
Personal computer
0HPRU\: 1 GB or higher
6RXQG&DUG: 16 Bit, full duplex
&'5:'9'FRPER: 48x or higher
+DUG'ULYH6SDFH: 30 GB with minimum of 10 GB free space
1HWZRUN,QWHUIDFH&DUG: 10 Mbps Card (recommended 100 Mbps)
Software Specifications:
Internet Explorer 8 or higher, Flash 10, .Net 3.0 Framework
LAB-VOLT SYSTEMS, INC. • PO BOX 686 • FARMINGDALE NJ 07727 • 1-800-LAB-VOLT • • E-MAIL [email protected]