/..- --A.y DHE GLENVIEW LANTERN"" GLE S HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER G1cnVlc"rLanluD.com· Fcbruuy6,20J4 • Vol. 3 No. 17 "1 PUROCAllON BIRJRDAY GIRLS I'lIi 01 GItnYltw rllldtots fum 100, 1'age7 SIBLING SUCCESS B"lh", slsl" lie lor G~n Grove IP~'i b.. lillo, PagelS Daddies' girls Fathers, daughters dress to the nines for annual Princess Ball, Page 5 NEWS THE GLENVIEW LANTER" I February 6. 2014 I 5 1~1IlI COVER STORY Fathers, daughters attend Princess Ball Dads and kids enjoy a Fairy Forest theme ElIli\BETH MAIfASJER. Stan Wrller When lohn Plak read about the Glenview Princess Ball on his hain ride to work one day, the new Glenview resident knew a certain princus who would m051 certainly be receiving an invitalion. His daughter. S -year-old Princess Kale, soon r«eived 8 speci/l.l nolice (rom the king. find the pair arrived 81 Ihe ball Friday. Jan. 30. dressed in their finery. The pair joined a hosl of other royally that evening as lleAlly 50 little girls wele escorted by their falhers 10 the annual daddy-daughter dance, held in the Lakeview Room al Park Center, 2400 Chestnut Ave. The kings and lheir small princcues ar· rived al the ball in suits and lies, sequins and bows. Prom the tops of their tiarBS to the lips of their palent leathered l~. the young girls were awed and excited tIS they entered 1I. faiIy land created especially for them and for this weekend of special oneon-one lime between fathers and daughters. According 10 Aoorea Jur&Sic, recreation supervisor at the Glenview P8Ik District, lhe annual event - which is held Oil two nights - is "Iways well 811ended, usu"ny drawing lin even largcr crowd on Saturday nigh!. "1llc "gc rMgc for thc girls is between 4 nnd "boul 9," Jurnslc snid, "but the avcrngc nge is probllbly nboul 5 or 6. I grew up in this area. and personally I did not atlend anylhing like this, but a 101 of my friends did nnd still hllve thcir piclure." This year's theme was a Fairy Fore.st; as large butterflies fiullered among trees and flowers made of balloons. The dinner was provided (and donated) by Brnvol, and a DJ was spinning age-llpplopriate dance music find annouocing larne winnels while daddie.s and dnughtcrs were having a ball on the dance floor. Plenty of loose balloons added 10 the ,,'""We . try to dress up the room bUI still make il kid friendly," Jurasic explained. 'This is like every lillie girl's drcllm - 10 dress up like a princess, go out and have fun." Pre· ordered wrist DOuages by Fab FIOla were AV8ilable to be picked up at the event. TIny pink or while sweelheart 10Se.s fit perfectlyon liny wrisls. Floral Designer Jori Foreman grew up in Glenview herself and oRen works with lhe park district on events like Ihis one. Some of lhe older girls encnding that evening had been making memories hcre with their falbers for sever"l years, including Kryslina Calaoce. This was the fourth year she and her fa· Iher Randy had come 10 lhe dance. was my "Yestcrday birthday," beamed 9-ycarold Krystina, dressed in II. Boor length red aoo black sp8lkIing dress and twirl· ing Mound the room like D countess. "I like thc songs," she said excitedly. She and her falher were soon joined by two of her friends Ind their fathers, who were Iiso auending for Ihe fourth year. The girls, who were quile comfertnble Longtlma f,lend. (Ielt to rlghl) Krl.tyna Celenee, Sarah Claver and Sydney O'Hara Ir. pIctured at the Prlne..a Ball FrIday, Jan. 30 PHOTOS BY Bill VERlAlIl2HO CEHlURY MEOI" wilh the evening and obviously enjoying themselves, joined anns and giggled for a picture. Some of the firsHimers were 8 lillie more shy, laking in aU oflhe 8Ctivity. Daniella and Jason Weiss enjoyed each ethe,'s company alone of Ihe lable.s. "ii's very crealive with all the baUoons,"Dnniella said, not sure if she would Iry dancing this ycar. David Isaacs And his dllughler Kylie were also DlIcnding for the first time. Klyie looked lovcly ·in tl black and white dress, which tumsoul to have been odress she had worn as a (lolVcr girl in a wedding. "II's nice 10 havc some dAddy-daughtcr lime logelhcr," Isaacs said. "We don'. get enough of thaI." Zoe Kaiser (cenle,) end Medellna Fifield (right) pia)' with balloons during the princess bnll.
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