Ephrata Baseball Association Postseason Player Evaluation Directions tho criteria send it as evaluatlon lor completion: Fill in tho available fields below by typinq in your team roster. Then, simply follow for each column's headinq by evaluating OUGhplayer usinq a 0·5 scoring system. Save it and an attachment. We will then add each of these SCOrHS,including the total, to a postseason database for all of the children in our system. Please nolo: Certain components, such as pitching. will not apply for certain levels of play. Please only evaluate each player in the areas you have observed them performing. -(prpit(;hln'g'crIier~it:;r;,-=----,-. tghed' iil-practiGe;. tl.uT;,ot .ii)'-·'--···'··- games; speed. _.-,strikes: (2) Pitchedin~ • "nsistenUY,bvtrn~YJa.ck A regular pi!(;h~., " .sont>ThroWsl'iardf&r '[)_L._,_ \ One' the.._'tOM<~lt(;~~_ ..: ., ,__ ...-:.,-..__ _...-: ~.«.;.,.\~.:\. ••.. ...._of ..,..._,__ ~::t::~· ". .'. -'''" . _.._"_.--__ -"-·::··:' ... ;,':·:··~--'?:~;::~>~':'~'>;~:'~i.~~Y'::;:~~:<.'."(H) Hitting Oriterion; (0) Seldom made contact; (I) Made occasional contact, but struck out frequently; (2) Good knowledge of stnke zone, made consistent contact; (3) Consistently able to drive the ball, occasionally ._wit!2..£2~~r.;..\J1Ib ..~.J(~e. ..t!i!~~! ..(~!!_~9$lm duril the season; (Q2 O!)5'~of t!l~.J~bjtt~!~iE!_~~l!.!:._I<:!!9.l!2~~,"'~"'-c_C" Throwing Criterion: (0) Still trying' dtothro\ijr·Wlth:;:'\;l):"lZ~t(jIll!~ ..thebaII;Jjut:QI'!IY~~: ..: ··.·short·distance and accuracy is a COriCfJ r~tely:,bvtnp.<:r,~i ..~t~e;tiglt).;,(?)Able,t()<'::;>;<: .. make the throw from 3rd to Ist with rea.. .....~ed;(4) Thestrong~t,:~irn,t)nthete81n;<·' ~WOn~ of the hardest.· most accuratethr9i:Y '0;;<' ." '.'·····.:>·::::.:;:.';S\;:..:...< . .......••... , (f) Fielding Criterion: (0) Almost never able to get glove on the ball; (1) Sometimes is able to field slow '. grounders; (2) Can field balls right to him/her, but very little reaction; (3) Reacts to ground balls on all sides, but often has trouble fielding the ball cleanly; (4) Best infielder on our team; (5) One of top fielders in our _~~Lle. "All-Star Shortsto " {fB)' Fly Ball Critel'iertS: {i!~'~l~ -;- .'.'thf;l~l#o.yt1· ":S~:Si8h,~Uy!;;t,nd:i~'i!le:~~~~r,(~)':;:":':;:: Can catch; but alway*,use$~~ba roach;: (:;1.•..•.......... '. ' ..,. ','" ".» ,ost fly b~H$'withg09crf6~rn;-!i(Jt: :,< may not havegood'r~ngej:'f4:t outfj.e!ai?rli~i~':!.:::,:. our lea ue " '.. ': .• :. ',.'; , -. :;,', (A A) Athletic Ability Criterion: (0) Baseball may not be their sport; (1) Slow or weak, but has potenti~ based on qreat effort; (2) Good athletic ability, but still working on applying it to baseball; (3) Good athletic ability and able to use it for baseball; (4) One of fastest, strongest players on our team; (5) One of fastest, stron est la ers in our lea ue kJq\lllle(jg~;.1tl .9J9.ld:.:~ZT;Fit? .. n?arl' ·.q.ll·the,roles; ',1, "-f_' . _'_' '.. .. rn ':< ',?.~t~er.h~v~:ffB~!I~'Ui~:'~i:~~);g~~':~J~~t?p•. league level: Manager/Coach: Team: Date: .. Roster (last na.me, First name) I. 2, J. 4, S. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13, 14, 15. i \ - P H T F FB AA GK Total
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