Moulmein-Kallang TOWN COUNCIL touchpoint MCI (P) 087/10/2014 Celebrations in the community! October 2014 Interview with the Chairman As the new Chairman, what are your priorities for the Town Council? My main priority is to ensure continuity and build on the good work and strong foundation which our previous Chairman, Ms Denise Phua, has put in place. With that, we can then focus on a few areas. First, we have to continue to understand how our residents live and use the facilities. This will help us improve our estate, as we build new amenities and infrastructure, as well as maintain and upkeep our common environment in a manner which meets residents’ expectations and demands. Second, we have to recognise good facilities, new shelters, improved playgrounds, and other physical improvements mean nothing if our residents do not enjoy them and use these facilities to spend quality time with family, friends and neighbours. Our common spaces and facilities should be a platform to build strong community bonds amongst our residents. I hope to be able to achieve that. How have residents’ expectations changed over the years, and how will the Town Council cope with the changing needs of residents? Residents expect the delivery of good municipal services – that has not changed. However, as our estate grows larger, with more residents, and facilities and infrastructure to look after and maintain, the job for the Town Council gets more challenging. But the councillors and staff have risen to the challenge to better manage our Town. For instance, we use technology and mobile apps developed specially to geo-locate and aid in the management of estate matters. What is your assessment of the team at the Town Council in meeting these challenges? Our team is doing a good job. I hope our residents appreciate them. They cannot be everywhere all the time, so I ask residents to understand that. When I go around and talk to our cleaners, they tell me that their biggest challenge is trying to maintain premises which get littered and soiled by our own residents. It is demoralising for them to clean again and again — only for our own residents to litter — leading to other residents complaining about the lack of cleanliness. 主席访谈 身为新任主席,您为市镇理事会拟定了哪些方针? 我的首要任务就是确保我们的前任主席,潘丽萍市长所建立的稳固基础和良好成绩能持续推展。 之后,我们就可以关注几个重要的领域。 首先,我们要继续了解我们的居民是如何生活和使用设施。这将帮助我们改善社区、提供新的设备和完善设 施,以及维持和保养我们的公共环境,以达到居民的期望和要求。我们同时也必须意识到良好的设施、新的 有盖走廊、改良的游乐场和其他环境的改善都是为了让居民有个适合的地方与家庭、朋友和邻居欢聚。我们 的共同空间和设施是一个用来加强社区凝聚力的平台。我希望能够实现这个理想。 居民的期望如何随着时代而改变,而市镇理事会要如何满足居民们与时并进的需求? 居民要求良好的社区服务,这是不变的一点。不过,随着社区的扩大,我们将有更多居民、设备和基础设施 要考虑和照顾,市镇理事会的工作也更具挑战。虽然如此,理事会职员都欣然接受挑战,为我们的市镇提供 更优质的管理服务。例如,我们使用了备有地理定位的科技和流动应用程序,以协助社区内的管理工作。 您觉得您的市镇理事会团队应对挑战的能力如何? 我们的团队目前表现不错,希望居民能意识到他们的努力。他们不能随传随到,希望居民们能谅解这点。当 我到各处巡视,并且与清洁工人聊天时,他们告诉我他们所面对的最大挑战是维持一个不断被居民自行弄脏 的社区环境。他们必须不间断地打扫,可是又同时被其他居民投诉社区不够干净。 TouchPoint 2 October 2014 Wawancara dengan Pengerusi Sebagai Pengerusi yang baru, apakah keutamaan anda untuk Majlis Bandaran? Keutamaan saya adalah untuk memastikan kesinambungan dan membina daripada kerja baik dan asas yang kukuh yang telah dibangunkan oleh Pengerusi kita yang sebelumnya, Cik Denise Phua. Lantas itu, kita boleh memberikan tumpuan kepada beberapa bahagian. ` Pertama, kita perlu terus memahami bagaimana penduduk kita hidup dan menggunakan kemudahan. Ini akan membantu kami untuk memperbaiki estet kami, sedang kami membina kemudahan dan infrastruktur yang baru, serta mengekalkan dan memelihara persekitaran kita bersama, dalam cara yang memenuhi harapan dan permintaan penduduk. Kedua, kami harus mengakui bahawa kemudahan yang baik, tempat perlindungan yang baru, taman permainan yang lebih baik dan peningkatan fizikal yang lain tidak bermakna apa-apa jika penduduk kami tidak menikmatinya dan menggunakan kemudahan ini untuk meluangkan masa yang berkualiti bersama keluarga, rakan dan jiran. Ruang dan kemudahan umum kita seharusnya menjadi platform untuk membina ikatan yang kuat di kalangan para penduduk kita. Saya berharap dapat mencapainya. Bagaimanakah harapan penduduk telah berubah selama ini, dan bagaimanakah Majlis Bandaran akan menangani keperluan penduduk yang berubah? Para penduduk mengharapkan perkhidmatan perbandaran yang baik disampaikan - itu masih tidak berubah. Walau bagaimanapun, sedang estet kita semakin membesar, dengan lebih ramai penduduk, kemudahan dan infrastruktur untuk dijaga dan dikekalkan, tugas Majlis Bandaran menjadi lebih mencabar. Tetapi anggota majlis dan kakitangan telah menyahut cabaran untuk menguruskan Bandar kami dengan lebih baik lagi. Sebagai contoh, kami menggunakan teknologi dan aplikasi mudah alih yang dibina khas untuk mengesan lokasi dan membantu dalam pengurusan hal-hal estet. Contents People Hari Raya celebration with a touch of nostalgia 4 Celebrations in red and white 5 National Day Awards 2014 4-5 recipients Apakah penilaian anda tentang pasukan di Majlis Bandaran ini dalam memenuhi cabarancabaran tersebut? Pasukan kami telah melakukan tugas yang baik. Saya berharap para penduduk kami menghargai mereka. Mereka tidak boleh berada di semua tempat pada setiap masa, jadi saya meminta para penduduk untuk memahami perkara tersebut. Apabila saya pergi ke kawasan di sekitar estet dan bercakap dengan pekerja pembersihan kami, mereka memberitahu saya bahawa cabaran terbesar mereka adalah cuba untuk mengekalkan premis yang berserepah dengan sampah sarap dan dikotorkan oleh penduduk kami sendiri. Ia mematahkan semangat mereka untuk membersihkan berkali-kali - hanya untuk diserepahkan oleh penduduk kami sendiri - dan kemudian, penduduk lain mengadu tentang kurangnya kebersihan. ¾¨ÄÅÕ¼ý §¿÷¸¡½ø Gjpa jiytuhf> efu kd;wj;jpw;fhd cq;fspd; Kd;Dupikfs; vit? ekJ Ke;ija jiytH jpUthl;b nldp]; Gth mtHfs; Nkw;nfhz;l rpwe;j gzpfisj; njhlHtijAk;> mtHfs; Vw;gLj;jpf; nfhLj;Js;s typikahd mbj;jsj;ijj; nfhz;L rpwg;ghfr; nray;Guptij cWjp nra;tNj vdJ Kf;fpa Kd;Dupikahf ,Uf;Fk;. ,tw;wpd; %yk;> ehk; Gjpa tp\aq;fs; kPJ ftdk; nrYj;j KbAk;. Environment In full bloom 6 Well covered 7 Food lovers’ familiar favourite 8 reopens From hawker stall to restaurant 8 Kjypy;> ekJ FbapUg;ghsH vt;thW tho;fpd;wdH> trjpfisg; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wdH vd;gij ehk; njhlHJ Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;baJ mtrpakhFk;. ehk; Gjpa trjpfs; kw;Wk; cs;fl;likg;Gf;fis cUthf;Ftjhy;> ,J ekJ FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;ilia ehk; Nkk;gLj;j cjTk;. mNjhL> FbapUg;ghsHfspd; vjpHghHg;Gfs; kw;Wk; Njitfis epiwNtw;Wk; tpjkhf> ekJ nghJthdr; Rw;Wr;#oiy epHtfpj;Jg; guhkupg;gjw;Fk; ekf;F cjTk;. ,uz;lhtjhf> ey;y trjpfs;> Gjpa FbapUg;Gfs;> Nkk;gLj;jg;gl;l tpisahl;L ikjhdq;fs; kw;Wk; gpw ,lQ;rhHe;j Nkk;ghLfis ehk; milahsk; fhz Ntz;Lk;. ,tw;why;> ekJ FbapUg;ghsHfs; kfpo;r;rpailthHfs;> NkYk; jq;fs; FLk;gj;jpdH> ez;gHfs; kw;Wk; mz;il tPl;Lf;fhuHfSld; jukhd Neuk; nrytpLtjw;fhd ,j;jifa trjpfisg; gad;gLj;JthHfs;. ekJ FbapUg;ghsHfSf;F kj;jpapy; typikahd rKjhag; gpizg;Gfis cUthf;Ftjw;fhd xU rpwe;j jskhf ekJ nghJthd ntw;wplg; gFjpfSk; trjpfSk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mij mila KbAk; vd;w ek;gpf;if vdf;Fs;sJ. fhyg; Nghf;fpy; FbapUg;ghsHfspd; vjpHghHg;Gfs; vt;thW khwpAs;sd> NkYk; FbapUg;ghsHfspd; Njitfspy; Vw;gLk; khw;wq;fis efu kd;wk; vt;thW rkhspf;Fk;? ey;y efuhl;rp Nritfs; toq;fg;gl Ntz;Lnkd;W FbapUg;ghsHfs; vjpHghHf;fpd;wdH - ,J khwtpy;iy. vdpDk;> ekJ FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;il mjpf FbapUg;ghsHfs;> trjpfs; kw;Wk; cs;fl;likg;Gld; kpfg; ngupajhf tsHe;Js;sjhy;> ,tw;iwg; ghJfhj;Jg; NgZtjw;F efu kd;wk; kpfg; ngupa rthiy vjpHNehf;FfpwJ. Mdhy; fTd;rpyHfSk; gzpahsHfSk; ekJ efuj;ijr; rpwg;ghf epHtfpf;Fk; jpwidg; ngw;Ws;sdH. cjhuzkhf> ,Ug;gplj;ijj; Jy;ypakhf milahsk; fhl;Ltjw;Fk; ([pNahnyhf;Nfl;) FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;il tptfhuq;fis epHtfpg;gjpy; cjTtjw;fhfTk; rpwg;ghf cUthf;fg;gl;Ls;s njhopy;El;gk; kw;Wk; ifNgrp gad;ghl;il ehq;fs; gad;gLj;JfpNwhk;. Heart Keeping an eye out for your safety 10 ,j;jifa rthy;fisr; re;jpg;gjpy; efu kd;wj;jpy; cs;s FOtpd; Mw;wiy ePq;fs; vt;thW kjpg;gpLfpwPHfs;? Put litter in its place 10 ekJ FO rpwg;ghfr; nray;gLfpwJ. ekJ FbapUg;ghsHfs; ,tHfisg; ghuhl;Lfpd;wdH vd ek;GfpNwd;. ,tHfshy; vy;yh NeuKk; vy;yh ,lq;fspYk; ,Uf;f KbahJ vd;gijf; FbapUg;ghsHfs; Gupe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lnkd;W Nfl;Lf; nfhs;fpNwd;. ehd; FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;iliar; Rw;wpg; ghHj;J> ek;Kila Jg;GuthsHfSld; NgRk; Ntisapy;> ekJ FbapUg;ghsHfshy; Fg;ig Nghlg;gl;L> khRgLj;jg;gLk; tshfq;fisg; guhkupf;f Kaw;rp nra;tNj jq;fspd; kpfg;ngupa rthy; vd;W mtHfs; vd;dplk; $wpdhHfs;. xNu ,lj;ijj; jpUk;gj; jpUk;g Rj;jk; nra;tJ vd;gJ mtHfSf;Fr; rypg;ig Vw;gLj;Jk;. ekJ FbapUg;ghsHfs;jhd; Fg;ig NghLfpwhHfs;> Mdhy;> mjd;gpwF FbapUg;Gg;Ngl;il Rj;jkhf ,y;iynad;W mtHfNs GfhH njuptpf;fpwhHfs;. Putting senior citizens at EASE 11 Renewing our home and neighbourhood 11 8 things to know about MediShield Life October 2014 12 TouchPoint 3 People 开斋节聚餐 Hari Raya celebration with a touch of nostalgia A round 280 residents of Moulmein-Kallang GRC and Whampoa SMC gathered for Nostalgia Raya at Kolam Ayer CC on August 31. They came dressed in their Hari Raya best and delighted in a wonderful time of food, fun and entertainment by Malay artistes and cultural performers. Members of Parliament (MPs), Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim, Mr Lui Tuck Yew, Mr Heng Chee How, Ms Denise Phua, and Mr Edwin Tong were present for the event. The MPs donned aprons and served the residents at the buffet lines before joining everyone for a hearty meal and watched the performances. It was indeed a nostalgic afternoon as the residents left the event smiling, touched by what they had seen and experienced. Congratula Our National Day Aw The Public Service Star (Bar) – BBM(L) Mr Michael Lee Ah Kow, BBM Chairman, Kolam Ayer CCMC TouchPoint 4 The Public Service Medal – PBM Mr Ee Kim Seng Vice-Chairman, Jalan Besar CC SCEC October 2014 Mr Hooy Say Kai Patron, Jalan Besar CCC Mr Ang Keng Leong Chairman, Kampong Glam CC SCEC Mr Lim Herh Kim Chairman, Kampong Glam Rowell Court RC People 红白庆典 Celebrations in red and white Residents of Moulmein-Kallang GRC and Whampoa SMC came together on August 9 to celebrate our country’s 49th birthday with song, dance, great food, and a whole lot of national pride. ations to wards 2014 Recipients The Public Service Medal – PBM Mr K Govindasamy, PBS Chairman, Kolam Ayer CC IAEC Mr Steven Koh Ngee Leng Ms Audrey Wong Su-Hsien Vice-Chairman, Vice-Chairperson, Tanglin CCMC Moulmein Dunearn NC Mdm Koh Hui Hiang Chairperson, Whampoa CC WEC Mr Edmund Ng Kok Wah Chairman, Whampoa CCMC October 2014 TouchPoint 5 Environment 锦绣盛开 In full bloom In a little over a year, the open space in front of Block 14A Upper Boon Keng Road has been transformed from a nondescript turf to an award-winning garden. Set up in May last year, the Boon Keng Ville Community Garden won a Platinum Award at the Community in Bloom Awards 2014 organised by the National Parks Board. The garden, which is slightly smaller than a badminton court, is managed by the Jalan Besar Boon Keng Ville Residents’ Committee (RC). Since its set-up, it has harvested fruits and vegetables, including passion fruit, grapes, papayas, ladyfingers and the flaming hot purple chilli, among others. Flowers, such as sunflower, have also blossomed in the garden. “The initial stages were challenging, which made the win all the more sweet”, said Mr Yap Ee Hong, the RC’s Vice-Chairman. “We like gardening but we were novices. So we faced problems, like the soil wasn’t enough or the fertiliser wasn’t right, and some plants couldn’t grow,” Mr Yap recalled. “We learn as we go, it’s a good experience.” The garden has won fans besides the award. It has welcomed visitors from both the neighbourhood and afar, and even hosted couples taking their wedding photos. More than the fruits of their labour – which members share with each other and other residents – working together on the garden has yielded something special: friendship. “Everyone has become close friends, we’re now like a big family, “ said Mr Yap. Small gardens, big winners Congratulations to all RCs in our Town on your achievements at the Community In Bloom Awards 2014. Residents’ Committee Location of Community Garden PLATINUM Jalan Besar Boon Keng Ville RC Block 14A Upper Boon Keng Road GOLD Jalan Besar Upper Boon Keng RC Block 2A Upper Boon Keng Road Kolam Ayer St. George’s East RC Block 23 St. George’s Road Kolam Ayer Whampoa South RC Block 49 Whampoa South Kolam Ayer Whampoa South RC Block 39 Bendemeer Road Moulmein Kent Ville RC Block 52 Kent Road SILVER Kolam Ayer Sims Vista RC Block 43A Sims Drive Kolam Ayer St. George’s West RC Block 5 St George’s Lane Kolam Ayer Whampoa South RC Block 63 Kallang Bahru Moulmein Ah Hood Gardens RC Block 106 Jalan Dusun Moulmein Tekka RC Block 671A Klang Lane Whampoa Towner RC Block 108C McNair Road Residents who are interested to join the gardening clubs can approach their respective RCs for more information. TouchPoint 6 October 2014 Environment 设施完善 Well covered From a new playground for the little ones to a refurbished roof garden for our elderly to chat and a sheltered walkway near a school, there’s something for everyone. Before Before After Covered walkway between Block 2 St George’s Road and Bendemeer Secondary School Before After After Fitness corner at Block 637 Veerasamy Road Roof garden above multi-storey carpark at Block 76/77 Lorong Limau Before Before After After Children’s playground at Block 2A Upper Boon Keng Road Sheltered drop-off point at Block 101 Ah Hood Road October 2014 TouchPoint 7 Environment 美食爱好者熟悉的饮食好去处重新开张营业 Food lovers’ familiar favourite reopens The wait is over! Following extensive repairs and redecoration works by the Town Council between May and August, Whampoa Market and Food Centre (MFC) has now reopened. And food lovers are cheering the improved and cleaner environment, with new tables, chairs, lights and flooring, and upgraded toilets. Here’s what our delighted residents are saying about the refreshed Whampoa MFC… “Birds used to be a big problem. The spikes on the ceilings are very effective in keeping them out. It’s cleaner and more hygienic now, it’s like a new market!” -Mr Low Ah Leng, duck rice stallholder “No more gaps between the new tables means no more plates and glasses falling off and dirtying the floor.” -Mr Kamaludin Jamal and son, Firdaus, Muslim food stallholders “It’s cleaner, more comfortable and feels more spacious. We missed the food so much when the hawker centre was closed. So now we’re here every day to make up for it!” -Booby and Fida, regular customers 从小贩摊位到餐馆 From hawker stall to restaurant E ver wondered what goes into the mouth-watering fish head steam boat soup? Well, at Whampoa Keng Fish Head Steam Boat Restaurant, it contains more than 30 ingredients, including sugar cane, soya bean and ikan bilis, and takes more than two hours to boil. The fish head steam boat is not the only draw at the restaurant, which has outlets in Balestier Road and Rangoon Road, and are run by Doris Tan and Sharon Kwan, respectively. Other must-try dishes are prawn paste chicken, prawn roll, streetstyle tofu, prawn with salted egg yolk, and braised pork trotter. It is no wonder then that the restaurant is a magnet for foodies and count among its customers politicians and celebrities from around the world, including Kenny Rogers, Edison Chen and Jack Neo. TouchPoint 8 October 2014 Mr Heng Chee How officiating at the completion ceremony on September 8. Whampoa Keng Fish Head Steam Boat Restaurant started out as a hawker stall in Whampoa Food Centre in 1990 and moved to Balestier Road in the late 1990s. “Our customers followed us from Whampoa Food Centre to Balestier and soon our restaurant was packed, overflowing to the back lane,” recalled Ms Tan, creator of many of the delicious dishes. To meet its growing customer base, the restaurant set up the Rangoon Road outlet in 2006. Whampoa Keng Fish Head Steam Boat Restaurant 556 Balestier Road Singapore 329872 Tel: 6356 7371 FREE 116/118 Rangoon Road Singapore 218396 Tel: 6296 8843 SMALL CLAYPOT SALTED FISH PORK BELLY with minimum $60 spent (before GST) • Valid for dine-in on weekdays only (excluding eve of and public holidays) • Not valid with other promotions, offers or set menus • Only one coupon per table/order per redemption • Only original coupons will be accepted • Valid until 19 December 2014 Environment October 2014 TouchPoint 9 Heart 时刻注意您的安全 Keeping an eye out for your safety You have probably seen them at key entrances and exit points at your HDB lift lobby, staircase landings and multi-storey car parks (MSCP). Perched high above our heads are the Police’s electronic “eyes” — Police Camera or what is known as PolCam in short. PolCams have been installed at 3,300 HDB blocks and MSCPs, across all 16 Town Councils and the 87 wards, since May 2012. If it is not installed at your block or MSCP yet, fret not. They will be installed in all 10,000 HDB blocks and MSCPs by 2016. These extra pairs of “eyes” on the ground help to solve crime, fight emerging crime trends or serial crimes in the neighbourhood to give you greater peace of mind. The results are clear. PolCam has helped the Police solve crimes, from snatch thefts to loansharking activities to outrage of modesty. Just a few months ago in May, a 55-year-old serial lift robber who targeted elderly female victims was nabbed with the aid of PolCam. The suspect is believed to have also committed two cases of armed robbery. PolCam also has a deterrent effect. It is a prominent feature in the neighbourhood which quickly catches people’s attention, and makes them aware that the area is monitored so that they will think twice before committing a crime. While PolCam is undoubtedly a “force-multiplier” in crime-fighting, you can play a part in making your estate a safer place to live in. Join Citizens on Patrol or Neighbourhood Watch Groups by getting in touch with your Neighbourhood Police Centre (NPC) for more information. You can also “like” the Facebook page of your nearest NPC to be kept updated on crime prevention advisories and other useful information. 不随地乱丢垃圾 Put litter in its place H ave a heart for our cleaners who work tirelessly every day — rain or shine — so that you and your family can have a nice and clean environment to come home to. Help them by dumping rubbish properly — in the litter bin. TouchPoint 10 October 2014 Heart 乐龄易计划助年长 Putting senior citizens at EASE I n July 2012, the Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) programme was introduced to improve the comfort and enhance the mobility of elderly and vulnerable residents staying in HDB flats. Types of improvement • Grab bars within flats * • Slip-resistant treatment to existing toilet floor tiles • Ramps to negotiate level differences * * where technically feasible Cost of improvement • High government subsidy based on flat type. • Eligible Singapore Citizen households pay between $125 and $312.50. Qualifying for EASE • Singapore Citizen flat owners with a family member who is 65 years old or above. • Seniors between 60 and 64 years old may also qualify if they require assistance for at least one of the *Activities of Daily Living (ADL). * ADL is a term used in healthcare to refer to daily self-care activities within an individual’s place of residence. These activities include washing/bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting, mobility and transferring. A Functional Assessment Report endorsed by any qualified assessor is required when submitting an application. Application process Go to HDB InfoWEB or Mobile@HDB: (a) Click on Mobile@HDB (b) Select Living in HDB Flats (c) Select EASE (Direct Application) SCAN THIS QR CODE FOR MORE INFORMATION For enquiries, please contact the HDB toll-free hotline at 1800-9332990 from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm on weekdays (excluding public holidays). 更新家园,更新邻里 Renewing our home and neighbourhood Great news for HDB dwellers! The Government is enhancing its upgrading programmes so that more Singaporeans can enjoy an improved living environment. Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP) • Include blocks built up to 1995 (currently NRP only covers blocks built up to 1989) • An additional 100,000 households in more than 1,300 blocks to benefit • Scope of NRP will expand to include repainting of blocks and other repairs • Better coordination with Town Council’s routine maintenance so that residents are not repeatedly inconvenienced by the disruptions Home Improvement Programme (HIP) New Selective Lift Replacement Programme (SLRP) • Another 100,000 flats to be selected next year • Pace will be stepped up, from 35,000 to 50,000 flats a year • Selection of all eligible flats by 2018 instead of 2019 • Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) will also be strengthened • 750 old lifts with modern lifts that have energyefficient motors, vision panels and infra-red doors with motion safety sensors will be replaced • Lifts installed between 1987 and 1997 in blocks that are already barrier-free, and do not need the Lift Upgrading Programme (LUP), will be considered • 33,000 households will benefit from this new programme October 2014 TouchPoint 11 Heart 终身健保 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT MEDISHIELD Covers everyone • All Singaporeans and Permanent Residents • Even if you have pre-exiting medical conditions (including cancer, stroke, heart disease) • Even if you were previously rejected by insurers PAID LIFE Premiums fully payable by Medisave Government will provide support PREMIUM SUBSIDIES • For Pioneer Generation • For middle-income • For lower-income TRANSITIONAL SUBSIDIES Protects you for life • For all Singaporeans MEDISAVE TOP-UPS • For Pioneer Generation for life • For those aged 55-64 in 2014 (5 years) Has better benefits No one will lose coverage due to financial need • MediShield Life pays more of your bill • You pay less • Additional financial assistance for those who cannot afford premiums even after subsidies Premiums will increase • Better benefits = Higher premium • Pay more when working = Pay less in retirement APPLIED No need to apply • MediShield Life will start in end 2015 • Automatic inclusion for Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents Ms Denise Phua Lay Peng Assoc Prof Yaacob Ibrahim KOLAM AYER Minister for Communications and Information Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC Venue: Block 52 Sims Place #01-138 Singapore 380052 Day: Last Wednesday of the month (except public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6744 9653 Fax: 6748 5901 Venue: Block 52 Kent Road #01-23 Singapore 210052 Day: Every Monday (except public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6293 0592 Fax: 6296 8840 October 2014 Mr Edwin Tong Chun Fai JALAN BESAR MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC Chairman of Moulmein-Kallang Town Council Venue: Block 806 King George’s Avenue #03-222 Singapore 200806 Day: Every Wednesday (except public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6297 1616 Fax: 6299 9507 MOULMEIN Minister for Transport MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC TouchPoint 12 Mayor of Central Singapore District MP for Moulmein-Kallang GRC Vice Chairman of Moulmein-Kallang Town Council Venue: Block 462 Crawford Lane #03-33 Singapore 190462 Day: Every Wednesday (except eves of and public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6292 1784 Fax: 6293 1210 Venue: Block 64 Kallang Bahru #01-373 Singapore 330064 Day: Every Monday (except public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6293 6443 Fax: 6299 8570 Mr Lui Tuck Yew KAMPONG GLAM Mr Heng Chee How WHAMPOA Senior Minister of State, Prime Minister’s Office MP for Whampoa SMC Venue: Block 85 Whampoa Drive #01-248 Singapore 320085 Day: Every Monday (except public holidays) Time:8pm Tel: 6255 8986 Fax: 6352 4359
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