Black Swish Basketball League - Wa

Attention: 5th & 6th gr. Girls
The Black Swish Basketball League is a basketball program for 5th and 6th grade girls. Each team will play regular season
games and will participate in a tournament at the end of the season. The league will have practices on Mondays and
Thursdays at NorthWood Middle School (1 hour practices in the evening scheduled between 6:30 pm & 8:30 pm), and
games are played on Saturday mornings or Monday evenings at NorthWood Middle School. This league does not
conflict with Upwards Basketball in any way and uses a regulation size court and paid officials. The first practice is Oct.
9, and the games start October 25. All 5th grade girls will practice from 6:30-7:15 pm at NorthWood Middle School on
Oct. 9. All 6th grade girls will practice from 7:30-8:15 pm at NorthWood Middle School on Oct. 9 for evaluation in
making teams. The season will consist of 6 regular season games and a tournament. Schedules for the remainder of the
season will be given out at the first practice.
This league is designed to teach fundamentals and to give each girl an introduction to organized girls basketball. The
primary emphasis is not on winning each game. Any participant or spectator who is unable to demonstrate good
sportsmanship will be barred from further league involvement. If you are unable to abide by this rule, do not sign up for
or attend league activities!
Coaches for the teams are high school students who volunteer their time to help these girls learn basketball as well as
what it means to be a part of a team.
Teams are divided up by Brad Eby (League Director) using ratings from try-outs at the first practice. All team members
will play in at least 3 quarters of each game as required by league rules.
The cost of the league is $25.00 per player which helps to defray the costs of the t-shirt each league participant will
receive as well as the cost of the officials.
If you are interested in playing in this league, please complete the form at the bottom and return the signed form and
$25 to your teacher (homeroom teacher if 6th gr) by Wed. Oct.1. Make checks payable to NorthWood Girls Basketball.
Remember, your first practice is October 9 (5th graders at 6:30pm and 6th graders at 7:30pm ) at the middle school
gym. Contact Brad Eby ([email protected]) with any questions or concerns.
(cut along line and keep the top section as a reminder of dates and times)
Student's name ______________________________________________________________________
Grade _________ School __________________________ Phone ___________________________
As the parent/guardian of _______________________________ , I grant her permission to participate in the
Black Swish League. I am aware of the risks of playing basketball and agree to not hold any coach or league
official responsible for any injury incurred as a result of participation in this league. I also give the league
director, Brad Eby, permission to secure emergency medical treatment in the event of an injury until a
parent/guardian can be reached.
Signed ________________________________________ date _______________________________
Relationship to participant ______________________________________________________________