2014 FFL Registration Information

Registration is now underway for the first annual Frankfort Frostbite League! This co-ed
winter ultimate league is open for adults (age 16+) of all skill levels. The cost of the
league is $25/person which includes a short sleeve team shirt. There are only 2 fields so
the league will be capped at 4 teams. Hurry and register now to secure a spot!
Registration will end October 28th and teams will be selected by appointed team
captains. Come play ultimate with us during an otherwise dead period and keep your
skills sharp during the offseason!
 Games will be played each Tuesday at 6:30 pm at Capitol View Park on the lighted
Sullivan and Pewitt softball fields. League play will begin November 4th and
conclude with a tournament on December 16th.
 Participants are encouraged to attend a pick-up session at the softball fields on
Tuesday, October 21nd at 6:30 pm to turn in their registration forms and
cash/checks. Bring a white and dark shirt and plenty of water.
 Registration forms may be printed, completed, and submitted to the Parks & Rec.
office at Juniper Hill Park, M – F, 8 – 4:30. The address is 800 Louisville Rd,
Frankfort, KY 40601.
 Please make checks payable to the “City of Frankfort”. Credit and Debit card
payments may be made at the Juniper Hill Office.
 For more information please contact Eddie Fowler at
[email protected]
 For registration form please visit and click on “Ultimate Frisbee” under the
“Recreation www.frankfortparksandrec.com” tab.