IBAL Anti-Litter League IBAL 1:0 Litter (HT) Anthony Purcell IBAL Anti-Litter League INTRODUCTION: An Taisce – National Trust for Ireland Environmental Education Unit Independent Monitors for the IBAL AntiLitter League Anti Litter League: National competition ranking the performance of each local authority in combating litter in a league table format IBAL Anti-Litter League BACKGROUND IBAL – Irish Business Against Litter set up in 1996 as an alliance of companies who believe that litter has a significant impact on Ireland’s economic well-being and a threat to it’s clean green image. IBAL believes that Local Government has a major role in solving our litter problem through the enforcement of litter laws IBAL had previously commissioned An Taisce to carry out various litter surveys of towns and cities across Ireland Challenged a local authority to achieve litter free status within 18 months offering an incentive of €130k reward Anti-Litter League was launched in 2002 in 27 areas to further highlighting the problem and increase pressure on local authorities to act! IBAL Anti-Litter League METHODOLOGY Independent Monitors Representative Sample Survey (representative number of sites are taken the overall survey area Targets towns >6,000 population Includes areas within major cities Each area is surveyed biannually 10 sites per town & 25 sites per city Cleanliness Indicators Include: Primary Indicators Sweet Papers Chewing Gum Cans Fast Food Wrappers Plastic Bags Glass Bottles Plastic Bottles Coffee Cups ATM Bank Dockets Dog Fouling Cigarette Butts for Background Indicators Overflowing Bins Graffiti Fly Posting Uneven Road Surfaces Neglected Footpath Weeds Recycling Area Untended Grass Area Poorly Maintained Shrubbery Derelict Sites IBAL Anti-Litter League METHODOLOGY Based on BV199 cleanliness indicator system Each site graded A-D: Grade A = Litter–Free (Virtual absence of litter) Grade B = Moderately Littered (Scattered small amounts of litter) Grade C = Serious Litter Problem (Accumulations of litter) Grade D = Heavily Littered (Significant accumulations of litter) Scored: A=3 points, B=2, C=1 & D=0 Expanded to include over towns/cities across Ireland (all towns >6,000) IBAL Anti-Litter League METHODOLOGY Site scores are aggregated to give an overall Cleanliness Rating for the area. Cleanliness Rating = [(Total Raw Score/Maximum Score) x100] Towns/Cities are ranked in a League Table format Classifications: • Cleaner than European Norms • Clean to European Norms • Moderately Littered • Littered • Seriously Littered • Litter Black Spot Below Ranking Town / City 1 Kilkenny 2 Cavan 3 Killarney T4 Longford T4 Tramore 19 Dublin Airport Environs 20 Dundalk 21 Galway T31 Maynooth T31 Tipperary 38 Tallaght 39 North Inner City Dublin 40 Farranree (Cork) Status Cleaner than European Norms Cleaner than European Norms Cleaner than European Norms Cleaner than European Norms Cleaner than European Norms Clean to European Norms Clean to European Norms Clean to European Norms Moderately littered Moderately littered Littered Litter Blackspot Litter Blackspot IBAL Anti-Litter League RESULTS National Cleanliness Ratings from IBAL Surveys 2005-2012 90 84.1 85 82.1 Cleanliness Rating 80.2 80 78.2 77.3 75.4 81.2 80.9 79.2 78.7 74.9 74 75 76.6 80.9 80.9 85.1 73.9 70 68 65 60 2005a 2005b 2005c 2006a 2006b 2007a 2007b 2008a 2008b 2008c 2009a 2009b 2010a 2010b 2011a 2011b 2012a 2012b IBAL Anti-Litter League RESULTS Breakdown of Grades per Survey (%) 2005-2012 100% 4% 4% 90% 2% 8% 3% 8% 3% 7% 2% 6% 3% 3% 3% 9% 8% 9% 2% 8% 2% 7% 3% 4% 3% 4% 5% 4% 10% 10% 10% 12% 12% 10% 11% 5% 9% 13% IBAL’s experience is that if a town achieves litter free status for 2/3 years it tends to stay Clean 80% 26% 26% 70% 32% 34% 34% 35% 35% 29% 35% 38% 32% 60% 41% 39% 39% 42% 40% 43% 44% 50% Grade C 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Grade D Grade B 66% 64% 57% 56% 57% 52% 53% 58% 55% 53% 53% Grade A 46% 45% 48% 42% 45% 42% 34% IBAL Anti-Litter League REACTION Extensive National Media Coverage Positive & Negative Winners & Losers County Managers Elected Representatives Community Social Media IT DOESN’T GO AWAY! = Pressure IBAL Anti-Litter League EXTENSION Colleges & Universities (2012) Business Awards Industry level IBAL Anti-Litter League SCALABILITY Dublin Litter League Competition between boroughs and within local authority areas IBAL Anti-Litter League SCALABILITY European Cities Survey 2007 20 sites surveyed per city In each the following site types were surveyed: •Main street •Main University closest to the city centre •Main Railway Station •Main Sports Arena •Main Shopping Street •Main Public Green Space or Park in the CC •Four of the major tourist attractions in the CC IBAL Anti-Litter League CONCLUSION Title of Presentation IBAL Anti-Litter League Thank You [email protected]
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