INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, RAIPUR (C.G.) DIRECTORATE OF' INSTRUCTIONS/CONTROLLER OF EXAMINAiION No./D.I./CYSC -2or s I zo t4 t p4 S Date:l)/ t 11/2014 //CIRCULAR// Indira Gandhi Krishi vishwavidyalaya, Raipur is going to organized XIII chhattisgarh Young Scientists congress -2015 (cysc-2015) on 2gth February 2015. All the young scientist of age group up to 32 ye4r for men & 1,t March, and 35 years for women with two years experience can participate in this congress. The details of the congress will be made available in University website lr.e.f, 25th November, 2015 onward. Al1 the controlling officers are requested to give wide circulation of this congress. ,V\ -201s) Director Instructions No./D.I./CYSC -20 15 /20 t4 / Date: / 12014 Copy to: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. The DES/DRS/DSW, IGKV, Raipur. The Registrar/Corpptroller/SPP, IGKV, Raipur. All Deans, CoA, Raipur/Ambikapur/Bilaspur/Korea,iBerpetara/Jagdalpur/ Kawardha/ Janjgirchampa/Bhatapara./Rai garh/Rajnandgoan./Kanker/ Raigarh. The Dean, Col,I, Rajnandgaon/Jagdalpur. All PCs KVK/ Ambikapur /I(orea /Balrampur /Bilaspur /Korba /Bhatapara /Durg/ Rajnandgoan , Gariyaband/Jagdalpur/Dhamtari/I(ankerNarayanpur/Dantgwada./ _ 6. Jashpur/Kabirdham/Raigarh/lr4ahasamund/Janj gir-champa,rBijapur. The Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Raipur n9_a1, nnSU College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Mungeli. ]. pl. 8. AII HoDs, Deptt. path/Alri. of Agro/Ento/Genetics & Breeding/pl. ,Micro/Soil Sci & Agril. chem./Agri. Economics/pr. physiorogy, Agri. Bio. chem. & Herbar Sci./Asro. Met./ Forestry/ Agri.. Extension/Agril. slar. & soa. sci/Fisheries/pl. Morecular -Biol. a Biotech.^r'egetables Science/Fruit Science/Flolriculture & Landscape erchi., coA, Raipur 9. HoD, Deptt. of FMP/SWE/pHT, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, IGKV, Raip;r ' ' 10. Librarian, Nehru Library, IGKV, Raipur l. P.A. to Hon'ble Vice- Chancellor, Raipur. 12. P.A. ro D.G. CCOST, Raipur. 13. Person Concerned ............... 14. I/c Website to upload this in university website. I ,,/ // Convener (CYSC-2015) & Director Instructions / INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, RAIPUR (C.G.) DIRECTORATE OF INSTRUCTIONS/CONTRSLLER OF EXAMINATION No./D.L/CYSC -20 t s / 20 r 4 ELq f,s. Date: / /2014 //ORDER// on approval of Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor following Coordinators/Co-coordinators 'i";irt.for various themes are hereby constituted to organize XIII^, Chhattisgarh V"*g -2015 (cYSC-20r5) scheduled to be-held on ig,n longress F"bru*] a r'i rra*-rr,, lois ut Indira Gandhi Krishi vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (c.G.) in swami vivekanand Auditorium at College of Agriculture, Raipur: Themes of the Congress S.No. Themes Coordinators/Co-coordinator a 7 -Ell^],,^^, ur. r(oshta /Dr.(Smt.) A. Guhe Dr. S.B. Verulkar /Dr. A.S. Kotasthane Dr. R.K. Bajpai /Dr. K. Tedia Dr. M.t,. tripathi /DiTl-h6udhary Agricultural Sciences I 2 Dr TS IirlarrL"' rn' 3 4 Chemistrv Geography, Meteorology, Oceanography etc.) Engineering ScienceJ ia.ctrit"ctu.e, Ciuil, Chernical, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining etc.) Environmental Science and Forest- 6 - 7 rrulllE Dclence ano fsvcllolosv hterdlsciplinary Sciences (Bio-physics, Chemlcal_ Biology Chemical-Physics and Geophysics) Life Science (Bio."i"n*, tvti"-UioGfr uri Authropolosv. etc.) Mathematical and Statistia;l rvrEulual ano rnarmaoeuttcal Sclences rvrIl rrary ano uelense Sctences 8 9 m ll S;G;;;"- t2 13 t4 #Phvsics r (,r,uueal Dsrences (blomedlcal and computer 15 Sciences, Electronics, Information Technology, Instrumentation, MCA etc.) Veterinary Science, Animal Uuslanary .-? Oairy Technology l6 Dr. R.K.. Sahu ,/Dr. Rjay Verrna Dr. S.R. PateliDr. Lalji Sinsh Dr. M.L. Sharma,/Dr. Akam Khar Dr. S. Patel /Dr. S.V. Jogdand Dr. S.B. Gupta /Dr. N.K. Choubey Dr. R.R. Saxena./ Dr. M.K. pradhan Dr. P.K. Joshi /Dr. S.S. Tuteia Dr. G.K. ShrivastuWSr. epSinst, Dr. V-K. Pandey/ Dr. A.K. Dave Dr. M.P. Thakur/ Dr. A.K. Singh Dr. Rajeev Gupta/Dr. I\4SJhu.i ,/ Conn..(". (CYSC-2O1S) & Director Instructions No./D.L/CySC -20t s t2o t 4 / SL|. 3 €, Copy to: 1. The DES/DRS/DSW, IGKV, Raipur. 2. The Registrar/Comptroller/Spp, IGKV, Ruipur. 3. The Dean, College of Agriculture, Raipur 4. The Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Raipur Datei'|,/ l/ /2014 5. 6. Dean, BRSM College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Mungeli. pl. of Agro/Ento/GeryIcs patf/aeri. Miiro/Soil Sci & Breecl-ing/p1. !9Ft. l.roO_, & Agril. Chem./Agri. Eco.nomics/pl. lhysiology, egril Aio. bh"ml & He.bat S;i i FgrgslT// Agrl. Exrension/Agril, Statl-& S-oc. Sci,Eisherier/pl" Yel/ M;[pr#S:;I. & Biotech., CoA, Raipw HoD, Deptt. of FMP/A.FE/SWE, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, IGKV, Raipur P.A. to Honlble Vice- Chancellor, Raipur. A;;. 7. 8. 9. P.A. to D.G. CCOST, Raipur. 10. Person Concerned ... .... . . . I l. I/c Website to upload this in university website. <ffi(rtr Conve er (CYSC:2015) & Director Instructions INDIRA GANDHI KRISHI VISHWAVIDYALAYA, RAIPUR (C.G.) DIRECTORATE OF INSTRUCTIONS/CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION No./D.I./CYSC -201 5 /20 I 4 / Date: I 12014 //ORDER// on approval of Hon'ble vice-chancellor, committees consisting of following members are hereby constituted to organize XIII chhanisgarh young Scieniists 2015_ (CYSC-2015) schedured to btherd on 28,h Februlry & t"'March, zori"i"rrair. Gandhi Iftishi vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (c.G.) in swami vivekanand Auditorium ui c;I"g. of Agriculture, Raipur: c;;;;.r, (A)Publication Committee: (0 (ii) Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. H.C. Nanda Chairman R.O. Das Member (iii) C.P. Khare Member (iv) Deepak Chandrakar Member Dhanajay Sharma Member Function: Printing of brochures, invitati6n cards for inaugural and closing ceremony, invitation for lunch and dinner to guests, printing of abstracts and souvenirs and also to get messages from WIp,s. (v) @) Publicity and Invitation Committee: Dr. K.K. Sahu Chairman Dr. B.C. Jain Member (iii) Dr. G.D. Sahu Member (iv) Dr. Gajendra Chandrakar Member Function: Proper coverage of the function in press and electronic media, day to day function report submission to print and electronic media for wider coverage, airt itution of invitation cards (also to get the list ofinvitees from the .onr"rrJ4 (i) (iD (C) Registration Committee Dr. C.P. Khare Chairman Dr. (Smt.) Jayalaxmi Ganguli Member (iii) Dr. B.P. Katlam Member (iv) Dr. (Smt.) Sonali Deole Member Smt. Jyoti Bhatt Member Function: To purchase and prepare the registration kit including pad, pencil, pen, conference bags for participants as well as for experts. (i) (iD (v) (D) Transport Committee (0 Dr. A.K. Kostha Chairman Dr. Jitendra Member (iii) Dr. Amit Member (iv) Dr. L.K. Member Function: To make necessary transport arrangements for participants as welr as experts, necessary liaisoning should be maintained with accommodation committel for comfortable stay as well as timery availability of vehicre from their ur.irui io trr" stay point, from stay point to the function piace and arso availability oi r.ii"r. during their departure. (iD Trivedi Dixit Shrivastava (E) Accommodation Committee Dr. A.p. Chairman Dr. Gaurav Member (iii) Dr. Tapas Member (iv) Dr. H.L Member Function: To get the list of participants as well as experts and key speakers for their comfortable stay, as per their status with proper tiaisonin! with transport committee particularly for the departure scheduie of participantsLd;;;;* (, (iD Singh Sharma Choudhary Sonboir ([') Stage Committee: (, (ii) Dr. R.N. Ganguli Chairman Dr. G.L. Sharma Member (iii) Smt. Deepti Jha Member (iv) Dr. Jyoti Member Function: All stage function like preparation of Banners, posters, floral decorations, arangement of bo.uquet, dais arrangement like name plat", pr.pu.utior, Jrlnkirg water, pen, pad files and bags (to obtain from Registratil, 'C"..iu".j *itf, arrangements of university Kur Geet, to finalize the sitting anangements as well as dais programmes by Hon,ble Vice-chancellor through C"onvenei. Bhatt (G)High Tea and Food committee (D (ii) Dr. P.K. Chandrakar Chairman Dr. R.K. Dantre Member (iii) Dr. N.K. Rastogi Member (iv) Dr. Y.K. Dewangan Member Dr. Praveen Sharma Member (vi) Dr. Ravindra Member Function: To make arrangements for high tea for participants as wefl as vrp,s during inaugural and closing sessions, to make arrangements for two lunch and one dinner for participates and experts, to make arrangement for session tea, to make anangement for drinking water dut:ing different sessions. (v) Verma (H)Medical Assistance Committee (i) Dr. G. Ramole with paramedical Staff Function: To make proper first-aid arrangement or any medical assistant participants and ex.perts, to make u.rung" of ambulance, to arrangement of medicines. to delegates, ;"k;';?;p". (I) Programme Secretariat (D (iD (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Dr. G.K. Das Dr. Sanj ay Dwivedi Dr. Navneet Rana Dr. Anil Verma Dr. G.P. Banjare Shd R.P. Kujur Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Function: To facilitate the day to day programmes to be conducted by coordinators of each session, to guide the for their participation in."rp""ti*1t.n nqticigantg other support to be required by the participants, experts "as well as coordinators of the programme, to prepaxe the teacher programme ichedule oftne congress--- (J) Finance Committee Dr. Vijay Shri H.S. Tode Kumar til (i, ii'l i-,p"ar,r", (lv) il,ii.r'a Shfl Abbas Bes runction:'ro"iui=ffi JiT::t^*lTf.-* , ^. Chairman il:fii:; r\ir^*L^ }l"l?L,, kev speaker and students, make payment ofhonorarium to experts and key speakers. Convener (CYSC-2015) & Director Instructions No./D.L/CySC -20 1 s /20 t 4 / gLE J4 Date: lf/ /1n014 Copy to: I. l., 4. The DES/DRS/DSW, IGKV, Raipur. Reeistrarrcomptroiler/Spp. rbKV. Ruiprr. l]!e of Agriculture, Raipur with the requesr to provide auditorium on iJ".r3!il;.aoltege The Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Raipur Deptt. of Agro/E;"I/d.H./ffi; & tandscape archi./ Genetics & Pathy'Agri. vrI"."lsoti S.ia"ag.,r. s llr: 6 i;irffi:. i';,ot;"ot*"'. cr,"..iaeri s"r*,;;.,t"a, Medical Officer. IGKV. Raipur 7. P.A. to Hon'ble Vice- Chaniellor. Raipur. 8. P.A. to D.G. CCOST, Raipur. 9. Person Concern ............ 10. AccountVEstt, Ol" Of. iCfV. R;;;r;. I l. I/c Website to upload this in universitf website. & Director Instructions
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