St. Nicholas Catholic Church - St. Nicholas Catholic Community

St. Nicholas Catholic Church
473 Lincoln Avenue, Los Altos, CA 94022
● Telephone (650) 948-2158 ● Fax (650) 948-2056 ● Website: ● Email: [email protected]
Mission Statement
The Saint Nicholas Catholic Community is devoted to supporting and enhancing
our spiritual development, exemplifying Gospel values and sharing this good news in
our place of worship, in our homes, in our work place, and in the world beyond.
Mass Schedule
5:00PM (Vigil)
8:00AM, 9:15AM, 10:45AM, & 12:15PM
Holy Day
7:30AM and 6:00PM
First Thursday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:30-4:30PM or by appointment.
Sacrament of Infant Baptism
Baptisms of infants and young children are celebrated
during the Sunday Liturgy or private baptism can be
arranged. Please contact the parish office for additional
Christian Initiation of Adults, Teens, & Children
Those wishing to inquire into the Catholic faith or
baptized Catholics wishing to complete their initiation
Sacraments, please contact the parish office.
Sacrament of Marriage
Couples must contact the priest at least six months prior
to the desired wedding date.
Pastoral Care of Sick and Elderly
Hospitalized, ill, or homebound parishioners, who would
like a visitor, Eucharist, or the Sacrament of the Sick,
please call the parish office.
Pastoral Staff
Most Rev. Thomas A. Daly, D.D., Pastor
[email protected]
Rev. John Poncini, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Khoa D. Vu, Pastoral Year Seminarian
[email protected]
Michael Wright, Director, Liturgy and Music
[email protected]
Denise Paternoster, Director, Pastoral Ministries
[email protected]
Parish Office
(650) 948-2158
Kathy Gonzales, Parish Administrator
[email protected]
Lupe Butterbrodt, Parish Secretary
[email protected]
Jim Tomasello, Facilities Manager
[email protected]
Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
(650) 948-2158 or (650) 941-4056 x320
David Cortese, Jr.
[email protected]
St. Nicholas School (650) 941-4056
12816 S. El Monte Ave., Los Altos Hills, CA 94022
Matt Komar, Principal
[email protected]
Page 2
St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas Parish
Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 7:30AM - 4:00PM
(closed 12:00-1:30PM)
Alpha Bible Study
Bob Sumbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 941-5013
Altar Server Training
Michael Wright . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 948-2158
Bridges to Community (Social Justice)
Donna Hicks . . . . . . . . . . . . (408) 352-5202
Ginny Dolan . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 941-8567
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sarah Vargas . . . . . . . . . . . .(408) 209-9492
George & Mary Ellen Maciag . . . .(650) 941-1392
Eucharistic Ministry Training
Michael Wright . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 948-2158
Finance Committee
Bill Lonergan . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 948-2158
Italian Catholic Federation (ICF)
Elaine Osorio . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 493-5520
Lector Training
Lynn Hastings . . . . . . . . . . . (408) 470-8934
Liturgical Ministry Scheduling
Ellen Barker. . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 917-9039
Parent-Teacher Group (PTG)
Meg Piper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 625-8303
Pastoral Care to Homebound
Denise Paternoster. . . . . . . .(650) 948-2158
Pastoral Council
Ellen Barker . . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 948-2158
Pro-Life Information
Molly Oshatz . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 948-2158
School Advisory Committee
Kelley Surdey . . . . . . . . . . . .(650) 924-0689
St. Nicholas School. . . . . . . .(650) 941-4056
Parish Council Members
Ellen Barker - [email protected]
Cathy Curl - [email protected]
Chuck Geschke - [email protected]
Bruce Weyer - [email protected]
Finance Committee Members
Keli Forsman - [email protected]
Bill Hamblin - [email protected]
Larry Lang - [email protected]
Bill Lonergan - [email protected]
Tom Malgesini - [email protected]
Roger Quinlan - [email protected]
Catholic Cemetery of the
Diocese of San Jose
Call for pre-need or at-need arrangements.
Gate of Heaven Cemetery
22555 Cristo Rey Dr., Los Altos, CA 94024
(650) 428-3730
This Week At St. Nicholas…
The month of November
has been designated by
the Church as the time
for special remembrance
of our beloved dead.
(View complete calendar at:
Mon., November 3
Faith Formation - School
6:00PM Edge Middle School - Teen Center
Tue., November 4
theIntersection Crew Mtg - Upper Room
Wed., November 5
Children's Choir Rehearsal - Teen Center
RCIA - Upper Room
Alpha Bible Study - SN Parish Hall
Thurs., November 6
Choir Rehearsal - Church
Fri., November 7
Mass Assignments
for November 8 & 9
Sat., November 8
Sun., November 9
theIntersection - Teen Center
5:00PM - Msgr. Willie Manrique
8:00AM - Fr. John Privett, SJ
9:15AM - Fr. John Privett, SJ
10:45AM - Fr. Timothy Lyons, L.C.
12:15PM - Fr. Timothy Lyons, L.C.
Welcome to St. Nicholas Community
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents
or newly arrived to our parish. We thank God for you. If you are not registered,
please fill out this form and place in the collection basket or mail to the parish
Interested in joining the parish, please send registration
Change of address / phone / email
Moving away, please remove from list
How did you hear about our parish?
The Commemoration of All the Faithful
Departed (All Souls’ Day
November 2, 2014
If we had died with Christ,
we believe we shall also live with him.
— Romans 6:8
Today the Church remembers all who have walked the
way of Christ and passed from this life. The readings all
look to the last day, when we shall all rise from the dead
and be reunited.
The prophet Daniel announces words of warning and
welfare. He cautions us against the judgment to come, but
he also comforts us and assures us that all who live a life
of virtue and justice will find life eternal.
The reading from Romans reminds us that, because of
Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection and our entrance
into that paschal mystery through baptism, we now share in
the new life won by Christ. This recognition has
repercussions: we need to live righteously now, that we
might rise to life forever with Christ on the last day.
In the Gospel Jesus pledges that all the Father has
given him will not be lost. All the faithful will be raised to
joy and live forever in the presence of God.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
On Saturday, November 22nd, we will
celebrate our annual Mass of
Remembrance at the 5:00pm Mass. We
pray and lovingly remember those who
have been buried from St. Nicholas
Church within this past year [Nov. 1st
2013-October 31st 2014]. The month of
November has been set aside by the
Church as a time to remember the dead
in a special way. All are welcome to
attend this Mass.
Hunger Has No Season..... As you are grocery shopping
during the next few weeks please think about picking up an
extra item or two for the families in our Community who are in
need. Some of the foods most useful are: rice, beans, tuna,
peanut butter, soup, pasta, cereal, and baby formula. Please do
not leave out-dated items, glass, perishables, and open items.
The Giving Tree will be up next Saturday. Your gifts will
be going to Sacred Heart Community in San Jose, The Battered
Women’s Shelter; Long-Term Care residents at the Palo Alto
Nursing Facility, Help One Child program for foster children,
and Heritage Home – a residential program for women in crisis
pregnancies. Page 4
First Reconciliation &
If your child is celebrating the
First Eucharist this year, we must
have a copy of your child’s
Baptismal certificate on file.
Please drop a copy off at the
parish office or mail a copy to:
St. Nicholas Parish
Faith Formation
473 Lincoln Ave.
Los Altos, CA. 94022
If your child was baptized at
St. Nicholas or St. William
please send an e-mail to
[email protected] with your
child’s name and date of baptism.
St. Nicholas
Confirmation Parent
If your child is celebrating the
Sacrament of Confirmation this year
there are two parent meetings you
must attend:
Monday, November 17th
Monday, March 9th
Both meetings will take place from
6pm to 8pm at St. Nicholas School.
Please make sure these dates are on
your family calendar.
The Confirmation date has
been set!
Our young people will be Confirmed by
Bishop Daly on Sunday, May 17th at
the Youth Mass. There will be a
rehearsal the week prior. We will
publish that date in the next few
Join us at Edge this week:
First Sacrament Dates
First Reconciliation and First
Eucharist have been scheduled.
First Reconciliation will be on
Saturday, December 6th at
9:30am and First Eucharist will be
on Saturday, May 2nd at 10am.
Tomorrow (Monday) all middle
school students are invited to join
us this week at the Teen Center
from 6pm to 8pm. We have a great
night planned. This week we will be
discussing why be Catholic? Most
of us are Catholic because our
parents have chosen the Catholic
faith for us.
Tonight you will
discover why the Catholic church
is so great. Join us for a great
discussion, games, food, and much
Youth & Young Adult Mass
Soon we will be preparing the
schedule for December, January,
and February.
If you are
interested in serving as a Lector
or Eucharistic Minister at the
Youth and Young Adult Mass
please let us know.
If you are currently serving at the
Youth & Young Adult Mass please
let us know your preferences for
the new schedule by November
You can e-mail your
preferences to [email protected].
Tonight at theIntersection
Tonight we will be continuing our
conversation about life.
week we talked about Brittany
the 29-year old woman who has a
brain tumor.
Brittany has
decided to end her life with a pill.
Tonight we will talk about
church’s teaching regarding the
dignity of life. Why does the
church believe that life is so
sacred? All high school students
are invited to join us for an open
discussion, friends, games,
and great food tonight.
theIntersection meets every
Sunday from 6:15 to 8:30pm at
the Teen Center.
St. Nicholas
We are in search of one part-time aide for our
Extended Care Program. Our Extended Care
program is offered to all families & students
following the school day until 5:30pm, Monday
thru Friday. The ideal candidate for this
position should have experience and enjoy
working with children. This person should be
responsible, reliable, and have a positive
attitude. Professionalism, initiative, good
communication and collaboration skills are also
required. Must be 18 years of age. This
position would be perfect for college student
looking for part-time employment. Please
spread the word! For more information or to
express interest please contact the school office
at 650-941-4056.
Page 5
November 6 - St. William Hall
11:15 social time, followed by lunch
Our menu is roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed
potatoes & gravy. Beverages – wine, water,
soda, and coffee - are included for just $10.
No membership fees! Everyone welcome!
Reservations are a must. RSVP by Monday
evening, November 3 to Rosalie at 650 967-3653 or
Ellen Donnelly at [email protected]
Appetizers and desserts are potluck. We have enough desserts for
this month but would welcome a few more appetizers. If you
would like to bring an appetizer please tell Rosalie when you call .
This is a social gathering. Meet with friends, meet new people.
Build our St. Nicholas/St. William community. For additional
information contact Bernard and Liz Lilly, 650 941-7377 or
[email protected].
Please join us at St. Simon Parish, on Monday November 17th at 7:15 pm in the Simon room to learn about Human
Trafficking and what you can do to help. Judith Hamilton will explain the issues surrounding Human Trafficking,
several non-profit organizations that are fighting this problem and what steps you might consider to help. She will
discuss human trafficking on a global, national and statewide level, concluding with local occurrences in San Jose,
Sunnyvale, Mountain View and Saratoga. This meeting is not suitable for children. If you have any questions, please
contact the St. Simon Parish office.
Mexicali Grill,
3149 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara
Gather at 7:00pm - Talk begins at 7:30pm
[email protected]
Theology on Tap is an opportunity for
young adults (ages 21-39) to explore issues
and topics that relate to the Catholic faith in
a fun and casual environment.
Nov. 5
Bishop Thomas A. Daly
“Grill the Bishop”
Nov. 19
Fr. Raymond Gawronski, S.J.
“Death, Judgment, Heaven,
and Hell”
Dec. 6
TOT Christmas Celebration
Our Lady of Peace Church,
Santa Clara
Are you lost or confused in your spiritual life? Do you have serious
questions about spiritual living that call for basic guidance?
Fr. Michael Barry, SS.CC., will give a “Guidance for Spiritual Life”
conference which may be what you need in your spiritual walk. Saturday,
November 15 at Sacred Heart parish, 13716 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga.
Registration begins at 8:30am, conference is 9:30am to 3:00pm.. Conference
donation: Adults/$20 and Youth/$10. For more information, contact Monica
at (408) 710-5825 or email [email protected].
The Alpha Bible Study is currently
studying the Gospel of Luke. Luke
provides a greater focus on the "human side" of Jesus. Luke portrays The Son
Of Man in a way that differs from the other Gospels. We see Him as a priestly
Son, A Man of prayer. Luke has many parables that the others do not have
including the rich fool, the prodigal son, and the good Samaritan. Please join
us for good discussions on this gospel and how it will help us to better
understand our relationship with God the Father. We meet every Wednesday
evening from 7:15 to 9:00pm in the Parish Hall. All are welcome, this is our
10th year of doing this. Bring your Bible, we will supply the rest.
Page 6
St. Nicholas
Reservations needed. Please RSVP at:
or contact Jessica King at 408-491-9229 or [email protected]
Villa Siena Auxiliary invites you to
on Saturday, Nov. 15, 9:00am 4:00pm at 1855 Miramonte Ave.,
Mountain View (next to St. Francis
High School). Christmas
Decorations, Baked Goods, Jewelry,
Raffles, Prizes and Items
Handcrafted by the Auxiliary,
Jr. Auxiliary and Residents. Beat the
Holiday rush while supporting the
Residents of Villa Siena.
The annual Faith Formation Conference will be held at the Santa Clara Convention
Center on Friday and Saturday, November 20 and 21. This is an excellent opportunity
to renew your spirit, charge your batteries, learn and pray. Here are examples of Friday
The Pastoral Theology of Pope Francis - Pope Francis has placed renewed attention
on the pastoral theology of the Church and has challenged the Church at every level to
pattern its pastoral outreach upon the person of Christ himself. Bishop Robert McElroy
of San Francisco will outline this challenge and the way in which it calls for genuine
conversion of heart and practice of every member of the Church today.
A Brand New Parish for a Brand-driven World - American culture today is branddriven. It’s how our people—especially youth and young adults—receive and filter
information. This workshop will present basic branding principles, and apply them to
the Church and our mission of evangelization. The presenter is Paulist priest,
Fr, Larry Rice
This Little Light: A Celebration of the Life of Sr. Thea Bowman - Through
paintings and stories, learn about life of the late, great Sr. Thea Bowman who remains
one of the most inspiring and life-giving figures in the modern church. Let Sr. Thea
show you how to transform your sorrows into joy and your despair into hope. The
presenter, Br. Michael McGrath, is artist, author, and speaker whose work is always
centered on the connections between art and faith, and the healing power of prayer and
A brochure of presentations and registration information is available
in the parish office or see
Sunday, November 23, 2014.
Guided tours from 9:00am to
1:30pm, at 5000 Mitty Ave.,
San Jose, CA 95129, (408) 2526610. Please view our website for
additional information about our
Catholic college preparatory.
St. Nicholas
Page 7
Mass Intentions for the week of November 3
300 Manresa Way, Los Altos, CA
(650) 948-4491
email [email protected] Nov. 21-23 God in Fiction and Film: Non-silent retreat for
women and men, Led by Deacon Ron Hansen
Noted author Ron Hansen will help us examine the presence of
God in contemporary literature and film. How do we use
books and movies to enhance our faith? Suggested readings
will be provided in advance and films will be viewed during
the retreat. Register online or call Carmel Smith at
(650) 917-4000
In today’s gospel it says that “The feast is ready, but those who
were invited were not worthy to come.” God invites us to
make our Sacrament of Marriage worthy to come to the feast.
Do we enrich our marriage to make it what God wants it to be?
The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is on
November 14-16, in Mountain View. For more information or
to register, please visit: or
contact Thomas & Sandy Pavick, (408) 262-4061 or
[email protected]
Mon. Denis Kray †
Stacy Nemeth
Swansen Family
Megan Evered †
Wed. William McSweeney †
Powers Family
Thur. Marcie Smith †
Parish Staff
Loving Family
Roberto Estrada †
Please continue to pray for those who suffer from illness or
casualties throughout the world as well as for the sick of our
community, especially Jane Allen, Lisa Brown, Seba Castrejon,
Charles Clark, Lorraine DiMartini, Ian Douglas, Timothy
Farmer, Kayla Fong, Rita Fraguglia, Irene Fulton, Marianne
Geier, Emil Girczyc, Paul Hanley, Caroline Hansen, Ginny
Hinkle, Albert Hsui, Terry Jones, Barbara Juran, Deidre
O’Connor, JoAnn Leach, Mary Rodgers, Gerri Schultz, Ray
Sinsley, Christine Trevino, Julianne Vanleeuwen, Teresita
Weber, and Rafael Zamora. Pray also for their families and
St. Nicholas Auto Donation Program is a major fundraiser for
our parish. Call Jack Maloney (650) 941-5753 for information
on how to receive a tax deduction for your donated auto.
(Cars must be reliable and in running condition.)
Offertory Collection for October 25 & 26
Weekly Collection
Weekly Collection Needed
Total Parish Income thru 10/26/14
Total Parish Income Needed thru 10/26/14
Income (shortfall) at 10/26/14
Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14
Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24
Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33
Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10
Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8
Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11,
16-17; Jn 2:13-22
“Advent Pilgrims”
A Day-by-Day Walk
by Bridget Haase
Available in the church vestibule and parish office
Thank You for Your Faithful Support!
The Diocese of San Jose has partnered with EthicsPoint to
provide a confidential method to hear suggestions, concerns or
reports of financial misconduct.
EthicsPoint Hotline (888) 325-7863
Please direct any questions that you may have about EthicsPoint
or reporting concerns to Teresa Conville, Diocesan Compliance
and Parish Financial Services Director at (408) 983-0241 or
[email protected]. For more information, click on the
EthicsPoint link on the St. Nicholas website
The Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults
of the Diocese of San Jose is directed by Anthony Gonzalez.
Complaints or allegations of sexual misconduct may be initiated
in writing to the Office for the Protection of Children and
Vulnerable Adults, 1150 N. First St., Suite 100, San Jose, CA
95112. Anthony may also be reached at (408) 983-0113,
fax (408) 983-0147, emergency line (408) 983-0141, or email:
[email protected].