Contact Infformation: Mara Falerro, VP Marketin ng and Commu unications JetStream Federal Creditt Union g mfalero@je Phone: 786 6-449-3055 Fax: 305-8 819-1875 FOR IM MMEDIATE RELEASE:: JetStrea am Federa al Credit Un nion Promo otes Maria a Morales tto Assistan nt Vice Preside ent of Colle ections Miami Lakes, L FL-A August 20,, 2014 – Je etStream Fe ederal Cre edit Union a announcess the promotio on of Maria Morales to o Assistant Vice Presid dent of Colllections. M Morales hass been pa art of the JetStream tea am for 17 years, y and sspent the la ast 9 years as Collectio on Manage er. She earn ned her Bac chelor’s deg gree in Man nagement ffrom Miami Dade Colle ege. p 5 yearrs, JetStrea am’s loan grrowth has m more than ttripled and Morales an nd For the past her team m have been able to ke eep the delinquency le evels way b below indusstry standarrds. s a true exa ample of loy yalty and te eamwork. S She truly enjjoys what sshe does an nd is “Maria is able to manage m a successful s department d t, in a very difficult and d demandin ng role and environm ment,” said Guy Petroro, Senior Vice V Presid dent /Chief L Lending Offficer for JetStrea am. JetStream Federal F Credit Union U is a full-seervice financial cooperative c withh $164 million inn assets, servingg over 20,000 meembers. The 66-yearr-old credit union has 7 branchees located in Mia ami, Miami Lakees, Doral and Hiialeah, Florida aand San Juan, P Puerto Rico. Memb bership is open to o anyone (and th heir family memb bers) who lives, works, worshipss or attends schoool in sections of Miami-Dade County, Florid da, and anyone (and ( their familyy members) who lives, works, woorships or attendds school in Caroolina, Trujillo Alto o and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Alll persons (and th heir family membbers) who work in any of our seelect companies aand organization ns located in Miiami-Dade Coun nty and the selectt areas of Puertoo Rico may also jjoin. Membershhip is open to businesses and a other legal entities e located in i Miami-Dade County, C Florida and the select aareas of Puerto R Rico. For additiional information, visit our website at .####
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