Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología en Transportación Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Agrimensura UPR-‐Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez Call Box 9000 * Mayagüez, PR 00681 Tel. 787-‐834-‐6385 * Fax: 787-‐265-‐5695 * www.uprm.edu/prt2 29 Años de Excelencia en el Adiestramiento de Oficiales de Transportación a Nivel Municipal, Estatal, y Federal en Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes Addendum Instructor Dr. Benjamín Colucci Ríos Catedrá/co Departamento de Ingeniería Civil UPR – Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez 26 y 27 de marzo de 2015 Temporary Traffic Control Planning Software Rapid Plan™ PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Is a complete traffic control solution. ¨ Over 6000 businesses in 27 countries. ¨ Market Tool and Sign Libraries ¨ http://www.invarion.com/rapidplan/ Rapid Plan™ (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ Autoroads ¤ ¨ Templates ¤ ¨ Allows you to draw complex road layouts. Countless templates are available, all are fully customizable. Import Capabilities ¤ From aerial photos to CAD files. http://www.invarion.com/plan-types/ ConeZONE PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ ¨ Designs Traffic Control Plans according to federal and state standards. Users select and apply typical MUTCD layouts to a roadway plan, map or aerial photograph. ¤ Adding, moving, or removing devices automatically adjust the entire layout. http://www.signcad.com/conezone.php Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ ¨ Help utility workers determine an appropriate TTC Plan for a specific work site. The program has a series of question which determine the appropriate temporary traffic control elements. https://www.workzonesafety.org/wsu/ttcp_software/startup.htm Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Step 1 Step 2 8 Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Step 3 Step 4 9 Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Step 5 10 Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Step 6 and 7 11 Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Step 8 – 11 12 Selection of Utility Work Zone Temporary Traffic Control Plans Example (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Result 13 Others Resources and Organizations ATSSA American Traffic Safety Services Association Safer Roads Save lives http://www.atssa.com/ American Traffic Safety Services Association: Safer Roads Save lives PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER American Traffic Safety Services Association: Safer Roads Save lives PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ATSSA Government Relation PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ ¨ ¨ Toward Zero Deaths is federal aid highway program to reduce deaths. ATSSA was the first membership association to support the nationwide TZD initiative. Over 77 ATSSA member companies have taken the pledge. http://www.atssa.com/GovernmentRelations/TowardZeroDeaths.aspx The Signal: An ATSSA publication for the Roadway Safety Industry PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ Published quarterly ¨ Distributed to thousands of ¨ Provides in-depth information about: ¤ ¤ ¤ Road safety industry news ATSSA chapter and committee workings Legislative topics and changes Convention & Traffic Expo- February 2015 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Highway Care USA 20 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ Supply security barrier technology available for permanent and temporary applications. http://www.highwaycareusa.com/traffic.php Highway Care USA 21 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER BarrierGuard 800® MDS ¨ Tested under NCHRP 350 standards. ¨ Is FHWA TL-3 approved with less than ONE INCH deflection at 62mph. ¨ http://www.highwaycareusa.com/traffic.php Barrier Guard Crash Demonstration 2013 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER http://www.highwaycareint.com/product_info/44/barrierguard800 ANSI: American National Standards Institute 23 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER http://ansi.org/ ANSI: American National Standards Institute (Cont.) 24 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ ¨ ¨ Serves as administrator and coordinator of the United States private sector voluntary standardization system for more than 90 years. Accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations (SDOs). Oversees the creation, promulgation and use of thousands of norms and guidelines that directly impact businesses in nearly every sector: from acoustical devices to construction equipment. http://ansi.org/about_ansi/introduction/introduction.aspx?menuid=1 International Safety Equipment Association 25 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER https://www.safetyequipment.org/ International Safety Equipment Association (Cont.) 26 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ ¨ Has set the standard for personal protective technologies, supporting and promoting the business interests. Included in the association are products and technologies for: protection of workers against impacts ¤ detection, analysis, classification and measurement of hazards ¤ early warning to workers ¤ mitigation of the effects https://www.safetyequipment.org/ of accidental exposure ¤ International Safety Equipment Association (Cont.) 27 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER http://www.alertsafetyvest.com/ 28 EDC-3 State Implementation Plan Smarter Work Zone EDC-3 Smarter Work Zone PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Every Day Count Initiative ¨ Have two components: ¨ ¤ Technology applications ¤ Road project coordination ¨ Goal: ¤ Use of ITS technologies to control traffic through work zone. EDC-3 Smarter Work Zone Example PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ Stopped Traffic Advisory System ¤ Alert motorists when work zoneinduced delay downstream. ¤ Changeable message signs when queue is detected. Commonwealth of Kentucky New Law 31 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER Commonwealth of Kentucky New Law (Cont.) PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER A new section of KRS Chapter 2 ¨ Authorize the Governor to issue an order to lower the United State flag to half-staff in the event of the death of Kentucky emergecy response personel in the line of duty. ¨ In March 20, 2015 was signed by Governor Steve Beshear. ¨ Reference 33 PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ¨ Alert Safety Vest ¤ ¨ ANSI ¤ ¤ ¨ ¤ ¤ ¤ http://www.signcad.com/conezone.php Safety Equipment ¤ ¨ http://www.invarion.com/plan-types/ http://www.invarion.com/rapidplan/ SignCAD ¤ ¨ Hhttp://www.highwaycareusa.com/traffic.php Invarion ¤ ¨ http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/everydaycounts/edc-3/zones.cfm http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/publications/publicroads/14marapr/06.cfm Highway Care ¤ ¨ http://www.atssa.com/ http://www.atssa.com/GovernmentRelations/TowardZeroDeaths.aspx EDC-3 Smarter Work Zone ¤ ¨ http://www.ansi.org/ http://ansi.org/about_ansi/introduction/introduction.aspx?menuid=1 ATSSA ¤ ¨ http://www.alertsafetyvest.com http://www.safetyequipment.org/ Work Zone Safety ¤ https://www.workzonesafety.org/wsu/ttcp_software/startup.htm QUESTIONS 34 Ejercicio de Manejo de un Incidente no planificado Carretera PR- 2 Jurisdicción Añasco- Mayagüez Seminario: “Practical Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) at Highway Construction Sites” Benjamín Colucci Ríos, PhD, PE, PTOE, FITE, API, JD b e n j a m i n . c o l u c c i 1 @ u p r. e d u Noticia difundida en la prensa televisiva Manejo de Incidentes de Tráfico (TIM) Datos pertinentes para el análisis Carretera: PR- 2 Kilómetro: 145.4 Jurisdicción: Entre Añasco y Mayagüez Hora: 9:00 am Ancho de carriles: 12 pies Cantidad de carriles: 4 Clasificación funcional: rural primaria Velocidad rotulada: 50 mph Aspectos geométricos: carretera dividida con barrera del tipo new jersey (dos carriles por dirección) Ancho de paseo: 10 pies (antes y después del puente) Manejo de Incidentes de Tráfico (TIM) Acción requerida 1. Desarrolle plan de control de tráfico. 2. ¿Evento/ Incidente es planificado? Imagen aérea de la jurisdicción Añasco- Mayagüez Closest intersections Imagen área de la intersección PR- 2 con PR- 129 y PR- 115 Jurisdicción de Añasco
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