OFF!CER!S Tn addition to the following additions JOB DESCRIPTIONS jo~ descriptions have been made: listed in our This p~rson ha~ b~en design~t~d ~lect because he/~he wotksclosely Presid~nt and is therefore best becbme the next president_ Chair of the Chair of the Summer Nember -at ~L arQ.~ This Board positio0 take the the Presidentwith the prepared to Committee Party was added it is very necessary care of the maintenace becaus~ to Nominating Bylaws, many years~go to ha~e of a person Parkar Ranch. setting up the annual i~eed-abatement and fire breaks with Bob (Dng, keeping in repair a 11 0 u r r eta n n 9 \'i a 1 1 S j S r:1all fe nee $ an d eve. r y This incl udes t Ii i n gel f--.-'-- i in i i Ra nc h to k c e pit n go 0 d shape. This addftional position on the BOBrd is «(llowed for in oJu:__BcvlaIl15. _____.:.-=--2-~-"---"--"'----'-'-~~ u~ (a) se The pr$'1t ~sl1allpreside. Presid9n!:i.: )nl;:!¢tings Par k e r of thi! Board of Directors; shall at _ aU see that crae'rs and resol\.ttioos of the Soard ~)'.'e carried out; sh~ll '5i9~ all le~s.s. martgaqes, Jeed$ and other written it\strum~-nt$i and shall co-sign all ched.;:s andpromis$ol':Y notes. (b) Vic~ Preside'O.t~ The vice the plaqc andsta~d Presid~nt .shall of the PreSiqeht actin in the ~vent of his/her abs> irtabi:lit..y pfrefusal to act,' and shall exa:q:;is.e and discharge such ot}:H~r .duties as may be. required of him ~r-et<1X.Y: The Secretary iiJl.nd keep·. -'th~· .. minutes proceedings by the aoard. sha 11 record the votes of .all mee.tll'1(js and af the Beard and of the M.~J srs; shall keep the cQrpor.<1te seaJ. ()f the Association .1na. iiJl.ffh: it cn. all papers rer~~iring said seal; shall serve notice of meetings or the Board a'nd of the approprh.t~ cur.:rent recot;d$ the Association together wi th their- aQcl~es$e$; and shall perforro such other Members; ~h<Hl ·ke~p showing the Members duti(!!s (d} ~S· re.quired of by the Soard .. Ti.e~t:...~.x: 'the Treasurer shall receive a'(}ddeposit in appropriate. bank: accounts all n;onie.s of· the A$~ociati,jn and shall dispu):se such funds as directed by re$ol<ut ion of the Board of Directors; shallsi<]t1 all ehe~J<s and promissory not.p.s of the Association; sh311 keep proper books of accou!"It; shall cause audit of the Association books to 'be JtI~de by a publio accountapt at t.h~ cornplet ion of eneh fi seal Y~ZU"; $haU prepare an anmJ;($l budg~t. and $taternent of income arid e.xpenditures thei~ to ·he represe.nte.d to the He:rnbeu at anhua111lt"!~tiM; arid ghall deliver a. copy of sueh bUQg"et ahd statement. to the Me:mbu:rs 'Within ninet.y (~a) days aft~r the ~n<ict: the fiscal year. :.r""' ••••• ,JOB DESC R r PTION OF THEM£MS£R···A T·· LARGE OF PARKER (1) To w6rkwJth all of (2) To end (3 ) BOD of meatings maintenance aba~ement(annual), and enance Oil s(; C Ii ",..... ,. r' BOARD OF DIRECTORS , ..... the P~rker Ranch security company their work is being com~leted. a11 charge RANCH pbstsetc. Dr our two and and of participate Parke')" maintaining ,) U 1,'/ 4 t.h • ~ake sure fndiscessions. \'ihi ch Ri.H1ch. all i !lcl ur;e!i retainin~ walls, a~ needcid •.. private streets: of Stari dge C6urt bet,;;een the i t'j ()n to picaa t\~O Court i;otn'ts ahd the
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