CVs of - Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez

CVs of New Key Institutional Leaders
Carlos M. Padín Bibiloni, Ph.D.
Biographical Sketch: UMET Chancellor, Carlos M. Padin, Ph.D.
A. Professional Preparation:
Ph.D. in Geography, Natural Resources Planning and Management, Geography Department,
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (1992).
M.S. in Environmental Studies, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL. (1983).
M.A. in Planning: Environmental Planning, Graduate School of Planning, University of Puerto
Rico, Rio Piedras (1981).
B.S. in Mathematics, minor in Statistics, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras (1979).
B. Appointments:
2012 – Present
2004 – 2011
2007- 2013
2007 – 2011
2005 – 2006
2004 – 2007
2005 – 2008
2001 – 2006
2001 – 2006
2000 – 2001
1994 – 2000
1993 – 1994
1988 – 1990
Chancellor, Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Dean, School of Environmental Affairs, Universidad Metropolitana
(UMET), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Principal Investigator, Puerto Rico Geomodel: Using Climate Change
Research to Improve Geosciences Teaching, Student Research Skills, and
Academic Pipeline K-16+, National Science Foundation grant, UMET.
Principal Investigator, Eco-enterprise Partnerships for Innovation,
National Science Foundation grant, UMET.
Principal Investigator, Fellows Enhancing Sciences and Technology,
GK-12, National Science Foundation grant, UMET.
Principal Investigator, Environmental Affairs and Globalization:
Internationalizing the Environmental Studies Curriculum, United
States/Brazil FIPSE/CAPSE Program, US Department of Education
grant, UMET.
Co-Principal Investigator, Land Use Sustainability Index, US
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant, UMET.
Principal Investigator, Las Cucharillas Marsh Project: Wetland
Acquisition and Restoration Project, EPA & Puerto Rico Electric Power
Authority grant.
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental Affairs, UMET.
Secretary of Natural Resources, Government of Puerto Rico.
Dean, School of Sciences and Environmental Affairs, UMET.
Director, Coastal Zone Management Division, Puerto Rico Natural
Resources Department.
Director, Terrestrial Resources and Fish and Wildlife Planning Division
of Puerto Rico, Natural Resources Department.
C. Products:
Becerra, Janeth Mosquera et al. Transport and health: a look at three Latin American cities. Cad.
Saúde Pública, Apr 2013, vol.29, no.4, p.654-666. ISSN 0102-311X
Padin, Carlos M. (2009). Puerto Rico: Un Tesoro Natural. Published by Barrientos Consulting for
Padin, C., Juncos M., Hernandez, J., Rivera, J., Flores, H., Lara, J. (2009). Land Use Sustainability
in Puerto Rico. USEPA Grant # SD 98228700.
Juncos, M., Hernandez, J., Carbonell, J, Bermudez, M., Mujica, E., Padin, C. (2008). Hacia el
Desarrollo Inteligente: 10 Principios y 100 Estrategias para el Desarrollo Inteligente.
Padin, C., M. Juncos, J. Hernández, O. Garcia (2009) “The Challenges for Sustainable Land Use in
Puerto Rico.” (To be submitted to APA)
Padin, Carlos M. “Nuestro Parques” (2007) Cultura y Ambiente: Puerto Rico de Hoy
Published by Barrientos Consulting for MAPFRE.
Padin, Carlos M. “Infraestructura Verde” (2005) Paraíso Natural. Published by Gas Natural, Spain.
Padin, C., C. Morales, and C. Batista (2005) Plan de Manejo para la Cienaga Las Cucharillas
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
_________ (2005) Plan Maestro para el Desarrollo de Cataño. Universidad Metropolitana, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
_________ (2004) Documento de Designación de la Reserva Natural Cienaga las Cucharillas.
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
_________ (2003) Capas de Información de la Cienaga Las Cucharillas – in CD format.
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
_________ (2003) Procedimientos de la Primera Conferencia de los Humedales – in CD format.
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
_________ (2002) Estudio de Percepción de las inundaciones en Juana Matos y Cucharillas
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
"Hasta cuando?" DIALOGO. Especial para Dialogo sobre la crisis de abastos de agua en el Area
Metropolitana de San Juan. (Special article on water supply crisis in Metropolitan San Juan) August
"Non-Point Source Management Program: Marinas Case Study” Proceedings of the XIX
Symposium of the Natural Resources, Department of Natural Resources. San Juan, Puerto Rico.
October 1993.
"Water Demand Model of Puerto Rico". Proceedings of the XXIII Congress of Sanitary Engineering
and Environmental Science (AIDIS). Habana, Cuba. November 1992.
D. Synergistic Activities:
Member of the Fellowship and Scholarship Committee of the Organization of American States
(2010 – 2015)
Member, Puerto Rico Climate Change Advisory Board (2009 – Present)
Editor and Member, Institute for Public Policy of the Ana G. Méndez University System (2006 –
Puerto Rico Land Use Advisory Board, appointed by Governor in 2002 to 2006.
Collaborator in the development of the Center for Research & Development and Industrial
Support (CREDIS) at the Northern Technological Corridor (INTENOR), 2005 to present.
Collaborator in the development of the Vieques Island Municipality Sustainability Plan (2004).
E. Collaborators & Other Affiliations:
Collaborators and Co-editors: No collaborations to report.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Sponsors: Dr. Ben Dzielewoski, Southern Illinois University; Dr.
Dwayne Bowman, Southern Illinois University; Dr John Boland, Johns Hopkins University
Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor: Victor Martinez, Arlene Cruz, Reynaldo de
Jesus, Modesto Rodriguez, Saribel Arroyo, Cheryl Batista, Carlos Busto, Carlos Morales, Luis
Acevedo, Maximiano E. Rameris. Total in the last 15 years: 100
Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed.D.
Vice Chancellor
Biographical Sketch: UMET Vice Chancellor, Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed. D.
[email protected]
A: Professional Preparation
Institution and Location
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn
Human Development and
Counseling and Guidance
Ed. D. 1985
B. A. 1974
Inter American University of Puerto
Rico, San Germán
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez
Profesional Certificates
Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass
University of Western Ontario,
Ontario, Canada
B: Appointments
 2012-Present
 2005-2012
2002- 2005
Leadership and Management of
Administration and University
M. A. 1978
Vice Chancellor, Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Vice Chancellor of International Affairs, Universidad Metropolitana, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Vice Chancellor of Outreach Programs, Universidad Metropolitana, San
Juan, Puerto Rico.
Professor, School of Education, Doctoral Program, UMET
Courses taught: EDCO 906 & EDCO 961-Practicum & Dissertation
Vice President of Academic Affairs, Inter American University of Puerto
Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Chancellor, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo, Puerto
Dean School of Professional Programs, Inter American University of
Puerto Rico, San Germán, Puerto Rico
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Inter American University of
Puerto Rico, San Germán, Puerto Rico
Professor, School of Education, Master Program, Counseling and
Guidance, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, San Germán,
Puerto Rico
Courses taught: Counseling Theories, Counseling Techniques &
C: Products
________ 2012
________ 2012
________ 2011
Vega, Zaida. Prologue, La Universidad: Oportunidades para el Éxito.
Hayden-McNeil Publishing. ISBN978-0-7380-5666-1
Plan Estratégico Internacionalización 2012-2016, Universidad Metropolitana,
San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Diez Años de Excelencia de Internacionalización en la UMET 2002-2012,
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Análisis de la Evaluación del Primer Día de Desarrollo
Biographical Sketch: UMET Vice Chancellor, Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed. D.
[email protected]
_______ 2011
Profesional & Resumen de Recomendaciones, Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
Report on Goals and Activities for the ACE Internationalization Laboratory,
Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Padilla, Diez & Vega. “Las tecnologías de inteligencia de negocios y almacén
de datos sustentan decisiones de la Universidad Interamericana, Recinto de
Arecibo, Revista de Negocios, El Nuevo Día, December 27, 1998, pp 12-13.
Vega, Zaida. La mujer en la administración universitaria en Puerto Rico:
Realidades, retos y perspectivas. Experiencias: La mujer en la educación
superior, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, pp. 33-54.
Vega Liu, Zaida. A Cross-cultural study on depression among foreign
graduate students from six selected areas. Dissertation Abstract International,
Vol. 46, (6-A), p. 1522.
Vega, Zaida. Student development: A developmental approach. SEAHO Report.
D: Synergistic Activities
2012 – Present
2012 – Present
2012 – Present
Chair, Executive Committee of MSCHE Accreditation-Monitoring Report f
Universidad Metropolitana, Ana G. Méndez University System.
PI, Design, development and implementation of the Assessment Related
Module (ARM) of Universidad Metropolitana with Ariel Méndez, Víctor
Sánchez & Sarab Singh. Web-based application directed at documenting,
reporting and analyzing General Education and Discipline-specific student
learning outcomes.
PI, “Integración de procesos de internacionalización en políticas,
estructuras, procesos, relaciones interinstitucionales y actividades
co-curriculares: Un estudio cualitativo fenomenológico,” IRB-UMET.
Founder Member of UMET International Research Cluster.
Director Doctoral Opportunities Program for UMET Faculty with Universidad
de Malaga, Spain (11 Ph. D’s in Science in Nursing in progress)
Chair Self-study of the internationalization of Universidad Metropolitana,
American Council on Education.
Director Doctoral Opportunities Program for UMET Faculty with Universidad
de Granada, Spain (8 Ph. D’s in Science in Education in progress)
Co-chair First Year Experience Self-study of Universidad Metropolitana,
with the John Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education.
Member HACU Board of Directors, San Antonio, Texas
E: Grant Experience
Author, The First Year College Experience Enhanced: Building Blocks to Turn Underrepresented Hispanic
Freshmen into College Graduate, Hispanic Serving Institutions (Title V) Program; awarded October 2007,
$2, 873,661.00. Project Goal: Foster student retention through academic attainment
Author and Project Director, (October 2006 – 2011), Development of a First Year College and
Enhancement of Upper-division Programs with Improved Support Services, Hispanic Serving Institutions
(Title V) Program; P031S 060083 $2,158,864, for Additional Location Bayamón University Center. Leader
in the development and implementation of an Immersion Program Track by Cohorts to support academically
Biographical Sketch: UMET Vice Chancellor, Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed. D.
[email protected]
underprepared first year university students develop the basic skills in Math, English, Spanish and Reading
and Critical Thinking needed to succeed in college. Program was approved by the Academic Board and
generalized to all UMET academic units. Leader in the conceptualization and implementation of a “Student
Tracking and Reporting System” designed to follow students throughout their academic pipeline including
academic attainment, early academic alerts, retention tracking, and graduation. Leader in the implementation
of a First Year College as the “open door” to successfully surf the transition between High School and
Higher Education as measured by retention rates and academic attainment.
Author, “Development of Learning Communities to Improve Achievement of Teacher Preparation Students
on the State Certification Examination, , Hispanic Serving Institutions (Title V) Program – Cooperative
Grants; awarded $3,066.051, for Additional Locations at the University Center of Aguadilla, Bayamόn and
Jayuya. October 2006
Author, Fulbright Visiting Scholars in Residence Program Grants (6), Council for the International
Exchange of Scholars. 2004-2008
Author, Project Director and Consortia Coordinator (October 2004-2008) for the implementation of a
student exchange project between Universidad Metropolitana and Universidade Federal do Amazonas &
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense in Brazil funded by the US Dept. of Education, Fund for the
Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) – US/Brazil Consortia Program, $208,608.00.
F: Professional Presentations (Sample)
2011 Panelist, “Primer Encuentro de Educadores de Adultos”, Panel: Retos de la Educación de Adultos en
la Era de la Globalización y el Conocimiento, Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Chair, “Primer Encuentro de Rectores y Estudiantes de Centroamérica y Puerto Rico, Conrad
Condado Plaza Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2007 Presenter, Board of Directors-AGMUS, “El impacto de los Proyectos Título V en el desarrollo de
la UMET,” Sistema Universitario Ana G. Méndez, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2005 Presenter, Chancellor’s Community Board, “Proyecto Académico para Vieques,” Fortín Conde de
Mirasol, Vieques, Puerto Rico.
2001 Moderator, HACU Annual Conference, “International Roundtable on Financing higher
education”, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2001 Presenter with Perez, R. & Dastas, J., HACU Annual Conference, Accreditation and
assessment: A technology-based model to ensure institutional integrity, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan,
Puerto Rico.
2001 Presenter with González, C., HACU Annual Conference, Universia: A virtual portal for iberoamerican universities, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2001 Presenter with Diez, R., & Meléndez, l., Pagan, J., HACU Annual Conference, Campus
network model for distance education, Hotel Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2001 Panelist, in “Teaching and organization of studies in the virtual and classical university: Conflict
and/or reinforcement”, Virtual versus classical university: Teaching and organization of studies (examples
of good practices), UNESCO-CEPES, UPR, CES & HETS, Normandie Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2001 Presenter with Diez, R., Perez, R., & Dastas, J., HACU International Conference,
Accreditation and assessment: A technology based model to ensure institutional integrity, San Jose, Costa
Biographical Sketch: UMET Vice Chancellor, Zaida Vega Lugo, Ed. D.
[email protected]
2001 Panel Moderator. HACU 2001 National Capitol Forum, “Education and the senate: HSI
coalition”, Washington, DC.
2000 Presenter UPR-Río Piedras, AN-MSI High speed Internet connectivity project for higher
education institutions in Puerto Rico: An EDUCASE-HACU AN-MSI Project.
1998 Presenter with Diez, R., Vega, Z. & Padilla, J., Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio
Ambiente de la República de Cuba. ARIADNA98: Congreso Internacional de Informática y Tecnología,
Presentación: Desarrollo de un sistema de información gerencial y académico para la UIPR, Capitolio,
Habana, Cuba.
1997 Leader at Presidential Roundtable, MSCHE Annual Conference - Accreditation and Quality
Assurance, Taking the self study off the shelf after the team leaves”, Hotel Marriot, Philadelphia.
1997 Presenter with Diez, R.; & Rojas, A. USDE-Annual Title III Conference “Embracing access
and educational excellence: A portrait of three decades of performance”, A campus wide information
system Hotel Marriott, Washington, DC.
1997 Presenter with Diez, R. and Rojas, A. HACU Annual “Commitment to change: Building the
academic, technological, and cultural affirmation links to the future”, A campus wide information system
(CWIS): A Title III funded web-based integrated computerized infrastructure for access to academic
support services and for institutional management, Hotel Hyatt Regency, San Antonio, Texas.
G: Collaborators & Other Affiliations
Doctoral Thesis Collaborator: Mylord Reyes Tosta (Universidad Metropolitana, 2009-2012) with
Dr. Edgardo E. Quiñones (Dept. of Science and Technology, UMET) and Dr. Alicia González (Dept.
of Education, UMET).
Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Agnes Conde (Universidad Metropolitana, 2012-present). Alice J.
Casanova (Universidad Metropolitana, 2012-present). Marisela Arroyo (Universidad Metropolitana,
Research Advisor Practicum-Doctoral Program: Carmen Noris Collazo Robles (“Retención
Longitudinal de Estudiantes de Inmersión: Colegio de Primer Año Título V-Bayamón”, UMET,
2010-2011); Miriam Velázquez Velázquez Velázquez (“Retención Longitudinal de Estudiantes
Regulares: Colegio de Primer Año Título V-Bayamón”, UMET, 2010-2011).
Alice J. Casanova Ocasio, MA
Associate Vice Chancellor of Licensing and Accreditation
Biographical Sketch for Alice J. Casanova Ocasio
[email protected]
Professional Preparation
Institution and Location
Universidad del Este
Carolina, PR
Caribbean University
Vega Baja, PR
Universidad Metropolitana
San Juan, PR
Business Administration
BBA. 2004
Education/ Curriculum in Spanish
M.A 2007
Education/ Teaching
PhD (ABD) May
2014 (expected)
2013 – Present: Universidad Metropolitana, San Juan, Puerto Rico
x Associate Vice-Chancellor for Licensing and Accreditation
o Support University in the state licensing and regional accreditation regulatory
process and provide information on regulations and accreditation guidelines.
o Maintain files according to the most current and applicable laws and regulations,
as well as assist staff and operating unit executive committees in interpreting
and applying state licensing and regional accreditation regulations.
o Prepare state licensing and regional accreditation applications, prospectus, self
studies and other related documents to garner the necessary approvals for startup activities, license maintenance, annual renewals, new academic programs,
and reaffirmations.
o Provide guidance to other departments in drafting reports and compiling
supporting documentation for self-study and professional accreditation
1996 – 2012: National University College Arecibo/Bayamón, Puerto Rico
x Associate Dean, Central Office (2010-2012)
o Collaborate in the creation of the New Master Degree Program
o Prepare New Proposal for the Distance Learning Department
o Academic Board Member
ƒ Review Proposals of New Programs
o MSCHE Steering Committee Member (2011)
ƒ Establish Committees per Standards
o Self Study member of Team for Standard 13 (2011-2012)
ƒ Present the Distance Education Offering and demonstrate the attributes and
correspondence to the Fundamental Elements of Distance Education
o Leader of MSCHE Self-Study Team for Standards 12 & 14 (2011-2012)
ƒ Prepare the work plan and roadmap to address the evidence to
demonstrate or determine compliance with standards 12 & 14.
Biographical Sketch for Alice J. Casanova Ocasio
Associate Professor (2005-2012)
o Undergraduate Department of General Education
Courses taught: Basic Spanish (SPAN 111, SPAN 116, SPAN 275)
o Graduate School – Department of Education
Course taught •Curriculum and Assessment, Philosophy and Sociology of
Education, Models and Strategies on Education
Subject Matter Expert for Instructional Design of:
Basic Spanish I & II, Redaction and Composition, Commercial Redaction
For Graduate Level: Curriculum and Assessment, Philosophy and Sociology of
Education, Models and Strategies on Education.
Coordinator of Distance Education Department (2008-2010)
Bursar Officer (1996-2005)
2007 – Present: Inter American University, San Juan, Puerto Rico
x Virtual Instructor, Department of Humanities and Languages
o Courses taught: Literature and Poetry and Theater Communications; Literature
and test communication and narrative
2009 – 2013 Universidad del Este, Barceloneta University Center, Barceloneta, Puerto Rico
x Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
o Undergraduate and Technical School
Courses taught: Basic Spanish (SPAN 111, SPAN 116, SPAN 275)
o Graduate School
Course taught: Redaction and Research
x Cano, J., Casanova, A., González, W., Romano, C. (2012) Manual para el Desarrollo de
Educadores y Educadoras en la Simulación Clínica. 1era ED. Atenas.
x Casanova, A. (2010) Factors affecting the satisfaction of the teacher on teaching university
online courses. Research at Universidad Metropolitana
Professional Memberships
APAD- Puerto Rico Distance Learning Association – Member of the Board
SPE – Puerto Rican Evaluation Society –Member
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development-Member
USDEA- United States Distance Education Association - Member
Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education- AACE