NEWSTEAD WOOD SCHOOL Minutes of a meeting of the Full Governing Body held at the school on Wednesday 26th March 2014 at 6.30pm Present: Steve Penny (Chair) Naureen Khalid (Vice Chair), Alison Ross (Headteacher), Elaine Wanostrocht, Colleen Young, Vinoo John, Jonathan Capon, Jo Penn, Darren Norris, Pat Petch and Lyndon Cabot In attendance: Angela Stone (Kent Clerking Service) Item 1. Action Apologies Christine Allsop and Paul Marshall offered their apologies. These were considered and accepted by the Governing Body (GB). The Chair advised that from this point forward, apologies would be considered by governors on a case by case basis and would not automatically be accepted. 2. Declarations of Business Interest Elaine Wanostrocht declared an interest in any items relating to the Tennis Centre. The Chair made a short statement advising all present that the Governing Body needed to move forward from recent problems and conduct business as a corporate body concentrating on good governance. The Chair particularly stressed the importance of governors observing confidentiality and not discussing items of business outside of meetings. 3. Minutes of previous meetings Appendices 3.0 and 3.1 had been available for review prior to the meeting. 10th January 2014 (The minutes of this meeting are Confidential). Dr Lyndon Cabot referred to page 2 of the minutes and directed governors to the wording of the first vote: The Chair addressed the meeting and asked governors to vote if they considered Mr Savur had breached the Code of Conduct. Dr Cabot advised that he believed he had been voting for a breach of trust and not a breach of the Code of Conduct. Following a short discussion, governors who had attended the meeting confirmed that they all had understood that they had been voting for a breach of the Code of Conduct. th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 1 ACTION POINTS The Clerk agreed to note Mr Cabot’s comments in the minutes. Clerk The Confidential minutes of the meeting on 10th January 2014 were agreed to be a true and accurate record and duly signed. 14th March 2014 The minutes of the meeting were agreed to be a true and accurate record and duly signed. 4. Matters Arising All items were covered elsewhere on the agenda. 5. Chair’s Actions These would be covered under Any Other Business. 6. School Performance Jo Penn arrived at 7.30pm Appendix 6.1 had been circulated prior to the meeting. 6.1 Immediate Actions Staffing Structure The Headteacher reported that the current staffing structure was over heavy as the school did not require three Deputy Headteachers at a cost of £200k per year. Under a potential new structure, there would be one deputy and five Assistant Headteachers, with clearly defined job descriptions. Such a structure would save approximately £120k a year: Deputy Headteacher: Quality assurance linked to the SEF Assistant Headteacher: Timetable/ curriculum Assistant Headteacher: CPD/staff appraisals/pastoral support Assistant Headteacher: Teaching and learning Assistant Headteacher: Community Assistant Headteacher: Assessment, recording and reporting information In the first instance, the school would internally recruit for two posts at an additional cost of £667.00. The support staff structure would also be looked at and roles redefined. A governor asked if the office manager role would be similar to that of a business manager and was advised that the office manager would be office based and would encompass the current bursar role. The Office Manager would also be part of the Senior Leadership Team. th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 2 The Headteacher was requested to produce a full business case/paper on a revised staffing structure outlining roles and responsibilities and cost savings. The paper should also include aspects of manning against a new establishment ie how the new structure might be implemented and in what timescales. Student Behaviour/dress Students who misbehave would receive a detention on a Thursday evening Middle managers would also be responsible for setting student detentions Staff had been encouraged to be collectively responsible for students following the correct dress code Currently form tutors do not have job descriptions and consistent signing of planners is poor Oxbridge Earlier emphasis on students aspiring to Oxbridge would be encouraged with student talks starting for Year 7, Year 9 and Years 10 and 11. Visits to Oxbridge had been planned with students encouraged to consider Oxbridge earlier in their school career. The Headteacher advised that students needed to be able to demonstrate a passion for their subjects when they were invited to interview. The Director of Sixth Form had applied to attend an Oxbridge Course . A governor asked when students currently consider Oxbridge and was advised this normally starts at Year 9. Catering New fully staffed catering facilities were to be installed in the sixth form common room The Headteacher and the Bursar were responsible for line managing the catering company Year 7 had been put on a rota to ensure that they got a chance to eat first Quality assurance questionnaires were to be introduced for students to complete There were plans for the food serving areas to be redesigned Food would be continually replenished to ensure all students have a choice of food items 6.2 School’s Current Evaluation on Strengths and Weaknesses Consideration would be given to include ‘selective’ on the school sign There would be further discussion to consider a reduction in the quantity of GCSEs each student is allowed to study for. A governor observed that many colleges and medical universities consider 10 as a minimum number of GCSEs required th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 3 School Development Plan A governor observed that the synopsis of the previous year needed to include impact statements The proforma SDP should show costs against budget Success criteria needed to have ‘SMART’ timescales Update on Appraisal Arrangements Governors asked what was currently in place for assessment of quality of teaching and judgements. The Headteacher agreed to produce an up to date report ready for FGB in July 2014. Confidential Minute 7. Update on Action Plan The Action Plan had been submitted to the Education Funding Agency. Governors noted their gratitude and appreciation to Pat Petch for her efforts in formatting the Plan A further workshop to continue discussions on the vision of the school was planned. Members of the Senior Leadership Team would be invited to attend. The following governor roles were agreed: o Safeguarding – Vinoo John o SEN and Additional Education Needs – Jo Penn o Health and Safety – Jonathan Capon o Monitoring Visits Protocol – Jonathan Capon The following working groups were agreed: Working Group to review Governing Body composition: o Steve Penny o Naureen Khalid o Pat Petch This work should be completed by May 2014 Working Group to review Committee Structure o Darren Norris o Vinoo John o Jo Penn o Christine Allsop o Alison Ross This work should be completed by the July FGB Self Review Working Group: o Jo Penn o Pat Petch o Colleen Young This task should start immediately and feed into the external review of th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 4 governance. 8. Governors agreed to engage Mr Steve Barker at a cost of £900 to undertake an external review of governance in the summer term Committee Reports Each Chair gave an overview of their recent meetings. Students, Parents and Community Year 7 students had settled in well The additional form had integrated well but the extra numbers were expected to impact on school resources in three years time Fifty two students were on SEN register Three students were SEN and Pupil Premium Eighteen students were in receipt of Pupil Premium The committee has asked the school to provide a breakdown of how the PP grant is spent and its impact Achievement and Curriculum The committee had received a detailed data report A review of the curriculum in Sixth Form had also been discussed Resources The proposed Tennis Centre contract had been reviewed and recommended to the FGB for approval The best value tender for the washrooms had been approved The photocopier lease was circulated via email for approval o Governors approved the lease. A unanimous vote was recorded. 9. Policies for approval The policies had been available for review prior to the meeting. Data Protection Policy: Governors unanimously approved the policy Gift and Hospitality Policy: Governors unanimously approved the policy Special Educational Needs: Governors unanimously approved the policy 10. Governor Training Update Governors noted appendices 11.0 to 11.2. Mrs Naureen Khalid addressed the governors expressing the need for all governors to undertake training and to return the skills audit. 11. Any Other Business th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 5 Confidential Minute 12. Confidentiality Part of Item 6 Agenda Item 11 – ‘Any other Business’ was noted as a Confidential item. 13. Date and Time of Next Meeting 15th July 2014 at 6.30pm Meeting ended 10:15pm Signed…………………………….. Date ………………………………. th Minutes of the Full Governing Body 26 Mach 2014 6
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