(IFR) Policies - South Norfolk CCG

Agenda item: 9.4
Individual Funding Review (IFR) Policies:
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Functional Electronic Stimulation
Presented by:
Dr Shamsher Diu, Consultant in Public Health
Submitted to:
Governing Body
4 November 2014
Purpose of paper:
Approval of policies
Executive Summary:
Two new policies are presented for the Governing Body’s consideration. These policies
were developed as a result of a number of applications to the Norfolk & Waveney NonDrugs IFR Panel. The overarching IFR Policy states that once the Panel receives three
applications or more for a particular procedure, then a policy needs to be developed.
All of these policies have been discussed with CCG representatives on the IFR Panel’s
Clinical Policy Development Group and have involved clinicians from provider Trusts. The
polices relate to:
Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Functional Electronic Stimulation
These policies are to ensure that patients receive the most appropriate and effective
treatments for a range of medical conditions which are not routinely offered. They also
ensure that NHS funds are used appropriately.
Recommendation to Governing Body:
The Governing Body is asked to approve the attached policies.
Key Risks
Finance and Performance:
The policies ensure patients receive the most
appropriate and effective treatments.
Impact Assessment
(environmental and equalities):
Resource Required:
It is important to the reputation of the CCG that clear
policies are in place
See attached policies
Reference document(s):
See attached policies.
Process/Committee approval
with date(s) (as appropriate)
Leadership Team on 21.10.14