NSCC Board of Governors Meeting Minutes Feb 2014

Board of Governors – Regular Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting of the NSCC Board of Governors, held on February 20, 2014 at the
Akerley Campus in Dartmouth.
Board Members Present:
Paul Walter (Chair)
Dave Saxton (Vice Chair)
Peter Conlon
Janet Knox
Liza Macdonald
Mike Brien
Ashley Power
Blair Lipsett
Natalie Fancy
Christopher Connors
Sarah Young
Jamie Surrette (phone)
Alex Paul (phone)
Bob MacEachern (phone)
Tiffiany Ward (phone)
Board Members Regrets:
Anna Stuart
Rod MacGregor
Rob Bennett
Ian Cavanagh
Also Present:
Don Bureaux, President
Carol Fox, Secretary to the Board
Rosalind (Roz) Penfound, Acting VP Academic Services
Michelle Lane, VP Advancement
Monica Foster, VP Administrative Services
Cathy MacLean, VP Learner and College Development
Christabell Pinchin, Executive Assistant, Board of Governors
Erin Elliott, Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mike Kelloway, Acting Dean, Flexible Learning
Jim Muzzerall, Academic Chair
Jim Bate, Acting Dean, School of Business
Lori Brown, Executive Assistant, VP Academic Services
Marlene MacLellan, Acting Dean, Health and Human Services
Lisa Hutchison, Administrative Assistant
Greg Russell, Principal, Akerley and IT Campuses
Gary Elliott, Dean Academic Quality Assurance and Program
Laurie Alexander, Director, Integrated Planning
Mary-Susan Black, Executive Assistant, VP Advancement
Wayne St-Amour, Director, NSCC Applied Research
Ted Grant, Academic Chair
Jane Davies, Executive Director, NSCC Foundation
Stacey Baillie, Director, Communications
Jill Provoe, Acting Academic Chair
Tina Kelly, Academic Chair
Anna Burke, Director, Enrolment Management
Patsy MacDonald, College Registrar
Taralee Hammond, Acting Dean, Access
David Dewey, Director, Financial Services
Ian MacLeod, Acting Dean Applied Arts and New Media
Call to Order
Quorum being present, Paul Walter, the Chair, called the meeting to order. The Chair
welcomed new Board Member, Bob MacEachern who is joining us by phone due to weather.
The Chair also welcomed Principal, Greg Russell and his team and thanked Greg for the work
he and his team did on hosting the Board Meeting. He asked guests around the room to quickly
stand and introduce themselves.
Board of Governors – Regular Meeting
Consent Agenda
The following items were provided in advance of the meeting to be included in the consent
agenda: Agenda, Minutes December 10, 2013, and the Banking Resolution Addendum.
It was moved by Peter Conlon / Sarah Young
That the NSCC Board of Governors approve the Consent Agenda (Agenda, Minutes
December 10, 2013, and the Banking Resolution Addendum) of the February 20, 2014
This motion was put to a vote and
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
There were no conflicts declared at this time.
President’s Report/Update
The President’s Update was included with the meeting materials. The President referred to the
materials and talked about the importance of the Report of the Nova Scotia Commission on
Building Our New Economy (Ivany Report). He noted that a copy of the report has been
provided for every member and encouraged everybody to read their copy if they haven’t already
done so. The report has been written to all Nova Scotians and not to just Government. Don
held up a copy of the Strategic Plan and reminded governors that the cover stated Now More
Than Ever which is very much in line with the cover of the Ivany Report which reads Now or
The President shared that the Minister, Labour and Advanced Education recently toured the
Pictou Campus and that he met with Dalhousie President. Don asked Peter Conlon to share a
quick update with the Board at this time.
Peter Conlon shared his recently experience at Akerley Campus with Board Members. He
participated in an Undercover Governor role similar to what Don had done with past campus
visits. Peter took part in the Baking and Boulanger Arts Test Drive Program at Akerley Campus
where students did not know he was a Board Member. Peter encouraged other Governors to
take the opportunity to do a similar activity as it provided him a different perspective and gave
him first-hand experience with all that NSCC does.
Akerley Campus
Greg Russell, Principal of Akerley Campus and the IT Campus provided an overview of Akerley
Campus and community. He noted that the campus has 1,133 students and 150 employees. In
the student mix are 148 apprenticeship students. Greg covered the community diversity at
Akerley Campus including 85 African-Canadian Students, 43 Aboriginal Students, and 131
women in non-traditional trade and technology programs.
Board of Governors – Regular Meeting
Education Item: Applied Research
Wayne St-Amour, Director NSCC Applied Research presented on Addressing Nova Scotia’s
Innovation and Entrepreneurial Agenda. Wayne began by speaking about the drivers in our
Province and the world with regards to what is driving the Innovation and Entrepreneurial
Agenda. Wayne spoke about the definition and difference between basic research and applied
research and that research is a form of teaching. Wayne shared some projects that have taken
place including the Harbour Hopper Braking System and the Slouch Correction Device.
Committee Updates
Executive Committee: Organizational Health Measures 2013
Michelle Lane, Vice President, Advancement presented the 2013 Organizational Health
Measures. Michelle began by providing an overview of the evolution of the Balanced
Scorecard. Michelle provided a high-level overview of the measures on the report. Michelle
finished by speaking about the priorities for 2014 including an annual check-in (rolling plan),
expanding the range of operational data being captured and evaluated to support organizational
health tracking, continuing to deepen conversations with Board Committees about
organizational health, continuing to deepen conversations about the most relevant strategic
performance measures to track programs and to engage board committees in conversations to
inform development of relevant measures.
Executive Committee: Foundation Update
Jane Davies, Executive Director, NSCC Foundation provided an update on activities with the
NSCC Foundation. Jane shared a few stats including that they received 6,200 applications for
assistance from 1,300 students and they were only able to assist 272. Jane’s team will continue
towards reducing and/or eliminating this gap.
Finance and Audit Committee
Liza Macdonald, Chair of Finance and Audit provided an update on the recent Finance and
Audit Committee Meeting. Liza noted that this was her first meeting as Chair and she thanked
Monica Foster and Dave Saxton for their counsel. Liza referred to the Director Statutory
Liabilities that were provided as due diligence and noted that all was in order. Liza presented
the Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending December 31, 2013 and highlighted a few
items from the report. Liza noted that the estimated surplus of $1.4M may change as the
delivery of the Bathymetric Lidar could affect the numbers with the new Public Sector
Accounting Standards (PSAS) reporting structure.
It was moved by Blair Lipsett / Mike Brien
That the NSCC Board of Governors approve the Quarterly Financial report for the period
ending December 31, 2013.
This motion was put to a vote and
Board of Governors – Regular Meeting
Monica Foster, Vice President, Administrative Services provided an overview of the materials
that were provided in advance of the meeting with regards to the purchase of land in Stellarton.
It was moved by Ashley Power / Natalie Fancy
That the NSCC Board of Governors approve the purchase of land located at 47 Acadia
Avenue, Stellarton, Nova Scotia (PID 00987388).
This motion was put to a vote and
Programs Committee
Rosalind (Roz) Penfound provided a quick update on the recent Programs Committee meeting.
She noted that committee members participated in an education session and discussed two
intake suspensions.
Student Governors’ Comments
Christopher Connors, Student Metro Governor shared that students are extremely tired right
now after the past, very busy, six weeks and it is a sprint to the finish.
Tiffiany Ward, Student Provincial Governor shared that she too has been very busy and is doing
a fair bit of studies online.
Other Business
The Chair of the Board asked if there was any other business.
Adjourn and Move to In-Camera << see in-camera minutes >>
It was moved by Liza Macdonald / Peter Conlon
That the NSCC Board of Governors regular meeting adjourn and move to In-Camera.
This motion was put to a vote and
Approved by Board Motion: April 17, 2014