fccj news ● Disaster Relief with a Finnish Touch Bringing Joy to the Children of Tohoku As a first action the the Charity project, an event was organized on Wednesday, 3 August at Nobisuku Sendai with two Moomins from Mominworld. The Moomins were in Japan for a launch event at FilaNippon of Moomin stamps by Itella (the Finnish postal service) and Japan Post. The Moomins performed at two 1.5 hour sessions, one at 10:30 in the morning and the other 13:30 in the afternoon, the Moomins gave much appreciated performances and posed for photo shooting with the kids and their parents. After that, the 250 gift bags were distributed to the children. Each bag contained six Moomin themed gifts, a soft toy, a pocket book, a mini-towel, paper craft, candies and cookies. An additional 250 gift bags have been distributed to two other facilities in the Sendai area. The event was very successful and the children, as well as their mothers and fathers, showed a great appreciation for both the Moomins and the presents. Jukka Pajarinen spoke on behalf of the Embassy of Finland and FCCJ President Marko Saarelainen introduced the Moomins and the project. Masahiro Kimura of Finpro, who coordinated the event in cooperation with the City of Sendai, acted as Master of Ceremony. The next step in the charity project are now being considered, because there is still some funds left from the charity events organized in June. The original plans were to organize a similar event to the one held in Sendai later in the year at some location in Tohoku but this time featuring Santa Claus. But as Finnair organized Santa Claus events in Tohoku end of July, we will probably consider some other option, or donate the remaining funds to a charity organization. For more about the even, see page 4. EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement Bulletin from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan 在日フィンランド商工会議所ニュースレター Volume 13 Issue 4 - August 2011 フィンランドの気持ち表す大災害救援 東北の子供たちに喜びを届けよう! このチャリティープロジェクトの最初の活動として、8月3日ム ーミンたちが東北ののびすく仙台という施設を訪問しました。今 回、ムーミンたちがフィンランド郵便サービスと日本郵便とのムー ミン切手発売イベントのために来日しておりましたのでこのイベ ントが実現いたしました。 ムーミンたちはパフォーマンスを1時間半づつ、 10:30からと13:30との2回行い、楽しい演戯の後、子供 たちや両親との写真撮影も行いました。その後、子供た ちに250個のプレゼントバッグを配りました。そのバッグ の中身は、ムーミンのぬいぐるみ、ムーミンブック、ムー ミンのミニタオル、ムーミンのキャンディとクッキーなどで す。また、仙台にあるその他2箇所ののびすく施設にも 250個のプレゼントバッグが子供たちに配られました。 このイベントは、子供たちだけではなく彼らのお母さん やお父さんにも大変好評で、ムーミンたち及びプレゼン トに対し大変感謝をして下さりました。 このイベントでは、フィンランド大使館代表としてユッカ ・パヤリネン氏が挨拶を述べ、FCCJ会頭のマルコ・サー レライネン氏が、ムーミンたちとこのプロジェクトを紹介し ました。また、フィンランド大使館商務部木村正裕氏は、 仙台市と協力してこのイベントを企画しこのイベントの司 会者も務めました。 6月に集めた義援金がまだ残っているため、このチャリ ティープロジェクトの次の段階について、今再び考える 必要があります。最初の計画では、仙台で行なったイベ ントと同様なものを年末に東北のある地域で行い、今回 はサンタクロースの出演という計画です。しかしながら、 7月末にフィンランド航空がすでにサンタクロースイベン トを開催したため、我々は多分、その他のオプションを 考えるか、または残りの義援金を寄付するかを考える必 要があります。 このイベントの詳細4ページをご覧ください。 EU日FTA(自由貿易協定) The 20th EU-Japan Summit was held on 28 May 第20回EU日定期首脳協議が5月28日にブリュッセル in Brussels. In his press statement, European で開催されました。カレル・デ・グフト貿易担当欧州委 Commission Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht 員はプレス声明の中で次のように述べました。「EU日 said, “We have agreed to seek mandates for 首脳は、交渉のために必要な権限を求めること、およ negotiations and in parallel to conduct a scoping びそれと並行して、調達や投資障壁から、関税や非関 exercise to define the parameters of an ambitious 税措置まで、あらゆる貿易障壁を取り扱う野心的な包 comprehensive agreement that tackles all trade barriers – from procurement and investment 括的協定のパラメータを定義するためのスコーピングを barriers to tariffs and non-tariff measures. Such an 実施することに合意した。こうしたEU日FTA(自由貿易 EU-Japan FTA would enhance opportunities for trade 協定)は、EU日双方の貿易とビジネスにとっての機会 and business on both sides, and release untapped を強化し、EU日間の経済関係面の未開発のポテンシ potential in our economic relationship.” ャルを引き出すだろう」。 The European Business Council (EBC) has been asked by the EU Delegation EBCは、このFTAスコーピングと正式交渉の際に欧州委員会と緊密に協力し、 to work closely with Commission experts during this FTA scoping exercise and formal negotiations to submit key issues and the relevant technical 協定に盛り込むことが見込まれる主要な問題と関連の技術的詳細を提出するよ details for potential inclusion in the agreement. うEU代表部から要請されました。 EBC committees will start work immediately to identify, prioritise, and EBC各委員会は、主要な問題を特定し、優先順位を付け、技術的に肉付けし technically flesh out the key issues and compile them in an English-language た上で、項目を委員会ごとに列挙した英語版デジタル提要をまとめる作業に直 digital compendium listing items, committee-by-committee. Each item will ちに着手します。各項目は、問題(関税、非関税障壁等)の記述、ならびに技術 consist of a statement of the problem (tariff, NTB, etc.) together with the technical background (relevant laws, regulations, etc. requiring revision). 的背景(改正を必要とする関連法規・規制等)で構成されることになります。内容 The content will be made available to the European Commission negotiators は、欧州委員会交渉担当者に継続的に提供されます。 on a continuous basis. For more on the issue, see page 4. from the boardroom Thursday 16 June - Joint ACCJ/FCIJ Event Road to Recovery After Tohoku: Does Japan Still Have A Pulse? I am delighted to report our members that our charity mission – Bringing Joy to the Children of Tohoku with Finnish Touch, was successfully completed on 2-3.August. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members, sponsors and volunteers who participate our mission during the preparation period of almost 5 months. Special thanks go to Finpro Tokyo which coordinated our visit to Sendai. Also big thanks belong to Nobisuku Sendai, children’s day care center run by City of Sendai. Nobisuku successfully hosted our two Moomin events to meet local children who have been traumatized by massive natural disaster in March. FCCJ presented to children 500 gift bags containing Moomin gifts and indeed we saw lot of happy little faces around Moomins. Now we will start evaluating our experiences and results and might come to the conclusion that left over of our relief budget allows us to send Tohoku something with stays there permanently as symbol of our sympathy toward people of Tohoku. For more about the event, see page 1. and 4. Normally after summer holidays our mail boxes and desks are full of urgent business issues which keeps us busy until the late autumn. We, at FCCJ, will start autumn season with traditional Yakatabune Cruise (2nd time can be called tradition?) This time our sponsors Finnair and Finntour, will welcome us onboard “Grande Yakatabune” with capacity of 80 seats. This will make out cruise even more lively and exciting. Let’s show everybody that we are on road to recovery and there is no reason for self-restraint or in Japanese jisshuku (自粛) . Also other coming FCCJ and joint events with other chambers will be more or less social gatherings with European Chambers Summer Cocktail and Mercedes-Benz Japan Cup golf tournament. Here we really can talk about tradition since the tournament will be organized already for the 9th time. This autumn and winter also brings us historical chance to make our business condition here in Japan smoother and enhance our competitiveness. European Commission has asked European Business Council in Japan (EBC) to work closely with Commission experts during Free Trade Agreement (FTA) scoping exercise. EBC will immediately start work to indentify and prioritize the key issues what comes to trade barriers. Free Trade agreement between South Korea and EU already took effect on July 1st 2011 and requires the partners to mutually abolish tariffs on 99 % of trade goods. Japan definitely should follow South Korea by signing FTA with EU. Without FTA and TPP agreements, Japan will loose its competitiveness and won’t be able to attract foreign investments in the future. On July 28 FCCJ held an info session for the biggest Finnish companies in Japan and will closely monitor the progress of FTA scoping exercise with EBC, FINPRO and the Embassy of Finland. Additional FCCJ info sessions on this matter might follow as soon as we get more detailed information and guidelines from EBC. Japan is on road to recovery after two lost decades and massive natural disaster which hit Eastern Coast of Japan on March 11. The speed of recovery is a question of speedy decision making and leadership. Without those qualifications we will see more countries such as South Korea and other Asian nations to pass Japan from both sides before Japan can even check the back mirrors. Japan shares the podium with USA and China by holding no.3. position in World Economy. Nothing is granted unless Nagatacho starts working more business like. If Japan were company it could have been bankcrupted times ago. People and companies of Japan deserve better management from the goverment – during everyday life and during the emergency. See you onboard the Yakatabune, event reports Marko Saarelainen, FCCJ President President, Honka Japan, Inc. Approximately 120 ACCJ and FCIJ members and guests attended the luncheon event on Thursday, 16 June at which a summary of the Foreign Chambers Business Confidence Survey as well as the results of the ACCJ’s Pulse Surveys were presented. The presenters, Clas Bystedt of the Foreign Chambers in Japan (FCIJ) and Debbie Howard, ACCJ President Emeritus, generated strong interest in the subject matter as evidenced by the many questions asked by audience members during the Q&A session following their presentations. The event was open to the press, and fifteen members from various outlets attended the presentation. The Pulse Surveys were carried out as a part of the ACCJ’s Tohoku Earthquake Information Facilitation Project. The surveys ultimately demonstrated that the personal and business lives of respondents are rapidly returning to normal, that both the Japanese and foreign business communities maintain a strong level of confidence in the future, and that ultimately the perceptions and opinions of the two business communities share more similarities than differences. We were extremely fortunate to have Mr. Nobuhiko Sasaki, DirectorGeneral, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, address the audience with a brief speech at the opening of the event. Nobuhiko Sasaki Debbie Howard Clas Bystedt Friday 8 July - Optimism for Tohoku and Japan: Good Ideas from ACCJ - Keynote speech by Hiroshi Mikitani The ACCJ Tohoku Earthquake Information Facilitation Project was created to facilitate discussion regarding a diverse set of people with experiences and ideas for rebuilding Tohoku following the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. A core group of dedicated and influential people have gathered together and focused on ideas in five key areas. At the luncheon on Friday 8 July, ACCJ leaders presented the results of their efforts after a keynote speech by Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman and CEO of Rakuten, Inc. After the five presentations, Mr. Mikitani and Noriyuki Shikata, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Relations of the Prime Minister’s Office, commented on the findings, followed by a lively Q&A session. The event was attended by 150 members from 8 chambers of commrece, including 3 from the FCCJ. new member 新メンバー Wärtsilä Japan Ltd. バルチラジャパン 株式会社 Address: NTC Bldg. 5F 1-11-2, Kyobashi Chuo-ku, TOKYO 104-0031 Phone: 03-5159-8700 Fax: 03-5159-8710 President: Mr. Ryu Onishi Profile: Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. In 2010, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.6 billion with 17,500 employees. The company has operations in 160 locations in 70 countries around the world. www.wartsila.com member news 住所: 〒104-0031 東京都中央区京橋1-11-2 NTCビル 5F 電話番号: 03-5159-8700 ファックス: 03-5159-8710 代表取締役社長: 大西 立氏 プロファイル: ●船舶用及び陸上用エンジンの輸入、販売及び技術サービス ●シール&ベアリング製品の製造、販売及び技術サービス バルチラは全世界約70ヵ国約160拠点、約1万7500名の従業員 を擁する多国籍企業です。 www.wartsila.com メンバー ニュース Ebisu Kagaku Co., Ltd. 恵比須化学工業株式会社 Tetsuro Urabe has resigned the position as President of Ebisu Kagaku and taken up the position as Chairman of the company. The new President is Atsushi Odaira (pictured right). Contact information to the company: 2-5-1, Torigoe Taito-ku, TOKYO 111-0054 Phone: 03-3862-5591 Fax: 03-3851-7072 Foresight Marketing K.K. 浦部哲郎氏が恵比須化学工業株式会社代表取締役社長の役 職を退き会長に就任し、その後任として大平淳史氏(写真 左)が代表取締役社長に着任いたしました。 連絡先は: 〒111-0054 東京都台東区鳥越2-5-1 電話番号: 03-3862-5591 ファックス: 03-3851-7072 株式会社 フォーサイト・マーケティング Foresight Marketing has moved. New contact information: Foresight Marketing K.K. From East Tokyo 5F 3-9-11, Higashi-Nihonbashi Chuo-ku, TOKYO 103-0004 Phone: 03-6661-2045 Fax: 03-6661-2056 Scandex Co., Ltd. フォーサイト・マーケティングは移転しました。 新しい連絡先は: 〒103-0004 東京都中央区東日本橋3-9-11 FROM EAST TOKYOビル 5F 電話番号: 03-6661-2045 ファックス: 03-6661-2056 株式会社 スキャンデックス Scandex has moved. New contact information: Scandex Co., Ltd. OS Tsukiji Bldg. 4-4-12 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, TOKYO 104-0045 Phone: 03-3543-3453 Fax. 03-3543-3451 Scandinavian Airlines System Leif Nilsson has taken up the position as Regional General Manager, Asia & Pacific from 1 July, replacing Ole Johansson who retired at the end of June. Mr. Nilsson was Director of SAS Cargo Area Japan and Korea, based in Tokyo for four years from 2003. From 2007 until his appointment to Tokyo he served as the Director of Cargo Area China based in Beijing. Contact information to the company: Urban Shibakoen Bldg. 2F 3-1-13, Shibakoen, Minato-ku, TOKYO 105-0001 Phone: 03-5400-2331 Fax: 03-5400-2330 スキャンデックスは移転しました。新しい連絡先は: 〒104-0045 東京都中央区築地四丁目4-12 OS築地ビル 電話番号: 03-3543-3453 ファックス: 03-3543-3451 スカンジナビア航空 スカンジナビア航空取締役会は、レイフ・ニルソンを7月1日 よりアジア太平洋地区総支配人に任命しました。レイフ・ニル ニルソンは、6月に定年退職を迎えるオーレ・ヨハンソンの後 任となります。 レイフ・ニルソンは、2003年から4年間を、東京でSASカーゴ の日本・韓国地区貨物部長を、2007年からは北京で中国地区貨 物部長を務めていました。 連絡先は: 〒105-0001 東京都港区芝公園3-1-13 アーバン芝公園ビル2F 電話番号: 03-5400-2331 ファックス: 03-5400-2330 For latest information on our members, please check the members list on our web site. 最新のコンタクト情報はFCCJウェブサイトのメンバーリストをご覧ください。 ...more about the EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement Thursday 28 July - Information Meeting To explain the plans for the free trade agreement and to inform companies how they could influence the agenda for the agreement negotiations through the scoping process initiated by the European Business Council (EBC), an information and discussion meeting was held at the Embassy of Finland on Thursday, 28 July. Representatives from 12 FCCJ member companies participated in the event. EU-日本自由貿易協定についての詳細 7月28日、情報会議 この自由貿易協定計画を説明し、またEBCによって 提案されるFTA(自由貿易協定)スコーピングを通し ての交渉の議題にそれが如何に影響を及ばすかを企業に 知らせるために、7月28日フィンランド大使館にて情 報&討論会議が開かれました。 その会合にはFCCJメンバー企業から12人の代表 が参加しました。 ...more images from the Moomin Charity Event in Sendai Preparations Moomin and Little My preform. On Saturday, 30 July 11 persons participated in packing of the bags with presents at a warehouse near Narita Airport where they had been collected from eight suppliers in Finland and Japan. A total of 500 bags were prepared, For more images check our web site www.fcc.or.jp Marko Saarelainen, “Uncle Marko” hads out a gift bag. Jukka Pajarinen speaks in the second session This young Moomin fan (or perhaps her mothers..) has made a fan with text in Finnish saying ‘Moomin, I love your from my heart’. To get some perspective to our charity project we went after the event to the Arahama area by the ocean about 10 km from the center of Sendai. Even though most of the rubble has been removed and much of the destruction is now covered with grass, there are still much evidence of the devastating disaster caused by the tsunami. Most of the roads were open, all the way to the ocean, and only a few crews were still working in the area so most of the clearing has been done, but all of the rebuilding remains... the chamber A damaged school building left standing but almost as far as the eye can see, only foundations remain of the houses were the pupils used to live. event calendar Wednesday, 24 August イベント予定 8月24日(水) FCCJ Yakatabune Event Finnair AY4159 - FinnTour FT4120 Code Share Cruise Time: 18.30 - 21.00 Embarkation:Amisei, 2-1-26, Komagata, Taito-ku, Tokyo Route: Asakusa - Odaiba - Asakusa Cost: Members and members’ guests: 8,000 yen FCCJ屋形船イベント Wednesday, 28 September 9月28日(水) フィンエアーAY4159、フィンツアーFT4120コードシェアクルーズ 時間: 18:30~21:00 乗船 &下船:台東区駒形2-1-26、船宿あみ清 航路:浅草―お台場―浅草 参加費:メンバーおよびメンバーのゲスト8,000円 Joint European Summer Cocktail Organized by the French Chamber (CCIFJ) Time: 18.30 - 21.00 Venue: ANA Intercontinental. Cost: Members 8,000 yen, others 9,000 欧州合同サマーカクテル 在日フランス商工会議所企画 時間:18:30-21:00 会場:ANAインターコンチネンタル 参加費:メンバー 8,000円、メンバー以外 9,000円 Friday, 30 September 9月30日(金) Mercedes -Benz Japan Cup The North-America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan Venue: Atsugi Kokusai C.C., Kanagawa Pref. Cost: 24,000 yen More info: ww.dccgolf-japan.com メルセデス・ベンツ ジャパン カップ Wednesday 5 - Saturday, 8 October 10月5日(水)~8日(土) Business Promotion and Contact Trip to Vladivostok Please contact FCCJ office for details ウラジオストーク ツアー 詳細につきましてはFCCJ事務局までお問合せください。 Thursday, 27 October 10月27日(木) FCCJ Luncheon Meeting Time: 12:00 - 14:00 Venue: Hotel Okura Cost: Members 6,000 yen, others 8,000 北米対ヨーロッパゴルフマッチ コース: 厚木国際カントリー倶楽部、神奈川県 参加費: 24,000円 詳細 : www.dccgolf-japan.com FCCJ月例昼食会 時間:12:00-14:00 会場:ホテルオークラ 参加費:メンバー 6,000円、メンバー以外 8,000円 Office: Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Setagaya Tsurumaki Heim 203 2-33-20, Tsurumaki Setagaya-ku, TOKYO 154-0016 Tel. 03-5450-7207, Fax. 03-5450-7208 Executive Director: Clas G. Bystedt Assistant: Yoko Marukawa E-mail: [email protected] President: Marko Saarelainen, tel. 0555-62-6062 Vice President: Hirokuni Yoshida, tel. 03-5449-8311 Other Board Members: Kaj Forsell, tel. tel. 03-6859-6810 Masaoki Fujita, tel. 043-259-0151 Petri Hautakangas, tel. 03-5474-6403 Tuomo Kuuppo, tel. 03-3239-5271 Pekka Laitinen, tel. 080-5172-5984 Mika Mäkinen, tel. 090-2480-0362 Shigeyoshi Noto, tel. 03-5531-5080 Sakari Romu, tel. 03-3222-1691 Yoshinori Sano, tel. 03-6420-3031 Veli Solehmainen, tel. 03-3266-9610 Hiroaki Sugawara, tel. 03-3456-3933 FCCJ Web Site address: www.fcc.or.jp fccj news Published bimonthly by the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Edited and printed in-house. For latest event information, visit our web site. Editors: Clas G. Bystedt and Yoko Marukawa 最新のイベント情報に関してはウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
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