2014 - 2015 申請表格

Baptist Oasis English Kindergarten
Application Form 入學申請表 2014 – 2015
55 Cornwall Street, 2 F/L. Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Name 姓名 (English 英文): _______________________________ (Chinese 中文): ___________________
Sex 性別: _____
Date of Birth 出生日期: ____________________ (DD/MM/YYYY)
Place of birth 出生地點: ____________
Age 年齡: ____
Birth Certificate/Passport No. 出世紙/護照號碼: _____________
Address 地址: ___________________________________________________________________________
Contact Tel 聯絡電話: _______________________
Home Tel 家用電話: _____________________
Please  the class of choice (請  所選擇的班級)
Parents (Guardian) and family information 家庭狀況:
Name 姓名
Occupation 職位
Relationship With applicant
Contact Tel 聯絡電話
E-Mail 電郵
Number of siblings (兄弟姊妹人數)
□ Sisters: □
Please return the completed application form with copies of applicant's Birth Certificate, Immunization Record, three selfaddressed and stamped envelopes. HK$40 Application Fee (non-refundable) in cash or cheque payable to "Baptist Oasis English
Kindergarten". Interview appointment will be informed by post.
請填妥申請表, 連同申請人出生證明書副本 ,免疫注射紀錄副本, 3 個連郵票回郵信封,四十元報名費(不設退款),現
金或支票抬頭 "浸信會奧基英文幼稚園”,親臨或郵寄本校. 面試曰期將以郵寄通知。
For school office use only:
Baptist Oasis English Kindergarten
Interview Slip 面試回條
Name 姓名 (English 英文): __________________________
(Chinese 中文): _________________________
Date of Birth 出生日期: ___ / ___ / ___ (DD/MM/YYYY)
Sex 性別: _____
Interview Date 面試日期: __________________________
Time 時間: ____________________________
Please bring this slip for Interview on the Date and Time specified above. Acceptance will be notified by Post.
Class 班別: _____