fccj news ● Foreign Chambers Business Confidence Survey Bulletin from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan 在日フィンランド商工会議所ニュースレター Volume 13 Issue 3 - June 2011 在日外国商工会議所(FCIJ)ビジネス景況調査 Spring 2011 在日外国商工会議所は、2002年からビジネ The Foreign Chambers in Japan (FCIJ) has been conducting Business Confidence surveys online ス景況アンケート調査を年2回実施している。 twice a year since 2002 among foreign-affiliated 今回は第19回目の調査であり2011年4月12~ companies in Japan. This, the 19th, survey was 22日に実施され、437の有効的返答を受け取 conducted between April 12 and 22, and received 437 valid responses , an increase of 52% from the った。これは前回の10月の調査の返答数に比 previous survey conducted in October 2010. べ52%増である。 Inevitably, the 3/11 disaster had a significant 必然的に3月11日の大震災は今回の調査に influence on the results of this survey, especially 非常な影響を及ぼした。特に経済の見通しや regarding the outlook for the economy and the companies’ business performance in a shorter 短期間(6ヶ月)の企業の業績においてそれは tern (6 months). Compared to the previous survey 明白である。前回の調査(2010年10月)と比較 (Fall 2010), this survey shows an uncertainty すると、日本の経済情況において、特に短期 about the economic situation in Japan, especially Economy next 12 months 今後12ヶ月の日本経済の予測 in the short term. 間の経済の不安定さが現れている。 The Japanese economy for the next 6 months 日本経済のこの先6ヶ月見通しは低下すると is expected to decline, the index (on a scale from 見られ、指数(+2~‐2)で示すと-0.93(前回の +2 to -2) was now -0.93 (compared to -0.04 in fall 2010), but looking 12 months ahead, the 調査では-0.04)、しかしながらこの先12ヶ月の companies see a turn for the better and the 経済見通しについて、企業は好転すると確信 index turned into positive territory - now +0.08, しており現在+0.08で前回の+0.17を僅かに下 only slightly lower that the +0.17 in the previous 回った。 survey. The reported sales performance in the past six 過去6ヶ月の販売実績においては前回の調 months was almost unchanged from the previous, 今後6ヶ月の売上げ 査結果と変わらず、+0.61(前回は+0.64)。また Sales next 6 months +0.61 compared to +0.64 the fall survey. Similarly, 同様に利益に関しても+0.59(前回は+0.63)と the profitability had also improved, +0.59 now compared to +0.63. But the sales forecast 前回とほぼ同数値であった。 だが、大震災に inevitably plummeted because of the disaster, より売上げ見通しは必然的に下落し、この先 the index for the coming six months was -0.14 6ヶ月売上げ指数は-0.14(前回は+0.88)、利 (previous survey +0.88) and that for profitability also -0.14 (+0.60). 益は-0.14(前回は+0.60)と予測。 Despite the current uncertainties, the strategies この現在の不安定な状況にもかかわらず、 of the foreign-affiliated companies in Japan 外資系企業戦略においては、引き続きかなり continue to be rather bullish. 65% (69% in the Fall 強気である。65%(2010年秋、69%)が成長す 2010 survey) are looking for further growth and 日本での企業戦略 る、29%が現状保持(2010年度秋、28%)、5% 29% (28% in Fall 2010) expecting to sustain their Strategies in Japan current level. 5% (2% in Fall 2010) are planning to が縮小(2010年度秋、2%)、さらに1%(437社 downsize, but only 1% (four companies out of the 中の4社)が日本市場からの撤退を考えている surveyed 437) are considering withdrawing from the market. と回答した。 The next survey will be done in October 2011. 次回の調査は2011年10月に実施予定。 For the full report, go to: 全レポートに関してはこちら http://www.fcc.or.jp/fcij/bcs.html http://www.fcc.or.jp/fcij/bcs.html Disaster Relief with a Finnish Touch Bringing Joy to the Children of Tohoku The project will provide the Finnish Business Community and related organizations and individuals to participate in a relief effort with “A Finnish Touch” for the Tohoku area. The target for the relief effort is mainly children as Finland has two characters, the Moomins and Santa Claus, which are also well-known and liked by Japanese children. The objective is not primarily to collect money but to bring happiness to children by the visit of the characters and gifts that they bring with them. A Charity Event was organized 1 June to collect funds to make sure that enough gifts and other items can be procured and distributed. Read more about the project on page 4. フィンランドの気持ち表す 大災害救援 東北の子供たちに喜びを届けよう! このプロジェクトはフィンランドのビジネス界や関係団体お よび個人の方々に震災で被災した方々のための「フィンランド の気持ち」として救援活動を計画しその参加を呼びかけており ます。 この救援活動の対象は主に子供たちであり、フィンランドに はムーミンとサンタクロースという2つのキャラクターがあり、 これらは日本の子供たちにも人気があります。 目的は主としてお金を集めるだけではなく、キャラクターた ちが子供たちを訪問し、またプレゼントを配って喜びを届ける ことです。チャリティーイベントは6月1日に開催し、そこで プレゼントなどを購入するための資金を集めました。 プロジェクトの詳細は4ページ。 from the boardroom Differences in business practices – Western countries VS Japan Through my professional experience in international accounting firm as a senior audit and tax manager, and business experience as general manager at wholly owned Japanese subsidiary of American manufacturing company who distributes flow control equipments throughout the world, I learned that there were many differences of business practice exist between Western countries and Japan, regardless which is right or wrong. Some of them are explained below. These are my own personal observation, so you may have different view. - Decision making (sometime too slow) Decision making procedures in Japanese companies are usually slow especially when they want to buy a product from new overseas supplier. Decision making steps start from Tanto-sha (man in charge), then pass to Kacho (section chief) and Bucho (manager) with a letter circulated to obtain the approval (Ringi-sho) for procurement. In this stage, the most of Western business men would lean the word “Patience”. I strongly believe that the most important business attitude in doing business with the Japanese company is wait with patience. However, once they approved the product, decision making procedure for future business will become very smooth. - Quality control (sometime too much) Generally speaking Western business man knows how good the Japanese quality control practice is and all of the products are made in accordance with quality control manuals, etc. However, if Japanese Q.C. people find a small scratch on the surface of the equipments, which is to be installed into pipes, they claim this scratch. This is sometime too much for Western people since they know this scratch would not effect quality of flow control in inside of the pipes. - Delivery control (sometime too severe) Once Western suppliers make delivery promise with the Japanese company, they must report their progress toward production completion and submit such progress report on a timely basis which required estimated completion date at the factory and date dispatch from the factory, date leave air port or harbor, date arrive in Japan, etc. Once they failed either one of the above quality and delivery requirement, Japanese company usually ask the reason why they could not meet the requirements and also ask them to make report (1)why they failed to keep quality standard and delivery promise, and (2)how to improve quality standard and delivery promise in the future. - Importance of speaking Japanese language Japanese are usually very friendly for foreigners but, sometimes, because of language barrier, they are unable to demonstrate such feeling. However, once foreigners speak some Japanese even very simple Japanese (such as Konnichiwa, Arigato, Yoroshiku, Domo-Domo, etc.) their reaction and attitude for foreigners would be different and business relationship with the Japanese companies would become more smooth and friendly. In summary, I strongly believe that there are three(3) key factors in doing business with the Japanese companies which are – - Patience - Keep promise - Try to speak out some Japanese Yoshinori Sano, CPA and LTA, Managing Partner MOS Tax Corporation FCCJ Board Member リカード・グスタフソン氏(SASグループ社長兼CEO)の来日の機に、在日ス ウェーデン商工会議所は北欧合同昼食会を企画し、本日27日に開催いたしま した。グフタフソン氏のスピーチのテーマは「SASの今日と将来」でした。 彼はプレゼンテーションを彼がSASに入社した理由の説明からスタートし、航 空産業の面白さおよび競争の激しさについて、また航空産業は国や大陸を結 び、SASは北欧ビジネス業界の有名ブランドであるとお話になりました。 SASは日本進出60周年を祝い、グスタフソン氏は将来も60年続くことを願うと ともに、将来の戦略案はこの夏に公式発表される予定で詳細を語るには尚早で あると述べました。しかしながら、その目標はさらなる利益的成長とより良い顧客 サービスであると説明されました。 このイベントには北欧商工会議所メンバーおよびゲスト55名が参加(FCCJか ら8名)。 event reports Tuesday, 24 May - FCCJ Luncheon Meeting Mr. Mika Vehviläinen, President & CEO, Finnair The FCCJ May Luncheon was held on Tuesday 24th as a Joint Nordic event with Mr. Mika Vehviläinen, President & CEO of Finnair as our guest speaker. Mr. Vehviläinen started his presentation by showing a short video of Finnairs brand renewal, where one of the main theme’s is “year of the customer” were they try to improve the travel experience, especially for business travelers, from end-to-end. He pointed out that Japan is a very significant market for Japan, with 21 weekly flights they are among the biggest foreign carriers to Japan and Japan accounted for a larger share of their business than their domestic, which is quite rare among airlines. The presentation was concluded by a lively Q&A session. After the presentation the joint Finnish relief project “Bringing Joy to the Children of Tohoku” was briefly presented. The event, held at Hotel Okura, was attended by 53 members and guests FCCJの月例昼食会は北欧合同昼食会として5月24日(火)に開催され、ゲスト スピーカーにフィンランド航空CEO兼代表取締役社長であるミカ・ヴェフヴィライ ネン氏を迎えました。 ヴェフヴィライネン氏のプレゼンテーションはフィンランド航空の最新短編ビデ オの鑑賞からスタートし、その中の主なテーマは「カスタマーイヤー」であり、特に ビジネス旅行客のための包括的な(チケット購入から目的地到着までの)トラベル サービスの向上を目指しているとのことです。 さらに彼は、フィンランド航空にとって日本は特に重要な市場で日本へは週 21便運航しており、外資系航空会社の中でも大きい企業の一つであると述べまし た。またフィンランド航空はビジネス上、フィンランド国内線よりも日本への国際線 の割合の方が大きく、これは航空会社の中でも大変珍しいことであると説明され ました。 彼のプレゼンテーションの後は活発な質疑応答があり、さらに「東北の被災した子 供たちへ楽しさを届けよう」というフィンランド救援活動についても紹介されました。 Wed. 27 April - Joint Nordic Business Luncheon Mr. Rickard Gustafson, President and CEO of SAS Group On the occasion of a visit to Japan by the new President and CEO of the SAS Group, Mr. Rickard Gustafson, the Swedish Chamber ( SCCJ) invited other Nordic Chambers to a business luncheon on Wednesday, 27 April (today). The theme of Mr. Gustafsson’s presentation was: “SAS today and tomorrow”. Mr. Gustafsson started his speech by explaning why he joined SAS; the airline industry is fascinating and the competition is tough. It also bonds countries and continents and SAS is an icon in the Scandinavian business environment SAS celebrates this year 60 years of operation to Japan, and Mr. Gustafsson said that look forward to continue 60 years more. He also said that the future strategies will be formulated this summer, so it is too early to give any details now. But the objective is to get more profitability to growth and provide a great customer experience. The event, held at Happo-En, was attended by 55 members and guests from three Nordic Chambers, including 8 from the FCCJ. midsummer party at finland village On Saturday, 4 June Koumimachi, Koumi-Suomi Association and Finland Village organized the tenth Finnish style Midsummer party at the Village. The event attracted about 300 persons, including 25 from the Finnish business community in Japan. This year, Reijo Muther, Counselkor for Science, Technology and Innovation. was the offical representative for Finland at the event. The evening was filled with entertainment, most notably Matti Esko, one of the most famous Finnish popolar music artists, brought from Finland for this event and the Charity Event organized at the Embassy of Finland on 1 June. The participants could also enjoy a lot of good food and drinks, and an original Koumi style “Juhannuskokko”, the best in the world! Also this year there were actually two kokko’s, as we had a smaller one floating on a pontoon on the lake. フィンランド・ヴィレッジの夏至祭 6月4日(土)、長野県小海町にあ るフィンランド・ヴィリッジにて第10回 フィンランドスタイルの夏至祭が開催 されました。 このイベントには約300名(在日の フィンランド企業から25 名を含む)が 参加しました。今回のイベントに、フ ィンランド国の代表としてフィンランド技術庁のレイヨ・ムンター氏 が参加して下さりました。 このイベントには色々なプログラムが企画されており、その中 での一番注目はフィンランドの有名な歌手マッティ・エスコ氏の 歌のエンターテイメントでした。彼はこのイベントおよび6月1日フ ィンランド大使館で開催されたチャリティーイベントのためにフィ ンランドから来日しました。 この夏至祭には食べ物や飲み物も色々あり参加者を楽しま せ、今回も小海町オリジナルの世界一とも言える「ユハンヌス・コ ッコ」が焚かれ、また湖上に浮く小さなコッコも用意されました。 The Finnish booth with some items and sausage sold for the charity project. The crew erecting the Finnish army tent; from left Reijo Munther, Ilkka Salmenius, Mikko Koivistionen, Moris and Marko Saarelainen. The main kokko almost completed. Testing the tent sauna before start of the party. Koumi-Suomi Association Chairman Tamio Koike Matti Esko and Reijo Muther after job well done ligting kokko. Flames rising to the evening sky. member news メンバー ニュース Artek Oy Ab Office in Japan Artek Oy Ab 日本支店 Artek office in Japan has moved. The new address is: Artek Oy Ab Branch Office in Japan B Flat 4F 3-20-1, Higashi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0011 Artekの事務所が移転しました。新住所は: 〒150-0011 東京都渋谷区東3-20-1 Bフラット4F Septem Partners Septem Partners Septem Partners has moved. New contact information: Septem Partners c/o IBS Securities NTF Takebashi Building 7F 3-15 Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0054 Tel 03-6895 5521 Fax. 03-6895 5520 Septem Partnersは移転しました。 新しい連絡先は: 〒101-0054 東京都千代田区神田錦町3-15 NTF竹橋ビル7F・IBS証券株式会社内 電話番号: 03-6895 5521 ファックス: 03-6895 5520 For latest information on our members, please check the members list on our web site. 最新のコンタクト情報はFCCJウェブサイトのメンバーリストをご覧ください。 Jukka Suomela In Memoriam With sadness we inform that Mr. Jukka Suomela passed away in Helsinki on 26 May 2011 after a long illness. Jukka Suomela was instrumental in founding the FCCJ and its board member 1999-2000, and long serving board member and chairman of FCCJ’s predecessor, the Finnish Business Council. For his contributions in developing relations between Japan and Finland he received the “Order of the Rising Sun, Golden Ray with Ribbon” in 2005 in Helsinki from H.E. Ambassador Shigeo Kondo. Mr. Suomela served in Tokyo on two occasions, 1986-1990 at Kansallis-Osake-Pankki’s Tokyo Representative office and from 19962000 at Merita Representative Office (from 1997 Merita Nordbanken, which in 2001 became Nordea). After returning to Finland he also served as board member and chairman of the Finnish-Japanese Chamber of Commerce. ... more about the Charity Project Wednesday 1 June - Charity Event at Embassy of Finland The first event in the project initiated by FCCJ and organized in cooperation with the Embassy and all the other Finnish organizations in Japan, “Disaster Relief with a Finnish Touch - Bringing Joy to the Children of Tohoku” was the Charity Event organized at the Embassy of Finland on Wednesday, 1 June. Attended by 120 persons the evening was filled with activities, a lively action, a lottery and sales of Finnish leather products, as well as entertainment by the famous Finnish popular singer, Matti Esko. The evening brought more than 2 million yen to be used for bringing joy to the children of Tohoku by visits of the Moomin Characters and tentatively also Santa Claus later in the year. The auctioneer Erik Ullner, assisted by Maki Shoji and Pekka Laitinen showing four paintings from an old ‘Japan hand’ Ilkka Laukkonen. チャリティーイベント―大使館にて、6月1日(水) FCCJおよびフィンランド大使館 やその他の在日フィンランド組織によ るプロジェクト「フィンランドの気持 ちを表す大震災救援―東北の子供たち に喜びを届けよう」、この最初のイベ ントであるチャリティーイベントがフ ィンランド大使館にて6月1日(水) 開催されました。 このイベントにおよそ120名が参 加、色々な催しがあり(オークショ ン、くじ引き、フィンランド製レザー コートの販売など)、またフィンラン ドの人気歌手マッティ・エスコ氏の歌のショーもありました。 このイベントでは200万円以上のお金が集まり、これは今年東北 の子供たちをムーミンやサンタクロースが訪問する際の資金に使われ ます。 Ambassador Jari Gustafsson makes opening remarks. Matti Esko making his first performance. Time to enjoy the buffet, front Pirjo Eskonniemi. FCCJ President Marko Saarelainen prepares for the lottery, assisted by Johanna Kotkajärvi, Minister-Counsellor at the Embassy. event calendar Shunkichi Miyashita gives thumbs up for the Lapin Kulta beer. イベント予定 Wednesday, 24 August 8月24日(水) FCCJ Yakatabune Event Finnair - FinnTour Code Share Cruise Time: 18.30 - 21.00 Embarkation:Amisei, 2-1-26, Komagata, Taito-ku, Tokyo Route: Asakusa - Odaiba - Asakusa Cost: Members and members’ guests: 8,000 yen FCCJ屋形船イベント フィンランド航空、フィンツアー コードシェアクルーズ 時間: 18:30~21:00 乗船 &下船:台東区駒形2-1-26、船宿あみ清 航路:浅草―お台場―浅草 参加費:メンバーおよびメンバーのゲスト8,000円 Friday, 30 September 9月30日(金) Mercedes -Benz Japan Cup The North-America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan Venue: Atsugi Kokusai C.C., Kanagawa Pref. Cost: 24,000 yen More: www.dccgolf-japan.com メルセデス・ベンツ ジャパン カップ 北米対ヨーロッパゴルフマッチ コース: 厚木国際カントリー倶楽部、神奈川県 参加費: 24,000円 詳細 : www.dccgolf-japan.com Wed. 5 - Sat. 8 October 10月5日(水)~8日(土) Vladivostok Tour Details to be provided later ウラジオストーク ツアー 後日詳細通知 the chamber Office: Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Setagaya Tsurumaki Heim 203 2-33-20, Tsurumaki Setagaya-ku, TOKYO 154-0016 Tel. 03-5450-7207, Fax. 03-5450-7208 Executive Director: Clas G. Bystedt Assistant: Yoko Marukawa E-mail: [email protected] President: Marko Saarelainen, tel. 0555-62-6062 Vice President: Hirokuni Yoshida, tel. 03-5449-8311 Other Board Members: Kaj Forsell, tel. tel. 03-6859-6810 Masaoki Fujita, tel. 043-259-0151 Petri Hautakangas, tel. 03-5474-6403 Tuomo Kuuppo, tel. 03-3239-5271 Pekka Laitinen, tel. 080-5172-5984 Mika Mäkinen, tel. 090-2480-0362 Shigeyoshi Noto, tel. 03-5531-5080 Sakari Romu, tel. 03-3222-1691 Yoshinori Sano, tel. 03-6420-3031 Veli Solehmainen, tel. 03-3266-9610 Hiroaki Sugawara, tel. 03-3456-3933 FCCJ Web Site address: http://www.fcc.or.jp/ fccj news Published bimonthly by the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Edited and printed in-house. Editors: Clas G. Bystedt and Yoko Marukawa For latest event information, visit our web site. 最新のイベント情報に関してはウェブサイトをご覧下さい。
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