LYNX - FINNISH CFDS What are CFDs? CFD stands for Contract For Difference. CFDs allow investors to invest with leverage in a stock, index, commodity or other underlying asset. CFDs can be used to profit from movements in the market with a relative small investment. The value of a CFD moves identically with the underlying asset. So if you own a CFD on the S&P500 and the S&P would increase with one point, the value of your CFD would increase with $ 1. This makes a CFD an easy product to understand. Leverage The leverage effect in CFDs is the result of the margin you are required to hold on your investment. This margin requirement differs per underlying asset. For example, if you would own ten S&P500 CFDs (ticker: IBUS50) with a value of $ 18.641, you are required to have a margin of approximately $ 1.160. So, to hold the position you only need to have 5% of the total value of your investment. This is equal to a leverage factor of 20. If you do not wish to trade on leverage, you can just buy the number of CFDs which you would have bought when they were stocks. Spread The difference between the bid and ask price is called the spread. These are indirect costs you need to bear as an investor. On CFDs, the spread is always the same as the spread of the underlying asset. For example, when you would buy a CFD on Nokia, the bid and ask price of the CFD are the same as that of the stock Nokia. Hence, the spread is also the same. Adding a CFD to your platform It is easy to add a CFD in your Trader Workstation. All you need to do is fill in the ticker (for example NOKIA) and select CFD. See the following example: LYNX - FINNISH CFDS The image below shows you that the bid and ask price for the stock and CFD are exactly the same: Important to realize is the fact that you are able to lose more money than the margin requirement. You should not see the margin requirement as a face value which is the maximum that you could lose, since this is not true. Therefore, it’s recommended to always use a stoploss when you are trading in CFDs. On the next page you can find an overview of all the tradable Finnish CFDs. LYNX - FINNISH CFDS Finnish CFDs There are 38 Finnish CFDs available for trading. Below you can find a list of the companies which can be traded using CFDs. Ticker Company name Ticker Company name AME Amer Sports PKG PKC Group CGCBV Cargotec OKO Pohjola Bank CAV1V Caverion Corp RAIVV Raisio CTY1 Citycon RMR Ramirent CRA CRAMO RTR Rautaruukki EIA Elisa SAM Sampo FUM Fortum SWS Sanoma HUH Huhtamaki SDM Sponda KRA Kemira SOMB Stockmann KES Kesko SRE.RE Stora Enso KNEBV Kone STE.R Stora Enso KCI Konecranes TALV Taivivaara Mining Co METSB M-real TPS Technopolis VLM Metso TOE1 Tieto NES Neste Oil TIK Tikkurita NOA3 Nokia RPL UPM-Kymmene NOKIA Nokia UNR Uponor NOR Nokian Renkaat VALMT Valmet Corp ORI Orion WRT Wartsila OUT Outokumpu YTY YIT OTE Outotec
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