SENDAI AKIU SAKUNAMI Miyagi, Tohoku Rurubu Special Compilation 仙台・秋保・作並 日英版 The opportunity to enjoy a variety of cuisines is one of Sendai’s charms. Ethnic Restaurants and Nightspots Using Loople Sendai Tour Sendai’s Famous Locations You won’t be able to resist taking some home Sendai’s Fashionable Items Welcome to the City of Trees! Johgi Nyorai “Power Spot” and Sakunami Hot Springs Historical Hot Spring Area ようこそ、 「杜の都」へ! 「杜の都」へ Delicious Foods of Sendai Date-Uma Gourmet This famous hot spring was a favorite of Date Masamune Akiu Hot Springs Celebrate Sendai’s Four Seasons Festivals & Events Welcome to “The UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction” in SENDAI! We hope that visitors to Sendai during the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction will enjoy their stay in our city. To this end , the municipal government will arrange a variety of hospitality programs. We encourage visitors to make the most of their time in Sendai, a historical city with beautiful nature of a million residents that has overcome a disaster of unprecedented scale and is striving to rebuild itself. tours of Sendai II Bus and the surrounding region 観光バスツアー Full-day, half-day and overnight bus tours of Sendai and the surrounding region (Migayi, Iwate and Fukushima Prefectures) will be available from Friday March 13 to Thursday March 19, 2015. 3月13∼19日に、仙台近郊 (宮城県内、岩手県、福島県)を 1日・半日・1泊で巡るバスツアーを運行する。 Sites associated with feudal-era Sendai and its ruler, Date Masamune 仙台藩祖伊達政宗公ゆかりの地めぐり 2022-298-7765 (MIYAKO KANKO SERVICE CO;LTD) DATE 日程 3/15 ITINERARY 行先 Site of Sendai Castle, Zuihoden Visit the Johgi and Sakunami areas and sample local cuisine 定義・作並 伊達美味めぐり 2022-298-7765 (MIYAKO KANKO SERVICE CO;LTD) 仙台すずめ踊り演舞 MP4C2 Visitors will be welcomed to Sendai with special performances of the Sendai Sparrow Dance, a local tradition dating back to the original construction of Sendai Castle, when stonemasons staged an improvised dance. 仙台城築城の際に、即興で石工たち が踊ったのが起源とされる仙台の郷土 芸能 「仙台すずめ踊り」でお出迎え。 DATE 日程 Sat. March 14 and Sun. March 15, 2015, at 10 am, 12 noon and 2 pm. Performance lasts about 10 minutes. PLACE場所 2nd floor of Sendai Station 2 定禅寺ストリートジャズ フェスティバルスプリングステージ MP4B2 Ever y autumn the Cit y of Trees is embraced by music when the JOZENJI STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL in SENDAI takes place. Bands that participate in the festival will stage special performances. Relax and enjoy the music. 仙台の秋の音楽祭 「定禅寺ストリー トジャズフェスティバル in 仙台 」の参 加バンドが特別ステージを披露。 DATE 日程 Sat. March 14 and Sun. March 15, 2015, at 1 pm, 3 pm and 5 pm. Performance lasts about 30 minutes. PLACE場所 Sendai First Tower Atrium Tohoku Local Products Fair 東北観光物産展 Thu. March 12 to Wed. March 18, 2015 Central plaza, 2nd floor of Sendai Station 旧伊達邸での名物牛タンのご昼食と 仙台の奥座敷秋保半日観光 Exhibition of photos Tanabata bamboo from the five great decorations 七夕飾り展示 Sendai festivals 仙台五大まつり写真展 MP4C2 A display of photos and artifacts from five leading Sendai festivals: Sendai Aoba Matsuri Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, JOZENJI STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL in SENDAI, Michinoku Yosakoi Festival and Sendai Pageant of Starlight. Savor the atmosphere of Sendai s lively seasonal festivals. 仙台を代表する祭り、 「 仙台・青葉ま つり」 「仙台七夕まつり」 「定禅寺ストリー トジャズフェスティバル in 仙台 」 「みち のくYOSAKOIまつり」 「SENDAI光のペー ジェント」 の写真やお祭りグッズを展示。 DATE 日程 Mon. March 9 to Tue. March 31, 2015 PLACE場所 Aoba-dori underpass gallery MP4B2 The Sendai Tanabata Festival takes place each year on August 6-8. On display will be magnificent Tanabata bamboo decorations made from Japanese paper (Washi and bamboo), normally only seen at the time of the festival. Don t miss this special chance to see genuine local Tanabata bamboo decorations. 毎年8月6∼ 8日に行われる仙台七夕 まつり。街中では祭り期間にしか見ら れない、豪華絢爛な七夕飾りを展示。 DATE 日程 Fri. March 13-Fri. March 20 PLACE場所 Sendai First Tower Atrium Fri. March 13 to Wed. March 18, 2015 Sun Mall Ichibancho shopping area 2022-214-8260 (Tourism Exchange Section, Sendai City Government) MP4C1 Half-day tour to Akiu hot spring resort including lunch of grilled beef tongue, a local delicacy, at the former residence of Date clan 仙台駅をはじめ、街の中心部で歓迎イベントを開催。 DATE 日程 PLACE場所 復興物産市「東北いいもんパーク」 in Sakunami, Johgi Welcome events will take place at Sendai station and throughout the city. 2022-714-8329 (Dateuma Market Office [U-media Co., Ltd.]) MP4B2 Tohoku Iimon Park revitalization products market DATE 日程 3/14,16,18 ITINERARY 行先 Nikka Whisky Miyagikyo Distillery Fri. March 13 to Mon. March 16, 2015 Tohoku Rocken Park Busyoutai IV Date Sendai Welcome Squad 2022-748-4832 (Machinavi press) *Other itineraries also available. See website ( for details. For reservations or inquiries, please contact the tour operator. ※このほかにもコースをご用意しております。 詳しくは HP ( )をご覧ください。 申込・お問い合わせはツアーを運行する旅行会社・バス会社などにお願いします。 Experience feudal-era Sendai as it was when ruled by the famed warlord Date Masamune on this tour led by Date Busyoutai, a group of costumed actors playing the roles of Date clan members and key retainers. 仙台藩祖・伊達政宗公が築いた 「仙台」を伊 達政宗公と伊達の家臣団で構成された 「伊 達武将隊」メンバーがご案内。 Date Busyoutai Sendai Welcome Squad: Town Tour Guided tour of V Zuihoden DATE 日程 PLACE場所 奥州・仙台おもてなし集団伊達武将隊 lage), Akiu Great Falls, Site of Sendai Castle JOZENJI STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL Spring Performance 仙台、宮城そして東北6県の美味しいものや特産品を集めた観光物産展を開催。 物産展ならではのおみやげが見つかるかも。 Date-Uma Market 伊達美味復興防災マーケット DATE 日程 3/13,17,19 ITINERARY 行先 Agrie no Mori market (Akiu Vil- Sendai Sparrow Dance Local product fairs will showcase delicious foods and other local products from Sendai, Miyagi and the other five prefectures of the Tohoku region. Enjoy shopping as you stroll around the city and take the chance to find a unique souvenir. DATE 日程 PLACE場所 2022-304-5565 (TABI NO RECIPE CO;LTD) 歓迎イベント 観光物産展 2022-261-1790 (JR East Tohoku Sougou Service) 2022-222-3770 (JR East Retail Net Co., Ltd.) MP4C2 Mausoleum, National Treasure Osaki Hachimangu Shrine 国連防災世界会議期間中にお越しになる皆さまに、 仙台の街を楽しんでいただきたい。 その思いを込めてさまざまなおもてなしを ご用意させていただきます。 未曾有の災害を乗り越え、 復興を遂げようとしている107万人都市・仙台を、ぜひご覧ください。 I Welcome events Product III Local Fairs 奥州・仙台おもてなし集団 伊達武将隊 仙台城下めぐり MP4B1 瑞鳳殿 ガイドツアー 2022-262-6250 (Zuihoden) MP4B2 A curator will offer an expert guided tour of the 3 historic mausoleums of the feudal lords of Sendai-Han, the Date Clan, featuring magnificent and ornate architecture, and the grounds located in serene woodlands. 学芸員が瑞鳳殿境内を案内。仙台藩祖伊達政宗公霊屋瑞鳳殿、2代藩主忠宗公 霊屋感仙殿、3代藩主綱宗公霊屋善応殿などについてガイドする。 DATE 日程 PLACE場所 13:00- and 15:00-, daily from Sat. March 14 to Wed. March 18, 2015. Assembly point (start), Sendai Navic Date Busyoutai Sendai Welcome Squad: Sendai Castle Tour 奥州・仙台おもてなし集団 伊達武将隊 仙台城ツアー MP4A2 DATE 日程 13:00- and 15:00-, daily from Sat. March 14 to Wed. March 18, 2015. PLACE場所 Site of Sendai Castle DATE 日程 13:30-14:30, daily from Sat. March 14 to Wed. March 18, 2015. PLACE場所 Zuihoden admission ticket office *Advance reservations are not required. Please assemble near the Zuihoden admission ticket office by 13:30 on the day of your visit. ※事前申込は不要。毎回、瑞鳳殿観覧券売場付近に 開始時間前に集合してください。 3 Japanese Food VIII Fair Featuring Sendai Produce VI Panel display on disaster recovery efforts 震災復興のパネル展示 仙台産農産物和食フェア 2022-748-5871 (Sendai Navic) MP4B1 Sendai Navic is a one-stop facility for information on the nine shopping areas of central Sendai. It will also provide information on events taking place during the conference. Moreover, during the conference period it will stage a display of panels outlining postdisaster recovery efforts in Sendai s commercial districts. 20120-954-323 (Sendai Agricultural Produce PR office) UNESCO has included Washoku, traditional Japanese cuisine, on its representative list of the intangible cultural heritages of humanity. This food fair showcases the appeal of Washoku and offers the chance to taste locally produced ingredients. Five Sendai restaurants will offer Washoku menus (both set meals and a la carte options) featuring locally produced ingredients. Multilingual menus and phrase sheets will ensure that overseas guests can enjoy their meals with ease. 仙台市中心街にある9つの商店街の情報が会する仙台なびっくでは、 会議期間中のイベント情報を案内。仙台の商店街が震災から復興して いく姿のパネル展示も行う。 DATE 日程 PLACE場所 Sat. March 14-Wed. March 18, 2015 市内5つの飲食店で、仙台産農産物を使った和食メニュー (単品・コース) を提供。多言語化メニューシートや会話シートなども用意している。 Sendai Navic VII Kokubuncho Food Tour DATE 日程 PLACE場所 Thu. March 5 to Sun. March 22, 2015 Five restaurants in Sendai; Ichimuan(MP4C2 ), Izakaya Kirin (MP4B2), Biwane ( MP4B1 ), Oshika: Shizen, Shokusai, Roman(MP4B1), Sendai Hanatora: Shokusai Roman( MP4B1 ) 国分町バルめぐり For details: 2022-797-3671 (Buncho Kitchen Kokubuncho urban development project office) MP4B1 Kokubuncho, the Tohoku Region s leading entertainment district, welcomes visitors with special menus featuring local seasonal ingredients from Sendai and Miyagi Prefecture. Use the maps provided to make your way around the eating houses in rally style, collecting stamps at the checkpoints in participating stores to enter a drawing for special gifts. Other events program also available. See website for details. 1 2 P4 Oshika:Shizen, TKP Garden City Sendai Mitsukoshi Sendai Kotodai Miyagi Aoba Prefectural Ward Nishikicho Office Government Sendai Government Jozenji-e. Av Complex dori Hasekuramachi Sendai Navic お食事の方にグラス生ビールまたはソフトドリンク 1 杯サービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. Can also be used at the shiten (branche) shown on the map. ● P5 ● Kotodai-Koen Station 45 Kakyoin Temple Nishikicho Park Tohoku Iimon ? Park revitalization III products market P3 ● o gi ag At misuve. Ka ri A do i R P5 ve. ri A i do ash hoe m Higbanc ncho Ni o Yo anch Ichibtengai reet dome Vlan ancho Sho pping St Ichib Sho a Kotodai Park su Ban . Ave w ● ri i-do P5 Don Quijote ● (Bansui-doriten store) The Miyagi Museum of Art ● ● ● P5 P5 Sendai City Museum 2 Miyamachi :tax-free shop ?:tourist information center VIII Kirin● P5 Shimanuki main store ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Sendai First Tower Itsu ts VIII Ichimuan P4 ● iWestin Hotel ach em . Sendai am Kit ri Ave do dor ub I i A ash STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL ● ve. iSpring Performance Aoba-dori I underpass gallery ● P2 Tanabata bamboo decorations ● I P2 Sendai Sparrow● I P2 Exhibition of photos from the five great Sendai festivals ● Kitamemachi Dance III P3 Tohoku Local Products Fair● IV Date Busyoutai Sendai Welcome ● Komegafukuro Squad: Sendai Castle Tour P3 P5 ● Aobayama Park P2 JOZENJI 1 free soft drink when you order a meal. 10 Zunda Murakamiya Mochiten 村上屋 店 2022-222-6687MP4 50-yen discount when you order zunda mochi. Site of Sendai Castle Kyogamine Historical Park Zuihoden Mausoleum Sendai Comprehensive Tourist ? Information Center V Guided tour of Zuihoden P3 ● 5 Sendai Beef 11 ● ● P5 ● P5 ● P5 ● S-PAL branch P5 6 Sendai no Aji Steak House Iseya (S-PAL ten branch) 仙台の味 すてーきはうす伊勢屋 エスパル店 2022-262-0012MP4 1 free glass of wine or oolong tea when you order a meal. Seafood 12 Sushi Katsu 寿司勝 2022-222-7225MP4 1 free small side dish when you order sushi or Sendai zuke-don. 13 Sendai Mabo Yakisoba Chinese Restaurant SAIKA 中国美点菜 彩華 2022-222-8300MP4 Free annindofu (Chinese jellied dessert) when you order Sendai Mabo-Yakisoba. Sendai Mabo Yakisoba Toyoken Honten 東洋軒 本店 2022-261-5565MP4 1 free glass of beer or 1 soft drink when you order Sendai Mabo-Yakisoba. Fuuki Zushi 富貴寿司 Crab Dishes Sapporo Kani Honke 札幌かに本家 2022-213-0505 MP4 10% off food and drink in the restaurant. Souvenirs Shimanuki main store しまぬき本店 2022-223-2370MP4 5% off total purchase (some products excluded) お買い上げ金額の 5%引き(一部商品を除く) *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. Can also be used at the S-PAL branch, as shown on the map. ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。地図掲載のエスパル店でも利用可能。 2022-222-6157MP4 1 free small side dish when you order sushi or Sendai zuke-don. 14 Souvenirs Don Quijote (Bansui-doriten store) ドン・キホーテ 晩翠通り店 A novelty gift with any purchase. 2022-217-7911 MP4 お買い上げの方にノベルティプレゼント *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. 寿司または仙台づけ丼を注文の方に小鉢一品サービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。 ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。 Notes How to Use When you enter the establishment, tell a staff member that you will be using a Sendai Machiaruki Coupon. Receive a stamp from the store in the box at the bottom of the coupon sheet. You may use one coupon per visit, and can use this coupon sheet for up to a total of three stamps. 入店時に「仙台街歩きクーポン」利用を伝え、下の囲みにある店舗サイン欄に印をもらっ てください。一度の利用で 1 回、合計 3 回まで使えます。 Before Use In some cases, the prices and services offered may change. Before using, ask the staff if the coupon is still valid by pointing at the phrase below. 料金など内容に変更や、 特典サービスが提供できない場合があります。使用前にスタッフに、 クーポンを使うことができるか、下記を指さして確認してください。 Cautions on Use Itsutsu-Bashi Station 2022-212-4606MP4 Free annindofu (Chinese jellied dessert) when you order Sendai Mabo-Yakisoba. ※クーポン1枚につきグループ全員有効。 寿司または仙台づけ丼を注文の方に小鉢一品サービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. Seafood Kofuku Kissho Shiron 口福吉祥 龍 店内ご飲食代金 10%引き *1 coupon is valid for everyone in your group. ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。 7 Sendai Mabo Yakisoba 仙台マーボー焼そばを注文の方にグラスビールまたはソフトドリンク 1 杯サービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. ※クーポン 1 枚につき 1 名のみ有効。 地図掲載のクリスロード店でも利用可能。 Sendai City Silver Center Sendai City Information / Industry Plaza TKP Garden City Sendai 2022-223-3706MP4 1 free chawanmushi (savory custard) with lunch or 1 free dessert with dinner when you order sushi or Sendai zuke-don. 仙台マーボー焼そばを注文の方に杏仁豆腐サービス *1 coupon is valid for up to 2 people. ※クーポン 1 枚につき 2 名まで有効。 お食事の方にグラスワイン、またはウーロン茶 1 杯サービス *1 coupon is valid for up to 4 people. Cannot be used for the lunch menu. Can also be used at the Clis Road branch, as shown on the map. ※クーポン 1 枚につき 4 名まで有効。ランチメニュー除く。 ku e ho ine - Lin To L ku n n JR ai ho nse M To ka JR hin S Legend P4 Izakaya Mall Sun ancho Ichib ● Sendai International Center Conference & Exhibition Hall Grilled Beef Date-no-Gyutan Honpo (main location) Tongue 伊達の牛たん本舗 本店 2022-722-2535 MP4 SUSHI-DINING TACHIBANA お寿司と旬彩料理 たちばな 仙台マーボー焼そばを注文の方に杏仁豆腐サービス *1 coupon is valid for up to 2 people. ※クーポン1枚につき2名まで有効。 ※クーポン 1 枚につき 1 名のみ有効。地図掲載の支店でも利用可能。 4 Honcho Ekimaedori Ave. Hirosedori Ave. 48 Nishi Park Tachimachi Hirose-Dori AER Station P5 P5 pina Tohoku Ha kakecho VIII P4 Sendai Hanatora:Shokusai Roman ● Na VIII Biwane P4 Rocken ● P5 Parco Park ad P5 P5 P5 le Ro P5 Road Marbchi Clis Aoba-Dori Oma P5 Support Center for Civic Activities Station Tohoku University Sendai JR Senseki Line Sakurano P5 Kawauchi-Kita Campus Station Sakuragaoka Park Omachi Ave. Yamada Metropolitan -dori a b Fujisaki o A Denki Sendai Tohoku University 4 Yodobashi chiS-PAL Centennial Hall ima a m III EbeanS h P3 Date-Uma Market ● Camera a o Aobayama Sendai . in Ir y M i Ave Kawauchi Hagi Hall Alle dor P5 Otemachi Katahira Shimanuki os Hir a e-g 1 free glass of beer or 1 soft drink when you order a meal. 9 お食事の方にソフトドリンク 1 杯サービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. Can also be used at the Hirose-dori branch, as shown on the map. C L-Park Sendai Sendai Shokusai,Roman ● VIII City Hall Tokyo Electron Hall Miyagi (Miyagi Prefecture Civic Center) Kasugamachi Tsunogoro VII P4 Kokubuncho Food Tour● Sendai City Civic Auditorium r Sendai Mediatheque ve Grilled Beef Aji no Gyutan Fukusuke (Nakakecho main location) Tongue 味の牛たん 福助 名掛丁本店 2022-265-9466 MP4 Seafood 寿司または仙台づけ丼を注文の方に、ランチは茶碗蒸し、ディナーはデザートサービス *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。 の定禅寺店、駅前店、エスパル店、JR 仙台駅店でも利用可能。 づんだ餅をご注文の方は 50 円引き *1 coupon is valid for 1 person. Kita-Yobancho Station ay Subw oku Line Nanb Hirosemachi 1 free oolong tea when you order a set meal. 8 ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。 B IV ? Busyoutai● Sendai Welcome Squad: Town Tour VI P4 Panel display● on disaster recovery efforts Grilled Beef Aji no Gyutan Kisuke (Ekimae chuo branch) Tongue 味の牛たん 喜助 駅前中央店 2022-265-2080 MP4 仙台の観光をお得に楽しめるクーポン。 仙台グルメのレストランやみやげ店で割引などのサービスが受けられる。 定食を注文の方にウーロン茶 1 杯サービス *1 coupon is valid for everyone in a group. Can also be used at the Jozenji, Ekimae, S-PAL and JR Sendai Station branches, shown on the map. ※クーポン 1 枚につきグループ全員有効。地図掲載 Fri. February 20- Thu. March 19, 2015 PLACE場所 Kokubuncho area P3 Date 4 仙台街歩きクーポン These coupons allow you to enjoy your Sendai experience even more. Receive discounts and special services at Sendai’s gourmet restaurants and souvenir shops. ※クーポン1枚につき1名のみ有効。地図掲載の広瀬通店でも利用可能。 ほかにもさまざまな催しが開かれるぞ。 詳しくは HP をチェックするのじゃ! A 1 Coupons 3 東北一の歓楽街・国分町で、地元仙台・宮城の旬の食材を活用した特別 るるぶ特別編集 仙台 004 国防用MAP_英語版_2 C M Y K 160×120 メニューでおもてなし。 抽選で景品が当たるスタンプラリーも開催。 DATE 日程 Sendai Machiaruki このクーポンは使えますか? Kono coupon wa tsukaemasu ka? (Can I use this coupon?) Cannot be used in combination with other coupons. 他のクーポンなどとの併用はできません。 Sendai Machiaruki Coupons Valid Dates February 13 ‒ March 31, 2015 店舗 サイン欄 Sendai Machiaruki Coupons Valid Dates February 13 ‒ March 31, 2015 店舗 サイン欄 Sendai Machiaruki Coupons Valid Dates February 13 ‒ March 31, 2015 店舗 サイン欄 5 Sendai is the largest city in the Tohoku region, with a population of 1 million. It was established in 1601 as a castle town by Date Masamune, and after that, continued to develop as an economic and administrative center. The city is blessed with natural beauty, including the zelkova trees that line Jozenji-dori Avenue and the gently flowing Hirose-gawa River. Because of this, it is also called the City of Trees. In addition, it is known as a university town because of the many institutions of higher learning located here. Sendai Tourism Ambassador 仙台観光アンバサダー Hanyu Yuzuru 羽生結弦選手 仙台の名所巡り Hanyu Yuzuru is an Olympic figure skating champion who was born in Izumi Ward, Sendai. He is sponsored by All Nippon Airways. In 2014, he won the All Japan Figure Skating Championship, and took home a gold medal in the 2014 Sochi Olympics as well as a win in the 2014 World Championships, ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final 2014/2015 Champions etc. おしゃれ小物 仙台市泉区出身のフィギアスケート選手。全日本空輸に所属。2014 年 全日本選手権優勝、2014 年ソチオリンピック優勝、2014 年世界選手権 優勝、ISU グランプリファイナル 2014/2015 優勝など Sendai's Fashionable Items…P10-11 Date-Uma Gourmet…P12-13 Ethnic Restaurants and Nightspots…P14-15 定義&作並温泉 Yamagata Prefecture 韓国語が使えます。 (※1) Service available in Chinese (Mandarin). (*1) You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 中国語 (標準語 )が使えます。 (※1) 指差し会話で対応します。 Service available in Chinese (Cantonese). (*1) Wi-Fi available inside. S akuna 1 Mt. Omoshiro n S JR Earphone guide available. (Johgi Nyorai) Sakunami Hot Springs a Tunnel Omoshiroyamakogen Station Oku-Nikkawa Station Izumigatake Hot Spring Sakunami Hot Springs P17 48 55 Sendai City 店内は撮影禁止です。 (※2 ) Mt. Mitsumori 2 Sasaya IC Sekizawa IC Mt. Ganto 286 Sasay aH igh wa Yamag y a ta 国際公衆電話が使えます。 Sendai City Overview Driving Guide P18 Kankane Onsen Miyagi-Kawasaki IC 47 N 3km A 55 22 Astronomical Observatory SendaiMiyagi IC Ak Sp iu H rin ot gs P1 31 8 R Akiu Village Go airai rg ky Sendaie o Minami IC 286 u k ho Michinoku Lakewood National Governmental Park To 31 14 Murata JCT B Sendai Yagiyama Zoological Park Nagamachi Station Yamada Taishido Station S en dai Nanbu Road y 39 u ik nr Sa xpy Rifunaka E HigashiRifu Shiogama Station Station Rifushiogama e Lin JR Sense k i 45 SendaiPort Nan akit Sendai Higashi Tsutsujigaoka Park 54 Nagamachi 23 HonShiogama Station Tagajo Station Sendai Kokita Sendai Port Shiogama Rakuten kobo Stadium Miyagi a-ga wa Riv er 10 Imaizumi Minami-Sendai Station Natori Natori 10 Station Se 4 Ai nda Ac rPor i ce t ss Lin Sendai Airport Sendai Airport Matsushimakaigan 8 23 p Ex 8 Tagajo Castle sendai Station P8 9 40 Matsushima-Osato 35 Sendai Station Mt. Taihaku 9 Shiogama Station 35 37 ZAMZAM P14 Toshogu Higashi Station Rikuzen Akiu Hot Springs Kanayama Hot Spring Kenmin no Mori Station Station Kuzuoka Station Sendai 48 Kamafusa Lake Ex py 37 a Ayashi Ochiai 62 P18 Hotel Kiyomizu P18 Ki no Ie Lodge Town 457 Grande • 21 35 ku JR Tohone Main Li ※ 1: 本誌では、外国語が使える店に「___語が使えます」アイコンを付け、使用できる 言語をマークの後に記載しています。 外国語の対応にはスタッフによる会話のほか、ガイドブックやメニューを用意している場合 なども含みます。また、スタッフの出勤状況により、対応できない場合もございます。 ※ 2:撮影禁止のアイコンがない物件でも、場所や状況によって撮影不可となる場合があり ます。撮影前にスタッフに確認してください。 Hir Riv ose-ga er w Nat 62 Riveori-gaw a r Rifushirakashidai Yurtec Stadium Sendai Station Futakuchi Gorge Prefectural Natural Park ハラールに対応しています。 US dollars accepted. Akiu Otaki Rikuzen Fudoson Shirasawa Temple Ro kubu ad 56 Kumagane Station Waterfalls Akiu Otaki Waterfall Botanical Garden Futakuchi Hot Spring 3 Tomiya Sen Ho dai JCT Izumi IC Izumi PA SIC Sakunami Station P17 Nikka Whisky Miyagikyo Distillery Homei 48 Halal-certified. Photographs may not be taken inside. (*2) *1: In this booklet, stores and restaurants that can provide service in foreign languages are marked with the icon for “Service available in ____,” with the applicable language(s) listed afterwards. This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. Depending on staffing for the day, a person who speaks your language may not be available. *2: Even some locations that do not display the icon indicating that it is forbidden to take photographs may ask you not to. Before taking any photographs, please check with the staff. Omoshiroyam 写真付きメニューがあります。 ドルが使えます。 International pay phone available. e Lin Banji Cliffs Menus with pictures available. Power outlets available inside. Service available in Thai. (*1) 62 イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます 店内でコンセントが使えます。 P16 Hayatomi Mt. Daito Service available in Spanish. (*1) スペイン語が使えます。 (※1) 457 P16 Johgi Tofu-ten P16 Gokurakuzan Saihoji Temple a enz 中国語 (広東語 )が使えます。 (※1) タイ語が使えます。 (※1) 6 ____語が使えます。 (※1) (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) Miyagi Prefecture 3 Nanatsumori Lake Shore Park Mt. Izumigatake Line 頭にはサービス内容を記したステッ カーが掲示されている。 Service available in Korean. (*1) Service available in _______. (*1) (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) Taiwa IC 9 u H i ghway 中心商店街には外国人を積極的に受け 入れている飲食店や販売店があり、店 Service available in English. (*1) 英語が使えます。 (※1) 57 Mt. Miune 各施設のサービスが一目でわかる 「おもてなし 」サインステッカーを check! In the central shopping district, many restaurants and stores actively welcome foreign customers, and they will display a sticker that shows what services are available at that location. Ohira IC a ” sticker! 56 Mt. Funagata (Mt. Gosho) Mt. Kurobushi y Sightseeing Check the services available at each facility at a glance. Information (おもてなし ) 1人2670円で、JR、るーぷる仙台な どフリーエリア内の交通機関が2日間、 自由に利用できる。施設の割引特典 などのあるクーポンブック付き。JR 東日本の主な駅の窓口や仙台空港駅 券売機などで販売。 40 市内の交通アクセス、Free Wi-Fi サービス、免税店などの情報や 観光名所、商店街の街歩きガイドなどを掲載する無料の英語版 ガイドブック。仙台市総合観光案内所(MP20C2) などで配布。 祭り&イベント freely in and around Sendai for two consecutive days on JR trains, Loople Sendai and most other forms of public transportation. The pass also comes with a booklet of discount coupons for many facilities. Available at the ticket windows of most major JR East stations and at Sendai Airport Station ticket machines, among other locations. 語り部の認定を受けた運転手が被災地を案内する。 事前に予約すれば外国語 を話せるドライバーでの 対応が可能。映像と外国 語で被災状況を解説する タブレットも用意してい る。 w raga Oku r Rive Festivals and Events…P19 For 2,670 yen per person, you can travel 仙台まるごとパス For details: For details: るるぶ特別編集 仙台 英日版 007 仙台市全域MAP_英語版_2 C M Y K 183×131 a hw ig 秋保温泉 Taxi drivers who have been certified in Rik u Akiu Hot Springs…P18 Sendai Marugoto Pass narration will show you around areas affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. If you make reservations in advance, you may be able to get a driver who speaks your language. Tablet computers loaded with images and explanations of the disaster in your language are also available. 松尾芭蕉や支倉常長ゆかりの施設などで、キーホ ルダーと専用クーポンを提 示すると割引を受けられる サービスプランがある。英語、 韓国語、中国語のナビ付き レンタカーも用意。 iH m This free English-language guidebook is full of useful information, including how to get around in the city, where to find free Wi-Fi access, information on duty-free shops, and walking guides to sightseeing spots and shopping areas. It is distributed by the Sendai Comprehensive Tourist Information Center (MP20C2), among others. Narration Taxis nsen JR Tohoku-Shinka Johgi & Sakunami Hot Springs…P16-17 バスや鉄道でお得に巡るなら 語り部タクシー トヨタレンタリース宮城のレンタカープラン Visitors Guide Welcome to Sendai 各国料理の店&ナイトスポット Look for the “Omotenashi Toyota Rent-a-Lease Miyagi Rental Car Plan A very convenient book to take with you while sightseeing in Sendai! 伊達美味 (だてうま )グルメ Save money traveling by bus and train 被災地の案内をしてもらうなら 遠くまで足をのばすなら If you want to visit locations connected to Matsuo Basho or Hasekura Tsunenaga, etc., Toyota Rent-a-Lease offers a plan that allows you to show your rental car key and a special coupon to get a discount on admission fees. Rental cars with navigation systems in English, Korean and Chinese are available. 仙台市は人口100万人を有する東北地方最大の都市。1601年に伊達政宗公によって城下町として開かれて以降、経済・ 行政の中枢都市として発展してきた。市内はケヤキ並木の定禅寺通や清流の広瀬川などの自然に恵まれ 「杜の都 」 と呼ばれている。また、高等教育機関が数多くあることから 「学都 」としても知られる。 INDEX Tour Sendai’s Famous Locations…P8-9 For tours of areas affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami If you want to travel a wide distance u 仙台を楽しもう 目的や行き先に合わせた巡り方を選ぼう Sen Roa dai To b d Let’s Enjoy Sendai! Select a tour that suits your purpose and destination. e Sendai Bay Nat ori- gaw Sendai Airport Station aR iv er C 7 Using Loople Sendai Time required: Who was the first feudal load Date Masamune? 4 hours Tour Sendai’s Famous Locations He was the first feudal lord, or daimyo, to rule over the Sendai domain. When he was a child, he lost the use of one eye due to illness, which eventually led him to be called Dokuganryu, or “the one-eyed dragon.” He was blessed with wisdom that allowed him to amass great power in the Tohoku region. Even today, he is a figure beloved by many of Sendai’s residents. るーぷる仙台で仙台の名所を巡る 仙台藩の初代藩主。幼い頃に病 で片眼を失い、のちに独眼竜と呼 ばれた。才気に富み東北地方に一 大勢力を築いた。今なお多くの仙 台市民に愛されている。 The area around Sendai Station’s West Exit is dotted with spots connected to Daimyo Date Masamune. Use Loople Sendai, a loop bus that hits most of Sendai’s major tourist attractions, to explore history! 仙台駅西口エリアには伊達政宗公ゆかりのスポットが点在する。 主要観光名所を回る循環バスるーぷる仙台を利用して歴史散策を楽しもう! JR Sendai Station West Exit Bus Terminal, Bus Stop 15-3 Sendai City Museum 仙台市博物館 2022-225-3074 MP8B2 English, Korean, Chinese Approximately 90,000 historical materials related to the Date clan, as well as historical documents about the Keicho mission designated as National Treasures and also registered under UNESCO’s Memory of the World program are on display here. 伊達家関連の歴史資料やユネスコ記 憶遺産に登録された国宝・慶長遣欧使 節関係資料など約9万点を収蔵・展示し ている。 D26 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku B19 minutes from Sendai Station by Loople Sendai. Get off at the Sendai City Museum/Sendai International Center stop and walk for 3 minutes. Alternatively, it is 8 minutes from Sendai Station by car. GViewing fee: 400 yen (Extra fees apply for special exhibitions) J09:00-16:45 (Last entry at 16:15) ● Closed: Mondays (if Monday is a national holiday, the museum will be open) and days after national holidays (the museum will remain open if that day is a Saturday, Sunday or another national holiday) P50 spaces The museum will be closed until the end of March 2015 for building repair work (inquire beforehand). 館内改修工事などのため 2015 年 3 月末(予定)まで全館休館(要問合せ) Zuihoden Mausoleum 瑞鳳殿 2022-262-6250 MP8B2 English, Korean, Chinese The first feudal lord of SendaiHan, Date Masamune rests in this mausoleum.There are also two other mausoleums. One is for the second feudal lord, Date Tadamune, and the other is the third Date Tsunamune. The structure was destroyed by fire during war, and was rebuilt. There is also a museum next to it. 初代仙台藩主・伊達政宗公、2代・忠 宗公、3代・綱宗公が眠る墓所。建物は 戦災で焼失し、再建された。資料館も 併設している。 Osaki Hachimangu Shrine 大崎八幡宮 2022-234-3606 MP8A1 桃山の遺風を伝える豪華絢爛な建物。瑞鳳 るるぶ特別編集 仙台 日英版 008 殿は政宗公の霊屋(おたまや) Loople Sendai Osaki Tohoku University Hachimangu Shrine P9 Hospital Kita-Yobancho Station 1 1 Tohoku University School of Medicine Osaki Hachimangu Shrine Stop H Ri iro ve se r -g 48 100 Year Electric Historical Center aw a Miyagi First Senior High School Sankyozawa Water Power Plant Akamon Kokubunji Art Kameoka Museum Hachimangu The Miyagi Museum of Art Sendai Daini High School 48 Loople Sendai Operation Route Aoba Ward Office Miyagi Prefectural Government Prefectural Police P20 Sendai City Hall Headquarters Jozenji-dori Ave./ Kotodai Park Sendai City Hall Stop Niko/The Miyagi Sendai Mediatheque Stop Museum of Art Stop ozenji shi Sendai Ni yama Road Aoba nnel Nishi Park Kotodai-Koen Station J ve. dori A Sendai Mitsukoshi Hirose-dori 45 Subway Station Stop HiroseSendai Anpanman Children’ s Dori Station . i Ave e-dor Hiros To Furukawa Station Museum and Mall Aoba-Dori Station Sendai Station Miyagino Tohoku University Tohoku University Faculty of Science Zuihoden Site of Sendai Castle P9Mausoleum Garden Gate Stop P15 View the sunset or sunrise from the Site of Sendai Castle Aoba Ward Loople Sendai Travel Map Site of Aobayama Zuihoji Temple Park Kyogamine Sendai Historical Park Castle stop P8 Zuihoden Mausoleum N 300m A Taihaku Ward Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) Tohoku University Itsutsu-Bashi Station Sequoia Fossil Trees Komegahukuro yuuhodou Tohoku Gakuin University Miyagi Prefecture Technical High School B B Shibarijizoson *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. C C To Natori You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 指差し会話で対応します。 To Nagamachi Station To Tsutsujigaoka Station Ward Fujisaki Sakuragaoka Sendai Sendai J -dori Sendai Aoba R Park Station StationSe International Ave. n Aobadori Ave. Ichibancho Lineseki Center Bansui Hermitage Stop Tohoku University Courthouse Tohoku University’ s Sendai City Museum/ 4 Goshikinuma Museum of Natural History Stop Sendai International Center Stop Sendai Trust City Naganuma Tohoku University Sendai City Museum P9 P14 NOYAU Faculty of Engineering Sendai Central Post Office Aobayama Zenigata hudouson Sendai Central Police Station Aobayama Botanical Tu ku ho ine To L n JR ai M ku ho sen To an Atago-Bashi JRhink Station S ine L 2 2 48 To KitaSendai Station To SendaiKokita IC Kotsu Park/Sankyozawa Hatsuden Stop To Sendai-Miyagi IC / Sakunami Hot Spring JR仙台駅西口バスプール15-3番乗り場を起点に、 市内主要観光スポッ トを巡る循環バス。1 回乗車は260円。1日 乗車券620円。 るーぶる_英語版_2 C M Y K 120×75 To Higashisendai Station A loop bus that visits most of Sendai’s major tourist spots The loop bus starts at JR Sendai Station West Exit Bus Terminal, Bus Stop 15-3, and stops at many of the major tourist attractions. One ride is 260 yen, while an allday pass is 620 yen. Legend 2007 年ミシュラン旅行ガイドで★★の評価を受けた The rebuilt structure showcases the gorgeous style of the early Edo Period. Zuihoden is the resting place of Date Masamune. 仙台の名所を巡る循環バス「るーぷる仙台」 2022-222-2256 (Sendai City Transportation Bureau) 2022-268-9568 (Sendai Tourism and Convention Bureau) 8 Received two stars in the 2007 Michelin Green Guide. ay Subwoku NanbLine Sightseeing Information 21 minutes by Loople Sendai D23-2 Otamayashita, Aoba-ku B15 minutes from Sendai Station by Loople Sendai. Get off at the Zuihoden Mausoleum stop and walk for 6 minutes. Alternatively, it is 12 minutes from Sendai Station by car. GViewing fee: 550 yen J09:00-16:30 (until 16:00 from December-January) ● Closed: Open 365 days a year P30 spaces Waka bayashi War d To Shiroishizao Station To Kawaramachi Station English, Korean, Chinese,Spanish Date Masamune had this shrine built in 1607. The shaden, or main building, is coated with black lacquer and decorated with gold leaf and vividly colored carvings, and has been designated a National Treasure. D4-6-1 Hachiman, Aoba-ku B43 minutes from Sendai Station by Loople Sendai. A short walk from the Osaki Hachimangu Shrine stop. Alternatively, it is 17 minutes from Sendai Station by car. GFree J09:00 -17:00 ●Closed: Open 365 days a year P70 spaces 1607年、伊達政宗 公によって造営され た神社。黒漆塗りに 金彩や色鮮やかな彫 刻が施されている社 殿は国宝に指定され ている。 27 minutes by Loople Sendai 城跡では伊達政宗公騎馬像を見られる。展望所からは市街地を一望できる Site of Sendai Castle 仙台城跡 2022-222-0218 (Aobajo Honmaru Kaikan) MP8B2 3 minutes by Loople Sendai 4 minutes by Loople Sendai 15 minutes by Loople Sendai A statue of Date Masamune on horseback has been erected at the site of the castle ruins. There is a panoramic view of the city from the observatory. This castle was built in 1602 on the orders of Date Masamune. On the road that leads to the castle, visitors can see the rebuilt Otemon Gate Waki-yagura Watchtower, as well as the old stone foundations. There is also a museum displaying materials related to Aoba Castle. 政宗公の命により1602年に築城され た。登城路では再建された大手門脇櫓 や古い石垣などがみられる。青葉城資 料展示館もある。 DTenshudai Aoba Joshi, Aobaku B22 minutes from Sendai Station by Loople Sendai. A short walk from the Site of Sendai Castle stop. Alternatively, it is 19 minutes from Sendai Station by car. GFree entry (700 yen entrance fee for the Aoba Castle Museum) JAny time (the Aoba Castle Museum is open from 09:00-17:00 (until 16:00 from November-March)) ●Closed: Open 365 days a year P150 spaces (paid parking) Hospitality (Omotenashi) by the Date Busyoutai Actors known as the Date Busyoutai play the roles of Date Masamune and 9 other historical figures as part of Sendai’s promotional activities. 伊達政宗公や家臣ら10人に扮し た 「伊達武将隊 」が仙台の魅力を PR している。 Date Busyoutai 2022-214-8259 (Sendai City Tourism Exchange Bureau) Dependable English guides! “GOZAIN,” Sendai’s volunteer English interpreter guides 仙台ボランティア英語通訳ガイド GOZAIN 2090-7568-4868(Seki)2090-7566-6724 (Uenohara) GOZAIN has approximately 50 members who are prepared to explain the details of Sendai’s history and culture. They’ll show you around tourist spots or areas affected by the 2011 disaster in the city or on its outskirts, providing detailed information in English. 仙台の文化や歴史に詳しいガイドが約50人所属している。市内または近郊 の観光地や被災地などを英語で案内してくれる。 The shrine is an important example of the traditional Momoyama style of architecture. Master craftsmen were summoned by Masamune from Kyoto, and took three years to complete the structure. 桃山様式の貴重な遺構。上方から職人を招き、完成まで 3 年かかった Sendai Station West Exitt Wi-Fi available inside. Power outlets available inside. 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます 店内でコンセントが使えます。 Earphone guide available. イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 DInterpreting and guidance is free. However, you should be prepared to pay the guides’ travel fees from their homes (2,000/ guide), as well as any admission fees, lunch, etc. Reservations are required a week ahead of time. For details on reserving a guide and other information, see the web site: Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 9 You won’t be able to resist taking some home r Sets Soebumi Lette Sendai’s Fashionable Items そえぶみ箋 378 yen ted with sets are prin These letter es an d ac pl s ou m im ag es of fa hoku region. It’s an To sights in the t with many varietuc original prod from. ies to choose 描かれた が 所や見どころ 東 北 各 地の名 豊富なオ バリエーション レターセット。 。 リジナル商品 思わず持ち帰りたくなる仙台のおしゃれ小物 In Sendai, you’ll find many traditional crafts and cute items that you’ll definitely want to take home as a memory of your trip. Why not rent a bicycle to search for just the right souvenirs? What are kokeshi dolls? Kokeshi dolls are wooden dolls that have been made since the Edo Period using a turning lathe. They were originally made as children’s toys, but are popular now as souvenirs from hot spring resorts. Traditional Crafts Ichibancho 一番町 伝統工芸品 Shimanuki main store しまぬき本店 2022-223-2370 MP20B2 English This shop sells folk crafts from across the Tohoku region. On weekends, it offers workshops where you can paint your own kokeshi doll. Their original works or the collaboration with traditional products are also popular. There’s also a branch under Sendai Station. Duty-free. 東北各地の民芸品を販売。オリジナ ル商品や伝統工芸品とのコラボ商品、 週末開催のこけし絵付け体験などが人 気。仙台駅地下にも店舗がある。 D3-1-17 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku BA 10-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J10:30-19:30 ● Closed: Open 365 days a year PUse the reserved parking lot (1 hour free with purchase totaling 3,000 yen or more). Peanut Spoon プーン ピーナッツス けし 日本の伝統こ 0 yen From1,08 es left by delineated lin t mak e ly ar cle The ha w e ar e th the turning la lar. Kokeshi doll pu these dolls po from region to rer designs diffe gion. 気 のこけし。 くろ 線 が 人 色 鮮 や か なろ が異なる。 型やデザイン 地域によって Sendaihira is a silk textile that became popular during the mid-Edo Period. In the past, it was used to make hakama (men’s formal divided skirts). Because it is a high-quality fabric that samurai liked to wear, the weaving technique has been designated an Important Intangible Cultural Asset. Tamamushinuri Nuts Bowl ボウル 玉虫塗ナッツ h long -to -the- touc This smoo th in tw o varie tie s. es m walle t co le color Japanese-sty g. The elegant e-catchin ey ry ve e ar schemes 類。上 は2種 触りの長財布 なめらかな手 いが目を引く。 品な和の色遣 This boutique carries traditional handicrafts from Sendai and other goods. It also sells artwork and goods designed by artists with connections to Sendai. eramic Inban Small C Tsubaki) hi es ok Plates (K こけし椿) 印判手豆皿( 1,080 yen hand, are made by patThese plates four e ar e er Th one at a time. r simple elegance ei terns, and th ry popular. Chopve makes them are also d other items stick rests an available. 。柄は4種 器 業で作られた 1点1点が手作 がある。箸 な風 情で 人 気 類 あり、素 朴 。 る あ 置きなども 仙台の伝統工芸品などを扱うセレク トショップ。仙台ゆかりの作家が作る デザイン雑貨やアート作品なども販売 している。 DThe Westin Sendai 26F, 1-91 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku BA 9-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J07:00 –21:00 ● Closed: Open 365 days a year P170 spaces (paid parking) anges in lden color ch The deep go on the angle from g in nd ailable hue depe wed. Only av which it is vie irs. en uv So ai at Send 変わる深 What are Sendai Tsuishu? *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. This shop carries cute hand towels decorated in patterns featuring Japan’s four seasons and scenery. Many items are only available here, and handkerchiefs, bags and other goods are also popular. You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 指差し会話で対応します。 ティッシュ 古布一枚仕立て 1,620 yen s ar e e pa pe r ca se Th es e tis su cled cloth, such as cy made from re os. They are charon that from kim eir retro Japanese th acterized by e-of-amost are on patterns, and ュ kind. れたティッシ Wi-Fi available inside. Power outlets available inside. 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます 店内でコンセントが使えます。 English This store specializes in Hina dolls and Gogatsu dolls, but recently they have expanded to focus on “Made in Japan” items, such as miscellaneous Japanese-style goods and tools. ひ な 人 形 や 五 月人 形 など の 専 門 店。最近は人形だけでなく、MADE IN Japanにこだわった、工夫に満ちた和 雑貨や道具も人気。 D2-2-29 Chuo, Aoba-ku BAn 8-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J10:00-18:00 ●Closed: Irregular holidays PNone レンタサイクル DATE BIKE で町なか観光 20120-260-397(DATE BIKE Administrative Office) MP20C2 綴 のような形に てぬぐいを本 る。仙台限 と1枚の絵にな 商品。広げる 人 ても 気。 し と 品 げ や 定柄はおみ 日本の四季や風景などを絵柄にした かわいい手ぬぐいなどが並ぶ。限定商 品が多く、ハンカチやバッグ、和雑貨 が好評。 DSendai PARCO 1F, 1-2-3 Chuo, Aoba-ku BA short walk from JR Sendai Station J10:00-21:00 ●Closed: Open 365 days a year PUse the reserved parking lot. Earphone guide available. 2022-261-2361 MP20B2 Sightseeing Rent a bicycle for the day and see the sights of the city. Information “DATE BIKE” Bicycle Rentals yen is hand r item here One popula in the shape of a ed ld n you towels fo i-h on ). W he book (te nu gu it makes a single t, ou e on s only spread e with pattern picture. Thos ndai are popular Se in e bl availa souvenirs. じた人気 イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 Miyoshido 三好堂 どで作ら 着 物の古 布な で、一点物 な和柄が特徴 ケース。レトロ が多い。 1,080 Hamamonyo 濱文様 Tamamushinuri is a type of lacquering in which the colors sparkle like the carapace of a jewel beetle (tamamushi ). Recently it has become available in a wider variety of colors and textures. せんだいメディアテーク内にある ミュージアムショップ。地元作家の小 物や東北の伝統工芸品、オリジナル小 物が並ぶ。店名の6は東北六県から。 DSendai Mediatheque 1F, 2-1 D Kasugamachi, Aoba-ku BTake the subway from Sendai Station bound for Izumi Chuo for 3 minutes, and get off at Kotodai-Koen Station. It’s a 10-minute walk from there. J10:0020:00 ●Closed: Every fourth ThursdayP64 64 spaces (paid parking) ase Tissue Paper C cled cloth made from recy ケース てぬぐい本 2022-774-8306 MP20C1 What is Tamamushinuri ? This museum shop is located inside the Sendai Mediatheque. It carries items by local artists, Tohoku regional handicrafts, and original items. The “6” in the shop’s name stands for the six prefectures of the Tohoku region. Tenugui-Hon Sendai Station West Exit 仙台駅西口 って色味が 見る角度によ ーベ 。せ んだ いス み の ある 金 色 。 品 商 定 限 の ニア Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) 飾りをリサ りで使われた 仙台七夕まつ かなカード や 鮮 色 られた イクルして作 る。ポチ袋 あ が 気 人 わず ケース。男女問 もある。 2022-714-3033 MP20A1 2 4,320 yen A base material is carved and then covered with several layers of lacquer in this traditional handicraft. It is popularly used for candy bowls and saucers, and characterized by its muted vermilion color. Legend 21,600 yen 2022-722-1234 (Main line) English MP20B2 on y is of a tr ee pe e are Th e im ag e le. Thes nd ha e th to carved in e of the enirs becaus popular souv handles and their e th of delicacy ice. reasonable pr 。柄の 10 仙台平長財布 せんだいスーベニア What is Sendaihira? s ar e ul ca rd ca se Th es e co lo rf ng the decorations cli made by recy nabata the Sendai Ta both used during with lar pu po ’re Festival. They en. Decorative pamen and wom e also available. s ar per envelope KANEIRI Museum Shop 6 Wallet Sendai Souvenirs The Traditionalhi Japanese Kokes 700yen Kasugamachi 春日町 g Sendaihira Lon Sendai Station West Exit 仙台駅西口 ードケース 仙台七夕のカ キュート雑貨 Ichibancho 一番町 595yen いる が 彫 刻さ れ て 持 ち手 に 牡 丹 みやげとし な価 格で、お 繊 細さと手頃 。 て人気がある Cute Items 仙台には伝統工芸品やかわいい雑貨など、 旅の思い出に持ち帰りたくなる小物がたくさんある。 レンタサイクルも使って仙台のおみやげ探しに出掛けよう。 ta Sendai Tanaba Card Case Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 If you register on the website, you can rent an electric bicycle at special “ports” (parking areas) around the city. There are various fee systems, including a one-day pass for 1,029 yen and a student pass for 822 yen. When renting a bike, you must show an ID and have a mobile phone that works in Japan. ホームページなどで会員登録すると、市内各所の専用ポート (駐輪場 )で電 動自転車をレンタルできる。料金システムは1日パス1029円や学生パス822 円などさまざま。借りる際には身分証と携帯電話が必要だ。 DHUMOS 5 1F, 1-10-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku (DATE BIKE Service Station) BA 2-minute walk from JR Sendai Station G1-day pass from 1,029 yen (subject to change) J8:0019:00 ● Closed : Open 365 days a year PNone *In order to rent a bicycle, you must have a mobile phone that can be used in Japan and a form of ID (passport, etc.). In addition, if you cannot speak Japanese, you must be accompanied by someone who can. Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 11 Sendai Station West Exit 仙台駅西口 Beef tongue grill Rikyu Nishiguchi Honten 牛たん炭焼 利久 西口本店 2022-266-5077 MP20C1 仙台市内に23店舗を構える人気店。 厚切りの牛たんはやわらかく食べやす い。牛たん定食には麦飯、テールスー プなどが付く。 (1,620 yen during dinner service) 甘味処 彦いち 2022-223-3618 MP20A1 Boiled edamame (green soybeans) are coarsely mashed, so that chunks of edamame remain intact, and this mash, called zunda, is used to coat mochi (sticky rice cakes). This store is also famous for its anmitsu (a Japanese dessert) made using homemade anko red bean paste and agar. Chilled Chinese noodles served with cucumber, egg, and other ingredients. Delicious Foods of Sendai Date-Uma 牛たん冷やし中華 1,500yen Kokubuncho 国分町 Chinese cuisine Enraisyan Sendai Kokubunchouten 中国料理 燕来香 仙台国分町店 2022-262-7147 MP20A1 The head chef of this Chinese restaurant is from Taiwan. One popular dish with tourists is the gyutan hiyashi chuka, or beef tongue over chilled Chinese noodles. The tongue is first steamed, and then grilled on its surface. 台湾出身の料理長が作る中国料理の 店。蒸してから表面を焼いた牛たんを のせた 「牛たん冷やし中華」が観光客に 人気がある。 DToshiba Sendai Bldg. B1, 2-22 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku BA 20-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J11:30-22:00 (last order) ●Closed: Open 365 days a year PUse the reserved parking lot (1 hour free with a purchase of 3,000 yen or more). What is Sendai zuke-don? Vinegared rice is topped with flounder and other whitemeat fish marinated in soy sauce. Gourmet 仙台を代表するうまいもの 伊達美味グルメ Date-Uma is a catchphrase that refers to all of the delicious foods that Sendai has to offer, and includes a wide variety of items from Japanese dishes to sweets to souvenir treats. If you visit Sendai, be sure to sample some of them! 伊達美味とは、仙台で生まれた 「おいしいもの」のキャッチフレーズで、 和食やスイーツ、おみやげまで幅広く揃う。 仙台を訪れたら、ぜひご賞味を。 Sendai also has a variety of other delicious restaurants. See website for detail. Sendai zuke-don 仙台づけ丼 1,620yen Legend Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 指差し会話で対応します。 210yen What is sasakamaboko? White-meat fish is ground, formed into bamboo leaf (sasa) shapes, steamed and then grilled. Chinese Restaurant SAIKA Stir-fried noodles are covered with spicy mabodofu. 2022-222-8300 MP20A1 English Because the noodles here are covered with spicy and hot mabodofu (a spicy mix of ground meat and tofu) as soon as they’re ready to eat, they remain piping hot. The popular hiyashi-chuka (chilled Chinese noodles) are also available all year round. Mabo Yakisoba マーボー焼きそば 950yen 出来上がる直前にピリ辛のマーボー 豆腐をかけるため、麺はいつでも熱々。 通年提供している冷やし中華も人気が ある。 D2-15-1 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku BA 2-minute walk from KotodaiKoen Station on the subway J11:3022:45 ●Closed:Mondays PNone You can buy these at Sendai Station, and no need to worry, since they’ll keep for a long time! Date-Uma Gourmet Souvenirs! 伊達美味グルメみやげ Hitachiya chacco tamatebako 日立家「chacco 玉手箱」 自然素材で作った練り菓子、おこしなど、 ひと口サイズの仙台駄がしが詰まった セット。小袋サイズもある。 Kasho Sanzen Hagino-Tsuki Package of 8:1,490yen A B C Power outlets available inside. 店内でコンセントが使えます。 Earphone guide available. イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 ソフトな食感のホームメイドタイプクッ キー・カントリーマアムの東北限定味。 Date-no-Gyutan Honpo Yawaraka Gyutan jerky A B C This is a very tender beef tongue jerky. It’s seasoned with salt and other spices for just the right amount of spiciness. ふんわりしたカステラ生地の中にオリジ ナルカスタードクリームがたっぷり入っ ている。 Wi-Fi available inside. Package of 16:700yen C These “Country Ma’am” soft homemade-style cookies in a zunda (mashed green soybean) flavor are only available in the Tohoku region. 860yen Fluffy sponge cakes are generously filled with an original custard cream. やわらかく仕上げた牛たんのジャーキー。塩など で味付けし、ほどよい辛みが特徴。 Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 A You can purchase these items here Omiyagedokoro (souvenir spot) Sendai No. 1 おみやげ処せんだい 1 号 2022-261-1790 MP20C2 不二家「カントリーマアム(ずんだ) 」 DJ7:00-21:30 伊達の牛たん本舗 「やわらか牛たんジャーキー(一味あじ)」 菓匠三全「萩の月」 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます Fujiya COUNTRY MA’AM (Zunda) Package of 21:1,250yen C This inexpensive set of Sendai sweets includes bite-size sweets made from bean paste and okoshi, or sweet rice cakes, made from natural ingredients. Also available in small packages. English DTachibana Bldg. 5F, 3-3-25 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku BA 15-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J11:30 -14:00, 17:00 – 21:00 (last order) (On Sundays, last orders are at 20:30) ●Closed:Open 365 days a year PNone 笹かまぼこ手焼き体験 D4-5-41 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku BTake the subway from Sendai Station bound for Izumi Chuo for 3 minutes, and get off at KotodaiKoen Station. It’s a 5-minute walk from there. J11:00-19:00 (last order at 18:30)(Times may vary depending on the season) ● Closed:Mondays (if Monday is a national holiday, closed the next day) PUse the reserved parking lot (1 hour free with a purchase of 1,500 yen or more). 中国美点菜 彩華 SUSHI-DINING TACHIBANA 仙台づけ丼には白身魚など12種類の 新鮮なネタを使用。アメリカから逆輸 入して日本流にアレンジしたロール寿 司も人気。 Grill your own sasakamaboko. What is Sendai Mabo Yakisoba? お寿司と旬彩料理 たちばな Sendai zuke-don is a rice bowl topped with 12 varieties of fresh white-meat fish and other ingredients. Also popular are the sushi rolls, which are American-style sushi rolls adapted to Japanese tastes. D2-3-18 Chuo, Aoba-ku BA 10-minute walk from JR Sendai StationJ10:00-19:00 (last orders at the grill-it-yourself station are at 17:00.) ●Closed:Open 365 days a year PUse the reserved parking lot (1 hour free with a purchase of 3,000 yen or more). Kokubuncho 国分町 Ichibancho 一番町 2022-223-3706 MP20B2 12 粗くつぶしているため枝豆の粒々感 が残るずんだを餅にたっぷりかけてい る。自家製の餡や寒天を使用したあん みつも評判。 白身魚を使って焼いた笹かまぼこは 昔からの仙台名産。店内地下には、自 分で焼いた笹かまぼこが味わえる手焼 き体験コーナーがある。 Sasakamaboko, a fish paste made using white-meat fish and then grilled, has been a Sendai specialty since old times. On the store’s basement floor, there’s an area where you can try grilling your own sasakamaboko. 510yen Kanmidokoro Hikoichi 牛たん定食 1,296yen 2022-221-7121 MP20B2 ずんだ Ichibancho 一番町 What is hiyashi chuka? Gyutan Hiyashi Chuka Abe Kamabokoten Main Store 阿部蒲鉾店 本店 Zunda Mochi Beef Tongue Special DHerb Sendai Bldg. 5F, 1-6-1 Chuo, Aoba-ku BA 5-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J11:3014:30 (last order) (from 11:00 on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays), 17:00-22:30 (last order) ●Closed:Open 365 days a year PNone Sendai Station West Exit 仙台駅西口 Boiled edamame (green soybeans) are mashed coarsely, and sweetened with sugar. In this dish, beef tongue is seasoned with salt and other spices and grilled over charcoal. English, Chinese This popular eater y has 23 branches in Sendai City. The thickly sliced beef tongue is tender and tasty. The Tongue Special comes with mugimeshi (boiled barley and rice), oxtail soup, and other sides. What is zunda? What is grilled beef tongue? Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 ● Closed: Open 365 days a year B Omiyagedokoro (souvenir spot) Sendai No. 2 おみやげ処せんだい 2 号 2022-261-1790 MP20C2 DJ7:15-21:15 ● Closed: Open 365 days a year C S-PAL Sendai Main Building B1 Sendai Miyagekan エスパル仙台 本館地下一階 仙臺みやげ館 2Different for each store MP20C2 DJ10:00-20:30 ● Closed: Irregular holidays US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 13 Nightspots ナイトスポット Ichibancho 一番町 S. European Bar INATÕRA 南欧バル INATÕRA 2022-723-4611 MP20A1 English,Italian, Spanish In this bar-style restaurant, enjoy paella, pizza, tapas and other European-style dishes. There is a wine cellar containing more than 100 different wines, and the prices are very reasonable. バル風の店内でパエリヤやピッツァ、 タパスなどを食べられる。100種類以 上を揃えるワインセラーもあり、料金 もリーズナブル。 Kokubuncho 国分町 D4-3-22 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku BTake the subway from Sendai Station bound for Izumi Chuo for 1 minute, and get off at Hirose-Dori Station. It’s a 5-minute walk from there.J17:00-1:00 (on Fridays, open until 2:00; on Saturdays, open from 16:00-2:00; on Sundays and national holidays, open from 16:00-1:00) ●Closed:When the building is closed. PNone Head for Kokubuncho! Grill and Sansai Dishes Jiraiya 仙台で夜を過ごすなら国分町がおすすめ 炭火焼 山塞料理 地雷也 More than 2,000 restaurants and bars are crowded into this lively nightspot. Restaurants serving food made from local ingredients and stylish bars are among the establishments in Tohoku’s best dining and drinking area. 2022-261-2164 MP20A1 English, Chinese, Korean, Formosan Enjoy local gourmet dishes at this restaurant, which uses seasonal Miyagi Prefecture ingredients such as oysters and Sendai beef. Also recommended is a glass of original Jiraiya sake (864 yen). The opportunity to enjoy a variety of cuisines is one of Sendai’s charms. Ethnic Restaurants and Nightspots Ethnic The velvety-smooth chicken liver mousse (500 yen) pairs perfectly with wine. ワインとの相性がいい、なめら か鶏白レバームース 500 円 各国料理 Restaurants 多彩な料理を楽しめるのも仙台の魅力 各国料理の店&ナイトスポット 2000軒以上の店がひしめくナイトスポット。 地元食材の美味しい店やスタイリッシュなバー など多彩な店が揃う東北一の飲食店街。 牡蠣や仙台牛など宮城県産の旬の素 材を使ったご当地グルメを楽しめる。 オリジナルの 「地雷也 」グラス864円な どの日本酒もおすすめ。 DInomata Bldg. B1, 2-1-15 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku BTake the subway from Sendai Station bound for Izumi Chuo for 3 minutes, and get off at Kotodai-Koen Station. It’s a 5-minute walk from there. J17:00 – 23:00 (last order) (Last order at 22:00 on Sundays and national holidays) ● Closed: Sundays (open if Sunday is part of a long weekend), the last day of a series of consecutive holidays PNone Tokudai (supersized) Kinki: from 5,940 yen (forefront of the photo); thickly sliced portions of beef tongue, grilled over charcoal: 1,620 yen (back of photo) 特大キンキ 5940 円∼(写真手前) 、厚切りの牛タン炭火焼 1620 円(写真奥) Kokubuncho 国分町 Sendai is crowded with unique restaurants, including those serving European and other Asian cuisines. There are also many izakaya ( Japanese-style bars) where you can drink in comfort. Nihonichi no Sakanabaka Ichiba Ishinomakiko Tsuda Sengyoten Every night (Mon.-Sat.) from around 20:00, this shop auctions off whole fish caught that morning, starting at 100 yen. If you buy one of the fish, the staff will turn it into sashimi or grill or cook it for you at no extra charge. NOYAU ノワイヨ Vegetarian sampler plate including vegetable soup and cake salé (1,080 yen) 野菜のスープやケークサレなどが味わえる ベジタリアンプレート 1080 円 14 Legend 魚、肉、卵、乳製品などの動物性素 材を一切使わず、植物性の食材のみの ベジタリアンカフェ。体調や気分に合 わせてブレンドしてくれるハーブティー もある。 D3-10 Kitamemachi, Aoba-ku BAn 11-minute walk from JR Sendai Station J12:00-18:00 ● Closed:Monday to Wednesday PNone 月∼土曜の毎晩8時頃から石巻の朝 獲れ鮮魚を100円から競り落とせるイ ベントを開催。刺身はもちろん、追加 料金なしで焼き魚や煮つけも調理。 D2-7-5 Kokubuncho, Aoba-ku BAn 8-minute walk from Hirose-Dori Station on the subway J17:00-1:00 (open until 24:00 on Sundays and national holidays) ● Closed:Open 365 days a year PNone ZamZam Special Thali: for 2,160yen, enjoy 3 types of curry Yoshinari 吉成 ZAMZAM ザムザムスペシャルタリ 2160 円は 3 種の カレーが楽しめる ZAMZAM HALAL 2022-725-7863, 090-2993-4601MP7B2 All the ingredients used here are certified as halal. The native Indian chef makes all the curries, but the most popular are the spinach and shrimp curries. 7 kinds of takeout such as Indian food are also available(¥500∼). English, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali D3-1-30 Yoshinari, Aoba-ku B32 minutes from Sendai Station by bus bound for Kunimigaoka-Itchome. Get off at Yoshinari-Itchome and walk for 4 minutes. J11:30-14:30, 17:30-22:00 ● Closed:Mondays P5 spaces Local Ishinomaki Fish Sashimi: from 539 yen. A combination platter featuring different fish is also available. 食材はハラールに認定。インド出身 のシェフが作る各種カレーはほうれん 草や海老が人気。インド料理などの7 種類のテイクアウトも500円∼。 Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) from the Site of Sendai Castle . 仙台城跡から夜景と朝日を眺めよう 2022-397-6980 MP20A1 Kitamemachi 北目町 This vegetarian café serves foods that contain zero animal products such as fish, meat, eggs, or dairy. Try an herb tea blended to suit your own physical condition and mood. View the sunset or sunrise 日本一の魚バカ市場 石巻港 津田鮮魚店 個性豊かな飲食店がひしめく仙台は、 アジアや欧州料理のレストランなども充実。 安心して酒を飲める居酒屋なども数多くある。 2022-715- 8950 MP8C2 Sightseeing Information If you want to enjoy the nightlife in Sendai, *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 指差し会話で対応します。 2022-214-8259 (Tourism Exchange Section, Sendai City Government) MP8B2 A wonderful view of the sunset or sunrise can be seen from the Site of Sendai Castle. The area around the statue of Date Masamune on horseback is lit up from sunset until 23:00, creating a dramatic atmosphere. 仙台城跡からは夜景や朝日を見ることができる。伊達政宗 公騎馬像周辺は日没から23時までライトアップされており、ド ラマチックな雰囲気。 DFor details, see p. 9. View Sendai City at night Before going to view the sunfrom the observatory at the rise, be sure to check what Site of Sendai Castle. time it is scheduled to rise! 仙台城跡の展望所からは夜の 仙台市街を一望できる 朝日を見に行く前に日の出の時 間をチェック! 石巻の地魚の刺身は 539 円∼。各種盛り合 わせも可能 Wi-Fi available inside. Power outlets available inside. 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます 店内でコンセントが使えます。 Earphone guide available. イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 15 Johgi Nyorai Sakunami Hot Springs Nikka Whisky Miyagikyo Distillery “Power Spot” and ニッカウヰスキー仙台工場宮城峡蒸溜所 2022-395-2865 MP7B1 Malt whisky is distilled and matured at this distillery. A one-hour guided tour of the manufacturing process, which includes a whisky tasting, is available. Historical Hot Spring Area パワースポット定義如来 & 歴史ある温泉地・作並温泉 Johgi Nyorai Bus Sendai Ekimae → Sendai city bus bound for Johgi (1 hour 15 minutes) → Johgi Car Tohoku Expressway Sendai-Miyagi IC → National Highway 48, Prefectural Road 55 (approx. 25 km) → Johgi Sakunami Hot Springs Bus Sendai Ekimae → Sendai city bus bound for Sakunami Onsen (62 min.) → Nikkabashi → 9 min. → Sakunami Onsen Motoyu Train Sendai Station → JR Senzan Line (30 – 40 min.) → Sakunami Station Car Tohoku Expressway Sendai-Miyagi IC → National Highway 48 (approx. 22 km) → Sakunami Onsen ● Information:Sendai City Miyagi-chiku Information Office Johgi Nyorai and Sakunami Hot Springs are located about an hour’s drive from Sendai Station. The entire area is surrounded by natural beauty, and sightseeing spots and restaurants abound. 定義如来や作並温泉は、 仙台駅から車で1時間ほどで行ける。 周辺は豊かな自然に囲まれ、 観光スポットやレストランもたくさんある。 2022-395-2052 D1 Nikka, Aoba-ku BA 7-minute walk from the Nikkabashi bus stopGFree J09:00-16:30 (tour reception times are from 09:00-11:30 and 12:3015:30) ●Closed : Irregular holidays P100 spaces モルトウイスキーなどの蒸溜・貯蔵を 行う蒸溜所。ガイドの案内で製造工程 を見学、ウイスキーの試飲も含めて約1 時間で回ることができる。 A brickwork factory stands on the grounds, which cover an area of 180,000 square meters. 18 万㎡の広大な敷地に建つレンガ造りの工場 Tsutsumiya Sakunami-ten Branch つつみ屋 作並店 2022-395-2165 MP17 Smooth anko bean paste with walnuts is enfolded in dough and then deep-fried to make tsutsumiage (103 yen), this shop’s showcase product. Another popular treat is the dumplings on a skewer, which are brushed with sauce after you order them (5 varieties). 2022-393-2011 MP7B1 This temple is connected to Taira no Sadayoshi, a retainer to Kiyomori, an aristocrat from the Heian Period. Many people visit here to seek good luck in marriage. One highlight is the zelkova trees planted in memory of Emperor Antoku. D1 Okura Johge, Aoba-ku BA 3-minute walk from the Johgi bus stop GFree J07:00-17:00 (hours may vary depending on the season) ● Closed: Open 365 days a year P500 spaces Legend 高さ 29m の五重塔や入館無料の資料館もある Places to stop by near Johgi 定義の立ち寄りスポット Johgi Tofu-ten 定義とうふ店 2022-393-2035 MP7B1 Johgi abura-age (120 yen) are triangular pieces of tofu from which the moisture has been removed, after which they’re deep fried in soybean oil. The crunchy treats are a local gourmet specialty. Enjoy them with soy sauce and a spicy blend of seven spices, including chili pepper. 豆腐の水分を抜いてから大豆油で揚げた三角定義あぶ らあげ120円はカリッとした食感の名物グルメ。醤油と七 味唐辛子で食べる。 D1-2 Okura Shimomichi, Aoba-ku BA 2-minute walk from Johgi bus stop J08:0017:00 ● Closed : Irregular holidays PMunicipal parking lot, 50 spaces Hayatomi はやとみ 2022-393-2146 MP7B1 Set in an old-style Japanese house, this restaurant serves seasonal dishes and sweets. At the front of the restaurant, you can purchase homemade miso oden (hotpot) for 110 yen and yakimeshi (fried rice) for 220 yen. 古民家風の店で、季節の食事や甘味などを味わえる。 店頭では自家製みそをつけたみそおでん110円や焼めし 220円などを販売。 D7 Okura Johge, Aoba-ku BA 3-minute walk from Johgi bus stop J11:00-16:00 (Changes depending on the season) ● Closed: Irregular holidays P50 spaces Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) Hiraga Kokeshi Shop *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. 平賀こけし店 2022-395-2523 MP17 The dough, made from butter and eggs, creates a crunchy crust that’s not too sweet. バターや卵が入った生地は甘さ控えめ でサクッとした食感 ● 英語版_2 C M Y K 59×55 P3 spaces All about Sakunami Hot Springs! This hot spring resort was first opened in 1796, and is beloved by many as one of Sendai’s best secluded locations. The hot spring water is gentle on the skin, and thus the hot spring is also known as the Bijozukuri no yu, or “hot spring that creates beautiful women.” HOTEL Sightseeing Information Service available in English. 英語が使えます。 You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. Sakunami Onsen Motoyu Yosenkaku Iwamatsu Ryokan P17 Wi-Fi available inside. Power outlets available inside. 店内でコンセントが使えます。 Sakunami Onsen Nakamachi La 楽リゾート Hotel グリーングリーン 2022-395-2011 Yunohara Hotel 湯の原ホテル 2022-395-2241 Katakuri no Yado かけ流し温泉 かたくりの宿 2022-395-2041 Earphone guide available. Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 Katakuri no Yado P17 Aoba Ward Yunohara Hotel P17 48 N Yosenkaku Iwamatsu Ryokan イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 Sakunami Onsen hot springs Spa station LaSanta Sakunami Onsen Iriguchi La-la Resort Hotel Green Green P17 200m Sakunami Hot Springs 鷹泉閣 岩松旅館 2022-395-2211 1796年の開湯以来、仙台の奥座 敷として多くの人に愛されてきた温 Yuzukushi Salon Ichinobo ゆづくし Salon 一の坊 2022-395-2131 泉。肌にやさしい泉質から 「美女づ くりの湯 」とも言われている。 Yosenkaku Iwamatsu Ryokan Outdoor Hot Spring 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます To Tendo Hiraga Kokeshi Shop P17 Yuzukushi Salon Ichinobo P17 La-la Resort Hotel Green Green Driving Map 鷹泉閣 岩松旅館の露天風呂 指差し会話で対応します。 作並こけしの製造・販売をしている 工房。事前予約すれば、模様がないこ Sakunami kokeshi dolls are made けしに自由に絵を描ける絵付け体験 and sold at this workshop. If 700円∼もできる。 you make a reservation, you can D13 Sakunami Motoki, Aoba-ku decorate your own blank kokeshi BA 5-minute walk from the Sakunadoll in any pattern you want (700 mi Onsen Motoyu bus stop J07:00るるぶ特別編集 仙台 日英版 017 作並温泉_ yen and up). 19:00 Closed : Irregular holidays To Yamadera Station Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 Tsutsumiya Sakunami-ten Branch P17 Sakunami Station JR an Senz Line To Sendai Station 平安時代の貴族、平清盛の家臣・平 貞能ゆかりの寺院。縁結びにご利益が あると多くの人が訪れる。安徳天皇を 弔ったと伝わるケヤキも見どころ。 16 There is also a 29-meter tall 5-story pagoda, as well as a museum of documents that is free to enter. English You can watch the creation process in the adjacent studio. 隣接する工房では制作作業の見学ができる クルミ入りのこし餡を生 地で包んで揚げた、つつみ 揚げ103円が看板商品。注 文を受けてからタレをつけ る串団子 (全5種類 )も人気。 Gokurakuzan Saihoji Temple (Johgi Nyorai) 極楽山西方寺(定義如来) D32-7 Sakunami Ainosawa, Aoba-ku BA 3-minute walk from JR Sakunami Station J08:30-18:00 ● Closed : Open 365 days a year PNone Sakunami To Sendai-Miyagi IC US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 17 This famous hot spring was a favorite of Date Masamune Akiu Hot Springs 伊達政宗公も愛した名湯 秋保温泉 This hot spring resort area is only 30 minutes from Sendai Station by car, and is lined with many ryokan, or Japanese inns. Enjoy Sendai’s hot springs in the midst of natural beauty. You can also enjoy walking along a gorge. Celebrate Sendai’s Four Seasons Festivals & Events 仙台の四季を盛り上げる祭り&イベント 仙台駅から車で30分ほどで行ける温泉地で、多くの旅館が並ぶ。 仙台の温泉と自然を一度に楽しめる。峡谷の散策も楽しもう。 Car Bus Tohoku Expressway Sendai-Minami IC → Sendai Station → Miyagi Kotsu bus bound for National Route 286 (approx. 9 km) → Akiu Hot Springs Akiu Onsen (49 min.) → Akiu Bunka no Sato Center → 2 min. → Akiu Onsen Yumoto ● Information: Akiu Hot Springs Tourist Information Center 2022-398-2323 Sendai holds many festivals and events throughout the year, from the Aoba Matsuri in spring to the Jazz Festival in autumn. 春の仙台・青葉まつりや秋のジャズフェスティバルなど、 仙台市内では1年を通して祭りやイベントが数多く開かれている。 Sendai Aoba Matsuri Festival Sightseeing All about Akiu Hot Springs! Information Often called one of Sendai’s best secluded 各工房ごとに展示・販売、体験などが行われている Akiu Craft Park Artisans working in traditional crafts have set up nine studios where they create, display and sell such products as Edo spinning tops, Sendai tansu, and traditional kokeshi. 2022-223-8441 (Sendai Aoba Matsuri Festival Sponsorship Association Secretariat) MP20A1, etc. During the Yoi Matsuri (Evening Festival) held on Saturday, the Suzume Odori (Sparrow Dance) is the showcase event. The main festival on Sunday features the parading of Aoba Shrine’s mikoshi (portable shrine) through the center of the city, together with gorgeous floats and a procession of warriors. 仙台の奥座敷とよばれ、 江戸時代には伊達政宗公も立ち寄っ Spa Hotel Sakan, familyowned for 1,000 years. たという。福島県飯坂、宮城県鳴子と並ぶ奥州三名湯の一つ。 伝承千年の宿 佐勘の内湯 秋保工芸の里 2022-398-2673 (Ganguan Kokesi-ya) MP18A 仙台・青葉まつり locations, Akiu Hot Springs was also visited by Date Masamune in the Edo Period. It is one of Japan’s Top 3 Oshu Region Hot Springs, together with Fukushima Prefecture’s Iizaka Hot Springs and Miyagi Prefecture’s Naruko Hot Springs. Each studio displays and sells the artisans’ works, and offers hands-on workshops. HOTEL English D 54 Uehara, Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku-ku BA 15-minute walk from the Akiu Onsen Yumoto bus stop J09:00-17:00 ●Closed: Irregular holidays P100 spaces Service available in English. August 6 – 8 英語が使えます。 Hotel Hananoyu Satoya Ryokan Hotel Zuiho Hotel Sakan ホテル華乃湯 2022-397-3141 Akiu Grand Hotel Hotel New Mitoya Nozokibashi Pension Ryokan Senshu Hotel Ryokusuitei Akiunosato Banjiya 旅館仙秋 2022-397-1333 秋保の郷ばんじ家 2022-397-3156 篝火の湯 緑水亭 2022-397-3333 Oshu Akiu Onsen Rantei AKIU RESORT HOTEL CRESCENT 奥州秋保温泉 蘭亭 2022-397-1515 This traditional event has been held since the Tokugawa Era (Edo Period), and approximately 2 million spectators visit every year. The main venue is the shopping arcade that runs from Sendai Station to Ichibancho, which is lavishly adorned with gorgeous bamboo grass decorations. 秋保リゾート ホテルクレセント 2022-397-3111 Saryo Souen Ki no Ie Lodge Town Ryokan Sansaiso Hotel Kiyomizu Iwanumaya Kankane Onsen 旅館山菜荘 2022-398-2646 藩政時代から続く伝統行事で、毎年 約200万人の見物客が訪れる。仙台駅 前から一番町までのアーケード商店街 を中心に華やかな笹飾りが並ぶ。 DShopping arcades in the center and outskirts of the city, etc. BThe shopping arcade that is the main venue is a 5-15-minute walk from JR Sendai Station. The Saturday and Sunday before the second Monday in October Michinoku Yosakoi Festival 木の家ロッジ村 2022-397-2714 茶寮宗園 2022-398-2311 地元作家の作品や秋 保電鉄のジオラマな どを展示 2022-265-8185 (Sendai Tanabata Festival Sponsorship Association) MP20B2, etc. ホテルニュー水戸屋 2022-398-2301 覗橋ペンション 2022-398-2422 Works by local craftspeople and artists and a diorama of the Akiu electric railway are on display. 仙台七夕まつり 伝承千年の宿 佐勘 2022-398-2233 秋保グランドホテル 2022-397-3131 江戸独楽、仙台箪笥、伝統こけしな どを制作する伝統工芸の職人が9つの 工房を構えており、作品を展示・販売し ている。 Sendai Tanabata Festival 佐藤屋旅館 2022-398-2711 ホテル瑞鳳 2022-397-1111 ホテルきよ水 2022-397-2555 2022-268-2656 (Michinoku YOSAKOI Festival Executive Committee) To Akiu Otaki Waterfall Akiu Sato Center A Hi kiu P18 AKIU gh RESORT wa y HOTEL 秋保・里センター 2022-304-9151 MP18B 18 Legend P18 Natori-gaw a River Akiu-machi Yumukai N Akiu Hot Springs Driving Map 200m P18 Nozokibashi Hotel Sakan P18 62 Akiu Onsen Yumoto Takuto Medical Rehabilitation Center Yakushi Nozokibashi Bridge 131 Akiu Bunka no Sato Center Sendai Kaleidoscopes Hotel Art Museum P18 Hananoyu Pension Yumoto Civic Center Akiu Onsen Entrance P18 Hotel Akiu Zuiho Grand Hotel P18 Rairaikyo Matsuba Gorge Spa Garden Akiu Terme To National Highway 286 / Sendai-Minami 秋保に関する情報を発信する施設。館内の観光案内所で 情報提供を行うほか、1年を通して、さまざまなイベントを 行っている。 D40-7 Teradahara, Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku-ku BA short walk from the Akiu Bunka no Sato Center bus stop J09:00-18:00 ● Closed: Open 365 days a year P25 spaces Yumoto Elementary School CRESCENT Akiunosato Banjiya Yumukai English This facility distributes information about Akiu. The Tourist Information Center inside the building provides information, while various events are held throughout the year. Akiu Woody Sports Park Saryo Souen P18 Tenshukaku Takuto School For Physically Akiu-machi Ryokan Handicapped Children Nature Park Rairaikyo Gorge Sansaiso P18 Yumoto P18 Hotel New Mitoya Hotel Ryokusuitei P18 Iwanumaya P18 P18 Ryokan Senshu Akiu Sato Center P18 Ichitaro no Yu P18 Satoya Ryokan (Tenshukaku Oshu Akiu P18 Nature Park) Onsen Rantei Akiu Kogei no Sato Taihaku Ward, A P18 Akiu Craft Park Yumoto Park Service available in _______. (Each store will fill in the applicable language.) ____語が使えます。 (具体的な言語名は店ごとに記載しています ) *This service may be in the form of conversation with a staff member, or through guidebooks or menus prepared in that language. B You can communicate with staff by pointing at phrases. 指差し会話で対応します。 Sendai City MP20A1, etc. Teams perform choreographed dances while wielding naruko, small wooden clappers originally used by local farmers to scare birds away from rice paddies. In 2014, 180 teams from all over the country participated. 地元民謡を取り入れカスタネットの ような 「鳴子 」を手に、各チームが一糸 乱れぬ創作ダンスを披露する。2014年 は全国から180チームが参加した。 DJozenji-dori Ave., Shimin Hiroba, etc.BThe main venue, Shimin Hiroba, is a short walk from KotodaiKoen Station on the subway. Wi-Fi available inside. Power outlets available inside. 店内で Wi-Fi が使えます 店内でコンセントが使えます。 土曜に行われる宵まつりでは、す ずめ踊りが披露される。日曜の本ま つりでは青葉神社の神輿や豪華絢爛 な山鉾、武者行列などが市街中心部 を練り歩く。 DJozenji-dori Ave., Shimin Hiroba, Kotodai Park, in front of JR Sendai Station, etc. BTo reach the main venue, Jozenji-dori Avenue, take the subway from Sendai Station bound for Izumi Chuo, and get off at Kotodai-Koen Station. It’s a short walk from there. The second Sunday in September and the Saturday before JOZENJI STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL in SENDAI 定禅寺ストリートジャズフェスティバル in 仙台 2022-722-7382 (JOZENJI STREETJAZZ FESTIVAL Executive Committee) MP20A1, etc. More than 700 professional and amateur bands play a variety of music, from jazz and rock to gospel, at locations all around the city, such as Jozenji-dori Avenue. 定禅寺通など市内各所で、プロ・ア マのバンド700組以上が、ジャズやロッ ク、ゴスペルなどさまざまなジャンル の音楽を演奏する。 DJozenji-dori Ave., Shimin Hiroba, Kotodai Park, in front of JR Sendai Station, etc. BThe main venue, Shimin Hiroba, is a short walk from Kotodai-Koen Station on the subway. みちのく YOSAKOI まつり るるぶ特別編集 仙台2022-398-2011 日英版 018 秋保温泉_英語版_2 C M Y K 119×55 岩沼屋 神ヶ根温泉 2022-398-2520 To Ayashi Station The third Sunday in May and the Saturday before Early December – December 31 Sendai Pageant of Starlight SENDAI 光のページェント 2022-261-6515 (Sendai Pageant of Starlight Executive Committee) MP20A1, etc The zelkova trees that line Jozenjidori Avenue are decorated with hundreds of thousands of lights. Three times each evening, at 18:00, 19:00, and 20:00, the lights are turned off and then on again in what is known as the “Starlight Wink.” Earphone guide available. イヤーフォンガイドが使えます。 Menus with pictures available. 写真付きメニューがあります。 定禅寺通のケヤキ並木が数十万個 の電球で飾られる。18・19・20時の3回、 消灯と点灯を行う 「スターライト・ウイ ンク」が見どころのひとつ。 DJozenji-dori Ave., Shimin Hiroba, etc. BThe main venue, Jozenjidori Avenue, is a short walk from Kotodai-Koen Station on the subway. Halal-certified. ハラールに対応しています。 US dollars accepted. Photographs may not be taken inside. ドルが使えます。 店内は撮影禁止です。 19 るるぶ特別編集 仙台 日英版 020 仙台駅周辺_英語版_2 C M Y K 160×120 To Izumi Chuo Station Royal Mayflower Sendai Higashi Rokubancho Elementary School 45 ae-do Ekim e. ri Av -do zenji Kanahebisui Jinja Shrine Sendai Mitsukoshi Super Hotel Sendai Kokubuncho . ve gi ri A su mi -do ka sugi Ue Kasuga Jinja Shrine Sendai Aoba Matsuri Festival Venue P19 Kotodai Park JOZENJI STREETJAZZ Kotodai-Koen Ave. 45 FESTIVAL in SENDAI Nishikicho Station enji-dori Kaky Park oin-d Venue P19 Joz ori A ve. Kakyoin Shimin Hiroba (Citizen’ s Plaza) Sendai Pageant of Michinoku Yosakoi Festival Venue P19 Starlight Venue P19 Chinese Restaurant SAIKA P13 Manganji Temple Kasugamachi To Iwakiri Station Sendai Higashi Rokubancho Church Sendai Government Complex Higashi Rokubancho -dori Ave. KANEIRI Museum Shop 6 P11 Sendai Mediatheque Richmond Hotel Sendai Hotel Park Sendai 2 Miyamachi 1 cuisine Enraisyan Sendai Kokubunchouten Chuo-dori Ave. Clis Road TACHIBANA P19 Sendai Tanabata Festival Venue P10 Shimanuki main store -dor Aoba N Sendai Family Hotel Bel Air Sendai Court Sendai High Court Sakurano Sendai . Ave Abe Kamabokoten Main Store P13 Yamada Denki Comfort Hotel Sendai West Meijiya Westin Hotel Sendai Bus Terminal LibraryHotel Sendai-Ekimae EBeanS P13 S-PAL J S R Li hin Toh ne ka o ns ku en - JR Ma Toko in L hu ine Hamamonyo P11 Sendai Station BiVi Sendai S tation East Exit Omiyagedokoro Sendai No. 1, No. 2 P13 Sendai Station Sendai Comprehensive Tourist Information Center P6 Daiwa Roynet Hotel Sendai S-PAL Sendai Hotel Metropolitan Sendai Sendai Main Bldg. B1 Sendai Miyagekan Support available in English. Pamphlets available in English, Korean, Chinese, and Taiwanese. Hotel Monterey Sendai Sendai Teishin Hotel Unisite Sendai Sendai Hospital Washington Hotel Sendai Kokusai Hotel Hotel Foliage Sendai Chuo 4 Its P10 Sendai Souvenirs ve. uts ri A uba Sendai Trust Tower i-do 4 shi ach To Shiroishizao -do m e m Station ri A B Kitamemachi-dori Ave. Kita C ve. Fushimi Inari Jinja Shrine e. Driving Map im am Min ori i-d ach 77 Bank Head Office v iA Sendai Station Area y e a All Iroh Hotel Crown Hills Sendai Aoba-Dori r do hi as hoHigbanc Ni Sendai High Public Hotel Pearl Prosecutor’ s Office Nonaka City Sendai Jinja Sendai Daijingu Shrine Koto Saibanshomae Shrine 100m Tower Bldg. Higashi Nibancho Elementary School . i Ave Mall Sun ancho Ichib 2 Bansui Sodo Hermitage Richmond Hotel Premier Sendai Ekimae Shikama Jinja Shrine Parco Station Chuo 1 P11 Miyoshido JR ki le Sense Marb Omachi e in d L a Ro Daei oba-dori EDEN Fujisaki A Aoba-Dori First Fujisaki Ave. Loft Station P12 SUSHI-DINING Ark Hotel Sendai Aoba-Dori a Hapin Green Palace ai nd Se ation St Disaster Reconstruction Memorial Hall e dom Vlan ancho Ichib 48 P12 Chinese Tohoku Rocken Park To Miyagi Nohara Station Mitakisan Fudoin Temple To Furukawa Station Jinja Shrine ay bw u Su nbok Na e Lin uiBans dori Ave. o anch Ichib home Yonctengai treet Sho pping S S ho P15 Nihonichi e. ri Av Beef tongue grill Rikyu Nishiguchi no 4 Toyoko Inn Sendai LibraryHotel Higashi-Nibancho Honten P12 Nishiguchi Hirose-Dori Sakanabaka 1 Hotel Ichiba JAL City Tennen Onsen Aoba no Yu R&B Hotel Sendai Sendai Ishinomakiko Sendai Dormy Inn Sendai Ekimae Hirose-Dori Tennen Onsen Ekimae Tsuda Sengyoten Navic Mitsui Garden Aoba no Yu Hotel Kanmidokoro Hotel Sendai Dormy Inn Monte P15 Grill and Sansai Sendai Annex Chuo 2 Hermana Koyo Grand Hotel Smile Hikoichi P13 Sendai Hotel on Hirose-dori Ave. Stati Dishes Jiraiya i e-Dor Hiros Comfort Hotel Sendai Sendai Kokubuncho Hotel Dormy Inn Express Higashi-guchi . Hirose-dori Ave. e AER P14 S. European Bar INATÕRA Green Pacific v A Sendai Hirose-Dori ori d DATE BIKE e s Mori no Hotel Sendai Hotel Grand Hiro Terrace Sendai cho e Sendai Forus Service Station P11 k a Hotel Premium Kokubuncho Nak Kanahebisui Jo Hotel Green Park A To Natori Station Rurubu Special Compilation: Sendai / Akiu / Sakunami Translated Edition Rurubu Special Compilation: Sendai / Akiu / SakunamiTranslated Edition Published by:Tourism Exchange Office, International Economy / Tourism Department, Sendai City Economic Affairs Bureau Planning / Editing / Production: JTB Publishing Inc. ©JTB Publishing / Tourism Exchange Office, International Economy / Tourism Department, Sendai City Economic Affairs Bureau *Information in this pamphlet is current as of the end of October 2014. Some information may change after publication, so we recommend that you confirm the information by telephone or other means before departing on your trip. *All entrance fees, etc. listed in this pamphlet are the prices for adults. *As a general rule, the fees listed include the consumption tax. *As a general rule, we have omitted the Year End holidays, Obon holidays and Golden Week holidays when listing days that facilities are closed. *As a general rule, the times listed in this pamphlet, unless otherwise noted, are opening – closing. Please note that normally, last orders and final entry are 30 minutes – 1 hour before closing time. *Please note that there may be changes in travel information due to damage from natural disasters and depending on the season. Before leaving, please inquire with each transportation facility that you plan to use. Please note and acknowledge in advance that this company does not take responsibility for any damages incurred due to the information published in this pamphlet. *Maps published in this pamphlet were created with the approval of the Director of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan. 1/500,000 scale chorographic maps, 1/25,000 scale topographic maps, or 50 m mesh (elevation) digital maps issued by this Authority were used (Approval No. Hei23Joshi, No. 192-946/Hei23Joshi, No. 193-457). Photo courtesy : Miyagi Tourism and Convention Bureau, Zuihoden, Sendai City Museum, Sendai Pageant of Starlight Executive Committee Access Train Tokyo Station Tohoku Shinkansen Hayate (approx. 1 hour and 40 minutes) Sendai Airport Station Sendai Airport Access Line(25 minutes) Sendai Station Sendai Station Car Kawaguchi JCT Inquiries Sendai-Miyagi IC Tohoku Expressway (approx. 333 km) National Road 48 (approx. 7 km) Sendai Station Sendai Tourism & Convention Bureau2022-268-9568 Sendai Comprehensive Tourist Information Center2022-222-4069 Websites Sendai Tourism and Convention Bureau Sendai City [Sendai Tourism website] [Sendai Restaurant Shopping Guide] [Facebook]
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