r*F^m*w*f*r*^*ww-*r«. THREE THE EAST HAMPTON STAB, EAST HAMPTON,, N. Y„ OCTOBER 12, 1967 L VIS Holds Its Annual Meeting Miss Elliott Marries Sebastian Arnold Miss Kenny Wed Ai Little Flower Miss Nancy Lou Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C, Elliott of Salisbury, Md., and Sebastian Philip Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Arnold of Springs, "were married Saturday in St. Francis deSales Church, Salisbury. The Rev. John J. F a r n n g t o n performed the ceremony, assisted by t h e Rev. J. Robert Mackey of Asbury Methodist -Church. A reception was held at the Wicomico Hotel Ballroom, i The bride wore candlelight satin, with an elbow-length train of scalloped English illusion. She carried chrysanthemums, ivy, and wheat. The -maid of ho.nor was Mary Dvvyer, in moss chiffon and "Carrying yellow '• chrysanthemums, ivy, and wheat. Mrs. Everett Smith, Mrs. Jerald Myers, and Mrs. Charles Hay den were t h e other attendants,in persimmon chiffon. Gigi Eliiott was the flower girl, and CNaiaia MacDonald was t h e best man. The Knights of Columbus gave • t h e couple an honor guard salute. The bride was graduated from Mardela High School,- a n d is employed by the Salisbury Broadcasting Company. Mi\ Arnold, a graduate of ' Lafayette College, where he w a s a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity, is an Army veteran. He is a sales, representative for the - Paragon Oil Company. After a wedding trip to Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold will live in North Gardens. Salisbury. King-Bethea The engagement of Miss Laura Tillett Bethea, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Bethea of New York. to Robert Morgan King, has been announced. Mr, King is -the son of Mi->.-Donald E. Leith of East Hampton and New York, • T h e wedding is-planned for Dec. 9. Miss B e t h e a ' a t t e n d e d the Spence Sehupi and is a graduate of Chatham School in Chatham. Va. and Bennett College..She made her debut in the 1960-61 season and is a member of. the New York Junior League, Mr. King was graduated,from St. Paul's School in Concord. N. H„ 'rincelon University, and the llai- The East Hampton Ladies' Village write letters to County and- State night. events. Some members wantImprovement Society herd its an- highway officials. ed to make it mostly a children'.; Miss Patricia Marie Kenny, daughnual meeting on Monday afternoon Bond Issue fair.. A theater benefit was felt a ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenny at the home of Mrs. Nigel Young Mrs. T. S. Wolkowska spoke about « u o d t h i n S Mrs. Kennard asked for Bf West Lake Drive, Montauk, and on Woods Lane. It was well attend- the $2.5 billion bond issue coming suggestions at the November meetJonathan Bennett, --on of Mrs. Harvey ed. Mrs. Marjorie Kennard presided. u p (,n Election Day. Mrs. Wolkowska m » Bennett of Montauk Highway, AmaMrs. Harry Allaire read the fi- l v a d an editorial from the New York Tea was served. Mrs. Lotus P. gansett, were married Sunday afternancial report for the year. The Times titled "Why Hardware Always Dowciiuy and Mrs. Thomas Felder noon at the Church of., the Little receipts totalled' $41,078.42. Disburse- Wins." The . consensus of LVIS pouring. Flower. Montauk, by the Rev. Wilments for trees, greens, flags, etc. opinion seemed to be that everyone . . t lam White. were $21,375.40. Donations to local should vote.no, _ .. _ A reception followed at Canoe wganizations amounted to $3,970. T h e n the proposed East Hampton H o l l f J A KfiDOTt ^lace Inn. Hampton Bays. The bride, The Scholarship F u n d was SL037.50. high school and its swimming pool * who wore Chantilly lace and carried Operating expenses accounted for the came up for a spirited discussion, white loses with baby breath, was remainder. Opinions were slightly more divided tceomponied by Eileen Kenny, maid Mrs. Malcolm P. Aldrich. chair- 0 n this. The original cost of the of honor, in moss green velvet and man of the finance committee, read swimming pool, it was stated, was T i u ' E a s t H a m p t o n , Town I carrying yellow and orange chryover the budget for next year.'Estimated not ihe big item, but its maintenance, s p o r t e d two mu santhemums. In the receipts a r e $28,937.26. Estimated There seemed to be some resent- the past week The bridesmaids were Joanne vehicles received extern amage. expenses for improvements Kenny. Jacqueline Perrault, Mary 520,574.86. were put in a "package d'eal." to b u ! t h e Passengers were not seriousMeGuire, Barbara Kelly, Josephine The scholarship fund would be the voted on together. T h e times for Iv hurt. Bennett, and Nancy Ann McMahon, same as this past year. Operating'registration in order to b.e able to -Last Saturday, at 7:52 p.m. Cullis in royal blue velvet, Lawrence Harexpenses would be $5,975. Miseellane- vote oh this proposition (if one was E. Russell, 21, of Town Lane, East • vey Bennett was the best man. ous expenses w o u l d bring the bud- not present • at the July meeting>. Hampton and a passenger. Russell After a wedding trip to the BUST OF the late Paul Tillich J o Bennett will of East Ea"*T Hampton Hampton" has has""be'en"unV which appeared in the Star, were Da.vis. 22, of Springs Road. East 6"!3d get up to $28,937.26.% been unveilsd ... Paul Park Harmake their home in Montauk. Mr. .«» P » 4 fTillich SB"! P « k j nin New HarFair Receipts Down read out, and everyone was urged to Hampton received M K e a r d Bennett was graduated from East £mony, S £ » "Ind. L ? tAlfonso h T ^ w SOssorio * r f was ^ t ^the H » K e™ , • aftei^a 1956 Oldsmobilesedan driven Mr* n n a r d explained explained that, that, due due regtster register ano. a n d to to vuie. vote. Hampton High School, and is a Navy * ? ? £ t h_..,,., e o l o ^ T b y T & .. f&g* to rain, the 1967 Fair receipts do Streamlined Fair? " L d nofth'of A t e S m t Pith f t veteran. He is an burner serviceman not come u p to last year's. But the Mrs. Kennard said that the execu- R o a « n o i t h . o t Abraham s ^Patn a t with Marshall Prado in Montauk.' amount is enough to "take care of tive board had met and discussed » bend in the road and skidded 250 our responsibilities." she said. Mrs. Bennett is a graduate of the S O me wav of simplifying the annual feet along the shoulder before s t n k "This is no emergency; we' have LVIS Fair. It had become too diffi- i n § a * r e e - T h e «*> c l t > w a s " a v e l i n g Academy of the Sacred Heart of not been obliged to draw on our cult to manage, she said, pointing l n a southerly direction. Mary in Sag Harbor, and is employemergency fund. B u t ' t h e practice of out that costs have .gone u p and The two. were taken by t h e East ed by Fifth Atfehue Fashions, East giving donations to other organiza- up. Most of last year's booth Chair- Hampton Village ambulance to the Hampton. • Louis Andre, Terry Manning, and ll0nSi which only began in 1962 be- men refuse to serve again, she said! Southampton Hospual where Mr; Karl Verniandois, three young paint- c a u s e . w e took in more money than M r s Aidnch w h u was Fair chair- -Davis was treated for two day ers who have studied for_ the past w e needed, will be omitted this m a n { o r , w o y e a r s i n the 1950's Russell was treated at the hospital three summers with Alex Russo and • Mrs. Kennard said. a n d has done "construction for 'ten dispensary and released. Patrolman the Rev. Terence Netter in East Mrs. Edw-ard Maguire reported for y e a r < s l i i d t h e a v e r h e a d i s a p p a n i n g , Ronald Adams investigated, .the Hampton, are having a show at the t h t . t r e e committee that to date street ; o m e | h i n g like 50 per cent of re- accident. , , ' T ,. 1 .. , , Francis X. Callahan Gallery, 114 l r e e s h a d b o e n I e s s afflicted with c f , i p ^ Everyone seemed to agree On Tuesday at 0:15 p.m.. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kabisch of E a s t 3 7 t h street, New York. last year. , h a , l h c F a i r s h o u l d be re-vamped, Young, .21, of the Air Force Station Dulch e l m -disease than The show, with an opening recep- There were 15 affected trees on t h e m a d e S ij r>pl £,,./. Montauk. was taken by police ln nounced 'the engagement of their lion 8-10 p.m. next Monday, will. Village streets, and eight on private the to the East Hampton Medical Group O n o suggestion was t o - o m i t daughter, Penelope, to Eugene T. run through Nov. It after his 1962 Volkswagen sedan r a n property. Gagnon. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. into a tree on Montauk. Highway 500 Rene Hoguet, Mrs. Maguire said, Gagnon of Jackson. N. J. feet east of Essex Street in Montauk. was giving the Village a permanent, Robert. Moses, chairman of . the . Airman Young, traveling west on living Christmas tree, in memory of Triborough Bridge and Tunnel his sisters. Mrs. Joseph Ramee and the road, said he was forced off the Authority, has. announced the unMiss Marguerite Hoguet. With the, road in an attempt to avoid a deer. veiling of a plaque at the Triborough approval of the Village Board, this Patrolman Walter Loris investigated administration building on Randall's will - be placed on the slope of the accidentIsland on Tuesday, Oct. 17, honoring The East Hampton Branch of. the Memorial Green, the late Aymar Embury II of East American Association of University ' M n . Maude Tavlor reported that Hampton and New York. Women will present a public affairs t h e village Highway Commissioner is Q^hhi "Mr. Embury," Mr. Moses said. State constitutional giving a Christmas tree to be.placed program "contributed immeasurably not only issues, at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Guild a t ^ h e a d o f T o w n P o n d , ,., Hall. The program will be open Whether it's a ,, "FALL FOLIAGE" Tour or a winter cruise . . -.' Now is the time to choose! consult Aziz Sherif EAST HAMPTON TRAVEL SERVICE 34 Ncwlown Lane " E a s t Hampton 324-4806 RESPONSIBLE GOVERNMENT BEGINS WITH ROW "B" Group Show For Young Painters Nov, 4 Wedding For Miss Kabisch Plaque To Honor Aymar Embury AAUW Planning Panel Tuesday A question period will follow the panel discussion, ..and refreshments w i l l . b e served. T h e j u d u . a r y . apportionment. suifiafe,education, and health-, housing," and social services will be discussed, '.. . ~ The chairmen a r e Mrs. James H. Reulershan and Mrs. Milford of Crandall. Mtss -Kabisch is a graduate E=>£+ Mr. HaiPVtOll 1'igh Schonl Mr, and Mrs Georce' Pesoas of ^ " . , , »,'•,,,'-. Township, School, j n u iMis. u c u i s t *tst>a» m' Q g r a d uJersey^ a f e of High Middletown agnon a New have announced the engagement of is serving with the Air Force a t East Hampton and East Meadow, their daughter. Elaine, to Arthur Montauk. They will be married Lifton. son of Mrs. Samuel Lifton- Nov,,- 4,„:i« . • „- '-• -of LattrelUm and The late S,ft Lfffon?' Miss Pespas is the granddaughter of Mr. an<i Mrs. George Stavropoulos of East Hampton. M.iss Pespas is a graduate of State University College at Potsdam, wlrtrt she majored in education. She l» a member of Alpha Kappa Phi, and Kappa Delta Pi to which she was elected for outstanding achievement. She is teaching second grade in Herricks. m Dott^f forget... every litter bit hurts - Mr. Lifton is a. graduate of Clarkson College of Technology at Potsdam. He was chairman *of Omicron Pi Omicron, editor of the college magazine, and a member of Pi.Delta Epsilon, He is employed as epgiroer with IBM in New York. A summer wedding is planned. Dadl Moml Please . . . lead tha way to the litter basket. Use car litter*, bags, too. Make it a family project t» keep streets, highways litter true. - . Pamtii^i-.y.-i.dSolom-on of Baiting Hollow Hood. East Btwpton, will go on view Tuesday at t h e Saidenberg Gallery. 1035 MMfaeri Avenue, Manhattan. Tht; show will c.vntinue through Nov. II, - Ellision-Vella Mrs. M a t s v> and Bay Ridge a ton of Bridgehar at Most Holy T Hampton, ' oh S Eugene MacMai Foster B. Perrv The attendants ! i *\ ,. King of East Hampton and Leland Griffing of Southampton. Mr. and Mrs, EUisttm will live m Bridgehampton. Published it a public itrvlcn In coo> •ration wlta Tka Advtrtlilnf CeunolL J-lowers CARCOATS FALLSUITS — PANTSUITS ENSEMRLES 10% CASH SALE ON ALL WINTER COATS j 4 NEWTOWN LANE <Z*tcctc ra 324-1420 EAST HAMPTON , . - - . » -inmriin > > . . ! . - _ - . - . - - ,n_n.n I 'i m • 324-2800 s*// rWWWWTl RESTAURANT (established 1924) OPEN FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY FOR COCKTAILS AND DINNER Private Party Facilities Available East Hampton 324-1175 Real Estate, Associates David Dakers, Jr. On Sunday The Inn Opens at Noon Donald Wingaie Lamb EAST HAMPTON MONTAUK HIGHWAY Parking and Entrance ill Rear 324-4 282 a ul Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 MrirMtgt^r* • - - - • I - J ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ www.fultonhistory.com (Opposite Bulova) ECONOMICAL • FAST SAG HARBOR • EFFICIENT PLEATS AND CREASES STAY IN. S2.5U PER LOAD ALSO LARGE LOAD DRYERS Tel. 725-1211 Open 9:00 A.M. • 5 P.M. Closed Wednesday F"»',»",a«"*r»V^^^ • ^ E. T. DAYTON, INC. { REAL ESTATE — Rentals Sales and Real INSURANCE Home - Aitto - Bv.itW63$ Life - Accident • Health 78 Main Street Estate Broker Nanci Reuiershan Suzanne Sieele Real Estate Salesmen Keal Estate Broker FOR THE FALL SEASON Insurance \ CHARLES J. OSBORNE 35 Main Street DIVISION STREET John F. Ruby IH= 1S75 — THE RED DOOR DRY CLEANERS I,L8nranee Fi|tk kwmz FaaJtuwa- (Elic (Dslnmte jKgminj Real Estate AT Ernesi Clark, Jr, We Deliver 324-0760 East Hampton Established COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANING SAVE 30% ON GROUP OF FUNERAL ARRAHGEMENTS EXPER1 DONE BY PEOPLE WHO CARE Main Streei • " " I * ^ * " - * ' " ^ " ^ ' of Southampton Samuel F . Ellison were married ity Church, East . 28. The Rev. and t h e Rev. r ficiated, were Mrs. Dorothy , J . C. C t i n n i n g ' T d . 324-1960 UPHOLSTERY - SLIP COVERS - DRAPERIES - FABRICS CO-ORDINATING CARPETING SHADES and BLINDS INTERIOR DESIGNING CEDAR STREET, BOX 1056. EAST HAMPTON, N . Y» Davis has and resigned as memriersnip chairman, Mrs. Alfr is taking her place. iMfiis announced. There was a moment of silence in ©.{..Mrs. Shepard Krech. who memory h a f , h e r n s o a c t i v e in LVIS affairs years. for m a n y Mmyor James B. Software wrote t h t , s o c i e i y j j , reply to a letter reg a r d i n g . t h e diverston of truck traf* fie from Main Street. He explatned: that roads suggested were either dangerous or otherwise-unsuitable; hut hoped that the much-talked-uf bypass might become a fact by .1570. tt" w a s suggested that individuals _. ^ H » ^ ^ > . » > y a y » V » » l | l r i p p p p i p ^ p ^ j | ^ ^ ^ y a y ^ a y y y ^ y i ^ r ^ a l a ^ ^ ^ m ^ 0 l l ^ * ^ ^ * ^ & ^ ^ ^ Thai Reflect Your * Deepest Sympathy / W •«»*«.«•• -. Soiomoa Exhibit •*•*••* VOTE P.0W " B " • BIG BARGAINS ON GROUP O F SLACKS AND SWEATERS , '-';'• * .vf^f-^^'?., VOTE DEMOCRATIC -^ unninof K^Jnte nors , o m m i t t e e - c h a ; r m a n and member of Commission, reported, on the p a r k ^ September, a n r t u a r meeting i n o f { h e E a s t E n d p r e s e r v a t i o n Society, . Cuild Hall ' M t s . Kennell Schehck has rasign^ g — r „ p o r t e d . & ehuirman of th s t u d e n ( a w a r d s . M r , . F r a n k Daj t o n ^ n o w c h a i r m a n . M r s . Samuel t - KEEP AMERICA BEAUTIFUL Subscribe Before You Leave, 55 324-0002 Hi For SUP'T. OF HIGHWAYS JOHN BISTRIAN Consult The Star Business Directory 1 r & East Hampton n e e d s this man . . . he has aided in East Hampton's growth for 35 years and with his qualifications our Town will benefit to a greater degree. W-.-Yf. '^'i Tillich Honored Liitcn-Pespas is Ihe time io plan for your winter vacation. A Two Smashups tion. Ho is a product administrator politan parks. playstructures with the International Business grounds, and zoos." Machines Corporation. The unveiling will take plac at < ^ ^ ^ _ _ 5:30 p.m. followed by cocktail in . the board room. NOW 1 Tel. 324-0420 East Hampton STAWWHEEUNG WtteOFAlMG ON A-l USED CARS 19G7 FORD COUNTRY SQUiRE 9 Pass., 8 A/T, Fully Equipped $3495 1966 GALAXIE 500 4 Dr. Sedan, 8 A/T Fullv Eauipped $1895 1965 MUSTANG HARD TOP 8 A/T $1895 1965 OLDS 88 2 Dr. Hard Top, 8 A/T, Fully Equipped $1995 1964 DODGE V. TON PICKUP Radio and Heater . $1095 1964 MERCURY PARK LANE Convertible, Fully Equipped .. , $1495 1962 OLDS F-85 CUTLASS COUPE 8 A/T, Fully Equipped $795 PUTT FORD-MERCURY 38 Pantigo Lane 324-0228 East Hampton, N. Y. 1 •
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