FULL CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Housing Studies Association Annual Conference PROGRAMME Tuesday 15th April 2014 08.00– 09.00 10.00 12:0013:30 13:45 14:00– 15:30 15:30– 16:00 16:0018.00 Residential delegates only – Breakfast at Quarks, National Science Learning Centre Registration opens, ARRC Foyer Lunch, Quarks Restaurant, National Science Learning Centre Introduction to the conference Auditorium, RC/014 Plenary session 1: The value of housing to the national economy Auditorium, RC/014 Chair: John Flint Andrew Carter (Centre for Cities) and Ruth Davison (National Housing Federation ) Tea and coffee in ARRC Foyer Workshop 1a Homelessness and sustainable housing RC/010 Peter MACKIE Homelessness prevention and the Welsh legal duty: a resource or rights based development? Jenna TRUDER, Francesca ALBANESE and Mary SMITH It’s a roof over my head: Final outcomes from the Sustain PRS project Aslan TANEKENOV Empowering homeless people through employment?: the experience of British social enterprises Jim VINE and James GREGORY What we don't know about housing and poverty 18.0019.00 19:30 Workshop 1b The political morality of housing B111/112 Brian Lund It’s politics stupid’: A public choice analysis of housing policy David ROBINSON New migration, class and housing John FLINT and Joe CRAWFORD Rational fictions and imaginary systems: Cynical ideology and the problem figuration and practice of public housing Workshop 1c Planning and delivery housing A019/A020 Husam AL WAER Creating sustainable housing: better approaches to master- planning practice Duncan BOWIE Land value and the undersupply of affordable housing Glen BRAMLEY and David WATKINS Where should we build the extra housing we need in England? Need, demand, opportunity and value Daniel KILBURN Observations of households, housing and neighbourhoods: What can survey paradata tell us about the methodological and substantive value of housing? Early Careers 1a RC/109 Early Careers 1b RC/112 Dianne THEAKSTONE Imprisonment to empowerment: to what extent does housing empower disabled people in Scotland and Norway? Ludovica GAMBARO Moving to a better place? The outcomes of residential mobility among families in the Millennium Cohort Study Ivo BALMER The value of housing: framework for an institutional resource regime Darren BAXTER Using the pathways approach and the meaning of home to uncover the social effects of involuntary home moves Jed MEERS Getting away from doughnuts: The 'discretion' in Discretionary Housing Payments Emily BALL Informal mechanisms of support and conditionality in intensive family-based interventions: influencing behaviour change of vulnerable families Housing Studies Association AGM, Auditorium, RC/014 Drinks and dinner in Quarks Restaurant, National Science Learning Centre, sponsored by the International Journal of Housing Policy Richard DUNNING A new typology of housing search Yingyu FENG The effects of house and neighbourhood characteristics on house values: A multilevel approach Wednesday 16th April 2014 08.00– 09.00 09:3011:00 11.0011:30 11:3013.00 Residential delegates only – Breakfast at Quarks, National Science Learning Centre Conference Debate: Who is best placed to judge the value of housing – the state or the consumer? Auditorium, RC/014 Chair: Jules Birch Vidhya Alakeson, Resolution Foundation Alex Marsh, University of Bristol Paul Tennant, Orbit (and President of CIH) John Moss, Councillor, Waltham Forest Tea and coffee in ARRC Foyer Workshop 2a Housing and older people RC/010 Workshop 2b Home not housing B111/112 Stephan KÖPPE The influence of generational support on housing pathways: Evidence from the British Household Panel Study (BHPS) Sarah GLYNN Taking the housing out of the market Simon EVANS et al. Extra care housing: a home of choice for older adults? Resident perceptions from the ASSET project Stefan KRUCZKOWSKI Is there any value left in Building for Life? 13.0014:00 Deborah PEEL Douglas ROBERTSON and Beverley SEARLE Home as a core component of well-being: Benchmarking the evidence base Sue HEATH Shared housing: a life course perspective Lunch in Quarks Restaurant, National Science Learning Centre Workshop 2c Changing rented housing markets A019/020 Harold STOEGER Limited profit housing in Austria - The broader European context Ian WILSON The impact of social landlords on the Northern economy Nicky MORRISON Diversifying into private rental and student housing: Organisational strategies of English Housing Associations Early Careers 2a RC/109 Early Careers 2b RC/112 Linzi LADLOW Following Young Fathers: Housing trajectories and the value of home for young men Emma BIMPSON Understanding homelessness through neoliberal citizenship, welfare and governmentality Oana DRUTA Housing transitions of younger people and intergenerational support: Negotiating Independence Sarah ALDEN The ‘gatekeeper’ in statutory homelessness services Elena MATTIOLI Young people and social inequalities: a case study of youth’ housing pathways in Bologna Tom MOORE Reflections on the use of online focus groups in housing research Jennifer HOOLACHAN Exploring the substance use of young people living in a Scottish homeless hostel: An ethnographic approach Alasdair B R STEWART Techniques of independent living: Young people’s practice of tenancy sustainment Wednesday 16th April 2014 (continued) 14.0015:30 Workshop 3a Tenants’ voice and politics RC/010 Workshop 3b Homelessness and poverty B111/112 Hal PAWSON and Ilan WIESEL What scope for tenant choice in reshaping Australia's social housing? Caroline HUNTER Valuing soup kitchens: Resisting Westminster City Council’s anti-homeless bye-laws Janis BRIGHT Social housing regulation: two cultures Alan SOUTHERN, Udi ENGELSMANN, and Mike ROWE Community land trusts and the value of housing: Progress, poverty and the housing question Jamie HARDING Breaking the Link between local authority care and homelessness Michael OXLEY Conditional object incentives: more value for UK housing subsidies? Sarah JOHNSON, Beth WATTS and Suzanne FITZPATRICK ‘Extending hospitality’ or ‘killing with kindness’?: normative stances regarding interventionism and enforcement in the homelessness sector Gerard VAN BORTEL and Sake ZIJLSTRA Overcoming the crisis and the austerity measures: are Dutch housing associations able to deliver better value for money Helen CARR A question of health and safety? Socio-legal reflections on the contemporary politics of housing space 15.3016.00 Tea and coffee in ARRC Foyer Workshop 3c Changing markets for social housing A019/020 Early Careers 3a RC/109 Early Careers 3b RC/112 Adele IRVING ‘Housing as a means, not an end?’ Re-conceptualising ‘housing quality’ through wellbeing research Helena POLATI TRIPPE The home as a service: considerations on value Phillip CHILD “Slums are a product of private landlordism”: the Labour Party and the private rental market, 1950-70 Ben PATTISON Masterly inactivity: The politics of private renting under New Labour Paull ROBATHAN Affordance and the value of housing Chris FOYE Mobility in social Housing and subjective well-being Wednesday 16th April 2014 (continued) 16.0017:30 Workshop 4a Public/private partnerships RC/010 David CLAPHAM Monstrous hybrids: housing policy in Britain and Sweden Graham SQUIRES, Luke BURROUGHS, C BOOTH and Ceri VICTORY The value of partnership? Future strategic pathways and options for housing providers Chris ESSEN and Stuart HODKINSON Competing values in public housing regeneration under Public-Private Partnerships: the case of the Private Finance Initiative 18.30 19.00 Workshop 4b Tenancy sustainment and poverty B111/112 Workshop 4c Mobility, value and housing choice A019/020 Danny FRIEDMAN, Valuing tenancies: impact of formative financial confidence building programme Becky TUNSTALL What does AirBnB tell us about the value of home ownership? Ryan POWELL Housing benefit reform and the private rented sector in the UK: "unintended consequences" Sue EASTON Exploring the value of education within local housing markets: Sheffield, a case study Mark STEPHENS and Kirsten BESSEMER Issues in the treatment of housing costs in poverty measures Paul SISSONS and Donald HOUSTON The growth of private renting in Great Britain: positive choice or last resort? Workshop 4d The value of private ownership RC/109 Pete REDMAN Valuing the Right to Buy Alla KOBLYAKOVA, Piyush TIWARI and Norman HUTCHINSON Asymmetries in household mortgage decisions in the UK Alasdair RAE House market search in the digital age Buses depart North Car Park (outside National Science Learning Centre) for the King’s Manor (returning at 11pm) Conference reception and dinner (The King’s Manor, York), sponsored by the International Journal of Housing Policy Presentation of the Valerie Karn Memorial Prize. After dinner band: The Wild Prawns Early Careers 4a RC/112 Darinka CZISCHKE Social innovation in housing: Learning from practice across Europe Aisling MCCOURT Empty homes: the case for changing direction and delivering differently Nadia BASHIR The health and safety challenges of researching vulnerable people for a range of housing research projects Rachel BLAND What factors inform older persons’ housing choices: An investigation into the housing choices of third-agers in Devon Thursday 17th April 2014 08.00– 9.00 9:3011.00 Residential delegates only – Breakfast in Quarks Restaurant, National Science Learning Centre Workshop 5a The Value of housing RC/010 Workshop 5b The economy and knowledge exchange B111/112 Workshop 5c Design and the environment A019/A020 Martin FIELD Separating the demands of housing suppliers from the houses in demand the changing moral values embedded within UK housing transactions Ken GIBB and Alex MARSH Froth or fundamentals? Housing economics and the interpretation of house price changes around the global financial crisis Deborah QUILGARS, Alison DYKE, Becky TUNSTALL and Sarah WEST Valuing sustainability in housing? Case study of a new community in York Lee CROOKES They know the price of everything but the value of nothing”: issues of home, home loss and compensation in urban regeneration Guy DALY and Kevin GULLIVER Value for Whose Money? - Housing perspectives on VFM, social value and social accounting 11.0011:30 11:3013.00 13.0014:00 14:00 Annelore HOFMAN Housing, finance and the state: Researching the interlinkages in the United Kingdom Ed FERRARI and Janis BRIGHT Informing research and practice: the experience of the HQN/ESRC/HSA ‘Evidence’ project Tea and coffee in ARRC Foyer Plenary session 3: The value of housing to welfare Auditorium, RC/014 Chair: Beverley Searle Misa Izuhara (University of Bristol) Julia Unwin (Joseph Rowntree Foundation) Lunch in Quarks Restaurant, National Science Learning Centre Conference closes Sarah PAYNE, Nicolas TAYLOR-BUCK and Aidan WHILE Market house building and the mixed economy of low-carbon regulation: the case of zero carbon housing in the UK Flora SAMUEL, Mishat AWAN, Sophie HANDLER, Jo LINTONBON Culture value of architecture in homes and neighbourhoods Early Careers 5a RC/112 Nicholas CHOY Of green fields and social fields: the political construction of urban design codes Sam MORRIS A poverty focused review of housing organisations’ strategic and business plans Patricia JONES Balancing the books: Can housing associations afford to continue investing in communities? Maria Laura RUIU Effects of cohousing on the social housing system: the case of the Threshold Centre
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