For immediate release Press release Evictions down as AmicusHorizon bucks national trend! AmicusHorizon has secured around £2.5million extra income for its residents in 18 months – and is bucking the national trend when it comes to rent arrear evictions. The housing association is helping residents source additional income and easing the financial burden on hundreds of families across London and the South East. The organisation had 160 less court cases for rent arrears in the first six months of 2014, compared to the same period in 2013. That’s resulted in a saving of around £40,000 in court fees. And evictions are on course to be lower than last year; the third year in a row they’d have been reduced. This completely goes against the latest government figures which revealed the number of tenants being evicted from their homes is at a record high. Mark Walker, Head of Income at AmicusHorizon, said: “Our Financial Inclusion Team continues to work hard to maximise the benefits and income our residents are entitled to. We’ve 580 less residents in arrears compared to this time last year. We’re proactively helping residents and talking directly to them about what we can do to help. It could be something simple like going through their income and freeing up extra cash to pay their rent. Or it could be working with a charity like StepChange to sort out their debts and help them budget their money better.” This year, AmicusHorizon’s hard work in helping residents with their finances has been widely recognised. The organisation’s Income and Financial Inclusion Teams have gained Housing Quality Network's (HQN) accreditation for income management. HQN aims to recognise and reward those organisations which maximises their own income, as well as their own customers’ income. AmicusHorizon was the first in the g15 – London’s 15 largest housing associations – to get this accreditation. And the housing provider was also recognised as a best practice organisation for supporting residents through Welfare Reform by the Citizens Advice Bureau. They praised AmicusHorizon’s work in helping people affected by under occupation (bedroom tax) and the benefit cap. Ends For more information please contact Ross Lidbetter, Communications Officer on 020 8726 8864 or email [email protected] Notes to the Editor AmicusHorizon is one of the largest housing associations in South East England, with 28,000 homes in Kent, Sussex and London. This year is AmicusHorizon’s 50th anniversary. Family Housing Association (Croydon) Limited was founded in 1964. This evolved into South London Family HA which was the forerunner to AmicusHorizon.
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