224\2-. WORKS ITE.GrIEN, NASF]INK / 5qSl i2014 P{.IBN.NC No.D.4/Tender/Dhule Olfice ofthe Chief Engineer, Public Wolks Region, Nashik E-Mai1 : Nashik.ce@)mahaPwd.com Dale tf ll I tO 12014. To, The Superintending Ingineer, Public Works. Circlc. Dhute. Conqlruction ol Cirt . Ho'tel BtlildinP xl f'rntrtlltnl T:tl' Dh:tdgaon Disl. Nlndurbrr. Prc-tentler conference on 10/10/2014 at 12'00 Hours 1) The common set ofDeviation is prepared on the basis ofabove conference Sub:- and is enclosed herewith. a pafi and parcel and applicabLe to all Tenderers. 2) This shall form ofthe Tender docunrent and shall be comnon 3) Aparl from these deviations all stipulations/provisions itr the tendcr paper sha11 remain unchanged. 4) A11 Tenderels shouLd be apprisecl same along with their bid. of the C S.D. antl ins trcted to submit the 5) The Tenderers should be particular'ly instlucted that they should subnfl their olferconsicleringadditionallacilitiesprovided/sljprrlatjonsmadeonthebasis 'i'he coltditional bid of the C.S.D. and that their ofltl shall be unconditional shall be sun.rmalilY rejected. of deviation on the e-terdel ing potal ol Public Wotks Department against this work. 6) Please upload this Cotnmon seL for O.C. Signed bY C.E. D.ell)Common scl ol dc\ i:]lion C,/ps tbruarded to the Frecutir< Engincer P.W. f,,/rn lor nrrti.,n s16l n.-q.-'.arJ :rction. D.A. : - 1) Comnron set of deviat0ion , D:i(l s D.DhLrle 10.10.2014.doc 40 ,sjl C'liicf ngineer E .tlivision Shahada for' Nlinutcs of the Pre-tender-conlerence held iu llie Chamber of Engineer, P.W.Region, Nashik on 10/10/2{lll at 12.00 Hours. Construction of Girl's Hostcl Building ,it Toranmal SubjecL th( {lhief T el. Dhadgaon Dist. Nirndurbrr. Pre-tender conference on l0/10/2014 at I 2.00 Ilours In response to tlte notice inriting tclclcr online Pre-tender-cont'ererce was held in ChielEnginecr ofl'ice. l)] e-fendcring pto(ess \ashilt Follorving Ollice rs ryere present:- 1) 2) 3) Shri. V.D.Patil, Super-intending Engineer'. P.W.Circie. Dhulc. Shri. D.B.Deore, Assistant Chief Ensineer',P.W Region.\ashi1< SIrri. G.C.Jadhav, Divisionai .Accor.rnts Olfrcer'. P.W I)ir isjon. Shalrrdr. Follorving tenderers/their representative u erc prcsent, 1) NI/s.Ved Constructior. 2) Shri. M.S.Agrarval. 3) Shri. V.I.Rajput. ,{) Shri. S.Y.Borsc, At the outset Chief Enginccr rvelcorlie ali uho u et'e pt esent firr rhe pre-hid conference. He clalihed that the deviations accepted in pre-tender conlerence shallbc treated as common set ot cleviation lbr the al1 the tentlelers riho u,ill do,,i,nlord dre tender lorms. The Superintcnding Enuineer'. P.\\'. Cilcle. Dhlrle.\pl.rirred the scofie ot urrk contemplated in the tender document and the pu|posc of pre-lerder- conl'ererrc,--. intending tenderers $,ele requested to subrnit iheir lepreserrtItiol ifany, in rvliting and u,ere infolmed thal the department riill corrsiclerr. thcir rcprcscnlation and issue an addendum of deviatiols,/ clar-illcations slronll ,"r,hich u jll lbnl .i pert and parcel ofthe tender docurnenl that the tenderels shoLtld suburit rhcil oll'ct based on this Comrron sel ol de\,iation / (llarification A11 O.C.Signed by C.E. l):\C.S.D.Dhule l0.l0.20l4.doc .11 M\ for iliei.Engineer' The following bidders have sought lor clarification on points raised by them. The clarifications on their points are as lollou s: / Clarification Sthject: Construction of Girl,s Hostel Building at Toranmal Trl. Dhadgaon Dist. Nandurbar. Pre-tender conferencc on 10/10/2014 at 12.00 Hours Sr.No. Points Raised bv bidders Ciarification Shri. M.P.Mudalyadkar. Secu.ity Deposit i% lniiial & Total R%, t% Initial & l otal 4 yo R.A.Bitls. , ?% Throught 1% thr.ough Security DeIposil is norv rcduced flo:n 4% to 27o i.e. In itial Securitv Deposit will be lYo and bal ancc l9,o u,ill be deducred lion R.A. hi ls R.A.Bills ). Machinery as per Page No. I Il/19. 5) TrLrcks On pagc No. 3 Nos as Owner MACI I]N]-:IRY ANI) EQl.lrPMEN l. As for Building Wor.ks As per N.I.T Truclis 5 Nos. Professional Suppliers arc their ibr.supply of 3 Nos. contrl tractor sltolLld havc $on. Sand, Aggregate or Biicks which is largely Modification Trucks or tractcr with requires lor this worl(. So, Ir ma1, a.llowed as on trolll, shall I be b taken on ivon or hirc. Hirc or 3 No oftractors arc allori,cd. l ['. on 3 Mobile Batching Plant of Capacity of gJum/ Shri. S.Y.Borsc. om'n xrtt gh q-na 6rq qe@T F{uqn qqi. "rdr-tG l As pcr N.l.T l _l 'f irne allo\vc rL lirr the reLrirn older ol' riork lo 1'r()nr rho date contntenae_ I8 (liightecn) rilolrtlrs includirr!. lrronJ0on instead o1 14 (li(iLlrteeltJ rI0nlhs. 2 fiqqlHififfi eTilqfraffiq:qr-ffiqal. Sccurit),Dep lo 2% i.e. lni 1'% and baliancr 1'% f'rour R.-{. bil 1s. \11-,, O.C.S|gneJ D:\C.S.D.Dhule 10.10.201,1.doc .12 h.L C.E for t4i"t Enginear uill b; dedLrcted ruuJt ( t . Common Set of Deviation Conslruction ot Cirl.s Hostel Builling at foranmal Dhadglon Dist. l\rlldurbar. Pre-tender confer.ence on 10/10/2014 at 12.00 Hours l:rl. Poiuts which need clari1jcation irorrr the deparlment and ote acceptable to the dcpal.llDent are covered under this common set ol dcvjations. fhis r.rill lorm a piirt and parael of agreement. All other points raised b1 thc coDtractors llay be consicicred as noi acceptabie to the department al1d will rcntain as per NIT. 1) 2) Securit), Deposit is noiv reduced lioIrr rl,% to 2%, i.e. lnitiul SccrLrilr, Depo-sit be 1% and balance i% rvill be clcducted fiour R.A, bilis. will On page No. 18 /19 N4ACIIINERY AND EQLIIPMENT, As per N.l.T. Tr.rLoks 5 Nos. 3 Nos. contraotor should hat c won. Modification -'frucks or trrctor \iith trollv shall be takcl on \von or hi[e. 3) Tine allowed for. the work tion the datc of i.eluflr order tr) co1]]rncnce. (Eighteen) monlhs includilg monsoon instead of l4 (Fouteen) months. O.C.Signed by C.E. D:\C.S.D.Dhnle I0.l0 20i4.doc 4i for s$I C"6-ief ngineer lll
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