FAX/SPEED POST Government of India Ministry of Home Affairs

Government of India
Ministry of Home Affairs
EPABX: 011-24364838/24365007/
Fax :011-24362425/24369825
Block No. 11, 3rd Floor,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110 003
Dated : 30 January , 2014
1. Director General
CISF, New Delhi.
2. Director General of Police,
3. Director, Ministry of Railway,(Railway Board)
Mew Delhi.
Sub: Nomination for Vertical Interaction Course on – National Security
Challenges and Police Response" at IB Central Training School, New
Delhi from 06-12th February, 2014.
This is in continuation of this Bureau letter even No. dated 28.01.2014 on the
subject cited above.
05 more nominations of the following officers have been accepted for the said
course:a) Shri A.P. Rout, IPS, ADGP(L&O) Assam, Guwahati.
b) Shri Alok Kumar, IPS, IG Police, Grievances & Human Rights, 2, Nrupathunga
Road, Bangalore-01. Tel No.080-22213431(P), 22213431(F), Mobile-9480800026,
[email protected]
c) Shri A.P. Singh, Comdt, Taj Mahal, CISF.
d) Smt Aroma Singh, Thakur, Sr DSC/HWH-I, Phone No.033-26411725, Mobile
e) Shri Chaitanya Marandi, Sr. DSC/Khurda Road, Tel No.0674-2490675, Mobile
The course is non-residential and the programme fee will be born by BPR&D.
The venue of the course is IB, Central Training School, 35, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi
The officers may be advised to submit a feedback report to this Bureau on conclusion
of the course.
It is requested that the nominated officers may please be relieved to report at IB,
Central Training School, 35, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi to attend the course.
Yours sincerely,
( G.S. Chudhary )
for IG/Director (Trg)
Copy for information:1. Shri A.P. Rout, IPS, ADGP(L&O) Assam, Guwahati.
2. Shri Alok Kumar, IPS, IG Police, Grievances & Human Rights, 2, Nrupathunga
Road, Bangalore-01. Tel No.080-22213431(P), 22213431(F), Mobile-9480800026,
[email protected]
3. Shri A.P. Singh, Comdt, Taj Mahal, CISF.
4. Smt Aroma Singh, Thakur, Sr DSC/HWH-I, Phone No.033-26411725, Mobile
5. Shri Chaitanya Marandi, Sr. DSC/Khurda Road, Tel No.0674-2490675, Mobile
6. ADGP (T&AP), ASSAM, Guwahati.
7. IG of Police, Office of the IG (Training),Karnataka Police Cariton House, Palace
Road, Bangalore-560 001.
8. Asstt. Inspector General,/Training, Dte General, CISF, Block-13, CGO Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi.
9. Deputy Director/Sec (E) Railway Board, Ministry of Railway, New Delhi. Fax
No.011-23303983, 23303784
10. Asstt Director, IB, Central Training School, 35 Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi.
11. I/C Computer Cell for placing on BPR&D website.