Minutes of the Hui ‘O Mililani Uka Mililani Uka PCNC April 3, 2014 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT Bess Morimoto-President, Jocelyn Tanaka-Vice President, Karen Oyama-Corresponding Secretary, Cynthia Higgins-Recording Secretary, Alyson Miles-Hui SCC Representative, Rena Roybal - Gr. 2/3 rep., Raejean Gamiao –Gr. 4/5 rep., Lance Fuijioka-IRA rep.,. BOARD MEMBER ABSENT Dulce Belen-Treasurer, Karen Ebato-Co-Treasurer, Kara Borges-Co-Corresponding Secretary, Shauna Ihu-Gr. K/1 rep., Leah Dragovich-Special Education, Michelle Samante-Gr. 2/3 rep. Guests Heather Wilhelm-Principal, Ronnell Nipp-Vice Principal, Norma Tansey, PCNC I. Call to Order Bess Morimoto called the meeting to order at 5:08 P.M. II. Introductions – Rena Roybal, 2nd grade teacher, representative for Grade 2/3. III. Minutes for March 2014 – were distributed prior to meeting. Bess Morimoto moved to approve the minutes motion seconded, motion carried out by board. IV. Treasurer’s Report for April 2014 - was distributed with the minutes and report given by Bess Morimoto. Bess thanked the board for being patient as the Report’s format continues to be adjusted to provide the necessary information that the Hui By-Laws require. The Treasurer’s Report shows a current balance in the Hui account as $39,626.50 of which $3,646.29 has been appropriated for disbursement. As for fundraising and additional income, Hui has a net amount of $28,006.14 to be dispersed for the 2014-2015 school year. The board’s feedback was positive with this new format stating that it is easier to understand. Bess Morimoto moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, motion seconded, motion carried out by board. The Budget Summary Report for Grade Level Funds, Art and Classroom Supplies showed the breakdown of funds that have been dispersed and the amounts that are still available. The Hui thanked all teachers and staff for submitted their check reimbursement forms by the March 31st deadline. V. Old Business A. By-Law Review: Proposed revisions to the by-laws will be approved at the Spring Fling/Spring General Membership Meeting on April 17. B. Yearbook: All orders have been picked up today by House of Photography. Late orders will cost $25, cash only, and placed on a waitlist. C. 2014-2015 Budget Requests: A draft of the proposed Budget for 2014-2015 were distributed and report given by Bess Morimoto. The Hui plans to have a Cook Book sale in time for Mother’s Day and there is still Jamba Juice and Papa John’s fundraisers in May. Update to this report will be given at next meeting. D. Spring Fling/General Membership Meeting: Heather Wilhelm approved set-up for E. F. G. H. I. J. Uncle’s Kitchen to start at 3:30pm. Cynthia Higgins reported that current attendance is at 171. Invitations were sent out today to those volunteers the Hui would like to be recognized. The Hui have been soliciting local businesses for donations to go towards gift baskets for a raffle drawing at Spring Fling and for Staff Appreciation. Aly Miles reported that responses from local businesses have been wonderful. The Hui will have 2-3 gift baskets to raffle off at Spring Fling. Bess Morimoto reported that the agenda and power point presentation is being finalized and will go to Heather Wilhelm for final approval. Staff Appreciation: Jocelyn Tanaka reported that a catering service for the luncheon has been chosen. Hui Website/Blog: A photo shoot for the website with several Uka students was a success! Website will continue to be refined and final approval from Heather will be needed. Liability Insurance: Will be requesting renewal papers so that the Hui can pay for this before the school year ends. School Kine Cookie fundraiser 14-15 planning: No update reported. Hui Logo: Bess Morimoto’s father continues to work on the logo. Movie Night: Heather Wilhelm reported that Mililani Uka Elementary does have a movie license. Cynthia Higgins reported on the food items that the Hui would like to sell. Approved items were popcorn, cup-a-noodles, chips/crackers in individual size bags, bottled water and juice pouches and cans. We will have Jamba Juice and Papa Johns attend for additional fundraising of their food. The plan is to ask parents to donate the specified food/drink items and supplies (i.e. forks, chopsticks, napkins, plates, brown paper bags). Seating will be taped off in the front for blanket/mat area and beach chairs in the back. There will also be sections taped off just for walkway areas. Karen Oyama reported that Bao Nguyen will help with the audio and visual equipment and he is willing to do a trailer on Hui news before the movie. VI. New Business A. Election of Officers at Spring Fling: Cynthia Higgins for President, Jocelyn Tanaka for Vice President, Dulce Belen for Treasurer, Kara Borges for Co-Treasurer, Karen Oyama for Recording Secretary, Alyson Miles for Corresponding Secretary, and Bess Morimoto for Hui SCC representative. Co-positions are available except for President and cotreasurer. VII. SCC Report: No report as next meeting will be on Monday, 4/7. However, Alyson shared that ballots have gone out to parents for next year’s SCC board of representatives. VIII. Grade Level Reports A. IRA-Quest: No report given. Library: I'm looking for a couple of volunteers in the month of May to assist with the re-shelving of books and dusting of shelves in the library. Counselors: No report given. Curriculum Coordinator: All grades completed their second round of CCSS planning days this past quarter. All grade levels have created math units for either place value or fractions to address the Math CCSS. CPL #3 post assessment data for writing shows school-wide proficiency at 51%, up from 6.5% at the pre assessment in January! All teachers are continuing to implement instruction in Writing Workshop. Focus of CPL #4 is on conferring during Writing Time. Teachers are currently reading professional resources to learn more about conferring and how to implement it. Teachers will be conducting cross grade level peer observations in April to observe and learn from each other. Data collection, scoring, and analysis for CPL #4 will be on Wednesday, 4/2. Grades K-3 have been trained in MSL-OG with Ron Yoshimoto. Follow up training for morphology component is tomorrow, 3/31. All teachers in K-3 and SpEd will be implementing MSL and morphology to address the foundational skills standards for the CCSS. PE: Jump rope team concluded at the end of third quarter. We are practicing with a few jumpers who will perform at the Spring Fling. Track team has begun practicing for the Mililani Complex track meet on May 6th. Instructional Tech Coordinator: No report given. B. K & Grade 1 –Kindergarten: Reading: Reading non-fiction books about animals; students will work on a book about their favorite animal. Writing: Beginning our new unit on writing “How-To” so our little ones will be teaching others how to do something. Math: Working with teen numbers; we want our students to be able to see a group of ten and some ones; working on subtraction up to 5; still working on being good problem solvers. Science: Our chicks hatched! We are observing them daily; measuring their height and weight weekly; using our observational skills to help us when we do our Science unit on heredity. Social Studies: We are learning about different cultures; looking at different types of food, clothing, and celebrations; also learning about economics: What are goods and services. Grade 1: Currently planning our Parent Activity for April 24. Shellie Fielden, Brain Gym Instructor, coming to teach how movement enhances learning. We will then connect what we learned with Mathematical Practice 1 Problem Solving. We started instruction into our Science Unit of Force. This will be a culminated project for Curriculum Fair. C. Grade 2 & 3 – Grade 2: Students are learning about Water Ecosystems. We will be taking a field trip to Waimea Valley on 4/21 and 4/28 to explore freshwater ecosystems. Our Parent Activity on 4/16 will also focus on ecosystems including saltwater and freshwater ecosystems. In addition, our curriculum fair will include a performance task activity related to ecosystems. We finished our opinion-writing unit and have moved onto our informational writing unit. In Social Studies, students are covering historical timelines through the study of technology. Teachers have completed and submitted their math and writing SLOs. Teachers completed training in morphology training in Multi Sensory Learning (MSL) and have planned out MSL implementation for the remainder of the year. Grade 3: Students completed their fractions unit and are starting their data unit in math. Students have completed their informational writing unit by integrating what they learned in their social studies unit and wrote an informational book about their culture. They have just started their new unit on opinion writing. Students enjoyed their field trip to the Hawaiian Plantation Village in Waipahu, which linked to their social studies unit on culture. Students and their parents participated in “A Celebration of Cultures,” our 3rd grade parent activity. Students participated in writing Chinese calligraphy, Makahiki games taught by Kumu Kawehe and Kumu Napua, and taiko drumming and bon dancing taught by members of the Matsuri Taiko Group. Parent responses on the evaluations were very positive! Students are learning about simple machines in science and will be completing a performance task to be presented at the Curriculum Fair next month. Teachers have completed and submitted their math and writing SLOs. Teachers completed their last component of MSL training focusing on morphology. D. Grade 4 & 5- Grade 4: Science HSA 2nd round complete. Curriculum Fair – Working on Ahupua’a UBD. Students created a (2D) representation of an ahupua’a. Students will work on a writing piece to inform their audience about the different classes and focus on 1 worker (farmer/planter, fishermen, craftsmen). Aina Chef will be on 4/7. General Elections for Student Council Officers 2014-2015 will be on 4/8. Lo’i Kalo Field Trip at Ka’ala Learning Center will be on 4/15 (D6 & D8) & 4/17 (D4 & D7). We received funding from a Kokua Foundation Field Trip Grant. HTY/Tour around State Capitol is on 4/21. HSA round 2 for Reading & Math scheduled for the week of 4/28. Georgia O’Keeffe/Oil Pastel Art w/ Shannon (Andrea’s roommate) – we will be using the HUI art funds to purchase materials/supplies. We will attend the Track Meet on 5/6, field trip forms are due on 4/16. Curriculum Coach will provide writing support/coaching during April. Cross Grade Level Observations – Grade 4 will observe Grade 3 during writing, during 4/24 Learning Team. Admin Post meeting has been scheduled for 4/22 – Review EES components – SLOs, Core Professionalism, etc. Grade 5: Aina lesson #7 Media Blitz held on Mon, 3/24. Students sampled a healthy assortment of natural trail mix. Group project is to create an advertisement. HSA #2 scheduled week of 5/5. Math cycle #5 5NF4 and 5NF6 on multiplying fractions are completed. Currently on Math cycle #6 5NF3 and 5NF7 on dividing fractions. Curriculum Fair titled “Circle of Life” a Science ecosystem unit. Finalizing purchasing of supplies with HUI art funds for mother’s day project and grade 5 graduation leis. Track Meet for 5/6 field trip forms due 4/16. Week of 4/14, cross grade level observations of a writing workshop . Learning team with CC (curriculum coordinator) continue to work on pacing guide for writing information unit. E. SPED: Submitted SLOs (Student Learning Objectives) to Heather in April. Students (grades 3-5) took their first round of HSA and will be taking HSA round 2 next month (April/May). SpEd teachers finished the morphology training portion of the MSL (multisensory language) program. Pre-School: 3/31-4/4 (Theme is T for Transportation. Will be tie dying T-shirts on Friday for Pre-School Play Day field trip coming up on 4/17). 4/7-11 (Theme is U for Unicorn/Real and Make Believe). 4/14-18 (Theme is Easter. On Monday have a field trip to the Zoo and Preschool Play Day on Thursday). 4/21-25 (Theme is V for Vet and community helpers. Possible firefighter coming in this week for demo). Pre-School is welcoming a new student this month. IX. Student Council – HI5 recycling is tomorrow. The Primary election for next year’s Student Council completed and the students did a wonderful job with their public speaking! The General election will be held in April. There will no longer be a food drive in April. The Student Council will assist with the Aina Recycling Drive on 4/12. X. PCNC – Mililani Uka is hosting a Positive Parenting class. This is a free 6-week program that runs on Fridays from 8-9:15 AM. Ten families are participating. Chorus practices continue after school on Mondays for Grades 4/5 and Wednesdays for Grade 3. Chorus practices on the week of performances are for all 3 grades. They will perform a new song for 4/11 Assembly and sing favorites at the Hui Spring Fling. Mililani Uka has 400 adults on the trained volunteer list. No additional trainings are scheduled for this school year. Label for Education – With bonus offers we turned in 3200 points in March and utilized 5750 in points for Character Counts prizes. 5th grade has requested new sharpeners and Mr. Fujioka has ordered recess balls for 3 grade levels. To view the current catalog and add items to the wish list, log onto www.labelsforeducation.com or send Norma an email with your wish list. Box Tops for Education – Turned in $190 worth of coupons on 3/31. Please continue to collect and send in these valuable coupon labels. Mahalo! AINA News: Nutrition lessons were held in 3rd and 5th grades and will be held in 2nd grade tomorrow. Kokua has planned a Chef visit in 4th grade for Mon, 4/7 from 9-10 AM in the cafeteria. Aloha AINA recycle collection will be held in the UKA parking lot on Sat., 4/12. Please join us to reduce, reuse, recycle and teach your students about stewardship of our island paradise. Kindergarten is watching the beans, lettuce, and carrots grow! Quest has corn growing in their box. Spring Garden club has started and students are having a great time. Spring Jr. Lego League has started in Grade 2. Select 4th and 5th grade students will compete at the complex level on 5/6, at Mililani High School stadium. Practice is on Tuesday & Thursday after school. Mililani Lions Club has returned the “Sight is Beautiful” posters and will recognize the students at the upcoming assembly. One Kindergarten and one 5th grade student also earned Zone level recognition. 3rd grade held their Cultural Celebration on Wed., 4/2 and had wonderful parent participation and many positive comments on the evaluations. The food was amazing! 1st, 2nd, and 4th grades are planning their parent activities (see calendar). XI. ADMINISTRATION – Heather Wilhelm thanked the custodians for their hard work and effort at clearing the hedges from the fence behind J Building to the drop off. This was done to ward off mosquito infestation. The school has been working with DOH & DOT these past few months inspecting the school for standing water and going around the neighboring homes talking to the owners. Each year, the DOE honors teachers from each school district for their excellent service. For the Central District, Mililani Uka’s Arlene Tanaka will be honored on Sat., 4/5 at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Ms. Tanaka was given a lei and a gift from the Uka staff on 4/2. XII. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jamba Juice: 4/11/14, 5/9/14 Papa John’s: 4/3/14, 5/1/14 Board Meetings: 5/1/14 Spring Fling/Spring General Membership Meeting: 4/17/14 Staff Appreciation: 5/8/14 XIII. ADJOURNMENT Bess Morimoto adjourned the meeting at 6:09 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Cynthia Higgins, Recording Secretary Hui ‘O Mililani Uka 2013-2014 SY
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