DUNNETT SCHOOL OF HIGHLAND DANCE PRESENTS: THE 4TH ANNUAL FEBRUARY FLING FEBRUARY 14TH, 2015 MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK Moncton Wesleyan Church, 945 St. George Blvd, Moncton Judge: Terrie Kember, Orleans, Ontario Admission: Adults: $4/ Children: $2 Morning Registration starts at 8:00 am Time Category Programs: $4.00 Competition starts at 8:30 am Dance #1 Dance #2 Dance #3 Dance #4 Dance #5 8:30 am BEGINNER Fling (4 steps) Sword (2&1) S.T. (3&1) Lilt (4) Flora (4) 8:30 am NOVICE Fling (4 steps) Sword (2&1) S.T. (3&1) Lilt (4) Flora (4) After Beg/Nov Fling PRIMARY Fling (4 steps) Sword (2&1) 16 Pas de Basques PDB & HC 12:30 pm INTERMEDIATE Fling (4 steps) Sword (2&1) S.T. (3&1) Str & Half Tulloch (2+4) 12:30 pm PREMIER (11& under) CLASSES Fling (4 steps) Sword (2&1) S.T. (3&1) Str & Half Tulloch (2+4) 12:30 pm PREMIER (12 & over) CLASSES Fling (6 steps) Sword (3&1) S.T. (4&2) Str & Half Tulloch (2+4) Afternoon Registration opens- 11:30 am Competition at 12:30 pm FEES: Primary I (1 or 2 dances) $16; Primary II (3 or 4 dances) $26, Beginner/Novice $31, Intermediate /Premier $26 Entries must be postmarked by February 4th, 2015. Entries are limited to the first 125. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the committee with a late fee of $10.00 per entry added to the total entry. A late entry will be determined based on the postmark on the envelope. Post dated or NSF cheques will be subject to a fee. No refunds to be given. Please send money order or cheque payable to: Moncton-Riverview Highland Dance Association, c/o 2522 Route 134, Shediac Cape, N.B., E4P 3G9 TO VERIFY ENTRY: Please include your email address along with your entry & you will be sent confirmation upon receipt of your entry. We will not be accepting entries via Email. JUDGING: Dancers will be judged according to the Rules and Regulations of the S.O.B.H.D. Judges’ decision is final. No access to the judges’ sheets. In the event of a protest, a $20.00 fee must accompany a written complaint and be submitted by midnight on the date of the competition. PRIZES: Medals and trophies will be awarded in all categories except Primary. Age groups will be based on the number of entries. Gift bags will be awarded to all primary and the youngest group of beginner dancers in addition to medal awards. Category changes may be emailed to [email protected] . Dancer numbers are to be picked up at the registration table upon verification of ScotDance card. Entries will not be accepted without a valid 2015 ScotDance card. Awards will be withheld without a current ScotDance dancer registration card and a penalty of $5.00 charged. Dancers must be in full costume, including ghillies, to receive their awards. The Moncton-Riverview Highland Dancing Association will not be responsible for any injuries, accidents or lost articles to competitors or spectators. Host Hotel: Rooms are reserved under “Dunnett School” at Amsterdam Inn, Moncton, which is easily located at 2550 Mountain Road, off the TCH, Exit 450 Moncton. Call 1-800-468-2828 and select option 2. The Amsterdam Inn, Moncton offers a free deluxe continental breakfast, (Hot and Cold Cereal, Hot Chocolate, Tea, Coffee, Fresh Fruit, Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Cranberry Juice, Hard Boiled Eggs, Toast, Bagels, Freshly Baked Muffins, Pastries and Yogurt.), from 6:00am to 10:00am. Rate: $99.00 (1-2 person), $109 (3-4 person) Available until February 4, 2015. This location features spacious modern rooms with free high speed internet. Each room is equipped with a mini refrigerator for your convenience. OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM FOR COMPETITION ============================================================================ NAME: _______________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ AGE (as of Feb 14/2015) _____________ TEACHER: __________________ DATE OF BIRTH (d) _____ (m) _____ (y) _____ PHONE NO: ______________ CLASSIFICATION: _____________________ SOBHD#: ________________ DANCES ENTERED: ______________________________________________ COMPETITION FEE: (circle one) Primary I $16 Primary II $26 Beginner/Novice $31 Intermediate /Premier $26 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED = ______________ PARENTS SIGNATURE (FOR THOSE UNDER 19) ________________________ **** Please retain a copy of the entry form for your information!! ****
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