WAIROA DISTRICT COUNCIL MĀORI STANDING COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Māori Committee held at Putahi Marae, SH38, Frasertown on Friday, 25 July 2014 at 1.19 pm PRESENT: G Symes (Chairperson) G Hawkins, P Kelly, H Nissen, P Whaanga, K Hammond, S Jury, E Foster COUNCILLORS B Cairns IN ATTENDANCE: D Culshaw H Montgomery R Matthews H Hamilton T Quenneville M Kaimoana (Māori Liaison Officer - WDC) (Regulatory Manager - WDC) (Transformation Manager – WDC) (Aranui Marae) (Whetumarama Marae) KARAKIA Meeting opened with a prayer by K Hammond. APOLOGY Apologies were received from Councillor M Bird, F Power and N Lambert Resolved: That an apology from Councillor M Bird, F Power and N Lambert be accepted. K Hammond/E Foster CALLS FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST CALL FOR ITEMS OF URGENT GENERAL BUSINESS NOT INCLUDED IN THE AGENDA AND NOTICES Planting – Sir James Carroll Memorial Walkway Waihua Recycling Resolution – Tangihanga for Charlie Culshaw Interview Panel for new MLO Letter – Alex-Ann Edwards Freedom Camping Policy Māori Policy Review Council Report (H Nissen) (G Hawkins) (D Culshaw) (D Culshaw) (D Culshaw) (D Culshaw) (D Culshaw) (P Kelly) PUBLIC FORUM Tara Quenneville Spoke about Whenua Rāhui. Wanted to know about the policy. A discussion was had about the current policy and whether it is actually working in reality. MLO explained the current policy and situation from an operational viewpoint. There is consideration towards reviewing the current policy. Resolved: To initiate a workshop with the Council and MSC with regards to the Whenua Rāhui Policy H Nissen / E Foster Roger Matthews R Matthews introduced himself and briefly explain his role as the Transformation Manager. Helen Montgomery H Montgomery introduced herself as the new Regulatory Manager. Confirmation of Minutes MĀORI COMMITTEE MEETING HELD 27 JUNE 2014 Minutes of the Māori Standing Committee held on Friday, 24 April 2014 was presented. Resolved: That the minutes of the Māori Standing Committee held on Friday, 27 June 2014 be confirmed as correct. H Nissen / P Whaanga DISCUSSION Under ‘Public Forum’ it was noted that Dr Steven Finlay was ‘contracted’ not ‘employed’. This will be changed in the minutes. On the point of customer service, T Quenneville noted that there are always ‘complaint forms’, but would like to see ‘compliment forms’ be initiated. The MLO indicated some of the points discussed at the previous meeting will be covered in the MLO Report. General Item MĀORI LIAISON OFFICER’S REPORT A 28.01 The MLO spoke to his final report. Wairoa District Council Road Naming and Number Policy The MLO explained that nothing had been received as yet. The basis of giving the information to the MSC representatives is so that they may initially identify street names to be considered for change. Once the street names have been identified, these will be given to the Asset Manager – Roading for collation. In due course, a consultation period will be considered. As this will be an ongoing exercise the MSC representatives were asked to report back regularly (if possible) on any possible name changes/corrections. Resolved: That the MSC review the list of Roading and Policy and report back with proposed changes at the next meeting (August) H Nissen / P Whaanga Nuhaka River Road Erosion / Scour G Symes spoke about Nuhaka River Road erosion, which has been an ongoing issue for many years. There has been discussions between the HBRC, WDC, mana whenua and landowners. Māori Land Court – Retention and Disposal Appraisal Report Small discussion regarding this report, nothing was received to date. Request for Change of Meeting Dates P Kelly spoke to this report with regards to timing of recommendations and resolutions to be passed onto the Council for their consideration. A lengthy discussion was had regarding the dates of the MSC hui. It was decided that Friday would be the preferred day, with an earlier start time to be considered. It was also suggested that a permanent minute taker be considered for all MSC hui (at Council and on Marae). It was noted from the MSC representatives that by enabling a minute taker to attend all hui, this would allow the MLO (who takes the minutes when hui are on Marae) to fully participate in the hui. This would need to be further discussed with the Regulatory Manager for consideration. Recommended: That the preference for the MSC hui to continue to be held on a Friday, in the interest of improving the continuity to ensure that the minutes and agendas be shared appropriately. P Whaanga / P Kelly Wairoa Branding Discussion was had about the branding of Wairoa. It was mentioned by some MSC representatives that this is the third time such a process has been undertaken. They are mindful of the relevance and cost of such an exercise. The MSC would prefer to see what the ED team ‘come up with’ before offering feedback and/or comments Resolved: That the report be received P Kelly / G Symes General Business Planting – Sir James Carroll Memorial (H Nissen) H Nissen spoke about the planting programme in place at the Kura Kaupapa. A date has been set for 20 August 2014 (Sir James Carroll’s Birthday). The Kura has approximately 300 plants for consideration at the Sir James Caroll Memorial walkway (near the monument) and Whangawehi. The MLO will advise the Engineering Manager. Waihua – Recycling Bins (G Hawkins) G Hawkins asked for recycling bins to be situated at Waihua, similar to those placed at Mohaka, Raupunga and Kotemaori. It was suggested to contact Waipapa Recycling. Resolution – Tangihanga for Charlie Culshaw (D Culshaw) The MLO expressed his gratitude to all the kind condolences his whānau received over the passing of his father, in particular for the Council presence during this sad time. In keeping with procedural matters, the MLO requested a resolution from the MSC to ensure that those MSC representatives who attended the tangihanga on behalf of the Council (Friday, 11 July 2014) be paid a sitting fee. Resolved: That K Hammond, N Lambert and H Nissen be paid a sitting fee (including mileage) for attending the tangihanga (funeral) for Charlie Culshaw on behalf of the Māori Standing Committee on 11 July 2014 P Kelly / G Hawkins Interview Panel for new MLO (D Culshaw) The WDC Māori Policy 2012 indicates that the MSC can ‘…recommend to the Chief Executive Officer that the Chair of the Māori Standing Committee is involved in the interview panel for appoint of the Māori Liaison Officer’. The CEO has requested that the Chairperson sits on the interview panel, as well as one other representative from the MSC. The MSC recommended H Nissen to be the second delegate. The MSC will also consider a backup person just in case G Symes or H Nissen are unable to attend. This will be determined closer to the time. There was a discussion around the position of the MLO within the new Organisation Chart, in particular that the MLO will now be part of the Regulatory Department under the Policy Team. K Hammond expressed his concerns about this. There was a passionate discussion about where the MLO should possibly sit within the organisation. P Kelly indicated that at a recent Council Retreat, that he attended, it was pointed out that Māori interests are an over-arching principle for not only the Council, but also the community, thus P Kelly and the MSC believes that the MLO should report directly to the CEO to clearly reflect this over-arching principle. Due to the CEO’s absence from this hui, the MSC requested that this be discussed with the CEO, F Power, at a later date. R Matthews added comments. Councillor Cairns indicated that this was the first time she had seen the chart, so also had concerns of its organisational flow. Letter – Alex-Ann Edwards (D Culshaw) A letter from Alex-Ann was presented to the MSC for their consideration. A letter of reply will be sent to Alex-Ann to present her plan at the next MSC hui. Freedom Camping Policy (D Culshaw) The MLO gave a ‘heads up’ that there will be a review of the Freedom Camping Policy. Once it is in a draft format it will no doubt be brought back to the MSC for consideration / feedback. H Montgomery spoke to this kaupapa (issue) as to what this will entail. Māori Policy Review (D Culshaw) S Jury questioned the position of the Wairoa Whānui representative and whether it should be abolished. A short discussion was had around this kaupapa, with some clarification to be placed on this role within the upcoming Māori Policy Review, which is due in November 2014. Council Report (P Kelly) P Kelly gave a verbal report to the MSC from agenda items of the Council. In particular he made mention of the landfill. A small discussion was had, but will await further outcomes. CLOSED: The meeting closed with a karakia by K Hammond at 3.49 pm.
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