Minutes of Te Whanau a Taraika hui, June 25, 2014 6pm at Taraika Marae PRESENT: Ariel Metekingi, Midge Murray (secretary), Crane Amaru, Nerissa Ranginui, Julieanna Ranginui, Annette Atkins, Karen Hollis Students: Keijahan Ranginui, Zevanya Ranginui, Taniora Tamati-Rakete, Kate Millsworkman, Josh Stewart, Ben Roberts, Tyra Amaru, Staff: Anya Satyanand, Neitana Lobb, Henry Hollis (staff and whanau), Ben Tangaere (late arrival) Board: Merita Holder 1 Time: 6pm – opened by Ariel Metekingi acting as interim chair Karakia – Neitana and students 2 Apologies: Ganesh Nana, George Konia, Erica Gregory, Lou Wycherley. The apologies were accepted 3 Minutes from whanau hui April 8, 2014 The minutes from the April 8, 2014 hui were accepted as a true and accurate record. 4 Ariel / Crane Matters arising from that meeting 4.1 There was discussion around the success of the Tertiary Providers presentation and it was suggested that 2 be held in 2015: one at the beginning of the year and one half-way though the year. 4.2 It was also recommended that the presentations be held separately to whanau hui. 5 Election of Chair 5.1 Two nominations were received but one of them, George Konia, declined 5.2 Matapihi sent a message through Midge, wishing the whanau very best wishes. Ariel Metekingi was elected as the new Chair for Te Whanau a Taraika 6 Board Report – presented by Crane and Ariel 6.1 Ariel indicated that a lot of issues are addressed in board meetings and at times it can be a challenge, but Ariel and Crane are committed to working to their best ability to represent the whanau. 6.2 Piupiu – nothing in budget to cover the expense. There was discussion around piupiu 6.2.1 The Board have been asked to include in 2015 budget 6.2.2 the urgency around the need to purchase sooner rather than later 6.2.3 the kapa haka group are now performing at several functions now – it is almost an expectation that they perform at formal events 6.2.4 they keep having to borrow from other schools 6.2.5 As the kapa haka is a school initiative then the school should be responsible for purchasing 6.2.6 Sports teams get their uniforms, why not the kapahaka 6.2.7 Piu piu will last longer than sports uniforms, at least 10 years 6.2.8 It was recommended that a full report be presented to the board and management, detailing the points 6.2.2 to 6.2.6 6.3 Maori name for school has not yet been presented to board due to lack of suggested names. rd th 6.4 Concern about senior students attendance dropping in the 3 and 4 terms. 6.4.1 WHS has initiated a system of postal correspondence to the families of students who show attendance concerns 6.4.2 There was discussion around the effectivenes of the letters and causal factors influencing lowered attendance. 6.4.3 Anya will prepare a report on attendance for next meeting 6.5 Fundraising – 6.5.1 Crane asked permission to apply for funding from Pelorus Trust and Mermaids. Crane / Henry 6.2.8 Action: To be allocated 6.4.3 Action: Anya Mermaids. There was discussion around the ethical implications of accepting money from organisations which support anti-social behaviour. However, the urgency surrounding the need for piu piu was recognised as being highly important Ben arrived at 6.40pm It was agreed that due to the urgency for piu piu that Crane make a funding application to Pelorus Trust. 6.5.2 There was discussion around setting up a fund-raising account for the whanau 6.5.3 Fundraising ideas 2 x movie evenings – Anya Quiz night – Midge Sausage sizzle – July 4 –part of WHS Matariki celebrations. Anya to organise and Midge to send out panui for donations of time and goods 7 WHS Management Report – presented by Anya 7.1 Timeline for the remainder of the year was presented – fundraising items to be confirmed before getting added 7.2 Whakanuia – a request was made that whanau contribute to the planning of the whakanuia especially re the structure, the types of awards, suggestions for guest speakers and ideas for prizes 8 Taraika Refurbishment –presented by Crane. 8.1 Crane gave an update on what was required to complete the tahuhu and heke The whanau agreed to the proposed design for the heke and tahuhu 8.2 Anya, Crane and Lou to set a date for a painting working bee for early August. Whanau to be notified by email once date is confirmed Crane / Henry Action: Anya Action: Midge Action: Anya / Midge Ariel / Midge 8.2 Action: Anya, Crane and Lou Agenda Item 9.8 was moved up the agenda 9 9.8 Maori name for WHS – 9.8.1 Paper prepared by year 10 Maori was tabled and presented by Josh Stewart and Kate Millsworkman. 9.8.2 The whanau acknowledged the students for their efforts, research and presentation. 9.8.3 There was discussion around the name regarding it’s uniqueness and significance 9.8.4 It was acknowleged that should the name be accepted, the students will have made an important and long lasting contribution to the school. It was agreed that the name ‘Te Kura Tuarua a Taraika ki Pukeahu’ be presented to the Board as the sole option for consideration and that the Year 10 Te Reo Maori class make the presentation 8 Josh, Kate, Taniora and Ben Roberts left at 7pm 8 Taraika - Continued from 8 above 8.3 Further required refurbishments were discussed 8.3.1 Carpeting 8.3.2 Uplighting to illuminate the heke and tahuhu 8.3.3 Illuminated fire exit signs 8.3.4 Sprinkler system 8.3.5 Integrated fire alarms 8.4 Hopefully carpeting and uplighting will get done this year. The others won’t get done this year but they are in the Property Manager’s list of Health and Safety Concerns. Ben Roberts and Tamati returned to meeting Annette / Crane 9 Other Business 9.1 Piu piu – discussed at item 6.2 above 9.2 Resources for Maori students 9.2.1 Ariel will follow up with TPK re accessing grants; aim to have information for whanau in time for next hui 9.2.2 It was recommended that Deans attend the Tertiary Providers hui, so that they are better equipped to inform students 9.2.1 Action: Ariel 9.3 Increasing whanau involvement 9.3.1 Communication to whanau should be early and issued repeatedly 9.3.2 Sign up sheets to be made available at every whanau based gathering at WHS 9.4 Calendar – there was discussion around the whakanuia 9.4.1 Whakanuia taking place before the main prize-giving 9.4.2 Whanau to consider ideas for what achievements to recognise, guest speakers and prizes 9.4.3 2013 list of prizes be circulated to whanau for reference 9.4.3 Action: Anya / Midge 9.5 Promotion of Te Reo and kapahaka 9.5.1 There was general discussion around the difficulty of enticing participation 9.5.2 It was suggested that it needed to be endorsed and encouraged at home 9.5.3 There are currently 18 participants; 24 are needed if they want to compete in the regionals 9.5.4 Ideas for recruitment and retention are required 9.5.5 Neitana’s efforts and the challenges he faces were acknowledged 9.6 Rangatahi hui – 9.6.1 There was discussion around the need to gather the students together in a hui to discuss their needs 9.6.2 It might give the whanau group a good idea of what to strive for in terms of addressing their needs 9.6.3 Possible that hui could be timed to coincide with painting bee It was agreed that a rangatahi hui, for all students, be organised and that a group of designated students set the agenda. Ariel / Annette 9.7 Minutes from previous 4 meetings – for various reasons, they had not been signed by out-going Chair It was agreed that Ariel, as the newly elected Chair, sign the mintes from December 2013, February 2014 and March 2014. 9.8 Hui at begining of year to promote Te Whanau a Taraika to school 9.9 Next whanau hui: August 4 – bring a plate 7.45 pm - Karakia whakamutunga - Ben Signed as a correct record of the proceedings of the above mentioned meeting this …………………………….. Day of ……………………………… ………………………………………………………….......... Chairperson Midge / Karen
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