* . thing to commend it condemn it. ials beat amateurs. That's has less trouble than a in getting married. |ot of men in this country without earning it. And Iny seem to earn it and lize in job work. NTS & TOMBSTONES ire interested in Monu[ombstones, Write {ham Marble Works ICKINGHAM, N. C. —Or See— FRY, Carthage, N. C. Iwell selected stock of monuments, hand at all times. Quality, work uaranteed. Equipped with latest Ichinery driven by electricity. ICTRIC SHOE SHOP iOLES AND WHOLE 1ES WHILE YOU WAIT. tisfaction kiaranteed ;h's Garage >ss, N. C ig and Supplies, Oils, dine, Accessories o Service H MENT [ADE TO ORDER NORTH CAROLINA ^-ii:*:"N;::":' Dr. J. C. MANN rht Specialist will be at JEWELRY STORE Sanford, N .C. idnesday in each week from )0 A. M. to 4:00 P..M. itted that are easy and restjak eyes, children and young fven special attention. Cross ligthened without operation. Ition free. i_ BRIEFS AND PERSONALS - * I Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Spurlin and litHARRY R. IHRIE tle son, O. M., Jr., of Sharon, S. C, Lawyer Mrs. G. W. Griffin was in Sanford have been on a visit to Mrs. Spurlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Edwards. NEILL M. McKElf HEN shopping Tuesday. CARTHAGE, -:- N. C. Some fellows who stay at) home North Carolina The Sunday Schools of Vass pic nights to avoid bandits go out the Vass, In Southern Pines nicked at Lake view last Thursday. next morning and buy a lot of fake Representing the Every Wednesday and Thursday oil stocks. Mr. J. R. Thomas came home from AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY at Windham's Real Estate office Raleigh for the week-end. Mrs. J. S. Bundy and two children, Mr. W. T. Cox is on the sick list Joe and Gladys, with Mrs. Evans, all of Raleigh, were visitors at the home this week. of Mrs. A. G. Edwards last Thursday. Mr. W. C. Leslie attended court at And what does the reduction in the Carthage two days this week. price of autos amount to if we don't Mr. T. K. Gunter was in Raleigh build roads on which we can run two days of last week. them. For LIFE INSURANCE see Messrs. NeiJl McLean, A. G. EdMr. Norris Cox has returned to Raleigh after spending a few days wards, A. Cameron and Dr. M. B. with relatives in Vass. Matthews were attendants at court in Carthage this week. When the Russian Reds released Mr. E. L. McNeill, one day last American prisoners on the promise week, brought to the manager of the of food we had another example of how easy it is to reach the heart Pilot a donation of very fine sweet potatoes which was highly appreciated through the stomach. and is hereby acknowledged. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cox and Mr. J. Mr. John L. McFayden, of Raeford, B. Cameron motored to Sanford Satwill be in Vass next Saturday, Aug. urday. 20, to buy cotton. All those who A woman socialist was pelted with have cotton to sell should see him. pastry in a western town. No, that New York predicts this will be the isn't what you call "taking the cake." hardest winter she has had in fifty Mr. W. C. Byrd, of Ayden, spent years. Which is another one of the Saturday and Sunday with friends million reasons we are glad we live in Vass. here. Prof. W. D. Matthews, Misses The average woman doesn't know what she wants, but it has been our Jewell Edwards, Carrie Norman and observation that she usually gets it. Helen Parker picnicked at Lakeview last Friday with the summer school Miss Margaret McLeod, of Carbon- students of the Farm Life School. ton, was the guest of Mrs. A. G. Mrs. Geo. W. Brooks and daughters, Edwards, Tuesday. Misses Jessie, and Eloise, attended a Mountains are said to be slipping picnic at the home of Mr. William on the Pacific coast. Maybe Cali- I. Brooks, of Jonesboro, on Thursday fornia is moving mountains to keep of last week. out the Japs. ROUTE NO. 50 Mr. Karl Cashion, of Cornelius, called at the home of Mrs. J. R. The highway from Washington and Thomas last Sunday. Raleigh south by Vass has been numWe hear quite often a boast from bered so that it can be distinguished a man that he has money to burn, by a short designation. It is No. 50. but we never see him carrying out It has been put in good shape all the any ashes. way from the state line to below Miss Jewell Edwards had as her Aberdeen, and a force is working guest, the past week, Miss Carrie down that way now. A bulletin from the highway department at Raleigh Norman, of Cameron. indicates that it is a better road now A hog is about the only thing that than ever in its history and that it is doesn't give anything away when it fit for travel, and will be getting squeals. better as fast as possible. The lower Mr. W. D. Smith left Tuesday for end is all right by detouring a little Niagara Falls and other places of in- for the time by way of Pinehurst, and will soon be in shape for the traffic terest. southward which is already moving The oftener some men fail in a this way. The road question for this business deal the more addicted they part of Moore is fast reaching its become to the advice-giving habit. solution. Mr. D. C. McGill, of Wendell, passed the week-end with home folkis NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION here. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the coWhen a woman reaches the age partnership of W. B. Graham and D. where she is not worth looking at she A. Graham, trading and doing busiis just at the age where she is worth ness at Cameron, Moore County, listening to. North Carolina, under the firm name of Carolina Millstone Company, has Misses Ileen and Louine McFayden, this day been dissolved, and that the of Hoke county, visited Misses Eva manufacturing plant and business of said company has been conveyed to and Lillian Oldham last week. Mr. J. A. McPherson, of Cameron, N. Some people like to brag about the C. All persons indebted to the said W. number of papers they take, but we B. Graham and D. A. Graham, tradlike to hear 'em brag about the numing and doing business heretofore at ber they pay for. Cameron, N. C, as Carolina Millstone Misses Martha Whitfield and Eliza- Company, will make payment to W. B. Graham, Vass, N. C. beth Hardie, of Hamlet, are the This 11th day of July, 1921. guests of Misses Mildred and Rebecca W. B. GRAHAM. D. A. GRAHAM. Thomas. One thing can be said in favor of the girls who comb their hair so their ears won't show. Our merchants say they are selling just as much soap as they ever did. Spain is thinking of giving former Emperor Charles of Austria a home which means that he won't have to move; Charles has been living in castles in Spain for several years.—Ex. Furniture and -::-:- House Furnishings EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS CASH OR TERMS LEE FURNITURE COMPANY Sanford, North Carolina THE UNIVERSAL CAR UPHOLSTERING & TOP WORK We are prepared to do your Auto Top and Upholstering work in the best manner and at reasonable prices. OLD FDRNITURE re-upholstered and made good as new Expert workmanship Satisfaction Guaranteed JENNINGS MOTOR CO. Carthage, North Carolina The Best Service Pilot Printing Co., Vass, N. C
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